Why do communists hate fascism?
2013-02-11 15:07:46 UTC
I have never really understood that feud. Both forms of government result in a few people having all the power.
Ten answers:
The Crawling Chaos
2013-02-11 16:22:08 UTC
The fascism =industrialism answer is crap. Some loser started a rumor that fascism is when big business takes over, but Mussolini and co. all came from Syndicalist (as in, socialist) backgrounds, as did British Union of Fascists founder Oswald Mosley, who had been a Fabian socialist and Labor party mp. Mussolini said " Fascism spells government". Even Trotsky in " what is national socialism" said Hitler borrowed from Mussolini, who borrowed class war from Marx. And Hitler said in Mein Kampf that if it were not for Nationalism, national socialism " would compete with Marxism on it's own ground". Goebbels wrote in his diary that Lenin was the #2 greatest man in the world... after Hitler.

To be fair, communists literally hated everyone who want communist. Goldberg in Liberal Fascism n talked about how commies had invented the doctrine of social fascism, that non revolutionary socialists were really just socially minded fascists. People scoff, but then there's this from the Stalin society: “Social Democracy objectively represents the moderate wing of Fascism"

Stalin [Concerning the International Situation, Sept. 1924].

From other things, and poking around and Wiki, it seems German commies blamed the social democrats for not backing the possible revolution in 1919, they wanted a German Soviet Union. A social democrat official wanted to frack down on protests, and 32 commies got hurt or killed. So they created a policy of confrontation with the SD's, declared them enemy number 1, and the Soviet line was that SD's were really fascists. Get that? Everyone to the right of communists were Right wing fascists, including progressives and social democrats. They only switched gears in 1935 with Hitler becoming increasingly powerful, they formed the popular front against Hitler, and the propaganda continues to this day. They finally speed calling SD's fascists. Before that, around 1932 maybe, the commies had gotten so angry they issued an ultimatum, join with the commies, or they German communist party would back Hitler. The commies voted with Nazis to remove social democrat power, but the vote failed.

It may be for all fascism's faults and violence, commies are snotty because fascists were less authoritarian, more dependant on democracy, and had a much lower body count. Clearly the fascists were weenies and n00bs when it came to genocide.
2014-06-20 12:38:56 UTC
Fascist are more authoritarian than the communists obviously. If you look at the political compass Hitler as a fascist is straight at top of the compass which means he is an Extreme Authoritarian. Stalin's position on the compass was not as high as him which means he was less authoritarian. Also, Fascists have not got any democracy in their state because they had a ''One leader, One party'' political system. Communists were actually less authoritarian because the ultimate purpose of communism is to protect the working class from being exploited in order to achieve equality. Karl Marx also stated that he dislike authoritarianism and he believed in libertarian socialism. So in conclusion the ''Best Answer'' here is actually not the best answer. The guy's post was not justified and he's quite a stupid person.
2013-02-11 17:29:22 UTC
I will use Italy as an example. That's a rather complex question and I don't want to bore you to death with background information, but the situation in Italy (mid 20th century) is a good mirror of the rift between governments at that point.

Communism, up until that point, had not seen Stalin. Or Mao Zedong. Or Castro, Pol Pot, or any of the other roster of crazy totalitarians. Communism, when true to it's ideology, is a working man's revolution. Communist revolutions have always been fought on the grounds of liberating the workers.

When communist governments arise the whole revolution takes a different tone. But that should not distract from the fact that these revolutions were carried out BY the workers and FOR the workers, usually with a large margin of support from them.

In Italy a revolution was underway. Various forms of government were vying for power over the "nationalists" or whatever they were calling themselves back then, including (mostly) Communists, Socialists, and social (liberal) democrats. As well as Conservative Christian parties that regularly backed the liberal democrats (it was a much different time).

Fascism had not emerged yet.

Until members of the socialist organizations crossed over, as they often times do when they're put in positions of power. Fascism was given birth to on the grounds of nationalism, globalism, and authoritarianism. Fascism was rapidly mobilizing as an alternative way to do 'justice' to those scourged by Capitalism. A violent, bloodthirsty, bigoted and totalitarian method. One that did not involve the consent of the workers, but merely used the workers- as well as the elite classes the workers fought against- to forward their agenda. Later crushing the labor unions, crushing the working class.

As such, Fascism is the enemy of Communism because it is born out of a failed revolution. While, at one point, the citizens may have been willing to entrust a revolution to the working class, nations who's revolutions fail are often desperate and longing for a return to some kind of stability. Fascism offers this through immediate and brutal assertions, while prolonged revolution does not. People lose sight of the ideals or conditions they were fighting for, and those that don't are all together crushed by the new elite. By the time most people realize what a monster has been created, it is often times much harder to reverse the damages of the elite than it was in previous revolutions.
2013-02-12 10:40:33 UTC
"I make straight A's in college, have a recorded IQ of 154, and my casual interests are probably more complicated than the math homework you no doubt struggle with on a daily basis."

So... you're here to show off and belittle others?

I know Jesus Christ. You're no Jesus Christ.
The Mighty Keyboard Warrior
2013-02-12 03:43:55 UTC
I think Haunter's answer is spot on, but I'd like to draw out some clear differences b/w Fascism and Communism.

It's also got to be made clear that most Communists throughout history thought they were fighting for a MORE democratic, just and fair world than what capitalism could offer. Of course, what resulted in Russia turned out to be an abomination to Marx's views, and much of what has considered itself a "Communist" regime since then has simply meant dictatorial regimes following Stalin's path to development. There are also incidents of the far left deciding that inhumane methods may be necessary to eventually achieving a humane society (i.e Trotsky). But I'd like to step back before all this, to Marx and to the original ideal of Communism before it was polluted by the circumstances of history.

So if we go back to what Communism meant before Stalin, and before the world had access to information about Stalinism, it meant a total democratization of the economy and a classless, nation-less world.


1. Communists are INTERNATIONALISTS, they stand for the abolition of nations. They think that nations serve to undermine global class solidarity and undermine the possibility of world revolution.

Fascists are NATIONALISTS, usually the most extreme ones. They don't want other nations interfering with their own, particular, national values.

Hence, Lenin opposed WW1, he considered it an imperialist war only benefiting the capitalist classes. One of Hitler's biggest ideological planks was that he thought Germany had been shamed by WW1 and the treaty of Versailles, he wanted to fight it again!

2. Also, Communists always OPPOSED RACISM and racial inequality. They participated in the civil rights movement, they campaigned for indigenous rights around the world. Fascists often stand for RACIAL PURITY, for racial particularism and even for open genocide!

3. Communists are against CLASS and social hierarchy. They want the working class to be in control of everything! They think the state will "wither away" as it wont need to perform its primary function anymore--enforce class domination.

Fascists may celebrate the working class as contributors to the national good, they may even give them a better material existence than they had under liberal capitalism, but they are for an AUTHORITARIAN DICTATORIAL STATE. They most definitely don't want workers to be in control, they want the state to be in control and they want to rule the state.

This might go some way to explaining why during the 20s and 30s, most countries that had growing Communist and Fascist movements saw them openly fighting each other in the street!

It's true that the Communist movement defined everyone as a social fascist during the early 30s. This was a ridiculous idea and proved to be an immense failure. But the directions were coming from Stalinist Russia, which soon afterwards decided to make a pact with Hitler, demoralizing much of the international communist movement. I think this says less about Communism as an ideal, and much more about just how far removed Russia was from that ideal.
2013-02-11 15:08:48 UTC
Communist is not a form of government it calls for a stateless society so learn the definition of communism its an extreme form of socialism also communism calls for common ownership which is against public or private ownership.
Mike S
2013-02-11 15:13:04 UTC
The classic definition of fascism is a small group of industrialists controlling the government, much like what the U.S. is being reduced to now. It's helpful to understand that smoke & mirrors are a big part of manipulating a consensus no matter what you're calling it.
2013-02-11 15:09:31 UTC
Have you ever heard of WW2?
2013-02-11 15:08:36 UTC
You are not very smart.
2014-05-09 04:52:41 UTC
It's because they are so stupid they don't realize Hitler was one of their one.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.