2011-02-21 11:31:46 UTC
He was the leaker of 'Collateral Damage' video which exposed the 'Gung Ho' attitude of Apache pilots when they wanted to open fire on Iraqi's. 14 innocent Iraqi's were murdered by the pilot known as 'Crazy Horse' in 2007 and the action was covered up by the US military. Bradley released the encrypted film and other info to Wikileaks.... who have also suffered the wrath of the US military over this issue. At this moment, Bradley Manning is held in a tiny cell (without charge) where he has to strip to his underwear at night. He has to be 'checked' every five minutes during the night "to make sure he is still alive". This is done by calling him and if he does'nt respond, they wake him. This is a form of torture by sleep deprivation. Also, he can only execise for one hour a day by walking figure of eights in another cell.
What are our gutless wonders in Government doing about this!?
He is half British by his Welsh mother who married a US serviceman and he has'nt even had a REQUEST to be visited as a Dual Citizen of Britain/US.
This is clearly wrong!!
Check out his plight by visiting the website.