What is your FAVORITE piece of EVIDENCE for or against 911 being an INSIDE JOB ?
2006-08-19 15:53:56 UTC
These are my favorite:

Example 1

A picture of a steel beam, from one of the towers, that has been cut using an explosive (Thermate). Click pic. to enlarge.

Example 2

A semi clear picture of Osama, taken from "his" confession video, compared and contrasted to his photograph.
Fifteen answers:
2006-08-19 16:03:03 UTC
I think it was the missle hole in the pentagon, and the apparent no evidence of wings that flew into the building. And the demolition explosions on the WTC towers.
Ron Allen
2006-08-20 20:27:31 UTC
My evidence for and recently discovered is found in this video.

The thing about this evidence is that there is no speculation or guessing involved. I remember my very first reaction on the very day of the event was "why on earth did these building fall?" As this was only my gut intuition I put it down for a few years and kept it down even after seeing several prior conspiracy theories. All the theories I saw up til now I deisregarded because there was no hard evidence presented in any of it. A lot was based on guesswork and supposition. Along with emotionally charged statements. I think "Loose Change" falls into this category..

I'm looking for ways that this data in Steven Jones' presentation can be refuted, but so far I can't. It doesn't appear to be refutable. If this is true that the September 11th incident was planned by our own government and we the citizens of this country do nothing, then the consequences of our inaction are very likely to be dire. But how can we ever be sure that we have the truth? And history has shown repeatedly that even with the truth known by some it wasn't enough as most people will believe what they believe without consideration to alternatives.

that's just it....a belief. We believe a dollar is a dolllar. Can we believe that a dollar is a thousand dollars? Can we believe a dollar is an explative? a slice of something that we have with bacon and eggs in the morning? How do you change things that people belive in that have been in place for so long? Has it happened before in History? If it has what was involved? Maybe that's the most pertinent line to follow now.
2006-08-19 16:51:07 UTC
I'm assuming you realize that the angles of the shadows on the two guys are off, the guy on the left has shadows on his face with the sun coming from behind his right ear, the guy on the left's face is at noon or there abouts on his face, but the legs are different. So right now this picture is my favorite against since its obviously been doctored (two people facing opposite directions, both looking into a shadow.)

As far as the Osama video is concerned you should include a link to the confession video so we can compare a photo of bin laden to the video, not to a photo you say is from the video.

I love a good conspiracy theory, makes great entertainment. But you have to know when to draw the line between entertainment and reality.

I also find the conspiracy theories surrounding the Pentagon to be, arguably, more convincing. Although they all discount mass and inertia, but they sound realistic. And as far as Flight 93 is concerned, tell me it was shot down and tell me how we know, and you'd impress me..
2006-08-19 16:40:01 UTC
Sorry, I have no physical evidence to cite, just my own rationale why 9-11 is not some inside plot by our government.

Before 9-11, the U.S. looked like an impregnable fortress. With the exception of the first WTC bombing (which did minor damage), it must have appeared foreigners that the U.S. was unassailable. No President would ever give up that advantage!

Also, the WTC disaster cost our country $87 Billion. Now, I realize we are all very jaded nowadays. We hear the term "Billion" over and over, but that is an astronomical amount of money. It practically threw the entire country into a huge recession. It took a huge budget surplus and threw us back into massive deficit spending. No President would want that on his record.

Common sense should be just as valid as physical proof.
2006-08-19 16:57:58 UTC
Because Iran and North Korea, and Venezuela and Cuba are still trying their best to KILL US ALL...If you spent as much time "investigating" these bozo's as you do trying to prop up the democrats as a legitimate government entity, you would definately change your point of view...The " MUSLIM " clerics that are behind this mess, want only, only... -loyal- Muslims to walk around on this earth....IF YOU AIN'T MUSLIM....YOU AIN"T SURVIVIN'....They will kill YOU, yes, YOU, the very first opportunity they can get...If they make it to where YOU live Nancy pelosi's smart asssss mouth AIN"TA GONNA throw up a force field for YA...My guess is you'll be beggin' a Republican sort to save your assssss thats my proof.

Common sense told us not to vote for Gore or Kerry.

Common sense told us Teddy Kennedy can't drive.

Common sense told us Jimmy Carter should be a laborer.

Common sense told us Clinton will not avenge the death of Americans.

I gotta say this....where the hll were you people on 911 in a cave with bin Laden...???

Several million people " witnessed " the actual planes hitting the towers. NO trick of the camera for the locals in NYC that are dead injured,scarred, and God knows what else. They saw and felt the planes for real, WAKE UP they weren't killed (3500) by conspiracy theories...they were killed with jet fuel in an inferno,andd millions of pounds of falling concrete.
Big Bama Fan
2006-08-19 16:16:20 UTC
You must have been listening to some crazy left-wing nut. Nobody with at least half a brain believes the US did this to ourselves. It's like the argument that the holocaust never happened. It's like the argument that "So Damn Insane" did not have weapons of mass distruction (EVERYONE accepted this as true including all US Presidents and even Teddy Kennedy). Such nonsense is spouted by pawns of our adversaries. You need to find a website to debunk your silly urban legends.
2016-11-26 07:17:50 UTC
i visit't discover the hyperlink now, yet I study the position a form of German and Swiss engineering scholars equipped a handful of structurally-perfect scale fashions of the dual towers, and couldn't even come on the breaking point of having the towers to fall the way they did utilising basically jet gas and construction elements for accelerants and a warmth source, as became authentic in the unique disaster. the superb they could do became to get 2 of them to soften adequate on one side for the load of the right flooring to tip them over like dominoes. Consensus agreed that in all probability, basically fee-shaped demolitions through educated experts might want to get them to topple instantly down rather than tipping over to one side, the side opposite the position the jet gas and wind were coming from. also, there is not any logical reason in the international why construction # 7 must have collapsed through itself basically from its proximity on my own. It wasn't fairly all that close and the winds were extremely calm. It became a a lot, a lot shorter construction and warm temperature rises, it does no longer sink. it quite is between the most elementary regulations of nature.
jeff a
2006-08-19 16:25:25 UTC
Well, certain facts are rather questionable but when planes crash their wings will often explode because that is where the fuel is stored, they will also disinigrate on the ground if the plane slides. That is why there is little wing damage done to the pentagon.
2006-08-19 16:00:29 UTC
this is for now every try this its freaky....1st go to microsoft word and type Q33NY(which is the first plane #)make sure the letters are cap.......then swiitch size to 72 and change the font to Wingdings!!!!!! super freaky!!!!!!!!!
Proud Republican
2006-08-19 16:00:17 UTC
Mechanic's Illustrated article with the math proving what we know is true
2006-08-19 15:59:46 UTC
Mine is the video found here:

After you see this video, you'll be absolutely convinced it was orchestrated by our own government.
2006-08-19 16:34:22 UTC
the best engineers in the nation conclude it was not an inside job.
2006-08-19 17:47:33 UTC
the hole in the ground in pennsylvania - planes crashing into the ground do not make deep holes, bombs do

planes crashing into the ground do not disappear

planes crashing into pentagons do not disappear

planes crashing into buildings do not leave no marks of engines and wings hitting the building

silverstein 'pulling' the third building on the same day - it takes weeks to set up the demolition of a building

the nondamage to buildings closer to the twin towers than the third wtc building

the freefall speed - the pancake theory would require more seconds to fall - the time for the weight above to break the floor below

the lack of the 47 steel pillars still sticking up after the collapse

the fireman evidence that the fires were nearly out, ie not hot enough to melt steel

the fireman evidence of seeing explosions all down the side of the building in neat succession

the video footage of explosions well below the falling part of the buildings

the failure of every other skyscraper in the world suffering fire to fall even after 24 hours of fierce burning

the insufficiency of jetfuel heat temperature to melt the special steel

the failure of the standard procedure intercept jets - which failure can only be caused by highlevel interference with standard orders to intercept immediately and automatically any plane that leaves its flightpath [since it is an immediate danger to all other airtraffic] - the fact that the planes departed from their flightpaths hours before impact, while st andrews airforce base was 8 minutes jetflight from ny

the extraordinary coincidence of dick cheney arranging air exercises to provide an excuse for the failure of the standard intercept procedures - although i would be a very worried air traveller if i thought my safety from loose cannon planes leaving their flight paths was going to be totally compromised with every air exercise

dick cheney should be tried just for reducing the effectiveness of the protection of flyers against planes leaving flightpaths - that the system of intercepting rogue planes is so vulnerable as to be confused by air exercises is totally unacceptable to the airtraveller - is murder

the continuing existence of two of the planes that are supposed to have crashed

the landing and removal of the passengers from one of the flights

the existence of remote control of large planes technology

the continuing secret incarceration of the passengers removed from the flights

the continuing existence of at least nine of the supposedly suicidal terrorists

the fbi's immediate location of the flight schools the supposed terrorists used

the inability of the supposed terrorists to perform the manouevres the planes did

dubya's failure to act surprised and be immediately stirred into action by the news

the complete inability of the american people to put 2 and 2 together and tear silverstein, cheney and bush co members apart in the streets is a clear sign of serious brainwashing of the population - and bush co has nazi ties, and nazi propaganda experts were imported into america and incorporated into the american selfdefense system after ww2

the fact that american people cannot go from: there is no sign of a plane having crashed here [pentagon and pennsylvania], to: no plane crashed here, to: criminal conspiracy on the part of the highest memebers of the us govt and cronies - when all the rest of the world took those steps on 9/11 - is clear indication of serious brainwashing of the entire population

when a person is too afraid to speak his mind freely at all times, he soon stops thinking - i learned this when i, in the atmosphere of not talking about contraception of the 1960s, failed to think of risk of pregnancy for 6 months after starting a sexual relationship - what is not talked about freely is soon not thought about

what americans are cautious about talking about because of danger of getting into trouble is soon not thought about - the mind is filled with an order: dont go there, dont think about it

americans have not been free from fear of talking freely since the maccarthy era - the howl of wolves has stilled the voices of the sheep

i suspect and speculate that the peculiar standard way of delivering news by anchors, with the sharp headnoddings, the distinct standard intonation, pausing, phrasing, cadences, etc has a pavlovian effect of making people automatically dismiss anything as unreliable and discountable that does not come with this anchorspeak

it would be interesting to test and compare the depth of belief in the video loose change in audiences hearing it in anchorspeak and in natural, individual speech

americans are much more prone to idealise their govt, to confuse and identify their govt with their nation's high principles and ideals - this phenomenon is not observed in other countries, as far as i know - in other countries, people retain a sane ability to be cynically realistic about the imperfection of their govt -

another relevant point: all higher pay is bribery - almost all people who are risking losing or not getting higher pay will 'go along' with whatever the orders are from above - whistleblowers are given little moral and practical support - whitsleblowers pay a high price, even if they are right, and they save the nation from some fraud or deception - they are not assured of medals and good jobs - everyone forgets them

so a social system that incorporates a hierarchy of pays will be malleable and bribeable in proportion to the range of pay - there is no encouragement, and every discouragement, of investigating the morality and probity of any order reaching them

clearly the american judiciary are too cowed and terrified, or in cahoots, to charge even the extreme crimes of the bush criminal gang - the american people are used to relying on officials to undertake any criminal proceedings, and, when such proceedings are not happening, they have no way of knowing whether it is from lack of evidence or state terrorism and implicit bribery by higher pay

[there are actually no valid rational reasons for higher than average hourly pay - see my other answers here at yahoo]
2006-08-25 13:21:14 UTC
You need help ,man
2006-08-19 16:07:01 UTC
the pentagon is the most questionable,,,,

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