that was back in march. it is almost june. in the link provided inside of your link, it said that there had been one one-hour closed session by the house back in march that was a debate over surveillance of us citizens, and that the house would make public the matters discussed in one hour the following friday.
i think that one hour is too little to have discussed all of the above issues, as well as that this article is too old. certainly, we would have known about a few of the above issues by now.
however, indications do point to the imminent collapse of our economy if measures are not taken immediately to withdraw our troops from iraq and quit borrowing money from the chinese and who knows who else to fund it because the deficit produced by this war is so deep that today, to even it out, every man, woman and child in the usa would have to fork out $30,000 just to balance the budget. today is may 2008, yet i do not see any of the big tv-3 candidates promising us immediate withdrawal of our troops from iraq, do you? all indications point to spreading out forces even more so throughout the middle east after the elections, especially into iran, which will cost us even more money.
where will this money come from? you and i can't possibly support our families if our federal taxes were raised high enough to fund the continued and expanding war in the middle east.
the federal reserve board can print up even more fiat dollars as it just has issued "permission" or rather, i should say, 'an order to' the mint to distribute more dollars into our economy, which of course, leads to inflation. but worse is that more dollars in our economy covers up the abyss of deficit that exists already, it makes it appear easy to pull out of, it makes it seem small, but the value of our deficit has been reported in undervalued dollars for many years now, so really, our deficit is far larger than what we are led to believe by those in the house and senate. it covers up the true cost of the war in iraq, and it will cover up the costs associated with expanding the number of our troops in the middle east, anywhere, in the future. and so,
does that not indicate a collapse in the us economy? to me it does. there are a slew of other elements of our economy that indicate its upcoming collapse, one, for instance, how no one is doing a darned thing to get illegal aliens back to south of the border, or a darned thing to entice our own companies to quit the outsourcing of labor and bring industry back to our own country, therefore, putting more americans back to work at a decent living wage, whereby taxes can be legally taken by the unconstitutional IRS. illegal aliens do not pay taxes, but they do a great job sucking public services that are paid for by our taxes from the us, don't they? why doesn't the house hold public meetings on how to rid our country of those that suck us dry without paying taxes, and of how to put our own people back to work? is it because the enviros do not want industry in our own country because it's easier to have china's air dirty from the burning of fossil fuels to make all these objects that we buy, at far inflated prices because the industry is outsourced, making for vast numbers of middlemen taking a piece of the pie to send our materials to the orient and then to waste fossil fuels to bring finished products back here? at least the enviros then don't have to think about dirty air in the us, do they? it's so easy for enviros to point a finger of blame about pollution and species extinction (it has happened every single day that life was on this planet anyhow) at american industry that does not exist thanks to their moans and groans over our own environment and of course, how our own industry which puts our own people to work. which of them is without a job and unable to support their families? i doubt any of them are--after all, the federal government has so readily supplied them with high paying jobs to stop our own country from regaining its own industry that once kept our own dollar strong. they are put to work on government "committees" to help the politicians, who know nothing about science or the environment IN FACT spout off about global warming. it is sickening.
one hour isn't enough to discuss the possibility of civil war inside of the usa, but i live in a big city that was once a city of almost instantaneous jobs--chicago used to be called "the city that works"--where i see, daily, more and more people seethingly angry over loss of jobs while taxes are raised. yes, our country is full of people that are ready to explode. and that's a strong word, but i hear it all the time, i hear the way they talk, i hear the anger, i feel the anger when i am driving, i feel road rage and i witness so little human kindness and so little patriotism inside of the city that votes in ever increasing taxes, taxes, and more taxes but does everything to keep jobs out of it. civil unrest? ruby ridge and waco are only a spit in the bucket of indicators that the population is enraged over the state of affairs in the usa.
well, if the elected officials only work two days a week and take summers off (reps and senators), how can they represent you and i in order that people don't get damned angry at them and rise up in revolt? so, it follows that if there had been enough time to discuss roundups of "insurgent" american citizens (oh, don't forget about the insurgent la raza members that claim they will take new mexico, arizona and california back for mexico who are supported in large measure by the illegal aliens that they fund, even when they have been legally deported out of the usa, to come back to make more trouble), they would have discussed that because americans, as i witness them, are seethingly angry over ever so many things that are happening here, and, if you do not live in a large city, all you know is what you read--but i see it firsthand.
i never heard of any place or thing called "REX 84"s. maybe instead of putting americans in such strange sounding places, they should throw the gang members of the ever growing crowded prisons into them so that they can gang up on one another to kill each other so that we don't have to feed them anymore, or pay for their television shows and the guards that slide food trays through little tray doors into their cells. could it be that americans are getting sick and tired of supporting such dredges of the earth when they are at least not criminals but simply are trying to scratch out a living by working so hard that they cannot handle their children? could the "insurgency" of american citizens possibly stem from overwork at jobs that pay next to nothing, so that nobody is home to get those kids in line?
i can imagine that one hour would be enough time to raise both possibilities of retaliation against members of congress for doing nothing while we pay them as well as to discuss the creation of safe harbors to protect them if the citizens do rise up in arms against them for being on lobbyist-paid junkets for half the year.
one hour is not enough time to secretly discuss merging our country with canada and mexico--because one member of congress, ron paul, would probably run a filibuster the entire hour against that union.
in addition, ron paul, the only true patriot in the congress, would scream so loudly about the creation of the Amero in such closed session that all occupants or visitors of the entire building would have to wear headphones over their ears.
nah, i do not believe that the reps could have possibly covered all that ground in one hour, and i am sure that part of what had been discussed in this closed-door session would now have come out in the press, or are the mealy-mouthed liberal journalists too stupid to have written articles with clear, declarative sentences so that even their editors could have understood what they wrote about?