You should not be giving this issue any thought at all you should 100% without hesitation strike.
I am certainly no fan of Dave Prentis and Unison but you have to strike.
If Unison does happen to as put by someone in this thread start to bully it's members that is actually a rare turn up for the books as usually members have to bully the union.
Yes this strike is officially about public service worker pensions but it is also about so much more.
Support the teachers and all the other workers out on that day and in turn you will be supporting not only other public sector workers but private sector workers too not to mention the elderly and the young.
These other groups are our allies.
I am so sick of the attitude that one sector of workers should be brought down to the level of another sector.
It should be the other way around we should be bringing each other up to the same levels that the more fortunate individuals are at.
This day of action is potentially monumental for the working class.
It hopefully will bring vast numbers of people together and instil confidence and some proof that ultimately it is us that holds the power.
We have to adopt strategies to really mobilise ourselves and save our hard fought for working class gains.
Past generations of millions of workers have made huge sacrifices and fought in some cases to their dying breath for some of what we are lucky enough to have now.
The NHS ,a welfare system, libraries ,day care centres ,schools , reasonable working conditions with holiday pay a 40 hour week.
We made the rich rich.
The money that the bankers gambled away so recklessly was actually our money.
They could never achieved their levels of wealth without us the workers.
We are now expected to pay for their utter greed with our jobs and public services and our pensions and so on.
If they are allowed to get away with it it then breaks up our societies and communities and in turn leads to such potentially awful resentment towards one another which as history teaches us manifests itself through racism ,fascism and a whole number of other discriminatory behaviors.
Not to mention the inevitable increase in crime figures along with an increase in people suffering with mental health issues.