Whats the worst thing this labour government has done in the last 13 years?
2010-05-01 04:54:36 UTC
Whats the worst thing this labour government has done in the last 13 years?
Eighteen answers:
2010-05-03 16:14:27 UTC
Murdered Dr David Kelly
2016-12-13 13:08:47 UTC
Thatcher actually inherited a much bigger mess than what we now have. the rustic interior the 70's replaced into interior the grip of completely unrealistic militant unions that went on strike for the slightest element. They and undesirable administration crippled this usa and we've by no potential fairly recovered. Scargill referred to as a countrywide strike with out having a poll, MacGregor needed to close the worst appearing pits. Scargill refused and we ended up with hardly any left, for the Labour supporters to easily blame Thatcher is ridiculous as Scargill replaced into the two to blame. The shipyards have been an absolute shaggy dog tale. I labored beside Austin & Pickersgill setting up out backyard and in wintry climate electricians have been given beyond time-honored time as they have been the sole ones allowed to tutor the shop lights furniture on and rancid! each deliver that replaced into made lost thousands and thousands due especially to the working guidance's the Unions made administration adhere to. They even insisted on any pipe better than 6' long had to be carried by applying 2 human beings, even a million/2" copper tube. we could get far off from rip off Britain, end the ridiculous bonuses that slosh around interior the financial industries and end the theory anybody is someway owed a good universal of residing funded by applying the taxpayer. human beings can call me what they want yet i do no longer think of this is optimal or ordinary that we've 2nd and now third generations of families that have by no potential labored and by no potential intend to. in case you have been unemployed for better than a twelve months you're able to be made to do menial projects interior the section the place you reside or take a significant cut back in reward. each and all the bickering approximately she did this and that they did it is now getting ridiculous, remember Labour had 13 years to actual the wrongs of Thatcher and as far as I keep in mind did no longer something. Why do no longer we wipe the slate sparkling and get on with rebuilding this usa, particularly then complaining approximately some thing from 30+ years in the past.
2010-05-01 07:25:34 UTC
Going along with the Tory delusion that the London square mile can provide enough work for the country and that bankers don't need regulating, not reforming the house of lords so that it's democratically accountable, not giving us a referrendum on Europe like they promised, allowing the benefits system to be a cash-cow for slum landlords and training agencies that don't deliver and abolishing my district council even though the local population overwhelmingly voted to keep it in a local advisory referrendum.

I'd pick the first one as the worst. Maybe not sueing people for calling wars illegal which were totally lawful, it's pretty disgusting that people chuck that accusation round so easily. They must think the UN is in charge of British foreign policy (which still wouldn't have made it illegal anyway), whatever the reason for it is they're calling our soldiers war criminals and i do think they should be able to back such slanders up.
2010-05-02 22:44:31 UTC
Took Breath
2010-05-02 07:31:31 UTC
Hi Wave

Robbed the private sector of their pensions which will cause untold misery for millions.

Of course, MPs' pensions are safe. You see, some people are more equal than others.

Brought in the Human Rights Act with no corresponding responsibilities.

Taken us into two illegal wars with our Armed Forces massively under equipped.

Sold our gold reserves and racked up massive debt for each and every one of us.
2010-05-02 08:51:13 UTC
Turned it back on the Unions and working british born person. The very reason the party was formed.
2010-05-01 05:52:08 UTC
The worst is for ignoring the warnings about the sub-prime crisis that had been sounded loud and clear by people such as Talib. It lead to the UK borrowing plunging into unprecedented, record depth (£180bn). Experts say we will not be able to pay it off for 20 years.
2010-05-01 12:44:06 UTC
Thats easy. Shipping in over 5 million non eu immigrants.
old dude
2010-05-01 05:00:21 UTC
Sorry dude But we have one in australia who your government can't even come close to and they have only been in power 3 years

Talk about idiots they make a pack of monkeys look like university graduates and that's on their good days
2010-05-01 10:15:54 UTC
Winning the election 13 years ago!
2010-05-01 05:18:06 UTC
There is a host of things, mass, uncontrolled immigration, selling off our gold for rock bottom prices, joining the EU, starting two illegal wars, giving the rich tax breaks, spying on their citizens, curbing freedom of speech, stealing from the public purse.
2010-05-01 05:38:26 UTC
There are two many things but their general incompetence is what really grinds day after day. How can we have elected these loons ?
2010-05-01 10:33:44 UTC
Ignored immigration!
2010-05-01 07:04:51 UTC
Stayed in power
Old Cynic
2010-05-01 05:07:11 UTC
Joining the EU? Didn't Heath do that in 1970?

The worst thing this government did was to not follow up its promising words in 1997 on electoral reform. It was returned in 1997 and 2001 with two enormous landslide majorities, and did not want to replace the system which delivered two results skewed so heavily. Even William Hague in 2001 was dumbstruck that they had not introduced PR.

The next worst thing it did (or didn't do) was failing to axe the council tax in favour of a fair system based on ability to pay, rather than on property value.

It should also have seized on the chance to scrap the ineffective CSA which punishes fathers by squarely blaming them for relationship failure (even if they are the one who got dumped) and punishes their children, from that relationship or others, by impoverishing him. The old system of letting a judge set a fair, reasonable and affordable level of maintenance was far better.

Don't forget Labour's successes. Cameron said in a PPB this year that the minimum wage was one of Labour's better achievements he would keep (though he made no mention of ever increasing it). We no longer have leaky, crumbling schools, but nice brand new ones. We no longer have to wait 2 years for out patients appointments, or see patients being left in corridors doubling up as wards. And at least for the first 10 years of Labour, unemployment was significantly lower than it was over the whole of the previous 18 years. Even now after the worst recession in living memory, it is not as bad as it was under Thatcher/Major.

How many more are going to say Labour "joined the EU"? This was done by Heath's Tory government in the 70s, cemented by Thatcher signing the Single European Act, and Major signing the Maastricht Treaty in 1992 (remember the ERM fiasco?) all WITHOUT A REFERENDUM. In fact only one party has EVER given the UK public a referendum on membership. Which party was that? Let me give you a clue - it was not the Tories.
2010-05-01 04:57:29 UTC
How many answers you looking for???

I think agreeing to join the EU without asking the british puplic

Selling off our GOLD

Promising a million new jobs and handing 90% of them to foreign workers

Agreeing to join in Americas war with IRAQ
2010-05-01 13:23:01 UTC
Inhaling and exhaling oxygen...

Wasteful bastards!
2010-05-01 05:01:43 UTC
Illegal wars, putting the UK into massive debt, sleaze, corruption, social engineering etc etc.

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