Others will say the illuminati is made up or doesn't exist anymore for they haven't done research on the "modern day banking Illuminati elite". All the information is historical fact and traceable provable fact with simple research. Watch the videos to understand it more if you wish. Heres what people didn't to know:
1)Their history, the founder of the "illuminati" is working for the Bankers
2)Who the modern illuminati is, who are their members,crimes, how are they satanic?
3)Singers are controlled by the illuminati not part of it
-In 1st of May 1776, Bavaria Germany, a man named Adam Weinshupt who was commissioned by the Rothschild banking family to establish or put together a secret society known as the illuminati (the enlightened ones).
Adam Weinshupt himself said:
"the word illuminati is derived from Lucifer and means holder of the light"
Adam Weinshupt who was a Jesuit professor of Canon Law defected from Christianity and embraced the "Luciferian Ideology" while teaching at Ingolstadt University.
Weinshupt gathered some along 12 of the most influential rich bankers. Keep in mind he was commissioned by the Rothschild's making him work for the Rothschild's. Weinshupt was ordered and funded by Myers Amschel Rothchschild to write down a plan. In 1st of May 1776 Adam Weinshupt wrote down "25 key points of his plan" look it up at:
Adam Weinshupt trusted John Robison and later he had a copy of "25 key point of his plans" and in 1786 Robinson published the book called "Proof of a Conspiracy". The plan consists of:
-controlling the masses with industrial depression and financial panic, direct war, infiltration into other secret societies such as Freemasons, division of the masses and monopolies that lean toward government control...
"Weishaupt had long been scheming the establishment of an Association or Order, which in time, should govern the World." -Robison's book "proof of a Conspiracy"
-In 1785 the Bavarian Government found the illuminatis written plans and out lawed the illuminati and members of this organisation were being executed but this wasn't the end of the illuminati.. Adam along with others escaped execution. Adam followers were scientists but those were Adam Weinshupts followers, Adam had other plans in mind while these scientists were doing their own thing. He was still A PUPPET TO THE ROTHCHILD'S.
-The illuminati's memebers are 13 rich powerful families/bloodlines such as:
Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li (chinese), Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Duyn
-Each of these families work like body parts working together with 1 goal, "a One World Government" where everyone is monitored through surveillance technology
These families are in positions of Rich Banking Families, High rank Governments, Powerful politicians and Royal families.
The 2 most powerful out of the 13 are the "Rockefeller" and the "Rothschild" banking Families.
If we look at today they are almost unstoppable. They have records of:
-funding wars in both sides
-They corner the wealth in the world increasing poverty
-They have influence in the media so the general public is distracted from their crimes
"Give me control of a nations wealth and I care not who makes the laws"
-Myer Amschel Rothschild
These families have many criminal records against humanity such as the Rockefeller's controlling the Federal Banks of America. They have records of supplying money to BOTH SIDES of the War during World War 2 both America and Germany
The Rothchild control the banks of Europe they have supplied money in both sides 1985 battle of Waterloo aka French Revolution.
-The same families (Rockeffeller) who control the singers and the tv you watch have records preforming satanic/pagan rituals called "Cremation of Care" located in Bohemian Grove. Fact: The Rockefeller’s have a huge influence on the media, such as Time Magazine, McCall’s Magazine, and the New York Daily News
JFK stood against the banks and was killed Watch:
Former president JFK signed executive order 1110 which would free people from the banking cartel. 6 months later he was assassinated. He was replaced by the next president Lyndon Johnson and threw out the order.
-Today there are rumours about singers, models or media famous people in general such as Jay-z, Rihanna, Beyonce,etc. being part of the