Is this the beginning of the end for the Lib Dems ?
2010-09-20 02:43:37 UTC
UK Liberal Democrats are conjoined with the Tories selling off their principles and beliefs for power. The government will shaft the working man on an ideological stance and the Lib Dems have fallen in line with this policy. Thousand of ordinary people will lose jobs and the cost of living will be higher.
The rich bankers and others in power will not suffer.
There is an alternative to the cutbacks due to be imposed but the Lib Dems are not opposing David Cameron.
The Lib Dem Party will be finished - but remember this - THE TORY PARTY WILL KEEP ON GOING.
Eleven answers:
Mike B
2010-09-20 11:56:11 UTC
Stop hi-jacking the past- deal with the present.

We now have a Government that does not see the need for much of what has supported the working people of this country not just for the last 13 years, but since the end of world war 2, the NHS, the Benefit System and much more.

The warnings that went out to voters prior to the last election were not headed, Labour lost votes by the millions, the Tories did not get enough seats to form a government, and so the Lib-Dems sold their souls for a slice of the action. Done deal.

Perhaps there are many who now regret the way they voted, and more that regret not voting, too late, we have Mr Cameron and his Lib-Dem backers in power until this government leaves office, and that can only happen if and when another election is called.

What can we do?

A number of things.

First, if you work anywhere where there is a Trades Union, join it, if you don't like the stance it takes on issues that affect you, campaign within it. You will find most Trades Unions are more democratic and more accountable to their members than any political party, on that note..

Second, join a political party, choose the one that most matches your views and become active in it, it doesn't matter if that is the Conservatives themselves, if you get backing from your party for your views then you can change policy.

Third, be prepared to stick your neck out, don't just shrug your shoulders and say what can I do, if you want to oppose something, write to your local paper, join with others and form campaign groups, I have done this and it works, if local MPs, Councils, and others see that people don't like what is happening, they soon start to change their minds, after all at a local level those councillors want your votes to stay in office, and the other parties want you votes to get into office, play the game.

The real issue is that we have for too long sat back and ignored politics, the old phrase about not arguing politics and religion is an excuse for apathy, and apathy has lead to the 'election' of this minority government and to a polarisation of British politics.

Ask yourself what you want, ask yourself where you can find others, and go for it, change your political landscape, after all we live in the age of the internet, use it, and lets tell those in power what they need to do to sustain or get our votes.

If you think in small terms of being 'only one person' you put your fate in the hands of others, and if you think it cannot be done, read the history of the match girls at the Bryant and May factory.
2010-09-20 03:20:33 UTC
I agree entirely with what you have said. Conservatives refuse to believe that the recession and debt crisis is due to the greedy bankers, both in this country and in particular in the USA where the crisis began. Britain actually took on the domino effect. The housing crisis started in America under the Presidency of Bush. Greedy Americans borrowed far more than they could afford to repay. The banks mortgaged out far more than they should have lent in the greedy Capitalist ideology that the interest on the loans would be a fabulous profit. Turned out t obe a liability when those that had borrowed ended up broke and unable to repay. The banks continued their wrecklessness by gambling billions on worthless shares and so the crisis deepend. Governments were forced to act, and Brown was forced to bail them out or suffer the wrath of the people when they lost their homes, jobs, savings, investments, mortgages, pensions and insurance if the banks had been left to slide as the Tories wanted them to.

Within just a few weeks of this ConDem alliance, there were murmerings and I thought at the time that things would not last. Clegg may be enjoying the power at the moment, but what real power does he have? He is just a puppet of Cameron who has the real power in office. The Tories could not command a majority after 13 years of a Labour government. Imagine how many fewer votes they are going to get once people see the reality of the enormous cuts in services, the huge hike in VAT and National Insurance increases and the growing unemployment that will be inevitable due to the cuts announced. Add to that the cuts in benefits and you have a recipe for a riot, mayhem, civil unrest and anarchy.

The Lib Dems will protest ever louder and some may even abandon the coalition and side with Labour as a protest to Clegg. Voters will abandon the Lib Dems at a furture election as a protest and on the basis that they believe that voting for the Libs will be handing the Tories another victory. The only winners will be Labour, once the new leader has been chosen and is firmly established in the party. I personally cannot wait to seethe back of Cameron and Clegg and the whole bunch of lying thieving scum. Not a single one of Camerons pledges before the election has been kept. He lied to us all just to get into power. That is the typical Tory trick and I hope that people remember that when they go to the polls next time.
2010-09-20 03:38:25 UTC
"The Lib Dems sold off their principles" -- or more accurately ,simply decided to stop believing in fantasy politics and grew up.

"The government will shaft the working man on an ideological stance" -- is this grand conspiracy theory or simply the ravings of a madman . WHY on earth should they ?

The bankers caused the credit crisis -- yes they did .

But we can deal with that, and we might even make a profit out of it. But underlying that problem , there was a cancerous , structural government deficit problem that required radicle surgery because it was diagnosed so late.( And on top of that , thanks to 13 years of Labour mis-management , it is clear that most of the decisions that that government had taken were the wrong ones, and the decisions it should have taken were simply ignored ).

So that's where the real suffering is going to come from --sorting it all out !And although I'm sorry to frighten the small children and old ladies amongst you , the old Lib Dem and Labour ideas that there is a painless way of doing this is utter *******
2010-09-20 11:56:11 UTC
I sincerely hope not. The LibDems are mitigating some of the effects of tory policy.

So many people keep blaming the LibDems for the cuts, and other than political opportunism I see little reason why that's justified.

The economic crisis that made these cuts necessary began during labour's tenure - and although there were other factors to consider, labour party policy had a large part to play in the mess we're in. Either way though, the LibDems can't be blamed for things that were done before they were in power.

Now they have 16% of the seats in this government and cuts are being made. Does anybody really expect the LibDems to play anything other than a minor role in government?

If the LibDems do lose seats, those on low incomes will be left to choose between the tories who appear to despise them, and the labour party who ignore them.

Incidentally - anybody who thinks it would have been better under labour might find this link interesting:
2010-09-20 02:49:06 UTC
When it comes to Politics everybody has their own opinions and being that we live in a Democratic Country people should respect other peoples different opinions even though they may disagree.

I think that a lot of Lib- Dem's feel that they have been sold out and if things do not improve then next election they will tatical vote and either not vote or vote for Labour - tough times to come for the Tories but we will all have to wait and see what happens.

The most important thing is that this Country ( UK ) gets back on it's feet and less unemployment.
Old Folkie
2010-09-20 03:55:57 UTC
The Lib-Dems are happily congratulating themselves for "being in Government" when actually they are only there to make up the numbers.

The financial problems in the UK were not simply caused by bankers, but also by a Labour Government arrogantly out of control and spending (or allocating) money they hadn't got, then printing more. If the purse strings are not tightened (pulled shut in some cases) the Country will be bankrupt.

Whatever shade of government was in power, the problems would be the same.
2010-09-20 02:58:11 UTC
It is the end of their hopes to supplant the Labour Party as the most important party in British politics opposing the Conservatives. The whole ConDem programme is awful. Much worse than anything dreamed of by Lady Thatcher in her heyday. Thatcher gave council tenants secure tenancies and allowed them to buy their council houses while David Cameron wants to make all new council tenancies insecure and summarily evict such tenants from their homes if they “under occupy” them or earn more money than a certain threshold and refuse to buy their home from their social landlord!

To me it looks as if the Conservatives actually intend to destroy the welfare state root and branch under the pretence of tackling the country’s deficit. The changes these villains intend to make are not temporary. What is taken away now will not be restored once the financial crises is dealt with and the deficit reduced; the clock is going to be wound back to a pre-second world war or even Victorian era. And the Liberal Democrats are supporting, aiding and abetting this Tory inspired programme of the most dire ambitious cruelty.

How can the Liberal Democrats support this cruelty which seem contrary to everything they claimed to have stood for and what their own manifesto stated pre-election? Whenever Nick Clegg is quizzed about cuts he always answers in the same way: he says the he “believes in work”, as if we won’t need welfare in a few years because everybody will have a decent job, and then talks about the “pupil premium” as if that small insignificant innovation more than makes up for all the truly awful things that the Conservatives intend to inflict on the nation.

This is shameful behaviour on the part of the Liberal Democrats. Better they had stayed apart from a Tory minority government and voted for policies put forward by that government, as and when, based on their own convictions, rather than rubber-stamping some diabolical initiatives unquestioningly like patsies.

I am sure that this period in their history will do them great harm.
2016-10-06 15:21:02 UTC
isn't it unhappy to stay with this form of deterrent, of nuclear weapons? Hell, i'm saddened by how pathetic the human race is, a minimum of Clegg has some actual humane strategies of disarming, we could face it they're basically for the worst, civilian dying, genocide of our very own form interior the top. Hell, if David gets the vote then China will advance into that little bit closer to their crimson button ha ha. heavily, i think of Clegg is a fantastically cool guy. eh disarms nukes and doesnt petrified of something.
2010-09-20 04:33:11 UTC
for a start where I live we have a yellow Tory as an mp and as far as I can see he will be one of the unemployed as soon as the next election is called ,the libs have abandoned their election promises all for a few seats in a two tone government and by the way I don't support Labour either for quite honestly brown is a back stabbing undemocratic usurper
Always Hopeful
2010-09-20 02:45:55 UTC
None of what you wrote has any substance.

Without ordinary people wanting credit and not bothering too much on how they got it, the credit crisis wouldn't have happened.
2010-09-20 05:22:06 UTC
In short , they have sold there soul to the devil , and sank uk like the titanic

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