2011-11-01 08:49:58 UTC
If you read/watch all of the media reports, it would seem that we, the British Public, are having to work longer to receive a state pension, while at the same time there seems to be more and more people on JSA, ESA, DLA, etc etc etc.
Some who need ESA and/or DLA get turned down for it after being made to jump through hoops for it, while others get these benefits, when they don't actually need them. Of course there are also those who have never had a job and don't particularly want one!
More people seem to be resorting to squatting while houses all over the county sit empty.
Money also seems to be being poured down the drain to pay for 'worthless' reports, and schemes. And in donations to other countries. It all seems out of kilter, and not particularly fair!
So what would YOU do to re-balance things?