Is Obama still the Best guy for President???? You decide...?
2008-07-22 23:28:27 UTC
It is difficult to say that more experience is better. The person with the most experience - James Buchanan, who totaled 29 years of service (10 as a representative, 11 as a senator, 4 as an ambassador to Russia and England, and 4 as Secretary of State) - is arguably the worst president in America's history. Andrew Johnson, who frittered away his chance to truly lead after the Civil War, compiled about 23 years (10 as a representative, 7 as governor of Tennessee, 5 as a senator, and less than 1 as Vice President). A great deal of the do-nothing presidents from the 1840s until the Civil War (except for Zachary Taylor) had a fair amount of experience in government.
Likewise, there are some who had little to no experience and did badly as well. Ulysses S. Grant, while a hero as a Union general, oversaw one of the most corrupt administrations in history. The current White House occupant had 6 years as governor of Texas.
Surprisingly, though, many of the presidents we consider to be great in America had less experience than would be expected. Theodore Roosevelt was governor of New York for 1 year before becoming Vice President. Abraham Lincoln, universally considered one of the best, if not the best, presidents in our country, served as a representative for 2 years. FDR was governor of New York for 3 years before being elected president. In fact, of the ones who have a great wealth of government experience, outside of James Madison, LBJ is probably the only one who left a distinct positive mark on the country - his 'Great Society' agenda (although he was also responsible for the escalation of American involvement of Vietnam).
Experience may be one of many, but by no means should it be the defining reason for support.
Nine answers:
partly cloudy
2008-07-22 23:37:51 UTC
Thank you for letting me decide. NOBAMA, no way, no how.
2008-07-22 23:45:41 UTC
Of course rather Historians will challenge his credentials that much experience in Public Service has no room for him to manipulate current crisis whilst Archaeologists will make fresh evidence that it takes neither to convince voters when CHANGE is the only diplomacy left within International Politics. Whilst Editorial has shadow where the global village is heading; Now you can only research and see if He is not the only Harbinger left to make sense to Blue Color States. Naive they would have jump on Hillary ship whilst majority see faith in the Gentleman to repair America FP. Precisely the lunatics will say say why Him. He is getting all sort of People who have made Public Service involve to make it healthy which I don't doubt his energy for 2 terms in Office.
2008-07-22 23:38:42 UTC
I agree with you but experience is only one factor. Neither of these candidates are presidential material and in these difficult times we need a man who has good judgment, honesty and who loves America more than his political party or his friends. He must do what is absolutely correct for the USA and the American people. We are in trouble and we need a true leader and patriot not a political hack.
2008-07-22 23:35:39 UTC
Yup - Obama still is the Best guy for President - he was the Best guy for President in the first place. Nobody wants to listen to McCain. He's the crooked republican past - and Obama is the future of this country.

We're going to have actual leadership instead of the constant incompetence and stupidity of Bush, et. al.
2008-07-22 23:31:50 UTC
It doesn't matter who the next President is. The private global bank owners and the Supreme Court will, and have been the real leaders for a long time!
2016-05-27 13:00:44 UTC
The banking industry, the housing industry and the auto industry all collapsed, unemployment is double digit in some states and there's a war going on, and some gay people want him to drop everything and push for gay marriage? Not rational in my eyes
2008-07-23 00:29:42 UTC
Joseph R.
2008-07-22 23:41:20 UTC
it's like choosing one of the lesser of the two evils... what we need is change and if Obama can bring that so be it...
2008-07-22 23:43:02 UTC
i dont think obama was EVER the best candidate

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