I too have given this topic a lot of thought. It troubles me to think that these corporations that control the bottled water industry today, contrary to what one would think, are actually controlled by foriegn investors.Hence, they are in effect in control of our nations water supply, a supply that is being as one writer suggested being distributed by man, and not that of by nature. It will, and has already been effecting our nations suppply, in Atlanta, for the first time in U.S history, their reserviors are virtually dry.
These foriegn investors, are not only in control of our nations water supply, but are also profiting from it. I seem to recall Haliburton trying to take control of Peurto Ricos water system, charging outragous sums, but evidently they went to far, and had the audacity to make a law that dictated that it was illegal for the locals to collect rain water, which thankfully for them, led to a revolt, and Halibuton was forced from the country, and control of the water supply, it seems like they are slowly trying to do the same here in America. They are selling our ports, our toll roads, and now the very water that our lives depend upon. " OUR government that is ~ and both parties, as one writer suggested are responsible ~
And Dickn200, your name fits ~ lol~, the writer was rightfully pointing out that the oil,like the water, should be a national resource, reserved, and preserved, for the generations to come. ~ the Movie: American President ~ " These are serious times, and we need serious people DICKKKK, My name is Allen Sheppard, and I AM the president of the United States" :P:P:P