Your representatives are shown through links in The NRA also shows your representatives referenced by zip code.
You can also borrow or paraphrase my letter below to my congressman.
"January 26, 2013
Dear Congressman Miller:
Senator Feinstein and others are again violating our right to adequate weapons for keeping government under citizens' control. Neither elections nor courts have ever been reliable enough for that purpose. Both representatives and judges are too inclined to serve themselves first.
Anti-Federalist farmers and tradesmen registered in their Bill of Rights our right to military weapons for defense against domination from government influenced by Federalist Party bankers and merchants. They were particularly concerned about abuses forced by the "well regulated [meaning fully trained and equipped] select corps of the young and ardent" now called the National Guard. The Federalists wanted those to protect their businesses from rebellions like Shays's had been against Massachusetts banks.
We citizens and our right to military weapons are always the final arbiter in conflicts between us and exploitative, oppressive, and/or repressive government. That is regardless of promises from a never perfectly trustworthy government including even the Supreme Court.
It is my duty as a citizen to not tolerate any authorities' violation of our rights. That is so even as today's society of too many spoiled and sheltered little children in adult bodies cry for their imagined parents in government to pretend protection all ways and always.
I greatly regret Senator Feinstein and others are doing this. I will not accept restrictions on adequate defense against any authority. You absolutely are denied the right to do that and you swore to honor that and other safeguards for our liberty. If you further violate with these bills the restrictions government must honor I will no longer honor any firearms restrictions past, present, or future."