"I would be have an aerial and artillery shelling on Hawaii for about 2 weeks"
Wouldn't have needed it.
Fact is Pearl Harbour only suffered round one of what was supposed to be a three round event. What happened at Pearl Harbour was bad enough, there was a second air attack set to launch after the first wave returned however Yamamoto fearful of the US carriers not being in harbour opted not to launch that attack figuring the Americans were already reeling choosing discretion instead of valour.
Fact is Pearl Harbour was thrashed after just the one wave, tough to argue considering what did happen and there was no air defense... suppose that 2nd wave happened.
Hawaii could've theoretically been taken. [if the USA could've defended it, that would've happened before the Japanese bombed everything to kingdom come.. everyone knows how tough battles are to win without air supremacy - the US didn't have a hint of that]
"Have an aerial bombardment of Los Angeles and San Diego,(mostly battleships and destroyers shelling L.A., and 3 carriers and some battleships to attack San Diego). And land 1,000,000 men at Santa Barbara to take L.A. and San Diego"
Again, unnecessary.
In the operation against Midway the Japanese led a diversionary attack against continental USA by invading and capturing two islands off Alaska.
Americans aren't going to like this but that caught the USA entirely off guard... they had no road going to alaska, and barring airlift no means of supplying an offensive. [and airlift is pretty dubious considering Alaska climate]. Thinking at the time was the Japanese are going to attack California, via Alaska... come down the panhandle, through the Canadian and American Pacific coast to strike at San Diego.
They already had a mainland base to launch operations from, wouldn't have needed to do the frontal attack as suggested.
[as it happens the Canadian government allowed the US military to build bases on Canadian soil, the two countries built the [whats now called] Alcan Highway completing an overland route to supply Alaska, did so... then later a joint USA-Canada operation recaptured those two islands]
Could Hawaii have been taken, yes. Again you can have all the M4s in the world but without air supremacy all the are - are targets.
Could California have been taken nevermind all of America - not a chance. And not just because of the USA - Canada had already been at war for two years by the time Pearl Harbour rolled around with miltary and air force bases everywhere on the west coast, including crews that had done time hunting UBoats off the eastcoast, very well practiced. The second Pearl Harbour happened and especially after the two Alaskan islands fell the Canadian military set up weapons caches all up and down the west coast with a trained militia used to the forests and climate...
I can only imagine the preperations the US had in store.