Please help to establish a large, diverse, & representative ethical oversight committee for managing the National Security Agency (NSA)
The National Security Agency (NSA) by necessity currently collects information from ALL organizations without representative ethical oversight. This includes the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, National Guard, ALL Political Representatives, FEMA, Greenpeace, the Medical Community, Insurance Companies, Research Groups, domestic or abroad, ...
Unfortunately, special interest groups not representing All Americans currently have access to direct and use Confidential data collection; which affects everyone, not just the US. Imagine large corporations influencing the prosperity of businesses based upon racial criteria; the NSA makes this possible.
The NSA currently does not have a system (people and software) to parse the great amounts of information available to create prioritized situational awareness for the benefit of "representative ethical oversight". Imagine a corporation influencing all that is associated with a University research project, to force access, or force a sale of intellectual property at a significantly lower cost. Now expand the ability of this corporation to influence all businesses, everywhere.
Please support my initiative to establish a large and diverse representative ethical oversight committee for monitoring and managing the NSA.
James Dunn