2017-05-01 12:49:24 UTC
Why not only give people a fair amount of disability benefits if they are incapable if work due to disability or age related illnesses?
We are no more special than other animals from other species, we should all work to survive while we can!
Why not limit the amount of time people in the UK can claim JSA for up to 6 months instead of only putting this limit on EU nationals?
Why not legalise suicide and only intervene if a child under 16 years of age attempt o do it?
Lets not get in the way of natural selection so much!
Also why not give a few thousands to every person who volunteers to get permanently sterilised?
This would have an impact on nature, don't you care about nature? You trully can't care about the bad impact human beings have on this planet if you're not willing to get rid if your lazy self-entitled ways!!