Why have people such a problem with speed cameras?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why have people such a problem with speed cameras?
26 answers:
Barbara Doll to you
2008-03-31 01:52:46 UTC
Your right, but it's the erosion of freedom people don't like. All crime could be stopped if the government were allowed to be totally invasive.
Nick G
2008-03-31 01:54:30 UTC
Speed cameras provoke lots of argument from both sides.

Some drivers claim that they force ridiculous speed limits.

Some drivers claim that they are just used to make revenue for the police.

Some drivers and road safety campaigners claim that they cause more accidents because of the simple fact that drivers slow quickly upon seeing one and they do not reduce overall speed on a longer section of road.

Some road safety campaigners claim that they save many lives.

In the UK, there are strict rules about when a camera can be erected, linked to x amounts of deaths in y number of years.

We all have our personal opinions about speed cameras. Personally speaking, I know some places in the UK where speed cameras genuinely slow down motorists driving along a main road through a village. I also know some places in the UK where they inforce ridiculous speed limits for no sensible reason.

Here in South Korea, speed cameras are as common as kimchi and mostly enforcing unnecessarily slow speed limits.
2008-03-31 08:19:40 UTC
I havn`t a problem provided that they are put in built up areas and NOT used in a SLY and STEALTHY way like the north wales police force are using them(HORSE BOX UNMARKED).

What next????????????Arn`t the public taxpayer getting HAMMERD enough with taxes as it is!!!!
2008-03-31 04:01:43 UTC
The speed limits are crazy anyway, never mind speed cameras.

If wandering simpltons didn't wander into the road and parents took responsibility for opening their legs and producing children, then the road would be much safer.

People who can not drive to the limit should be removed from the road because they obviously can't control the car. Whether they are going to fast or to slow.

Speed cameras are just a revenue providing service for the local gov, like they don't already take all our cash for taxes for things we don't use.

Speed cameras should all be cut down and all stuck up the *** of the transport minister.
2008-03-31 02:56:02 UTC
There's nothing wrong with cameras just their locations. My concern is the locations are determined by revenue. For example a camera on an open highway is very effective on revenue but doesn't do anything for a black spot! Remember when they fist came in latitude was 10km +3 over the limit and one was gone. As motorists complied and revenue fell so the latitude fell as well; now it's only a few kms
2008-03-31 02:52:03 UTC
I campaigned for a speed camera to be sited in my village due to it being on a route from an A road to a big factory a few miles away, it took 3 years but they finally fitted it this year it does slow vehicles down which was what we wanted.

But that's the key, if they only put them in built up areas where they are for safety that's fine but they put them in places that are pointless. I know the argument of x number of fatalities before a camera turns up, but there have been no deaths or serious injuries where I live and we've still got the camera. So I can only assume it's because they listened to the local people (yeah right!).

I break the speed limits regularly in my car and on my motorbike, but I do it in places where it is safe to do so, and I look for cameras rather drive with my eyes half shut. Before any of you get on your high horses I know all the local Police drivers and they use the roads to train on, so if the Police can do 100 mph plus safely why not others?

I've done many driving related courses and I think we should scrap all speed limits in the country, however you HAVE to make drivers responsible for their actions. If a driver thinks it's safe to drive past a school at 3 pm at 70 mph do so, but if you kill a child you'll get 15 years for manslaughter.

Similarly if a driver decides the M6 past the Lakes is safe to use at 150 mph at 4 am why not? It also puts the responsibility on the driver to make sure their vehicle is fit to be on the road, not rely on a test once a year catching a few faults.

Sadly people seem to believe the government advice of "speed kills", speed doesn't kill - badly driven cars kill (Do guns kill? No people using guns kill). So to back up that statement the government installs cameras because it's cheaper than police officers, and as most forces now don't have the funding to have a large number of properly trained police drivers - they need cheaper options - they prosecute for speeding rather than safety.

If the government had said "inappropriate speed kills" it would have confused the genuinely stupid and removed the black and white/right or wrong we need to prosecute bad drivers, which in my opinion isn't done anywhere near enough.

I train people to advanced driving standards and it never ceases to amase me how few think about what they are doing, what might be around the next corner or what information the road can tell them.

That said the government are responsible for the poor standards of drivers in this country, if we had a test that required drivers to think there would be a 75% drop in road users and a 90% drop in new passes.

Am I wrong? Did you get any training on driving on motorways? What about training for night time driving? Training fo driving in adverse weather conditions? Can you change a wheel on your car? Which are all things you should know how to do before you drive because it's not like any of these are things you as a driver won't do at some point.

If you think about the efforts the government have implimented to try and ensure motorcycle riders have experience before being allowed to ride powerful bike (33 BHP limit for 2 years) why did they give them an escape clause - if you can afford to pay for the training you can ride anything immeadiately after passing your test. Why does a similar regulation not apply to new drivers? A maximum of 1000 cc for 2 years before they can drive any car?

Don't be fooled by government statistics and there verbose repeating of safety claims around speed cameras, if drivers were trained properly you could do away with cameras: cameras replace police officers!
2008-03-31 01:55:22 UTC
They aren't speed cameras, they are "Safety Cameras".

How many do you see popping up on straight stretches of road where people might exceed the speed limit slightly?

How many do you see outside schools or down the high streets of towns?

"Safety cameras"... Yeah, right.
2008-03-31 02:39:14 UTC
An issue with speed cameras is they are perceived as just ANOTHER means for the state to spy on the daily activities of citizens, and use this as a way of taxing our way of life (even if it is illegal). As a result, the police, who are meant to fighting crime, are reduced to nothing more than low-life traffic wardens. Speed cameras are an easy way of achieving 'targets'. Meanwhile, real criminals like drug dealers, rapsits, etc, run amok.
2008-03-31 02:37:19 UTC
The most troubling thing about traffic cameras is the way city governments grow dependent on the revenue they generate. Bethesda, Md., was caught shortening a yellow light at the city's most lucrative red-light camera, in an effort to squeeze more cash out of its motorists. When tickets dropped off from existing speed cameras in Washington, the City Council simply installed more, and raised the fines. Sacramento now charges motorists $351 for a single red-light violation.

The cameras have also caused an upsurge in rear-end accidents caused by people slamming on their brakes to avoid a ticket.

Do surveillance cameras actually reduce crime? Anecdotal evidence suggests they do--at least in the immediate vicinity of the cameras. But there is reason to believe that crime is not so much reduced as displaced, pushed beyond camera range. The way cockraoches scatter when exposed to light.

How many cameras is enough?
always right
2008-03-31 02:01:32 UTC
You are right about the basic fact, don't speed = no fine.

I have no major problem with them as I stick to the limits.

The problem seems to be the location of the camera's. Apparently they have to have at least 4 'serious' accidents in a spot to fix a camera there. This is not happening. The camera's are located at certain spots designed to bring in the most cash.

Where I live there is a notorious black spot where there have been several deaths and probably up to 25 serious accidents a year. The road is always on the local radio traffic announcements. So where do they put the camera's in response to this? Not on the black spot but 2 miles up the road where another two slip roads mean lots more traffic and lots more cash. Where the camera's are I don't think I've ever heard of an accident happening, yet at the notorious black spot they keep on coming because people don't slow down. This happens everywhere. They are for money and no other reason.
Essex Ron
2008-03-31 03:30:36 UTC
Where I live there is a 30mph speed limit and, if you pull out of the side road to turn right, as long as you can't see a car coming from the left it is safe. However, if a car comes from the left doing in excess of 30mph it is extremely dangerous. Unfortunately, there is no speed camera so I have a lot of near misses and, one day, I will have a crash.

The sole reason for this is people speeding. Speed limits are put in place by our democratically elected representatives and are therefore legitimate. To exceed them is breaking the law and you have a choice: stick to the limit and thus drive safely, or exceed the limit and risk a fine.

It is no different whatsoever from shoplifting and store detectives yet I have never heard of them being described as money makers.

Why speeding is a law that so many people feel they have a right to break is totally beyond me.

If I had my way, EVERY road would have a camera every 50 yards. No one would speed, the roads would be much safer, and many of the 3,500 who die on our roads would live.
2016-04-04 03:43:50 UTC
I am an ADI. I see it differently.... 1.I agree that they do make money for the local authority. They will argue that this covers maintainance. I dont believe them. 2. They are located to maximise their effect and to slow traffic down in a particularly notorious area. 3. The reason we have to put up with speed cameras is that we cant trust some drivers to drive at a 'safe and appropriate speed'. Keeping that definition in mind, most accidents can be attributed to inapropriate speed. 4. You can measure a safe speed. You should be able to stop well within the distance you can 'see to be clear and safe'. The speed limit is a 'maximum speed' not a 'target to be reached'. A road can be said to be 100% safe when there are no hazards. Not very likely I hear you say. Now as a safe driver it is your job to determine a 'safe and appropriate speed' which will be either the maximum speed limit if the road is 100% safe or less if there are developing hazards. 5. I agree that some speed limits do seem low. However we may not know the particular circumstances of the introduction of that speed limit. e.g. there may have been an unusually high incidents of accidents attibuted to speed in that location. high speed limits should be judged as in my last answer. 6. Not quite sure how a speed camera can cause danger? It doesn't move! 7. Different people will have different reasons for owning a car. I'm not sure that in this day and age that it is the quickest method of transport. A cylcle sometimes gets you there sooner. Whatever the reasons for driving surely safety must be paramount for ourselves and other road users. You might want to consider taking the Advanced driving test. I promise you that driving will be a much better and enjoyable experience for it. If you want the thrill of speed get of the road onto a race track. I dont want 'thrill seakers' where my grandkids are walking. 8. Not too sure what you mean here? It depends how you quantify 'rediculous'! 9. Jeremy Clarkson is an entertainer/ journalist and for that he is very good. He's not a proffessional driver or an authority on road safety. Going 1mph over the speed limit isn't a problem either to me or the police or for that matter the 'speed camera'. I know what a safe speed is. I dont particulary need a speedometer to tell me that. My speedometer just informs me when I am getting 'near' the speed permissable by law. I then 'occasionally' have a 'glance' at it to see if I need to adjust my speed. I read the road well ahead to gather information which again will help me decide if I need to adjust my speed. There are risks involved in everything we do. As 'responsible' adults it is our 'responsibility' tp minimise the risks and help keep other road users as sfae as possible. You will find that a large proportion of drivers will not know the speed limit on a given road never mind obey it.
2008-04-01 01:36:01 UTC
Wow. Everything's completely black and white in your world. No shades of grey or anything.

If I get caught, well, that's my own fault, haven't yet though, all thanks to forward facing cameras :)

Na, I object to them on the grounds that they take real coppers out of the equation. A real copper can apply common sense to a situation where a camera can't. All the camera sees is a car breaking the speed limit. There's no allowance for time of day, road conditions, average speed of traffic or anything else which will affect your speed. A traffic cop can see all those and make a judgement accordingly.

Even a copper would tell you that going fast is not always dangerous in itself. And there is an enormous difference between 'fast' and 'dangerous.'

I'd rather be pulled over by a cop on the road than get that letter telling me I've been flashed.

Oh, and I've never been caught speeding by a facing camera... because they can't catch bikers. No number plate, no clear facial image. Great idea, all cameras should be the same!

Mrclegg - well said. It's true bikers are restricted to a lower bhp for two years on passing the test on a 125cc bike, and it's true that you can pay more and get direct training on a larger bike which will allow you to ride anything, BUT this is age restricted to, I believe, those over twenty-five only. The theory goes that it takes the riders most likely to be mental (17 - 25) off the most powerful bikes until they've got experience. Now, you and I both know that mental does not stop at twenty-five, but the DSA and insurance companies think it does.

I agree entirely that new car drivers should be subject to the same rules, with an absolute maximum engine size of, say, 1100 for the first two years. I'd also like to see a biker's CBT course added to the car drivers requirements. If all drivers could see traffic from the bike's perspective, there's an excellent chance that you'd see fewer bikers getting smeared across the tarmac by someone who 'didn't see you mate.'
2008-03-31 22:56:27 UTC
How to beat the speed cams.

1] always drive with care and within the speed limit allowed.

So what is the problem exactly?

Here is a link which gets up-to-date info on London based speed-cams : -

Greater London Speed Camera Locations - Greater London Traffic Cameras

Greater London speed camera locations - up-datable Greater London speed camera

database, view all speed cameras in Greater London, including Gatso, Truvelo, ...

Factoid - since the first speed camera was introduced back in the 1980s to the present date, the number of deaths on our roads has remained constant. Speed-cams do not reduce the death toll, they just collect a toll.

England has gone down the pan. A citizen can now be fined by a member of the fuzz or some bloke wearing a trash uniform supplied by the local authority.

This is England where a fine can only be imposed by a Judge or a Magistrate.

Get real, wake up. If you get a speeding ticket, contest it in court. Over 50% of cases are won.

Who the hell are these people demanding we pay a fine without being found 'guilty' of a crime?

In English Law the presumption of innocence is paramount.
Gary L
2008-03-31 08:48:11 UTC
Because they are invasive, do not reduce road traffic accidents (probably increase them), and are a cheap money making scheme to tax more road users out of existence and replace policemen.

Have you driven behind people using these roads, they tank along and then slam their brakes on for the camera, then speed up straight after. If they are doing this, then they are not looking at the road, but for the cameras.

I have more problems in this area with lunatics changing lanes if one is blocked, undertaking, jumping lights, wrong lane around roundabouts, people who can't see over their dashboard and people who should not (and probably haven't) pass a driving test.

Instead of a money making scheme, we should have police who can pick up these idiots, those without insurance, those without tax and those without a licence before we look to minor misdemeanours!

By the way, I have never been caught speeding but have been the victim of an idiot racing another, no insurance & no licence. It cost me!
2008-03-31 09:57:09 UTC
Cameras have nothing to do with speeding, if you look they are placed in some of the safest roads imaginable where going a bit faster would not matter anyway.

What gets up my nose is that we are told that it is for safety reasons, which it obviously isn't.

Therefore someone in authority are telling porkies.

Why should people not resent the fact that huge amounts of money are being made out of a falsehood ?
2008-03-31 05:06:21 UTC
One of the biggest earners was the Vine Street Camera in Uxbridge. They changed the access rules for Vine Street and installed a camera. Most motorists turned into the road, only to see a sign showing they were prohibited. To do a u-turn you had to drive to a turning area, and by then the camera had you. Thanks thats £120-00, which for a pensioner is all the week's money gone.

2008-03-31 04:08:02 UTC
In order to have a clear concience some people will inflate their sense of outrage of the sorts of crimes other people commit, and decide that the sort of things we do wrong are things that "everybody does" and therefore not really wrong at all.

And other people just grow up and accept the slapped wrist they get if they do something that is genuinely wrong, without winging.
2008-03-31 02:06:50 UTC
I'm just curious to know how speed cameras are "invasive." You're on the road, in public, with windows to the world all around you.

This isn't the government sticking their nose into your house; this is the enforcement of public restrictions in a public place.

If a policeman sits beside the road and looks for people speeding, he doesn't need a warrant for that. Why? Because it's not an invasion of privacy. And so, when a camera does the very same thing, there's nothing more invasive in that situation.
2008-03-31 01:54:26 UTC
You have it right. They just don't want to get caught speeding. I am 35 and have had only one ticket. When I was 19. I also have a CDL now. So I cannot afford a speeding ticket my wife is a speeder averages about two tickets a year and still has not learned. And surprisingly does not want speed cameras either go figure
2008-03-31 01:53:46 UTC
Because taking personal responsibility for your actions is no longer something that's valued. It's much easier to blame someone or some group for your own mistakes / inadequacies and you get the added benefit of being portrayed as a victim. I've lived with speed cameras for 3 years now, and I like to think that it allows the local police more freedom to go after the real bad guys rather than sit in a car all day with a radar gun. Just my .02.
2008-04-02 02:20:12 UTC
Its just another way for the Government to make money.
2008-03-31 01:58:18 UTC

people like to drive over the limit and especially on the roads which are straight and unfortunately for them they always have speed camera's

people do moan but its mainly peer pressure i believe as lots of people will moan which can be "contagious"

hope this helps you as i don't have a clue what i just said lol
2008-03-31 10:00:46 UTC
would it not make sense to have traffic calming measures in place.speed cameras are another tax system.
2008-03-31 01:49:30 UTC
My thoughts exactly - It's really simple obey the speed limits & you will never get fined - it's that simple...

Plus if you can't see the camaras (bright orange) then you really should not be driving full stop!
2008-03-31 01:59:55 UTC
The people who complain were over indulged by their parents when young.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.