2011-11-27 09:43:59 UTC
United States side
United States (of course)
United Kingdom
Rest of NATO
any other countries that you can think of except for the one on China's side
China side
China(of course)
Countrys that were part of the former Soviet Union
any others
US side will be now refered to as NATO now which are all of the countries which are on the US side yes I know Israel can because there not in the North Atlanic but just asume there part its just a name ok.
What advantages will each side have and which side will win all the countries listed on the side of China will now be called the new Soviet Union
and the whole the world is not destroyed by nuclear weapons they are only used here and there and only the United States and China will have nuclear protection from nuclear weapons
And after the war is over the which ever side wins will control the world and citizens each and everyone of them even kids are counted as enemy and are at the mercy of the side and both side will execute lots of people to keep rebellions down after the war is over and all citizen fight for their country through actual fighting or through be a scientist or engineer.
and If NATO wins and contros the world they are still democracy but only the citizens that were part of the NATO capitol countries meaning everybody that was a citizen of a country that fought with NATO the countries that are controlled dont get very many rights as the capitol NATO citizens and if the Soviet Union their goverment is Communist and the same goes for them if they win as it would for NATO