There are 646 MPs in the Houae of Commons. General elections are held in UK every five (5) years. However, a Prime Minister may call a 'snap' election at any time.
The site below gets you everything you need to know about MPs and the House of Commons. Are your MPs and Peers working for you in the ...Provides links to Hansard speeches and written answers, organised by date, topic or MP. Allows users to add comments and links to individual speeches.
House of Lords (upper house)
UK Parliament - House of Lords Orders and Regulations. -. Future Parliamentary business is provisional and is subject to change. More information: House of Lords business ...
House of Commons - the elected chamber of the people.
UK Parliament - House of Commons homepage
Business in the House of Commons can change at short notice ... The right to vote. Read the new factsheet from the House of Commons Information Office ...
The House of Commons is the highest court in the land. It's decisions are final and absolute. Power to the people.
Politics is all about power. How to get power and how to hold on to it once you've got it.
"You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time."
Abraham Lincoln (Republican)
"Everything is taxable."
Benjamin Disraeli (Conservative)
"Democracy is the worst form of government, save all those tried before."
Winston Churchill (Conservative)
"The Prime Minister (Gordon Brown), started the week like Stalin and ended the week like Mister Bean."
Vince Cable MP (Liberal Democrat)