Stop hi-jacking the past- deal with the present.
We now have a Government that does not see the need for much of what has supported the working people of this country not just for the last 13 years, but since the end of world war 2, the NHS, the Benefit System and much more.
The warnings that went out to voters prior to the last election were not headed, Labour lost votes by the millions, the Tories did not get enough seats to form a government, and so the Lib-Dems sold their souls for a slice of the action. Done deal.
Perhaps there are many who now regret the way they voted, and more that regret not voting, too late, we have Mr Cameron and his Lib-Dem backers in power until this government leaves office, and that can only happen if and when another election is called.
What can we do?
A number of things.
First, if you work anywhere where there is a Trades Union, join it, if you don't like the stance it takes on issues that affect you, campaign within it. You will find most Trades Unions are more democratic and more accountable to their members than any political party, on that note..
Second, join a political party, choose the one that most matches your views and become active in it, it doesn't matter if that is the Conservatives themselves, if you get backing from your party for your views then you can change policy.
Third, be prepared to stick your neck out, don't just shrug your shoulders and say what can I do, if you want to oppose something, write to your local paper, join with others and form campaign groups, I have done this and it works, if local MPs, Councils, and others see that people don't like what is happening, they soon start to change their minds, after all at a local level those councillors want your votes to stay in office, and the other parties want you votes to get into office, play the game.
The real issue is that we have for too long sat back and ignored politics, the old phrase about not arguing politics and religion is an excuse for apathy, and apathy has lead to the 'election' of this minority government and to a polarisation of British politics.
Ask yourself what you want, ask yourself where you can find others, and go for it, change your political landscape, after all we live in the age of the internet, use it, and lets tell those in power what they need to do to sustain or get our votes.
If you think in small terms of being 'only one person' you put your fate in the hands of others, and if you think it cannot be done, read the history of the match girls at the Bryant and May factory.