2009-07-06 21:27:21 UTC
In June 29, 2009 more than 8000 Chinese workers attack 600 young Uyghur men and women at midnight wile Uyghurs were sleeping in their dormitory, killed 26 including women and injured 118 in Guang Dong toy factory. Those Uyghur men and women were brought to the Chinese factories for forced, cheap and slavery labor under the Chinese government forced relocation policy on Uyghurs. Each year millions of Uyghurs were forced transferred to inland China, mostly women and they replaced with millions of Han Chinese. Those Han Chinese were brought to Uyghur land was offered with free housing, cash and immediate job opportunity with good salary.
ETIC is closely monitoring human rights situation of Uyghurs in China through variety of Chinese state media and Uyghur sources. In June 29, Han Chinese workers attacked innocent Uyghur workers with metal pipes. The excuse for the attack was an unsubstantiated rumor posted on the Internet of the rape of two ethnic Chinese women.
“This is an example of how racial profiling leads to oppression of innocents Uyghurs” said Abdujelil Karakash , the president of ETIC “ Uyghurs relize this time, the Chinese communist government and Chinese people has no difference. They were both racist!”
Uyghurs in East Turkistan were uninformed by the truth of the news. Most of Uyghurs have no excess for the internet under the Chinese government strict internet control policy.
Chinese government is worrying Uyghurs revenge and intensified pressure again on Uyghurs. However, some Uyghur intellectuals who find out the truth, posted messages on Uyghur web sites in East Turkistan and call Chinese people to shame on their inhuman behavior. They also wrote that Uyghurs will not going to do such crime against humanity to take revenge.
ETIC strongly condemn China’s racist system that encouraged racism among Han Chinese against the Uyghurs and call world community to take action to protect Uyghur nation that in danger of being attack both Chinese government and Chinese people.
Watch this vidio from YOUTOBE ,Link :
China's Xinjiang hit by violence The city of Urumqi in China's restive Xinjiang region has been hit by violence with cars burned and traffic blocked, Chinese state media says. An unspecified n... 07/05/2009
RFA report: