2011-05-25 15:31:19 UTC
A. Federal system B. Parliamentary system C. Presidential system D. Unitary system
2.Which of the following is a legal right held by a legal alien?
A. Vote for president of the United States B. Serve on a jury C. Own property D. Hold public office
3.Which of the following statements best describes democratic socialism?
A. Government does not allow elections B. Government owns the major industries C. Religions are not allowed to hold services D. The role of government in the economy is very limited
4.Which of the following statements best describes a federal system of government?
A. An alliance of independent states, which give up clearly defined and limited powers to a national government B. The national government holds all power, creating and abolishing local governments as it wishes C. State or regional governments share power with a national government
5.What does the phrase jus sanguinis refer to?
A. Citizenship by birth on U.S. soil B. Citizenship by serving in the armed forces of the United States C. Citizenship by marrying a U.S. citizen D. Citizenship because one’s parents are U.S. citizens
6.What role did Adam Smith see for government in his book, The Wealth of Nations?
A. Government should tax foreign goods to protect a nation’s industry B. Government should do things necessary for society that cannot be done with a profit by private industry C. Government should take wealth from those who have too much, and give it to those who have too little D. Government should own the major industries of a nation
7Which of the following best describes a capitalist economic system?
A. Major industries are owned by the government B. Property is privately owned, but owners are heavily regulated as to how their property is to be used C. Most property is privately owned, with decisions as to how the property is used left in private hands D. All property is owned by the government
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