Do you think this Jan Lokpal Bill will end all corruptions?
2012-09-26 06:13:06 UTC
Everyone is exited of bringing a new Bill, which gives more powers to authorities to challenge and step in when an corruption is spotted. Could this Bill guarantee a corruption free India? What are the likelyhood of falling into the same situation in a few years time. How easy could they punish all the current corrupt politicians.
Eleven answers:
Jumping Sun
2012-09-28 05:20:18 UTC
Corruption cannot be eliminated from anywhere. It exist in all countries even in developed countries like Uk, USA, Japan. Problem with India is that, corruption has become cancer and corruption has reached to the top functionaries of Govt. Jan Lokpal will help to curb it.
Bob B
2012-09-26 06:22:28 UTC
No. For one thing, there is no such thing as a corruption-free country. Every country has corruption to some extent. Even countries that have low corruption by world standards still have corruption of some sort- for instance, Australia scores very well on the Corruption Perception Index, but there is widespread public suspicion of corruption at various levels of government.

While the Lokpal Bill may reduce corruption in India, it is unlikely to eliminate it outright. For one thing, corruption in India is very entrenched and will take a while to reduce. And no matter what laws are passed, they are only as effective as the people who enforce them- if you give anti-corruption authorities more power, that is only going to work if *they* are sufficiently corruption-free to be effective, and so forth.
2012-09-27 00:24:02 UTC
There is lot of Act,/ Rules etc. in our country which delayed the process of trials. Delay defeats the justice which gives wrong-doers lot of chance to get relief. The Jan Lokpal Bill, on the other hand suggests for unification of Acts/ Rules etc., so that wrong doer can be tried in a court alone, if I am not wrong. This may reduce the delay in trtial and the wrong-doer get immediate punishment. Since, this sort of punishment under Jan Lokpal Bill will be within a limited time frame (say within 6 months), people will fear to commit wrong including corruption, as far as possible.

Corruption itself is a infectious disease. It has already infected our work culture deeply. Not to speak of the people in higher places, You and me are also not free from corruption. Suppose, I am a Govt.serviceman, I attend late or leave early from Office. Or, favour some one instead of the actual either for ransom/ or for own interst or for some other obligation. Or use undue TA Bill/ POL etc. Similarly, businessman is guilty of selling sub-standard/ adulterated products to his countrymen for own gain, submit false Income tax/ Sales tax levy etc. etc. As such, Up- rooting ofcorruption from our society is not a possible task within a time frame. Jan Lok Pal Bill will be positive a step to check corruption in this direction.
2012-09-29 10:29:03 UTC
Lokapal Bill has to be passed with the voting or consent of the political leaders in rajya sabha, many of whom are corrupted. For lokpal bill to be passed and to take effect, just proposing the bill wouldnt work!

there must be a lot of changes to be done to pass bill first of all.

Once its passed it might reduce corruption but will it be passed? When will it be passed? Will every member of the rajya sabha will accept the bill?

God save INDIA!
2012-09-26 06:46:17 UTC
only magic lies in freeing india from corruption is making CBI 100% free from political influence. At present boss of CBI is PM himself then what could be expected from CBI if ruling party is involved in scams.

bringing janlokpal is not gonna make diffrence but will add more manpower and waste of money. CBI itself can handle the job very well.

just think if higher bosses lives in the fear of getting caught then they will avoid doing bad things and will also maintain everything strict at lower rank level. and automatically we dont have to worry about lower bureuacracy.

imagine the day when CBI officers walking into the Prime ministers cabin without knocking the door. that day will be the greatest day for the indian republic.
2016-10-19 15:46:28 UTC
Now it has st rated with beginning bats guy purely.maximum of gamers will includes connect and cary forward to the purpose with some result additionally. group of the opposition having maximum of regulations and regulation/trick es would used to out additionally,the place because of the fact the objective industry quite often elementary public and citizen of India gazing all interest's from all angel by using digital and Press media throughout the events and end judgement would be arranged by ability of changing by ability of functional oppose in any corruption place whilst it take place ed slowly. Do agree no magic over night yet you're able to do efforts by ability of opposing in helpful way no longer by ability of any damaging way. right here we observed the gadget of democracy even a sing-ale elected candidate can no longer use his potential to enforce his liking or very final end with out majority granting.So it particularly is the question to all elected memberes what's next? it somewhat is the sensable era any commentes or any action against the mob would be bring about comming elction is often utilized by ability of all occasion. in spite of each and every thing you're all administratives some the place comprmisng In Jan Lokpal bill by using you purely the treatment to instruct your sinceerity for the country and for whom you have taken the oath could be somewhat applied.otherwise destructive message to all who've virtually experianced in day by day life.All on your hand now/ then in no way probabilities of in charge.
2012-09-27 00:30:42 UTC
Without Janlokpal since 65 years, could we stop corruption?

So why not get a strict bill to try and contain corruption. Though we know it is impossible to eradicate this endemic, atleast we can try vaccine.
2012-09-26 06:36:09 UTC

Law is only for those who abide by it .

But for some people, Law remains in their pockets.

And for every Law, there opens always a way out of it.

Criminals are very clever. Wo log bal ki khal nikal kar saf bedag bach jate hain.

This is why the actual top ranking bosses are hardly punished. Only the small fries are caught , jailed and very soon they come out to commit criminal offenses with renewed vigor. Because they know , Law cannot do anything to them.
2012-09-26 08:44:31 UTC
corruption will be there as long as there . Nothing short of eradication of political parties will end corruption.Political parties should be constitutionally banned.The existing political parties will not allow it .but it can be done by floating a party, that shall not contest election , but elect people for contesting

election from among he voters is the voters list by lot and they shall be required to give in writing that they will see to the amendment of he constitution for elimination of political parties amd for selection of representatives by casting lots only.Favouritism nepotism,dynastic rule . corruption will all end here .there should be provision to recall any Representative by a certain number of voters in the constituency
Arpan Khandelwal
2012-09-26 06:53:33 UTC
No. It can remove 60% corruption but it depends on how govt implements it

Corruption can only be removed from the roots if we select proper candidate in election.

Read : What kind of candidate we should vote for
2012-09-26 06:17:22 UTC
It happened in malaysia. now it is also corruption free

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.