How did yesterday's political debate affect your opinions of the two presidential candidates?
Yahoo Answers Team
2016-09-27 08:33:10 UTC
To catch up on the debate, fact-check their stories, and engage further, check the news here:
421 answers:
2016-09-28 12:21:13 UTC
The debate do not affect my opinion for the story was already written on the book of wonder.

but some will tell you story the other way around and maybe you will be amazed, like this:

I believe that is what I have learned from this last debate. Will that make me vote for him? Absolutely not. Is he Presidential timber? Not by a long shot. Does he have a record for public service? Not in the government sector which is a different beast. Does he have the wealth of experiences in applying policy to global leadership? Nope. You ask...what then is Mr. Trump best qualified to do? The answer. To run a business. He is not a good fit because the Office of President is a constitutional seat. Does he come off as knowing the US Constitution? Does he have institutional knowledge, like NATO? Is government a business or is it more like a big long ship that takes days to rotate into another direction out to sea? How will Mr. Trump govern with 500 plus legislators who think they can do his job? Who are really they entire problem the US must contend with when it comes to policy and spending? Not so well. What can Mr. Trump do to suspend the US Congress self imposed sequestration? Do you know what that is?

I do not see Donald Trump a part of the solution because he is not qualified to be the titular head of anything but his own business. He doesn't know the first thing about the F35 Strike Fighter or F22 Raptor...The President of the United States is Commander and Chief. He is not the asset this country needs to govern these United States, because he doesn't have what it takes. He doesn't have the substance, the intellectual fire power, nor the temper to reliably govern. That is my newly informed opinion as to why Donald J. Trump should not be nor will he be President of the United States of America. He can go back to Trump tower and be king.
2016-09-28 05:19:06 UTC
I believe that is what I have learned from this last debate. Will that make me vote for him? Absolutely not. Is he Presidential timber? Not by a long shot. Does he have a record for public service? Not in the government sector which is a different beast. Does he have the wealth of experiences in applying policy to global leadership? Nope. You ask...what then is Mr. Trump best qualified to do? The answer. To run a business. He is not a good fit because the Office of President is a constitutional seat. Does he come off as knowing the US Constitution? Does he have institutional knowledge, like NATO? Is government a business or is it more like a big long ship that takes days to rotate into another direction out to sea? How will Mr. Trump govern with 500 plus legislators who think they can do his job? Who are really they entire problem the US must contend with when it comes to policy and spending? Not so well. What can Mr. Trump do to suspend the US Congress self imposed sequestration? Do you know what that is?

I do not see Donald Trump a part of the solution because he is not qualified to be the titular head of anything but his own business. He doesn't know the first thing about the F35 Strike Fighter or F22 Raptor...The President of the United States is Commander and Chief. He is not the asset this country needs to govern these United States, because he doesn't have what it takes. He doesn't have the substance, the intellectual fire power, nor the temper to reliably govern. That is my newly informed opinion as to why Donald J. Trump should not be nor will he be President of the United States of America. He can go back to Trump tower and be king.
sally katherine
2016-09-27 10:04:28 UTC
I did not change my mind -- If the democratic party knows all the answers why didn't our present President improve the situation while in office. After eight years -- nothing but more problems. I can not see how another democrat in office will help the situation. We need a change -- lets give the other party a chance. Trump at least appears to have some new ideas whereas Clinton will go into office with the same old garbage that Obama will leave behind and four years from now we will still be wondering where everything went wrong.
2016-09-30 15:47:10 UTC
I better understand where Donald Trump is coming from. It is about him. However, he is from the standpoint of money. Its distribution, the many channels in which it flows, spending...rethinking limited resources with a winning attitude. He doesn't intend to brag, he is just saying how he thinks the country's leadership should think. And he points to the dumb government spending and the corrupt public policies anchored by the influence of money. What he wants to do is blow it up. It is no longer best for America. I believe that is what he is trying to say. And, he is a product of New York way of doing things, machismo, swagger and so forth.

I believe that is what I have learned from this last debate. Will that make me vote for him? Absolutely not. Is he Presidential timber? Not by a long shot. Does he have a record for public service? Not in the government sector which is a different beast. Does he have the wealth of experiences in applying policy to global leadership? Nope. You ask...what then is Mr. Trump best qualified to do? The answer. To run a business. He is not a good fit because the Office of President is a constitutional seat. Does he come off as knowing the US Constitution? Does he have institutional knowledge, like NATO? Is government a business or is it more like a big long ship that takes days to rotate into another direction out to sea? How will Mr. Trump govern with 500 plus legislators who think they can do his job? Who are really they entire problem the US must contend with when it comes to policy and spending? Not so well. What can Mr. Trump do to suspend the US Congress self imposed sequestration? Do you know what that is?

I do not see Donald Trump a part of the solution because he is not qualified to be the titular head of anything but his own business. He doesn't know the first thing about the F35 Strike Fighter or F22 Raptor...The President of the United States is Commander and Chief. He is not the asset this country needs to govern these United States, because he doesn't have what it takes. He doesn't have the substance, the intellectual fire power, nor the temper to reliably govern. That is my newly informed opinion as to why Donald J. Trump should not be nor will he be President of the United States of America. He can go back to Trump tower and be king.
2016-09-28 07:38:03 UTC
The first debate between Clinton and Trump was arguably the most important since the first televised debate between Kennedy and Nixon in 1960. Almost 90 million people tuned in - those are Super Bowl numbers. Clinton gave a solid if somewhat uninspired performance, but what caught me off guard was Trump's total lack of preparation.

He came into this debate knowing almost nothing about policy. He clearly had not conducted mock debates. He didn't have any talking points prepared. He "winged it." I cannot imagine how someone like Trump could walk into a meeting with Putin or Xi Jinping and have the skills necessary to successfully protect US interests while preserving diplomatic ties.

The presidency requires hard work, and I have seen nothing from Trump which suggests he is disciplined and dedicated enough to put in the time.
2016-09-27 18:52:59 UTC
I better understand where Donald Trump is coming from. It is about him. However, he is from the standpoint of money. Its distribution, the many channels in which it flows, spending...rethinking limited resources with a winning attitude. He doesn't intend to brag, he is just saying how he thinks the country's leadership should think. And he points to the dumb government spending and the corrupt public policies anchored by the influence of money. What he wants to do is blow it up. It is no longer best for America. I believe that is what he is trying to say. And, he is a product of New York way of doing things, machismo, swagger and so forth.

I believe that is what I have learned from this last debate. Will that make me vote for him? Absolutely not. Is he Presidential timber? Not by a long shot. Does he have a record for public service? Not in the government sector which is a different beast. Does he have the wealth of experiences in applying policy to global leadership? Nope. You ask...what then is Mr. Trump best qualified to do? The answer. To run a business. He is not a good fit because the Office of President is a constitutional seat. Does he come off as knowing the US Constitution? Does he have institutional knowledge, like NATO? Is government a business or is it more like a big long ship that takes days to rotate into another direction out to sea? How will Mr. Trump govern with 500 plus legislators who think they can do his job? Who are really they entire problem the US must contend with when it comes to policy and spending? Not so well. What can Mr. Trump do to suspend the US Congress self imposed sequestration? Do you know what that is?

I do not see Donald Trump a part of the solution because he is not qualified to be the titular head of anything but his own business. He doesn't know the first thing about the F35 Strike Fighter or F22 Raptor...The President of the United States is Commander and Chief. He is not the asset this country needs to govern these United States, because he doesn't have what it takes. He doesn't have the substance, the intellectual fire power, nor the temper to reliably govern. That is my newly informed opinion as to why Donald J. Trump should not be nor will he be President of the United States of America. He can go back to Trump tower and be king.
2016-09-27 21:27:10 UTC
Before the debate I was probably not going to vote. I dislike both candidates. After watching the the debate I will probably vote Trump.

In my opinion, Trump brought up some good points that Hilary just smiled through and laughed off as if it wasn't serious. It kinda made me dislike Hilary even more.

The birthed question was pointless. The tax questions were pointless. I didn't want to hear about that. I wanted to hear about serious issues.

Why Hilary is making a huge deal over Trumps taxes when she won't release emails? That's a good point.
2016-09-28 12:00:20 UTC
I did not change my mind -- If the democratic party knows all the answers why didn't our present President improve the situation while in office. After eight years -- nothing but more problems. I can not see how another democrat in office will help the situation. We need a change -- lets give the other party a chance. Trump at least appears to have some new ideas whereas Clinton will go into office with the same old garbage that Obama will leave behind and four years from now we will still be wondering where everything went wrong..
2016-09-28 06:08:24 UTC
The debate did not affect my opinion at all. We had in one hand a business man trying to sell you his shady business and in the other hand we have a shady politician with a very bad track record and now after three decades in politics decided that it's time for a change since she is running for president.

The debate was an absolute child's play. Both were throwing insults back and forth. You would think that they would set aside their in differences to concentrate on the issues that pertain to the future of our country but instead decided to act like fools.

Hillary is a pathological liar and Trump is the same. Both candidates were unruly and did not provide concrete replies to the three main subjects. In fact only two out of the three main subjects were spoken because they were too busy demeaning their characters by ways of insults. And all along the crown was adding fire like if they were in high school cheering along.
Shawn H
2016-09-30 09:51:30 UTC
MISLEADING QUESTION. There are several viable options during this year's election for the presidency, not just the two clowns on TV in a scripted and biased staged event called the debate. The Debate only confirmed that the under represented field of options that was allowed to be on stage is not qualified to run the country and that America needs a better option than those two. Luckily the Gary Johnson / Bill Weld ticket is on ballots in all 50 State and has what it takes based on a proven successful track records as Governors of New Mexico and Massachusetts. #letgarydebate
2016-09-27 10:27:31 UTC
My opinion didn't change much about either candidate. I don't think Trump is as experienced as Clinton in politic. I don't think Trump actually gets there is more than being the president than just saying you want to be president.

I do know you can't say and do as you please and offend others. There is no race better than another, we're all equaled and loved by God. Jesus died on the cross for all of our sins. I don't want to go to war with other countries and have the president of the United States creating or starting a religious war.

I would love for someone to be in office who going to stand up for Christ. Someone who isn't going to say things are right cause it's considered political correct in the world when its wrong. I hope the name calling and degrading of character stops of Trump and Hillary end both. If you can't say anything nice, don't at all. I'm going to vote but not going to watch the debate.

Saints of God, and the world please pray for peace on earth. Lord i ask that u lead and guide this country in the way it should be going. In Jesus name Amen
2016-09-28 16:37:20 UTC
Clinton won. I relunctantly like her... I mean I think it will just be another 4 years of the exact same stuff. Trump is insane, and he proposed stop and frisk, which was deemed unconstitutional as it is discriminatory. Only 16% of what he says is true. Clinton is mainstream and normal. She is not that honest, nor genuine. But oh well. People need to cut there losses with her and vote anyway. I think that sexism is more prominant for her than people think. She has been a lawyer, Secretary of State, Senator, First Lady, and she did debate in college. Imagine for a moment that she was a man, with the same policies and everything. Don't tell me she would get less votes, that's false. Also, don't think I'm some crazy man hater. I am not a woman.
2016-09-28 17:17:29 UTC
Someone on this site keeps giving the same answer under different names. It looks like he is stacking the polls.

I will vote for Trump. He says some strange stuff but I believe that underneath it all, he is a decent person and will rely upon a group of carefully selected experts to run the organization. But my main reason for voting for Trump is because I am a traditionalist and as such, I will do anything to protect the constitution. That includes making sure that a liberal is not elected.

Personally, I think that both candidates are so flawed that if an independent cannot get elected this time, then they should never try to run again.
2016-09-27 23:14:58 UTC
Not much I already didn't know. Trump is still completely clueless on how the world works. His economic policies will just benefit him, and cause another recession in America. I'll give you a hint to the Trump fans. Jobs are created by demand. Not tax cuts. You can give somebody all the tax cuts, but they won't hire a person if they won't buy your trinkets. Most will do what others like Romney and most likely Trump does. Shove most of the tax cuts into off shore accounts where they can't be taxed.
2016-09-28 11:59:26 UTC
I really liked it. It showed me how fake Hillary really is. She was ready for an argument but Donald Trump was right. She wants the TPP and the TTIP and the other corrupt trade deals. She has no plan to bring back jobs. That was the big thing lots of people gave her credit for. She said, I am going to empower the weak communities and I swear, even though you will have to pay in taxes billions and billions to pay for some solar panals that wont create any jobs, green jobs will create jobs, because I believe in unicorns.

Trump said, we will cut off jobs from being lost and force corporations and other entities to make jobs. THE ONLY SOURCE OF JOBS!

She was ridiculous and I wouldn't have anyone that fake as a leader, someone who can't look towards the future for anything. Sure being nice sounds great and makes you look good. But just watch that backfire in your face like always. She even agreed she was raising taxes for everyone, even the poor and middle class with an unsustainable wellfare and minimum wage system. She's just going to break the system with her pointless plans, spread out too thin.

Trump wasn't smooth, but that's what I want, someone focused on their word and not changing their mind while being committed to show up. Even if someone calls you at 3am because a embassy is under attack. She was ugly and unpresidential, abusive and demanding.
2016-09-27 16:21:54 UTC
Well, in a sense, it actually enhanced my opinion of both candidates.

Hillary is a liar, she should be in prison.

Trump, is simply a bully, who I wonder if he even has a proverbial brain or not.

This is the one year where both candidates stink. In all honesty, they should quit pointing fingers at who caused the debt and all that, and start being legit about getting rid of the debt. If they want their party to leave the opponent's party in the dust, then why don't they pay the debt? That will do a lot more damage to the opposing party than pointing fingers.

I think both candidates made them selves look idiotic at the debate.
2016-10-01 10:13:42 UTC
She was like a rowbut....he was like talking to my Grandfather or my next store neighbor who does not like the way the country is going and wants a change. he is not prej. he is a blue collar construction man that has money and expresses himself like us street people the voters new york accent as cruz said a new yorker.

i find it appealing. i think he is bravo being attacked daily hour insulted being called hilter kkk when he has never been in either organization. look i feel we need a wall and i have a lot of black and latino friends sorry but it is to protect america i do not hate any one i am afraid that we are going in the wrong direction and we are being lead by the dem. i want to stay capitalistic not socialistic. why do you think everyone wants to run here? there is a reason? i am hoing with all my heart that america wakes up at the last moment. trump is not going to run the complete country alone he is going to have a great vp and many generals. Trump did not write the tax bill that Hillary hates so much Ludlow one of the smartesst Reagan advisors so she is hating this very wise finance man who knows what he is talking about so she is wrong. She is just try to scare people. Trump is 70 yr he is working 7 days a week and this is all new to him.

i would rather have an outsider then Hillary and her slipper d##k husband in the wh....trump has great ideas and some might have to be modified but his parentners will help he is not going to be alone
2016-09-30 20:42:56 UTC
I didn't watch the debate. I had no interest in watching it. I don't really care much about politics. But I do know this. Both Hillary and Trump suck. I know because I've watched them both campaign over this past year. Either one of them becoming president could be disastrous for the USA. And Gary Johnson isn't popular enough to win. I'm very worried.
2016-09-29 13:24:03 UTC
Realistically I think that presidential debates have kind f lost their meaning. By this point in the race candidates have already done a great deal of campaigning. You already know who they are, what promises they've made--and will probably break if they get into office, what they stand for, etc. By the time the presidential debates come around everybody already has their sides. I think that the real thing gained from the debates is a sense of confidence in whoever you follow. It becomes nothing more than eager voters with a confirmation bias. You watch to find things wrong with who you hate, and find things right with who you like. But I don't think anything actually changes because of them.
Just Say No to War
2016-09-28 07:54:09 UTC
I concluded Donald Trump would not make a good president. He lacks self control and intelligence. I still don't like Hillary. I think she's dishonest and I think she is determined to undermine our right to bear arms. I also don't think we should elect her because of the email issue. So anyhow, we have to choose between a person who doesn't have enough self control and intelligence to be president, or a person who doesn't have integrity. Whatever. On election day, I'll be working, just like any other day. I'm tired of trying to decide between the lessor of the two evils. When only the rich can run for office, that is not democracy. Just like when regulations make it almost impossible to start up a new company, benefiting the older, wealthier companies, that is not a free market.
2016-09-30 15:58:07 UTC
It simply confirmed what I've thought over the past year...our political system is bankrupt. It's broken. How could the two major parties offer up Trump and Clinton as the best they have to offer? And Shawn, a vote for Johnson is a vote for Trump as he's the one who'll benefit from that vote. Do you really want that?
a second ago
2016-09-27 12:41:28 UTC
After watching the debate, I'm voting for Donald Trump.

Hillary looked and sounded like a scripted puppet politician taking orders from the globalist elite that are running both parties.

That's not what we need in our country.

Trump sounded like a leader and a boardroom exec that shot from the hip and wanted results.

That may not appear political polished but polished politicians lie nearly 100% of the time.

I voted for Obama twice and what a disaster he has been.

We need leadership not political hacks.
2016-09-28 16:24:55 UTC
It didn't change it, if anything it reinforced my opinion that the system is corrupt and Bernie, while a bit idealistic was the more honest candidate. He seemed to actually want to improve the country while Trump sees is a good business move and Hillary feels like she's paid her dues and wants to be the first female president. I dont feel like either is honest or trust worthy. I see this as america's rock bottom election. Every other country is laughing at us right now.
2016-10-02 10:05:30 UTC
I don't know how yesterday's political debate affected my opinions and the two presidential candidates.
Andy F
2016-09-28 11:05:37 UTC
I'm supporting Hillary as a lesser evil, compared to Trump, and I was relieved to hear her doing as well as she did. I was afraid that Trump would pull some kind of he-man/ bad boy act and dominate her. Instead, I think she kind of dominated him.

The debate made me feel better about Hillary, but not about the kind of center-hugging politics that I think she represents.

We need a more "socialist" or at least economically radical politics in this country, I believe -- not what Trump is peddling, but something closer to Bernie Sanders' program. I think Hillary really won't give us that, although she's saner than Trump, and therefore the only choice we've got for the presidency.

-- democratic socialist
2016-09-28 22:20:51 UTC
I don't expect that any of the political debates will have an effect on my choice, but I will feel either better or worse about the outcome of the election depending on how the debates go. I doubt that any of my opinions about the candidates will change either, but I suppose anything is possible.
2016-09-29 13:45:36 UTC
2016-09-28 00:51:00 UTC
Everyone always says donald trump produces no substance, ever.

Last night he was trying to explain that the fed is artificially keeping interest rates low, and that is creating a giant financial bubble that will burst as soon as interest rates are changed. Hillary had no answer for it. Hillary's response was that donald trump said mean things about rosie O'Donnell. Checkmate Trump! (gimme a break)

After last nights debate, I believe Trump has a firmer grasp as to whats causing our economy to grow at such a slow rate. For that reason, I'm leaning towards him. Hillary produced no innovated ideas, or anything new for that matter. She is more of the same.
2016-09-27 15:53:19 UTC
Before the debate both parties were asked how they would like to be addressed. Clinton asked to be called Secretary Clinton and Donald asked to be called Mr. Trump. They both agreed to these terms before the debate started. If you noticed in the beginning, Trump made sure that he addressed her as Secretary Clinton. Yes a few times he slipped and called her Hillary, but for the most part he addressed her as Secretary Clinton. She NEVER called him Mr. Trump. She called him Donald every single time. This may be nominal to some but I think it speaks to the character of the individual. If she has a proven track record of being untrustworthy and lying and all the other stuff about her and she cant even have the decency to stick to an agreement about what to call her opponent, how will she be with the important stuff. Oh yea..look at how she has messed up the important stuff already and she wants to be the leader of the free world?? Think about it!
2016-09-27 10:31:54 UTC
I think the debates are a POTUS beauty contest. I would like to hear more from each candidates VP, rather than the Candidate or President. The public hears day in and day out what the Presidential nominees have to say and their voice pieces but rarely their VP candidates. Gang , the VP is the one in charge of the country if anything should happen to the POTUS. Living in the state of Kentucky, I am familiar of all of the stuff Pence did as Governor of the state of Indiana since it was always in a controversy on how his vision of his constituents should live their private lives and work lives on the local news web-site. He did a great job of running the state of Indiana in to the ground. (A lot of businesses left or closed down in Indiana during his tenure as Governor).
2016-10-03 09:27:50 UTC
I better understand where Donald Trump is coming from. It is about him. However, he is from the standpoint of money. Its distribution, the many channels in which it flows, spending...rethinking limited resources with a winning attitude. He doesn't intend to brag, he is just saying how he thinks the country's leadership should think. And he points to the dumb government spending and the corrupt public policies anchored by the influence of money. What he wants to do is blow it up. It is no longer best for America. I believe that is what he is trying to say. And, he is a product of New York way of doing things, machismo, swagger and so forth.

I believe that is what I have learned from this last debate. Will that make me vote for him? Absolutely not. Is he Presidential timber? Not by a long shot. Does he have a record for public service? Not in the government sector which is a different beast. Does he have the wealth of experiences in applying policy to global leadership? Nope. You ask...what then is Mr. Trump best qualified to do? The answer. To run a business. He is not a good fit because the Office of President is a constitutional seat. Does he come off as knowing the US Constitution? Does he have institutional knowledge, like NATO? Is government a business or is it more like a big long ship that takes days to rotate into another direction out to sea? How will Mr. Trump govern with 500 plus legislators who think they can do his job? Who are really they entire problem the US must contend with when it comes to policy and spending? Not so well. What can Mr. Trump do to suspend the US Congress self imposed sequestration? Do you know what that is?

I do not see Donald Trump a part of the solution because he is not qualified to be the titular head of anything but his own business. He doesn't know the first thing about the F35 Strike Fighter or F22 Raptor...The President of the United States is Commander and Chief. He is not the asset this country needs to govern these United States, because he doesn't have what it takes. He doesn't have the substance, the intellectual fire power, nor the temper to reliably govern. That is my newly informed opinion as to why Donald J. Trump should not be nor will he be President of the United States of America. He can go back to Trump tower and be king.
2016-09-27 10:06:47 UTC
You can see the strings of the puppet show, Hillary would smirk while trump lights up like a blow torch. It's all a big show but most don't see it like that. This is one of the funniest shows in history because it's like a puppet show where the microphone is the hammer and trump kept coming up there and having something to say then Hillary would keep smirking "like she knows something the norm of society does not". This is a hard decision to make to the point of being one of those people to just look away and not vote.
2016-09-27 11:40:35 UTC
Didn't change a thing. These debates never do. That's why they're a waste of time. If you don't know by now who you're voting for, you must have been living under a rock for the past 18 months.
2016-09-30 11:13:19 UTC
It affirmed my belief that Trump is a dangerous lunatic, as well as an ******. He constantly lied, claimed that he didn't say offensive things, interrupted Hillary, raved and rambled nonsensically, and when he wasn't doing that, he still didn't make good points about anything. He got mad easily and he gave off a bad impression.

Hillary, on the other hand, was calm, collected, and proposed policies that made sense and could potentially work. She didn't say anything that just wasn't true (although she might have stretched the truth a little - everyone does), she attacked Trump about the right amount while talking about herself in good proportion as well, She gave off the impression that she was ready to be President, while Trump gave off the impression that he wasn't.

Hillary won. No doubt.
2016-09-29 14:21:07 UTC
Trump isn't the worst part of the equation. Trump wants to be the head of what has become a fascisti political cult that exist ONLY to pimp for their corporate masters for cash, and the Jesus freak right for votes. The Party of No keeps on eating its own...nobody is right wing enough. The US under that kind of administration will be like Italy under Mussolini.

The post above that raves on about Jesus is a good example. Jesus isn't an American citizen and His agents don't even believe in the concept of a democratic them 'God' is King, and his agents are the aristocracy. 'kings' and no Popes here.

If we are to remain a constitutional republic the power of the corporations will have to be curbed, and our country's 'religion' must be kept personal, not dictated by law. The GOP/Tea/Fox/Koch/Jesus freak party doesn't see it that way and that's what makes them a danger.
Sephiroth~The One Winged Angel~
2016-09-29 23:36:27 UTC
Anyone is better than Hillary Clinton. It amazes me how Bernie didn't win the nomination, then the Democrats would have a real Democratic nominee. He's someone I respected. Hillary has to much baggage and lies under her belt.

I don't agree with everything Trump says but there were a few moments where I found myself in agreement with him. We shouldn't be the policemen of the world, that one moment as a Libertarian connected with me. When he talked about renegotiating our trade deals, that sounded like common sense. When he talked about NATO and having other countries pay their fair share, honestly I don't think we should even be involved in the internal affairs of other nations, but from a monetary standpoint, at least his policies won't bankrupt us as quickly as Hillary Cinton's policies will.
2016-09-28 14:23:24 UTC
It had absolutely no affect on my opinions of the two candidates. I did my homework on each candidate prior to the debate. Mr Trump surprised me totally. I thought he may have some idea of what a debate was about. Ms Clinton was the biggest surprise. She was not only prepared, but knew the subject matter and seemed much more poised.
2016-09-29 08:13:26 UTC
It didn't. I do have some problems with some of Trump's policies but I'd rather vote for someone whom I don't with on everything than someone who I don't with on anything. Besides this debate was obviously unfair given the fact the moderator was asking damaging questions to Trump and was interjecting himself. Lester Holt didn't a horrible job, he is suppose to be like a referee and not another debater. Trump didn't even get to talk about any of the major points of his campaign.
2016-09-29 12:08:13 UTC
Our history is replete with examples of candidates winning this election who were anything BUT suited for the job they vied for, and are STILL remembered (by some) as heroes. You want examples? Claiming the cellar were Herbert Hoover, Benjamin Harrison, John Tyler, Calvin Coolidge, Millard Fillmore, Zachary Taylor, James Buchanan, Franklin Pierce, Ulysses S. Grant and, at the bottom, Warren G. Harding.

U.S. News averaged the results of five major and relatively recent presidential polls to make its own gallery of the 10 worst presidents – actually 11, because of a tie at 10th place. If I could add anyone to this list, it would be Andrew Jackson, and he's on our ten dollar bill. Did any of them shatter our nation? No. Did any of them ostracize us from the world stage? Again, no. Did any drive us to the brink of poverty? Again, lastly, no. The U.S. will survive anybody they put in the White House.
2016-09-29 02:04:47 UTC
Except Trump won the debate according to various online polls on Slate, NBC, ABC7News, CNBC, CBS, Politico, CSPAN, New York Daily News, Fox & Friends and others. On top of that, Hillary cheated during the ******* debate. She received the debate questions in advance weeks before the debate, hired an extremely biased moderator to do some of the debating for her AND she had an earpiece. The moderator hardly asked any tough questions to Hillary or to be more specific with her plans. With Trump on the other hand, it was full-on interrogation. She loses by default and anybody who dares to say she "won" is a complete and total idiot.
Mr. Wizard
2016-09-28 16:38:08 UTC
There were no clear winners; it's the FIRST debate. But from candidates, clear hints were present.

1) Hillary's bought and paid for by highly wealthy lobbyists. Listen very, very carefully to what she's saying and DECIPHER BETWEEN THE LINES of what she says---because she's orating in pure true corrupt Bill Clinton form. NEVER ONCE, did Hillary offer the TRUE BASE ANSWER to ANY question posed to her; she's on a testy political high wire---very careful NOT to disturb those friendly wealthy lobbyists who have donated her million$ and billion$ so they hope she can do as they TELL HER to do.

2) Donald Trump had a stumble--but he rebounded impressively well. I was especially impressed with his plans to put forms of CONTROL on Corporate America!! This alone proves NO ONE OWNS DONALD TRUMP. And I found him to be quite right: Tax controls should be levied on Corporate America, when they abandon America to set up shop in foreign countries, where they barely pay employees and are allowed to literally abuse them---just so they can slap on a 500% mark up on items they peddle to us HERE!!

Admit it: We have NEVER BEFORE heard a Presidential candidate speak like this; they all have towed lines of compliance with corrupt lobbyists and businesses.....and you want proof---take a hard look at how damaged OUR COUNTRY's ECONOMY IS NOW.

America has to be run like a corporate business---and we must stop wasting money to countries who NEVER pay back what's loaned out to them.

I'm quite confident Team Trump got a glaring good look at Hillary and WILL have Donald Trump razor sharp ready to handle matters on Debate 2.
2016-09-29 08:34:18 UTC
Why have someone (trump) for president when he has a mind of a 5 yr old.. He makes fun of handicaps,big People and women and not to forget he has a bad temper. To be president you have to be fair with everyone and have a good temper because what if all leaders have a meeting and they can't come to an agreement (if trump wins) trump would have a fit and throw a temper tantrum. He is very unfit to be president. The only Thing good what trump said was we need to bring the American made jobs back to the us which would really help out jobs especially in the state of Michigan. But still at the end of the day he won't get my vote..
2016-09-27 15:17:39 UTC
Trump won, no question about it.

The very fact that all liberals can talk about today is Trump's nose and his taxes (with lying Democrats trying to pull a Harry Reid on Trump, even though most of them have never paid a dime in taxes) is proof that Trump won the debate and they're getting more and more nervous by the day.

FYI Harry Reid admitted to lying about Romney's taxes and said "Who cares if I lied, we won the election, didn't we?"

Proof right there that the liberal left is full of people who think it's okay to lie to you and deceive you and use you for your vote.
2016-09-29 17:26:51 UTC
It didn't affect it at all. Neither is an ideal candidate. For from it. I have to go with Trump to save what I've always known to be the United States of America. Its quickly disappearing due to leftist progressive nonsense.
Weasel McWeasel
2016-09-27 13:37:30 UTC
It changed nothing.

I still don't particularly care for Hillary , but Trump is clearly not presidential material.

The debate changed neither of those opinions.
2016-09-28 11:37:22 UTC
I like Donald. He is a real person with real emotions. He is level-headed in important decisions as he has done his whole life. Hillary has spent 25 years in public, 8 of those in high office without accomplishing much. She doesnt have the wherewithal, the ability, the competence, the communication and leadership skill for that job. She is shallow, untalented, conniving, deceitful, dishonest, callous, and has no morality or humanity. Her followers naturally dont agree with this and idolize her but she is a wretched human being. She has been able to manipulate the debate. I want someone with a better character and I want a departure from the pro-war and pro-free-trade view of Bush and Obama.
2016-09-27 18:38:34 UTC
The Presidential debate was a joke. At times I felt like I was listening to by siblings bicker about nonsense.

The candidates talk about how they want this and that but no one is coming up with an actual plan on how to accomplish what they boast about. They say they want this, that and the other thing, but no one is talking about how on earth they plan to actually tackle the issues. It is a bunch of hogwash.

The debate touched on some subjects but no details. Some facts were so distorted. Other claims and accusations were about he said, she said, that were taken out of context. Neither of the candidates had any plans of ACTION. All words with no back up on how what they say is going to actually happen.

On top of all that, politicians never really do what they say anyway, so we are back to square one.

The truth is just about impossible to come by because all politicians lie through their teeth.
2016-09-28 14:51:00 UTC
Didn't change what I already thought about Trump. He is a loud-mouthed, arrogant moron with no real plans. It was so annoying to hear him supply non-answer answers to the questions. Also, the shouting above the moderator and Clinton was definitely aggravating as hell. He needs to learn to shut up. But to be fair, Clinton did try a couple times herself and he did make a good point about NAFTA. Of course, he blasted that all to hell with his "Stop and Frisk" thing. It made me cringe to watch him completely ignore the fact that he was told it's unconstitutional. Overall, it didn't change my view on Trump that I already had and the only thing that did really change was my voting status. I was an undecided voter but after the debates Clinton won my vote. Maybe the fact she was prepared, acted civilly and provided actual answers to (MOST) of the questions did it, I don't know.....
2016-09-28 05:48:27 UTC
I actually liked Hillary in the debate, she this time answered all the questions and had stronger arguments than Trump. She seemed a lot like she was filling in for Bernie Sanders in the debate as many of the things she said were very similar. Which makes sense considering that Bernie is working with Hillary to "defeat Donald Trump".
Your Uncle Dodge!
2016-10-01 20:56:46 UTC
It didn't. Trump tried to commit campaign suicide and only lost 5 TOTAL POINTS in the polls. Hillary should be landsliding this campaign, but she's as crooked as Trump is pompous. And we ALL know it.

I don't see any why a third party candidate isn't mangling this pair of bozos.
2016-09-30 13:21:21 UTC
Well, though I didn't think either were the best president and still don't, I did think Clinton sounded a little better than I expected and it's hard to describe it. I noticed they didn't fight as hard as Obama did in the last election. Also, it seemed like Trump barely spoke and Clinton just kept going on and on!
Cosmos Jones
2016-09-29 07:11:04 UTC

My opinions of the candidates does not change . They are both weasels. I think politicians are generally not the kind of people you would choose to be friends with. You probably would not introduce Bill Clinton to your smoking hot daughter . You might not introduce Trump , either. He doesn't have the scandals but seems to have some lust issues where younger women are concerned.

People tell me Hillary is more experienced but so are prostitutes. Do you take them home to mother and to meet the family.? Sometimes but not usually.

We need a revolution against the politicians. Run for office . Become lawyers. You have to think this is important when you are young because your future depends on these yo yos.
2016-09-28 08:10:54 UTC
The debates didn't change my mind, and I doubt that they converted any "true believers" of either side. Once our opinions are formed, we *all* have a great capacity to forgive our candidate and magnify the missteps of the other.

I'm not a fan of either candidate. More-so than any other election I've seen, this comes down to the lesser of two bad options. In previous elections, I've had opinions about the political stances of the candidates, but never their competency. The debate just reinforced my opinion that Trump is emotionally and temperamentally unfit for the presidency. Honestly, Trump is now...and has always been...a high school bully at heart. Nothing he can say in the next few debates can change his basic nature.

Has Hillary lied? Yes, and I'm very uncomfortable with that. I don't buy into the "jail Hillary" movement, but she's made some poor ethical choices for her own ends and "spun" the truth.

Has Trump lied? Yes...and the worst part is he probably believes himself when he says he hasn't. He shoots from the hip and exposes his true feelings. People like him for that. But when those statements come back to bite him, he says he was just joking...or never said them at all. Come on folks, are your memories that short?

Here's one to remember: in the debate, Trump bragged that he didn't pay any taxes because he's smart. That means as taxpayers, shouldering the burden of our national debt, he just called the rest of us stupid. Way to go Donald, insult your potential supporters.

Trump's biggest asset is that he knows about money. We hope (he wants us to believe) that he will apply that expertise to our economy. Maybe he will, but more likely, he'll just line his own pockets like he has in the past. In the debate, he danced around it, but admitted that he had stiffed thousands of contractors, but that it was legal.

Trump diverted questions about his tax returns by saying that he would reveal them when Hillary turned over her emails. Fail. This isn't about's about the *public's* need to know. It's about Donald doing something that every candidate in the past 50 years has done. Yeah, I want to see Hillary disclose her emails, but that has nothing to do with Trump's taxes....just another way he weasels out of disclosing his finances. His *apparent* wealth and financial success are his main qualifications for the job....and he won't disclose the documents that would verify this?

Even if we buy into Trump's financial prowess, that makes him a one-trick-pony. In the debate he demonstrated his lack of grasp with the constitution and most other aspects of the position of president....most importantly, the ability to debate coherently and find common ground with political opponents.

Just in general, I watched Hillary stay on topic, while Trump rambled and sniffed. Hardly presidential. The "smug" smile that Hillary displayed was just a mask to deflect all the bullying. In the split screen, Trump made all the typical school yard bully faces. Very undignified and not presidential.

While the debate didn't change my mind, it made me more comfortable with my choice to vote for the least distasteful: Hillary.
2016-09-29 18:09:58 UTC
Didn't really change anything. It confirmed that Hillary is just another politician saying the same old stuff to try to get elected.

The government does not create jobs, increasing minimum wage sounds good but loses jobs, we can't lower college costs without professors and schools cutting tuition and they'll never do that. Same old same old...

We're sick of the ruling class politicians screwing us over and lying to our faces. Give me someone like Trump any day. We need a change.

Of course, I know they will cheat to make sure Hillary wins, so I guess it doesn't matter anyway. In a fair election Trump would win in a landslide.
cross-stitch kelly
2016-09-28 04:03:45 UTC
It only strengthened my hatred of Trump. The man was completely incoherent. Afterward, I read transcripts of what was said, and realized why I had difficulty following his arguments--he didn't say anything coherent. If you'll notice, he did not speak in complete sentences, he stammered a lot, when he couldn't find the words to articulate what he meant he just said "you know what I mean," and he interrupted when it wasn't his time. Clinton talked in complete, informative sentences, stayed on track no matter how much he interrupted, and had obviously done her homework. We need an informed, articulate president who doesn't just insult those who stand against him and act rudely. His actions will have us at war within a month of his taking office if he becomes president.
2016-09-30 15:22:17 UTC
This debate was a clear indication that Trump doesn't have anywhere near enough SELF CONTROL to hold the office of President of the United States.

I decided to listen to it on the radio and only judge by WHAT WAS SAID and HOW it was said. From this perspective, Clinton won by a much wider margin than was indicated by those who watched on TV.
2016-09-29 08:41:12 UTC
There's 2 people running? How come I only saw Hillary Climton when I watched the debate?
2016-09-28 01:45:51 UTC
I was against Trump winning earlier this year but after watching a biographical documentary about his lifelong political and business dealings it made me realize that although his approach is a bit brash, he does know what he's talking about. You can dislike him for his personality, but when it comes to his ideas and stances, I think he would be more effective than Hilary. Hilary is too easily swayed and unfortunately I don't see much changing if she wins. Not to mention, who do you really think is more honest? Trump or Hilary? I think Trump is brutally honest, and that's refreshing in politics.
2016-09-28 14:31:05 UTC
Hillary was obviously adviced to look victorious by smiling all the time. If she thinks Trump is so bad for the country given that he has a real chance of winning she should be worried, not smiling. I am a latino, still learning English, please excuse any errors.

Trump is the man. He has the right attitude, that's all he needs to be president. Experience will be provided by the expert advisers that will sorraund him at the Whit House.
2016-09-29 05:34:11 UTC
One man nor one woman can neither fix nor destroy this country. Many voters complaign about both candidates, but the fact is that America created Donald Trump and Hllary Clinton. We gave them their values, character, integrity, or lack thereof. We put them into positions of power that allowed them to be our choices for leader.

America isn't going to change from the top down.

If Americans want change it must come from the bottom up.
2016-10-02 03:49:10 UTC
I wasn't a fan of Trump's immigration policies but everything he said in the debate were true. Hillary stood there like a speechless clown.
2016-09-30 06:38:50 UTC
There is nothing Hillary can say that would change my mind because I don't

want to have a radical left wing dominated supreme court an then another

president like Obama come along an put the finishing dictatorial touch to this

once wonderful country
2016-09-29 09:26:28 UTC
Everyone here is just a normal powerless person. It doesn't matter what any of us think. Both candidates are idiots. We have no power though, the debate wasn't even for us normal people, it's for people in higher power and it's the people in higher power who ultimately decide whose president, not us! Even if we vote it doesn't change anything and it doesn't matter what our opinions are, they're worthless!
2016-09-28 03:29:30 UTC
How did yesterday's political debate affect your opinions of the two presidential candidates?

Politics and politicians corrupt, lying, greedy > check ! People / voters still voluntarily stupid > check !
2016-09-27 09:13:22 UTC
Hillary is a shrew, Trump is a wuss, I may not vote at all...

Two more debates What he needs to do is let his wife debate her. A woman can not get into trouble for verbally abusing another woman.

Trump is trying to be careful not to make people feel sorry for Hillary.

Its an old game nothing new. If he gets honest with her she will start crying.

Same old story, Same old song and dance.

2016-09-28 12:20:23 UTC
It didn't. What's debating got to do with running a country? One candidate is a crook, the other an imbecile.
2016-09-28 08:00:17 UTC
My concern about Clinton has been her interventionist tendency. However, in the debate, I liked the way she maintained her composure throughout, and she made me feel better about the idea of her in the War Room as Commander in Chief. I think she would be cool in a crisis. One of the few things I like about Trump is his objection to the US as world policeman. I think the US has been too quick to intervene in numerous situations. However, the idea of Trump as Commander in Chief gives me the creeps. His performance is yet another sign that he's unstable, Added to that is the fact that he says he knows more about winning wars than the generals, so his Hitler-like ego would give us incompetence in strategy. It's said that Clinton is always consulting with her staff about her campaign, and it seems likely then that she would listen carefully to generals.

Trump's casual admission that he stiffed construction workers because the law let him get away with it canceled out his attempt at attacking Clinton's morality. The way he handled the income tax question was surprising. I expected him to give a speech about his charities, but he it was just, "no taxes - smart." Stupid. Trump is at best clever in a superficial way.
2016-09-27 15:02:41 UTC
I think Hillary Clinton did a fabulous performance at the presidential debates last night. And I also think Donald Trump had poor performance at the presidential debates last night.
Sal Viggiano iii
2016-09-30 19:55:42 UTC
It was like watching two talking monkeys trying to formulate complete sentences to answer the moderator's questions while flinging mud at each other at the same time. The winner of the debate(s) will be revealed come November. Thanx.
2016-09-27 21:04:29 UTC
I already knew who I was voting for. The debates are more for people on the fence, even then propaganda typically plays a larger role.

Hillary started very strong. But she quickly ran out of steam and began running on a readily apparent well-rehearsed script. Even her "off the cuff" one liners sounded too practiced.

Trump does what he does best. Attack, attack, attack. Many questions (some of which were irrelevant) just became a ego stroking session and/or attacks on Clinton's easily-assaulted faults.

In the end, it was a woman who "appeared" to act professional vs a guy who is very aggressive at trying to get things done.
2016-09-28 02:44:27 UTC
The first presidential debate takes place tonight (Monday) in Long Island with Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump. What can we expect?
2016-09-28 17:58:54 UTC
If trump can't respect someone in a presidential debate how can he in the pressure of a in meeting.
Mr. Interesting
2016-09-28 16:55:56 UTC
The debate and the candidates behavior only affirmed my current understanding of them. They don't even answer the questions being asked.

A total waste of viewer's time.
Gerry G
2016-09-28 09:18:55 UTC
One thing I saw for sure is that was possibly the worst and most openly biased moderator of a major debate that I have ever seen. And that, my friend, cannot be debated.

Also, I am not sure that I saw any candidate that I would feel extremely confident leading My Country. I did, however, see one candidate that is definitely not qualified to lead My Country.
2016-10-05 08:56:08 UTC
No, the Vice-Presidential debate did not change my mind at all. I agree with Tim Kane in his opening statement, Donald Trump as President frightens me. He is woefully unqualified and cares about himself and not the country. I do feel that Mike Pence is qualified as VP and came prepared. He was composed and did not loose his temper and resort to name-calling. Kane seemed to be on the attack- and the constant interruptions really bothered me. I think both men are well qualified for VP and if necessary, President. i will be so glad when the election is over.
2016-10-01 14:38:13 UTC
Our country went from citizen politicians to life time career politicians. The beginning of our country was founded by businessman. Yes businessman, just like Donald Trump. They wanted to make a change to separate themselves from English government and taxes.

We need a change to make the electorate powerful again. There is no choice to choose Hillary Clinton, who is a lifetime politician who is riding on the coat tails of her husband, or her husband ran on her skirt, does not matter. I am not aware of anything she is done successful for the citizens of this country. She has a huge Election Chest, she is a Democrat, so they will follow, like sheep. She has left nothing good in her wake.

Every once an awhile a country needs a special person to bring us back to our roots and it is not Hillary, that is just more of the same. Just my opinion.
2016-10-02 18:17:18 UTC
I hate them both, but I watched with some friends, pizza and popcorn because we knew we were going to get some prime entertainment. Hell, the GOP Primary debates were comedy GOLD! It was fun to see Hillary tilt The Donald a few times. I was hoping the moderator would've gone deeper into questioning the email scandal though.
2016-09-27 13:20:18 UTC
there really was nothing new .. the biggest 'revelation' in the entire debate is when Trump called out Hillary for disappearing for several weeks and she tried to explain it as she was preparing for the debate and the presidency ... if she isnt already prepared for office and acquainted with the issues after decades in the capital she never will be ...
2016-09-28 06:12:11 UTC
It only affects the undecided.

Trump supporters will defend him no matter what he does.

Clinton supporters will defend her no matter what she does.

As a non-US citizen I like to think I'm less biased that most Americans, I personally think they're both bad choices but Clinton is the lesser of the two evils (from a non-American point of view) that is to say I think Clinton is less likely to start WWIII compared to Trump.
2016-09-27 09:35:37 UTC
Hillary was the grown up who came in prepared and ready for the mission at hand.

Donny came across weak, on the defensive, and had little to no substance to anything he said. He has had months to prepare for this, and couldn't make one single clear/definitive point and back it up with real info/statistics/names/places. The whole show was him bumbling and asking for us to trust him. The last person you should trust is the person who begs for your trust.

Secondly, Hillary kept to her times, didn't interrupt Donald, and spoke eloquently. Donny, interrupted Hillary every time she spoke, he didn't let her get 1 complete 2 minute period to just speak, and each time he looked like an infurriated/impatient child, saying, "nooooooppe," and "sooooo not true" when she brought up pieces that he has said multiple times in the past. Just because donny doesn't remember saying it doesn't mean he didn't say it. They guy has no accountability, no honor, and no respect.

I was already voting Hillary, and this debate only further cemented the fact that Hillary is ready for the seat, and donny doesn't even belong in the conversation.
2016-09-28 20:41:08 UTC
If you are referring to the Debate on 9/26/16 Trump made himself look like a complete and utter fool. Clinton called him out on his shenanigans and got him good. My opinion on Trump has not changed- he is a racist, sexist Nazi with mob connections, Clinton is the lesser of the two evils. What I do not get is, as someone at the Debate pointed out, is why Trump KEEPS coming back when he is constantly being called out on his negative, off-the-wall behavior and actions. He is perhaps the MOST unprofessional and unethical person to ever run for President of the U.S.
2016-10-03 11:26:39 UTC
I didn't watch it but I know it wouldn't affect anything. Both are equally untrustworthy, both are habitual liars, and both seek to tear apart America. But if I had to choose one, it would be Trump. But voting is a waste of time because they have already chosen the next president even before it was time, elections are rigged. Voting is just something they do to make you think The People have a voice.
2016-10-02 04:57:18 UTC
No as suspected the debate prep was mostly to throw dirt. On the real issues Trump has better proposals for our country in my view. I would prefer someone else with the same or similar proposals but we don't have that.
2016-10-02 16:00:14 UTC
Trump was offensive how he spoke to both HC AND moderator. I'm aware of assertiveness and a lot about business; however, if he's that blatantly disrespectful to highly highly successful people on a debate watched by millions you must really wonder how awful he is.

And I'm not a pushover. I have thick skin. But disrespectful males are not politically correct. (Pun intended .)
2016-09-27 21:18:59 UTC
It totally changed my opinions. I was going to vote for Trump, but now I'm going to vote for Clinton. Trump showed he doesn't have what it takes to be President. I thought he did, but clearly he doesn't. While I don't agree with many of Clinton's viewpoints and positions, she showed herself to be at least competent. I actually don't think Trump has what it takes to do the job. In fact, I'm not even entirely sure he wouldn't just up and quit when he got tired of it, when he found out it wasn't his cup of tea.
2016-09-28 12:57:47 UTC
I felt that Secy Clinton won on delivery and articulation although she told a few obvious lies.

On the other hand Mr Trump won on substance. And he clearly controlled the entire process, even to the point of ignoring the moderator's questions.

I Cr 13:8a, Love never fails !
2016-09-29 23:12:01 UTC
None of them should be president this country is suffering. How the hell are they still going to let that hilary be president if she's sent information about the USA to Russia? And trump makes fun of kids with disabilities and is getting out of hand? We need someone considerate, responsible, healthy, and in the right mind.
2016-09-29 10:48:33 UTC
I did not watch it as I don't really care but I am soo tired with the BS that America is going through and I hope that Trump wins, although he isn't the best, he's the man that we need now.
2016-09-27 12:26:43 UTC
yes! I was undecided until yesterday. I will vote for Trump. Im tired of what Obama has done to this country. We need real change, not obamachange... We should be looking at the USA as a business. we are losing trillions of our hard earn money. Hillary reminded me of a hen just poking at the ground for bits and pieces, looking up shocked and weak in a panic. Trump for President!
2016-09-28 12:50:58 UTC
I'm a Trump Supporter It was a close debate but Hillary Clinton won she was more articulate with her answers Trump MISSED SO MANY OPPORTUNITIES !! Lester Holt did a below average job he didn't bring up benghazi ,emails,Clinton Foundation but he asked trump a lot of tough/unnecessary questions he interrupted him A LOT which was not fair but it was close but Hillary was just a little more articulate,specific.
2016-09-28 19:26:35 UTC
Not much. I expected trump to perform the way he did, not sure why some people are surprised by it. Hillary didn't really say much of value either, but she does seem the most mature and "fit" of the two. Im still voting for gary Johnson
2016-09-27 18:01:34 UTC
It reinforced my opinion that both the Democratic and Republican candidates are total schmucks, and my opinion that any "debate" that only includes two of the four presidential candidates is a total joke. Jill Stein 2016!
mike k
2016-10-02 13:14:31 UTC
The debate only confirmed my opinion that Trump is not qualified to be the President of the United States. He has no experience in public office, and his temperament is not very presidential.
2016-09-29 07:12:59 UTC
The debate was an absolute child's play. Both were throwing insults back and forth. You would think that they would set aside their in differences to concentrate on the issues that pertain to the future of our country but instead decided to act like fools.
2016-09-29 21:19:04 UTC
I already regarded Donald Trump as a looming atrocity, so his debate with Hillary Clinton did not affect my opinions of either of the major party candidates. But it was enjoyable to watch him failing so hard.
2016-09-27 11:56:57 UTC
The debate only drove home the fact that Hillary is a polished politician who has been bought and paid for by wealthy liberals who do not want change.

I still support Trump 100%.
2016-09-28 15:21:22 UTC
Not tax cuts, You can give somebody all the tax cuts, but they won't hire a person If they won't buy your trinket. Lord I ask that You you Lead and guide this country in the way it should be going. I'm going to vote but not going to watch the debate.
2016-09-28 08:11:10 UTC
I don't think it changed anyone's opinions merely because no matter what, 90% of the people have already made the decision on who to vote long time back and it seems to be irreversible.
2016-10-02 12:54:24 UTC
As soon as Trump threw out Rosie O'Donnell's name I knew he wasn't taking the debate seriously, treating it like a schoolyard argument. He just isn't qualified to represent our great county on the international stage; something Clinton has done well both as first lady and as secretary of state.
2016-09-27 12:52:41 UTC
There is no way I am going to vote fo Hillary who wants the mother's of America to have there unborn baby's butchered inside there Mothere's bodies!
2016-09-27 19:39:47 UTC
Didn't change much for me either. Made me even stronger for Hillary. To me Trump seemed like an immature petulant five year old. Clinton seemed poised and someone who wouldn't buckle under pressure, ie kept her cool. iow presidential material Seems to me could deal much better with a crisis and foreign leaders.
2016-09-27 19:45:13 UTC
The debates NEVER changes anyone's mind, they're just selling air time. Ignore the polls, they get more accurate the closer to election day, right now they are meaningless.
2016-09-30 06:57:17 UTC
The only thing I learned is that even debates are bias....Good bye free press! Crazy how they jump on Trump any chance they get. Yet Hillary has violated our national security and nothing.... There is no way i would vote for such a tool... Trump wants to fix the economy and i stand with him.
2016-10-03 10:37:57 UTC
It was a reinforcement of my opinion that one candidate doesn't have the working knowledge to handle the job. Nor does he have empathy, understanding of real life issues. His follow up statements as time passed have only continued to make me see there are far better candidates who should be the Republican nominee.
2016-09-29 18:30:34 UTC
I BET I speak for 90% of those that actually watched part of the joint appearance (they NEVER actually debate) when I say it only CONFIRMED what I already believed. Of course, that means NO ONE won the 'debate', because winning would mean shifting the opinion of more voters in your favor that against you.
2016-09-27 11:15:55 UTC
Didn't affect me at all. I still have the same opinion of both candidates.
2016-09-27 09:52:26 UTC
It didn't, as I didn't bother to watch it. I can barely deal with those two in 5 second sound bites; watching them for 90 minutes would be more than I could take.
2016-09-28 18:20:03 UTC
No did NOT change my opinion of the candidates. Still think they're both toxic. Once again, I have to ask myself "Is this THE BEST each party could come up with?"
2016-09-27 09:35:16 UTC
Yesterday's political debate helped me realize that the comic book super villain who is hellbent on destroying the

Earth is actually on to something.
Your View, My View
2016-09-27 18:05:23 UTC
It didn't affect it. Clinton is more presidential than Trump. Not too hard to figure that out.
2016-09-27 10:54:00 UTC
Its not very funny that Hillary will throw police and white people under the bus to use the race card while all the garbage her and her husband and the band of fifth amendment helpers is never even mentioned by her or Lester. She will sell out our county or anybody to protect herself or for personal gain. She was scripted and robotic. Trump spoke about a project that was a year ahead of schedule and under budget. The need to negotiate good deals with foreign countries to be fair to ourselves. To protect lives by going after foreign and domestic gangs with guns and protecting our borders. He speaks frank and from the heart. I was with him before and still am.
2016-10-03 19:45:23 UTC
To make it short.... We have two people running for President of the United States who are completely incapable of holding such an important position. First we have Hillary Clinton, the compulsory liar, who has committed treason, and numerous other crimes against the people. Then we have Donald Trump. This man is a egotist, Braggart, Clown, Tactless, moron who wants only to insult everyone and talk about his money. He would be first to start WW3. God bless the USA, and please save us.
2016-10-03 09:01:38 UTC
as much as I didn't trust Trump! I still believe Hllary is a liar. I don't like some of trumps foreign policies. and I definitely don't trust Hillarys communist, socialistic progressive back ground. I hate Obama as a president, I think he is a traitor to American citizens and I hate all media for being liars and thieves to trust anyone to speak the truth
2016-09-27 13:52:50 UTC
there should be more than 2 candidates

1. He's a CEO who relies on other people not His own actions .... big daddy figure

2. She doesn't want secrets exposed to the axis media email scandal vs. US interest - 5th "there are no secret emails" my mistake
2016-09-27 17:23:59 UTC
No, I'm still voting ofr HRC, but it surprised me that Trump was on the defensive instead of the offensive. He seems to think claiming victory where there wasn't any is enough. But people buy his act. It's kind of scary how stupid people are.
2016-09-27 10:20:06 UTC
I thought Hillary was being very Fake, as usual. She kept referring to or something like that, but that is all lies as well. I don't think she answered a question without some sort of a lie.
2016-09-28 13:04:47 UTC
It didn't.

I believed Trump was a con man and Hillary was a liar before the debate, and my views have not changed in the slightest.

2016-09-28 09:20:10 UTC
This debate affirmed my belief that Hillary Clinton should be our next President. She is so well prepared to lead this country it would be crime for this election to go any other way. Donald Trump is nothing more than a conman. He is incredibly ignorant when it comes to politics ... And I would hate to see him run this country into the ground.
2016-09-27 17:35:06 UTC
It demonstrated how totally unprepared The King Gerbil is, while he's easily baited into making a fool of out himself. Hillary's calm demeanor proved she's better qualified and prepared than The Gerbil King, plump chump Donald duck-lips tRUMP. Hillary dumped the plump chump tRUMP in a fact-filled, very classy manner... in spite of his incessant blathering, nonsensical interruptions.
2016-09-27 17:29:37 UTC
I'm not a fan of Hillary, but clearly she is the better candidate of the two but Bernie Sanders is better than the sum of both of them.
parochial school graduate
2016-09-27 15:39:39 UTC
Both the Republican and Democrat candidates were vague about their plans. I mean law and order and educating police is pretty lame and has been said a thousand times before with no results. I am one Step closer to Voting for Johnson/Weld, I mean both ex Governors and both relatively sane, how can you go wrong with that.
2016-09-27 23:09:26 UTC
I wasn't sure if I was listening to a debate, or an advertisement for Hilary. I quit watching it after 30 minutes bc of their lies and betrayal.
2016-09-27 19:45:43 UTC
It may me realize how much a crooked crook! Hillary Hinton really is.

She brushed off those 35K emails she was hiding as a 'mistake'.

No Mrs Hillary the loves of myself and my flew Americans aren't a 'mistake' as you put it, although yours might be!

😃 😃 😃
2016-09-27 11:01:51 UTC
It didn't change my mind; Hillary is still a cheat and a liar. She had an earbud and transmitter on and was being prompted by someone with brains. Trump will win.
Jean-Claude d'Pensaise
2016-10-04 12:31:05 UTC
It confirmed my vote for Honest Gary Johnson. No way will I vote for either of the lying crooks the R's and D's are running. #letgarydebate
2016-09-30 18:59:06 UTC
Last nights debate was a fight between a black crazy ant and a fire ant, neither is eligible to run a nation, it just made me hate trump more

If I could vote, I'd vote for Hillary because she has DIPLOMACY

We don' want Kim Jun-Un in charge of the U.S

"Ill bomb ISIS"

"We torture the families of ISIS"
Justin H
2016-09-30 17:01:08 UTC
My mind was made up long before this debate, but I felt Hillary looked good and and clarified her vision - even if she wasn't super specific. Trump just looked like a bully and a racist. I fear for us if he gets elected.
2016-09-30 14:38:33 UTC
all I saw was Hillary attacking Trump..never did she say what she'll do to make America better. She has nothing to win on but to attack Trump. She's so Pathetic
2016-09-27 10:16:41 UTC
well it was great debate how beautiful and calm hillary were looking

here is the. 20 Celebrities who are against Donald who have outright expressed their dislike for the presidential candidate. Who’s side are you on?
2016-09-29 02:28:13 UTC
Why would anyone listen to a proven liar like Hillary who takes money from countries that kill gays, and abuse women is beyond me.

A few years ago Jonathon Gruber found himself in hot water when he spoke truthfully and said it was the stupidity of the American voter that let Obamacare pass. Sadly, once again I think it will be the stupidity of the American voter that will put Hillary in office.
2016-09-27 08:34:48 UTC
I'm still undecided. After the 2nd and 3rd presidential debate I will see who is better and who I'm voting for.
Doug Freyburger
2016-09-29 12:31:13 UTC
No Libertarian or Green candidate so I did not watch. No effect. I'm still a Libertarian.
2016-09-29 14:14:41 UTC
That they are both still liars and horrible candidates to be involved with the white house. So it did not effect my opinion. I am liberated that I am not voting and being a part of the problem. Join me and do not vote for either.
2016-10-01 16:56:45 UTC
My opinion of Mrs. Clinton definitely went up a bit, although it was already fairly good. Since my opinion of Mr. Trump really can`t get any lower, it remains the same. I will vote for Mrs. Clinton on election day.
2016-09-27 17:58:25 UTC
I didn't watch it but it wouldn't have changed my opinion either way. Country is a mess time to give the repubs a chance.
2016-09-28 09:47:38 UTC

Trump has good plans for the U.S.A. Hillary has her same old failed unkept promises.

Hillary and the Moderator were trying to push Trumps buttons the entire "Debate".


Onward with Trump/Pence 2016
2016-09-27 19:43:23 UTC
Up until yesterday, I thought a Trump presidency couldn't be much worse than a Bush presidency, but now I see that it really, really could.
2016-09-27 10:37:42 UTC
Did not change my mind at all. I'm not voting for either of those 2 jokers. And anyone that does is a FOOL.
2016-09-28 18:28:24 UTC
The impression it left on me was Trump was really just a regular guy, spending most of the time defending himself against a bully, but sincere in his desire to make things better. Where Hillary was clearly after a more selfish agenda.
2016-09-29 22:00:57 UTC
Monday nights debate did not change my opinion a bit. Both candidates are not fit to be president of the U.S.A.
Disco Stu
2016-09-28 09:18:19 UTC
It confirmed my prior opinion Donald Trump was ignorant and arrogant, with little grasp of economic or foreign policy, and questionable leadership skills, while Hillary was the least-worst bet (and Johnson, who ofc didn't appear, had already lost me).
2016-09-27 17:21:11 UTC
The debate just further enforced my feelings that we do not have a candidate that is a good option of someone to vote for. i was embarrassed for our country by the performance by both candidates.
2016-09-29 11:57:52 UTC
No affect at all. 4 more years of the democrats and the socialist pygmie in the White House will be the death of America, it's doomed economy ( thanks Obama) its deathly open and criminal laden borders( thanks Obama) and a health care system that Everyone and BOTH left and republicans and DOCTORS know is doomed and dispicable destructive.!!! It's Mr. Trump .... god willing!
2016-10-01 21:36:51 UTC
It didn't affect my opinion at all.

Hillary Clinton needs to be arrested.
2016-10-03 07:38:34 UTC
I don t have the time to answer this in as much detail as I would like so I'll keep it short and simple. Hillary destroyed Trump. And Trump destroyed himself.
2016-09-27 19:09:52 UTC
Definitely swayed me more toward Hillary considering she actually had a solution toward the racial injustices in this country which is a tremendous problem. All Donald could come up with was "law and order" and a method that previously was proved unconstitutional.
2016-09-30 16:21:08 UTC
None. I did not watch it. Nasa website tried to sneak it in. I read their article and watched their video and as soon as it ended next video started on its own and it was these two clowns, hillary and trump but I was over that video like a hawk over its prey, shutting it down for good and one thing I learned, is you can not trust media because they will try to sneak in their dirty hypno politics, but nice try with this guy.
2016-09-28 12:08:32 UTC
Didn't change me a bit. It just confirmed that to me that Trump is just a foul-mouth

obnoxious jerk and his supporters are LITERALLY a pack of hooligans.

He is LITERALLY talking himself further & further from the presidency.

With me Trump sealed his fate THE MINUTE he made fun of that handicapped man.

Having gone to Christian schools my whole life, and raised in a Christian family,

we do NOT disparage people who are WORSE OFF then we are. We try to help them.

Then of course you have the DOZENS of lies from Trump.

Only a fool could support a person for president who claims his Republican allies

father was a conspirator in the assassination of President JFK.
2016-09-27 20:46:20 UTC
It didn't, seemed more like an circus act instead of an civil debate
2016-10-05 02:49:05 UTC
Why Hilary is making a huge deal over Trumps taxes when she won't release emails? Hillary is a pathological liar, criminal, and protects pedophiles. Do the research. Kaine is obnoxious where Pence is a more reserved man. Done.
postal p
2016-09-27 16:40:25 UTC
Hillary showed Trump how to maintain one's cool.
2016-09-28 11:06:22 UTC
It confirmed that Hillary is a conniving snake and that Trump doesn't know how to best articulate or even follow up on what he says.
2016-09-28 13:56:51 UTC
Fence sitters are the only ones who might have made up their minds; I doubt any Trump or Clinton supporters were swayed to switch their vote. Trump is clueless in how to govern or deal with other countries.
2016-10-02 16:17:26 UTC
I underestimated Hillary Clinton. She's VERY smart and was very prepared. Trump has a pretty stiff competition.
2016-09-30 06:29:16 UTC
Let Gary Johnson debate!
2016-09-29 17:25:39 UTC
I learned that the political system is a joke. I found the debate humorous, but also frightening, as these clowns will have the power.
2016-09-27 16:02:14 UTC
I watched the debate wanting to see who would collapse under pressure.

Trump struggled while Clinton smiled and won.
2016-09-30 17:23:17 UTC
Hillary cheated. Trump will make America great again, clean out congress, IRS, FBI, kick out Obama, Hillary and Bill
2016-09-28 13:26:32 UTC
It didn't. It was an almost perfect sample of the candidates, which was most excellent.
2016-09-27 19:27:19 UTC
Hillary did have a little better mouth off lines than Trump. But that is normal for women. Also she kept better control of herself than I thought she would. Must be the meds there.
2016-09-30 13:56:59 UTC
Duhhhh! 2 Points!
2016-09-27 21:09:06 UTC
Still looking for new country to live in.

Donald danced around every question by blaming hilarys people or or people like her and never actually answered a question directly.

Hilary was succinct and answered questions but something about her crawled under my skin.
2016-09-29 14:59:38 UTC
Donald Trump embarrassed himself and Hillary did okay, but Hillary still should not be president, but sadly it has to be her over Trump. And sadly so many people look to only personality and someone that makes them feel good in picking a president, over ideals, record, and trustworthiness, etc.
2016-09-29 00:38:17 UTC
It went exactly as I expected. Clinton beat him like a little girl intellectually and his followers still thought he won. It didn't change a thing.
2016-09-27 13:18:44 UTC
I won't vote on election day. We have two terrible candidates.
2016-09-27 23:44:03 UTC
Didn't see it just read about it made no difference

Trump will win hands down
2016-09-28 17:13:01 UTC
The debate went well. Trump began to ask the real questions.
2016-09-28 08:59:02 UTC
Made me think even less of both of these idiots.

But hands down, Trump would STILL, despite his many flaws and arrogancy, make a better president than the witch clinton.

2016-09-27 18:33:05 UTC
Did not change my voting preference, despite my feeling that the "other" candidate did better in the debate format.
2016-09-28 11:38:08 UTC
It was pre-staged and so unreal. Media trying to make HRC seem real and for the people.

When she states her father was....

I wanted to puke.

Her dad took over Al Capone's group. Yes working hard.

Like she when she was on the board of Walmart....she did what for whom?
2016-09-28 14:07:20 UTC
2016-09-28 12:18:42 UTC
It Didn't. I knew Hillary would talk a lot but not say much.

And I knew Donald would whoop her 78000 lb asss
2016-09-27 10:21:40 UTC
My opinions have not changed. the candidates acted exactly as I expected them to act. They are who they are.

Donald Trump says what he means. Hillary lies and is sometimes a good actress. cm
2016-09-28 16:37:27 UTC
Trump is,a liar. Hilary is the stronger,intellectual candidate
2016-09-30 06:57:34 UTC
Still Trump
2016-09-27 17:43:56 UTC
I didn't watch it as I was at work. However, it didn't change my determination to not vote for Hillary Clinton.
2016-09-28 12:16:34 UTC
It reaffirmed my opinion that Hillary is a dirt bag and the purchasing power of the American dollar will be zero within one year
2016-09-28 18:32:51 UTC
Trump didn't even prepare so i'm leaning towards hillary
2016-09-27 13:07:23 UTC
I have been a fan of Trump from day one. While he is far from being a perfect choice, he is a choice I much prefer over Hillary.
2016-09-28 10:48:58 UTC
My opinion has not changed. With either candidate, America loses
2016-09-28 16:34:34 UTC
The Donald comes across like he lives in a different world. Too bad - he has a few good points.
2016-09-28 10:38:24 UTC

39% say ‘No change of opinion’

6% say ‘Yes, I changed my opinion’

56% say things trying to persuade the reader
2016-09-30 01:59:12 UTC
My political decisions will Never be based on a televised debate.
2016-09-29 07:16:21 UTC
Only to continue to confirm that Trump is not Presidential material.
2016-09-28 13:59:21 UTC
It didn't change my opinion at all. Both candidates are pretty bad, but I prefer Hillary because Trump is a jerk, and an extremely self-centered one at that.
2016-09-27 15:12:29 UTC
None, I couldn't stand Trump going in and I can't stand him now.
2016-10-04 18:14:00 UTC
No debates are useless. Political Theater, just like endorsing someone, means nothing.
2016-09-29 19:34:53 UTC
NOT AT ALL we're choosing between a slow death or a fast one bernie sanders should be president.
Hunter. ✞
2016-10-03 19:20:46 UTC
Hilary is a pathological liar, a few smirks doesn't make her presidential material.
2016-09-28 04:40:50 UTC
I don't like either of them but I don't have a personal vendetta against them.
2016-09-29 01:34:29 UTC
One is no better than the other....just get in there and make it happen for the good of the people in this country that is paying your salary with all of these off the wall taxes.
2016-09-27 20:18:48 UTC
They both stink. Our country is in sad shape if these are the best we have.

That's what happens when you take God out of your country.
2016-09-27 15:01:51 UTC
Two worst candidates in history.
Coop 366
2016-09-29 07:41:26 UTC
It reinforced what I already knew about each candidate. It also made me wonder why people can not see how wrong their candidate is for President.
2016-09-28 00:56:33 UTC
Not at all, I'm still not voting for either of them.
2016-09-27 13:10:12 UTC
Not a damn bit. Save America. Vote Trump.
2016-10-02 23:40:23 UTC
Mr. Trump was talking about important issues until Hillary Clinton started to throw silly unimportant accusation at him. He chose to defend himself instead to keep focus on her bad record of achievements after a long time in the office. Trump is about to get job done. Hillary Clinton is about talking and manipulating.
2016-09-29 18:51:17 UTC
It didn't turn me onto Hillary, but it definitely made me hate Trump.
2016-09-29 09:46:11 UTC
Proved my opinions to be correct.

Jill Stein 2016!
Linda R
2016-09-28 06:40:15 UTC
It didn't. According to the knocked Hillary down really bad - because everyone knew everything she said was a lie. GO TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-09-27 08:37:42 UTC
As a Sanders supporter, I feel much more confident in Hillary than I did before. As for Trump, he did nothing but reconfirm why I dislike him so much.
S i r i
2016-09-28 10:53:28 UTC
It didn't. still NOT voting for lying Hillary Clinton.
2016-09-29 12:55:55 UTC
I love Donald Trump #Trumppence2016
2016-09-27 19:13:45 UTC
2016-09-27 21:46:19 UTC
Still such a tough decision, a liar or a bully? Hmm who would be easiest to impeach, and who is the better VP to step up?
2016-09-28 14:59:12 UTC
2016-09-27 19:20:10 UTC
2016-09-27 23:46:24 UTC
Not at all, Trump is crazy and unqualify so I plan on voting for Hillary which is the smart thing to do.
Long Distance
2016-09-28 13:24:47 UTC
The only person worth voting for id Hillary. Trump is unrealistic.
2016-09-28 08:31:51 UTC
I am triggered by the mere sight of Donald Trump. He is the embodiment of cis-male privilege.
2016-09-29 19:30:26 UTC
Before the debate, I wanted to overdose on Tylenol. Now, I think I will just use a gun. It will be faster.
2016-09-29 05:32:00 UTC
It didn't - and I wouldn't trust Yahoo for ANY sort of fact-checking.
2016-09-27 21:03:38 UTC
there was a debate yesterday? who knew? Monday Night Football was the only thing on last night.
2016-09-29 05:20:31 UTC
America needs someone like Trump right now. Actually, the world needs him.
2016-09-28 23:15:05 UTC
All the more depressed that these two are the default choices.

Vote anything but Democrat or Republican
2016-09-27 17:41:57 UTC
Trump needs to stop with the body blows & go for the head.
2016-09-28 20:05:37 UTC
I didn't watch the debate. I was too busy masturbating.
2016-10-01 12:26:03 UTC
Not one bit. I didn't watch and I already made up my mind. TRUMP.
2016-09-27 09:29:40 UTC
Reinforced that Trump is the worlds biggest buffoon.
2016-09-28 03:06:45 UTC
Vote non-confidence, it's your best bet at this point since neither of them are worth it.
2016-09-27 13:36:44 UTC
No it did not..After her husband lied to the public when he was

president was enough.

And if Clinton loves gays and women so much,why she accept donations from countries who stone and kill them?

A woman being raped is not a reason to kill her.

Her fake smile was sickening along with her lies

and threats to national security.
2016-09-28 17:37:58 UTC
They didn't even answer the questions so I don't give a damn
2016-09-28 16:16:44 UTC
Hilary hasn't improved her fake smile and is as smug as ever. And furthers my belief that Trump is our last hope.
2016-09-29 19:11:51 UTC
Trump still has the best ideas to benefit the peoples economy.
2016-09-29 15:12:29 UTC
Quite frankly Homer Simpson and Ned Flanders would have influenced me more.
2016-09-28 08:56:07 UTC
It showed me how fake Hilliary actually is standing up there with a punchable face hope trump deports her mentally ill *** and all her followers
2016-09-28 13:38:38 UTC
Trumps trump Hilliary is Hilliary I take the non-politician. With better ideas.
2016-09-28 20:19:48 UTC
They're both crazy. Both parties. Both candidates.

I'd rather support a "real" American candidate. One whose ancestors have been here for ten thousand years. A Native American. They refer to themselves as "Indians" or "American Indians" or "Indigenous" or "Aboriginal".
2016-09-28 06:04:09 UTC
Hillary won
2016-09-27 11:57:51 UTC
Hillary performed down to expectations.
old fart
2016-09-28 07:49:12 UTC
It didn't I am not fond of them but I know who I will vote for.
Debra H
2016-09-28 03:48:19 UTC
The debate did not change my mind, but it did make me see Hillary as more of an scripted, so untrue!
You Know . . .
2016-09-27 22:51:28 UTC
Am embarrassed to be an American . . . As are millions of others who watched in horror at the side show of clowns!
2016-10-01 09:00:21 UTC
What debate? What candidates?
2016-09-28 09:27:51 UTC
I think Bill Clinton would make a good First Lady.
2016-09-28 23:38:48 UTC
Nobody "won"....

IT is a horrible political situation...

Most are going to vote for the person they hate least....

Not a good sign for our future now, is it?
2016-09-27 09:22:29 UTC
Neither candidate showed me anything, other than to reaffirm why I am not voting this year at all. Horrible.
2016-09-28 05:59:56 UTC
Brussels or Paris. 7How's zaat!
2016-09-29 07:05:46 UTC
Did not change my mind at all.. in fact added to my thoughts that Hillary Clinton is the best actress in the world.. almost had me convinced she is human.. but alas. the lies.. all those lies!
2016-10-01 19:35:09 UTC
It only confirmed my decision to vote for Gary Johnson instead of these two nitwits.
2016-09-29 00:17:16 UTC
I still don't feel safe with both of them
Little Ms Sunshine
2016-09-29 08:22:45 UTC
Trump is a great hoodwinker and spellbinder - but is he good enough to pull this off?

Hillary? I trust her a lot more than I trust him.
2016-09-29 11:12:59 UTC
My mind has already been made up; the debate only enhanced my earlier decisions.
2016-09-27 20:07:37 UTC
Well you know the right wingers say HUMP won. Even though he didn't.
Tad Dubious
2016-09-28 05:47:37 UTC
No, YAT. I avoided that circus. My aim is true. My selection has been made. I am seriously considering voting early just to get it over with.
2016-09-28 10:27:25 UTC
Hillary Clinton is the better choice!
2016-09-29 05:47:49 UTC
I have not changed my opinion, Trump needs to become president. I have had enough of bad presidents.
2016-09-29 17:07:47 UTC
today is 9/29/2016. there was no debate yesterday
Tom Nook
2016-09-29 19:56:38 UTC
Hillary is still incompetent and Trump will still make America great again!
2016-10-02 08:58:43 UTC
Well Hillary used an ear piece to cheat so she should be disqualified. You can even see the wire and device on her back if you google pictures - disgusting.
2016-09-29 11:43:53 UTC
2016-09-30 04:00:05 UTC
Keep It Real
2016-09-30 11:30:22 UTC
I still can see through all of Hillary's lies so no, nothing changed.
2016-09-27 19:35:08 UTC
no, they're a terrible choice, but Clinton is the lesser evil.
2016-09-28 00:33:02 UTC
reaffirmed my opinion that Trump is in way over his head and that he has no business being the leader of the free world
2016-10-06 18:35:38 UTC
Trump? Clinton? Clinton? Trump? Either way we are skroooood!
2016-09-29 06:40:30 UTC
I hope Trump wins
2016-09-28 08:23:05 UTC
Coked up "The Donald" made me appreciate the other alternatives, including not voting.
2016-09-28 11:54:07 UTC
Interesting, but I didn't watch all of it.
Diane Valek
2016-09-28 11:03:53 UTC
It did not change my mind. It did convince me that I made the right decision at the beginning of this process to vote for Hillary.
2016-09-30 14:29:36 UTC
Trump sucks even worst than i thought
2016-09-28 04:55:16 UTC
Plan on voting for Trump TWICE NOW
2016-10-03 20:21:18 UTC
It just made me like Hilary more and feel bad for Trump.
Jake No Chat
2016-10-01 21:55:09 UTC
Did not change my mind. They are both dishonorable and untrustworthy.

I do not know who I will vote for, and the debate did not change that.
2016-10-01 12:22:24 UTC
I would say I learned that trump is a chump, but I already knew that.
2016-09-27 15:04:51 UTC
Yes I realize how Hillary Clinton is retarded
2016-09-27 14:10:49 UTC
Hillary is a fake and it showed, so professional, a wooden statue I was waiting for the coughs!!!!!!
2016-09-29 07:18:20 UTC
I hope Trump wins so we can start picking up the pieces
2016-09-28 16:27:22 UTC
2016-09-28 09:32:41 UTC
it reminded how robotic, and terrible Hilary is. she came out as a socialist, and i find it funny that socialism has been around for 170 years but liberals always present it as some "new" idea.
2016-09-27 08:35:16 UTC
It reinforced my belief that Clinton is very policy smart and Trump is totally out of place.
2016-09-27 14:46:22 UTC
It was a farce. Typical rich idiot Amercians who have no idea about running a country.
2016-09-27 09:23:28 UTC
Hillary is still a liar and Trump is still a goober.
2016-09-27 17:29:18 UTC
i didnt want to watch it because i don't wanna see Donald trump ugly *** on my t.v screen with his hair looking like some corn **** tbh
2016-09-27 16:29:13 UTC
Same as ever. I still don't trust either one.
2016-09-27 20:28:33 UTC
Trump sniffed alot.
Kitty 2
2016-09-29 14:23:29 UTC
To me they both made fools of themselves and neither should be running. It was like watching Saturday night live.
2016-09-27 19:19:00 UTC
That debate was just another example of hilLIARy's lies and deceit.
2016-09-27 14:14:51 UTC
Still voting for Donny.
2016-09-28 15:10:36 UTC
Trump is still a stupid white man and still not trusting Clinton.
2016-09-27 23:07:31 UTC
Yes a lot
2016-10-01 19:45:20 UTC
I learned that this country is going to hell for sure if Secretary Clinton is elected.
2016-09-28 11:19:37 UTC
There was no debate yesterday , today is Weds.
2016-09-28 21:26:06 UTC
Both of them are undeserved to be president of USA. It is a pity that US is facing scarcity of leadership.
Beverly S
2016-09-27 08:57:34 UTC
Didn't change my mind.
2016-09-28 06:55:59 UTC
It reinforced the importance of not supporting Mr. Trump. He is and idiot.
2016-09-27 10:55:29 UTC
my dear Americans

As America i think that both of the presidentials nominee speak about very important things which is good &adds to the benefit of the United States...but what i cared&agree very much is the oppinion that the United States should have more creativity&modernization of its American army because it is important in such time&because some powers is making it very well...i agree also in to be fair in imposing the tax fairly&according to every standard of people.&social class with payingattention to each standard...i agree also in creating jobs for the people&making compatibility between United States of America&other countries...Education is very important &essantial for the new generation because if we make it expensive in America this will lessen the standard of innovations that America was used to be in the fact i love both of the presendital nominees&respect both of their oppinions.&i think that Americans should make for the benefit of America because it is our beloved motherland &remember what is written &represent America...Deo Favente Perennis which means Eye of providence with God Favour God be with us&protect all of us for this wonderful Newland but great nation America best wishes to your beloved Nation&God protect it from harm....
Prime X
2016-09-27 19:39:26 UTC
about as much and a sock full of rodeo clowns on a sunny tuesday after midnight.
Steven S
2016-09-28 08:32:56 UTC
His interrupting and sniffling to cause distractions just made him look shallower and less qualified than usual.
2016-09-27 13:19:14 UTC
Absolutly not, I vote for Trump!
2016-10-04 10:12:48 UTC
I still hate donald and Hillary
2016-09-27 12:38:25 UTC
Why should i answer your guys questions when you don't answer ours?
2016-09-27 18:39:13 UTC
I think Trump was more calm and Clinton was way more prepared.
Bobby Jim
2016-09-29 15:35:36 UTC
The recent did not change my opinions at all. No matter who wins, we are screwed.
2016-09-29 22:38:56 UTC
I need to watch it first!!! When I do I'll come back and edit my answer. :)
mr wenrich
2016-09-27 11:13:26 UTC
it made me more confident that Hillary would make a better president than trump
2016-09-28 20:53:53 UTC
Trump is now a Certifiable Retard.
2016-09-28 05:44:40 UTC
Clinton is a joke, did you see how she "moves" her body.

a 70 years old pretended a girl.

without make up, she looks so old.
2016-09-29 17:18:23 UTC
2016-09-30 04:02:45 UTC
Trump did lousy, but I would still never vote for Pantsuit.
2016-10-01 22:12:05 UTC
I am yet to recover from the mental shock. Please spare me sometime to take rest and recuperate my health. Once I come back to my original mental health, I will definitely answer this.
2016-09-28 10:04:57 UTC
Zip. Nada. I wish we in the US could stop this hypocritical farce.
2016-09-28 14:35:13 UTC
Maria b
2016-09-28 10:29:31 UTC
I was with Hillary before and I still am. I think she did an amazing job.
2016-09-27 09:35:26 UTC
Why don't WE try a MILITARY run government ?!?!
2016-09-28 04:05:12 UTC
It not not in any way,a waste of time,if the third party was there it would have been better and they should have
2016-10-05 07:27:38 UTC
2016-09-29 09:56:14 UTC
I didn't watch it
2016-09-27 09:01:25 UTC
It solidified that fact that I am choosing to not vote in this years election.
2016-09-27 17:30:54 UTC
Still have no respect for them nor the POTUS office
2016-09-29 23:41:04 UTC
Trump never answered the questions, but then again he never does, so no.
2016-10-02 01:22:47 UTC
bnj .svp svp aider moi a deverouille mon compte facebook......jai oublie les deux mot de passe de yahoo et de facebook
Joseph hola
2016-09-27 09:27:13 UTC
Not much. Trump and Hillary have pros and cons to them.
2016-10-01 11:17:00 UTC
No all it did was make me hate trump even more.
2016-10-04 07:55:02 UTC
It didn't.
2016-09-28 18:21:04 UTC
Yeah, it made want to vote for Jill Stein even more. the rest of u guys mad?
2016-09-28 14:04:07 UTC
Hillary Clinton did so well and Donald Trump just rude and was continually interrupting! #ImWithHer
2016-09-27 08:36:43 UTC
It didn't.
2016-09-30 01:17:06 UTC
2016-09-27 09:41:31 UTC
It did not answer the questions I want to know
2016-09-30 07:17:35 UTC
It didn't.
2016-09-28 04:31:52 UTC
It didn't. I didn't even watch it.
2016-09-28 02:35:40 UTC
I should leave America
2016-09-29 17:33:45 UTC
2016-09-29 08:22:02 UTC
Need to get their facts straight
2016-09-29 19:29:33 UTC
2016-09-28 19:08:10 UTC
I got bored and played dominoes with my dog. He lost.
Alex Stevens
2016-09-28 23:38:03 UTC
Both idiots
2016-10-02 15:42:27 UTC
Still hate both of them
The Warlock
2016-09-28 14:53:07 UTC
Nothing. They still both suck!

The Warlock
2016-09-27 19:24:12 UTC
Trumps is an alpha male - he will win.
2016-09-28 23:37:32 UTC
I already whom to vote for long ago
Amy S
2016-09-27 10:20:51 UTC
It solidified my plan to vote third party.
2016-09-27 23:16:32 UTC
it did not change a thing i am still voting Gary Johnson
2016-09-27 15:02:53 UTC
It didn t. I do not plan to vote for either of them. I m voting Libertarian.
2016-09-27 13:47:52 UTC
Amna Malik
2016-09-28 16:35:50 UTC
2016-09-29 09:31:19 UTC
I didnt like them
2016-09-27 19:48:57 UTC
Our country is in trouble
2016-09-28 16:41:21 UTC
2016-09-30 09:21:34 UTC
2016-09-29 13:38:07 UTC
Confirmed trump is a moron
2016-09-29 02:36:20 UTC
Trump will win!
2016-10-01 11:40:25 UTC
made me sad that hillary thinks we are all idiots with her nonsense speech
2016-10-01 18:52:40 UTC
i still don't like them
2016-09-28 04:16:35 UTC
Hillary will be our next president!
2016-09-28 09:41:16 UTC
hillary shall rule
2016-09-27 13:22:42 UTC
not a bit. both are still self serving douchebags
2016-09-28 14:58:17 UTC
It affirmed my contempt for Trumpie and my confidence in Clinton.
2016-09-29 00:06:26 UTC
2016-09-28 06:35:16 UTC
it reinforced what I already thought. Trumps a d:ickhead
2016-09-27 23:54:02 UTC
you can see the president opinions
2016-09-29 00:38:39 UTC
clinton beat the sh!t out of him
2016-09-27 11:14:39 UTC
hillary for jailry
2016-10-04 14:35:14 UTC
Nothing at all. I still got my choice.
2016-09-27 08:46:26 UTC
trump is an idiot...cheated govt in unpaid taxes,suppliers...
2016-09-27 15:41:30 UTC
As scurrilous as was expected.
Cocoa bean
2016-09-29 05:51:31 UTC
Nope, still hate them both. Actually, it did...I think I hate them both even more.
2016-09-27 15:31:45 UTC
trump did amazing he lynched that fat cuunt illary
2016-09-28 22:24:47 UTC
trump is a fool you have to be really bloody stupid not to see it
2016-09-27 10:23:18 UTC
No. I still find neither qualified.
2016-10-01 13:15:33 UTC
There was not effect on my opinions.
2016-09-27 12:19:51 UTC
trump 2016 **** clinton
2016-09-28 01:32:04 UTC
Nope, I think they are both jackasses.
2016-10-01 22:17:17 UTC
It cemented my idea that trump is stupid
2016-10-03 17:34:58 UTC
hi There . They did great .
2016-09-27 13:07:44 UTC
ami jani
2016-09-28 08:59:44 UTC
more for Clinton than ever
2016-10-03 05:21:24 UTC
didn't change my opion at all-they both SUCK.
2016-09-28 10:41:02 UTC
2016-09-28 19:56:25 UTC
2016-09-27 21:32:30 UTC
TRUMP is still my choice, my only choice!
2016-10-01 15:43:50 UTC
did not affect
2016-09-29 20:59:54 UTC
nobody won tbh
2016-09-29 22:17:47 UTC
Cracked Cup
2016-09-27 22:56:45 UTC
They both stunk!
2016-09-27 17:03:17 UTC
still hate them both #garyjohnson
2016-09-28 14:01:47 UTC
It saddened me even more.
2016-09-29 17:39:50 UTC
2016-09-28 00:27:12 UTC
didnt even watch it
2016-09-28 11:18:10 UTC
They are both clowns.
2016-09-29 13:23:35 UTC
I was happy
2016-09-27 14:55:35 UTC
Why not
2016-09-28 20:48:23 UTC
2016-09-30 04:47:05 UTC
I now have AIDS
2016-09-27 18:53:11 UTC
2016-09-28 08:33:21 UTC
i dont care
2016-09-30 10:25:49 UTC
2016-09-27 16:59:55 UTC
donald trumpf is STILL A DOUCHEBAG ..
2016-10-01 00:17:53 UTC
yes its true
2016-09-30 01:12:07 UTC
ya no one
2016-09-28 17:06:14 UTC
2016-09-29 20:15:20 UTC
Libs are still stupid.
2016-09-30 16:25:48 UTC
2016-09-28 13:18:27 UTC
2016-09-27 17:27:10 UTC
2016-09-29 09:14:34 UTC
my view did not change..
2016-09-27 10:48:28 UTC
2016-09-29 21:03:26 UTC
2016-09-28 08:07:13 UTC
2016-09-29 09:33:40 UTC
It didn t. Except, Donald said "You WAS", and I was like holy ****, he s trying to sound young/black or wtf?
2016-10-02 15:40:14 UTC
i luv em both...
2016-09-28 18:26:07 UTC
zilch, not at all
Lonnie I
2016-09-30 11:32:48 UTC
2016-09-28 10:45:54 UTC
2016-09-27 18:21:20 UTC
2016-09-28 09:51:44 UTC
Xpewar noob
2016-09-29 07:12:08 UTC
2016-09-29 07:48:53 UTC
eat poop
2016-09-27 19:13:26 UTC
not a whit
2016-10-10 18:54:50 UTC
2016-09-27 17:07:31 UTC
2016-09-28 16:17:40 UTC
2016-09-28 06:46:17 UTC
2016-09-27 22:02:36 UTC
2016-09-27 19:03:56 UTC
2016-09-29 22:39:24 UTC
2016-10-03 07:35:27 UTC
idk for any of them
2016-09-29 16:03:09 UTC
2016-09-28 11:26:57 UTC
2016-09-27 16:07:23 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.