The minimum wage is a bad idea. The only ones who only earn the minimum wage are those who have no skills, or are just starting out.
The market should be allowed to set the value of labor, not the government. If someone is willing to do a job for $3.00 per hour (assuming that they are a legal worker) that is what the job is worth. If no one is willing to do the job for $15.00 per hour, the employer will have to pay more. In the DC area, gas station cashiers, and workers at fast food places are starting at over $7.00 per hour, due to market conditions.
When there is a raise in the cost of employees, the employer has to re-evaluate the value of said employees. For example, I have a business. If I hire a high school kid to sweep the floors and empty the trash, and pay him $5.25 an hour, he is actually costing me more than that. I have to pay workman’s comp, unemployment tax, and social security for him. He is actually costing me over $6.00 per hour. Lets assume that he is working 20 hours a week. My cost for him is about $120 per week.
If the minimum wage were to be raised to 6.25 per hour, my costs for this person would go up by $20 per week. I would then have to decide if he was worth the extra money. Most likely, I would end up either letting him go, because his cost exceeded his value to me, or cutting back his hours.
I pay my employees a fair wage. I hire some people with few skills and train them. If the cost of employees goes up, I cut back on the number of hires, and do not hire unskilled people.