Why not stop state pensions and let people rely on private pensions?
2017-05-01 12:49:24 UTC
Why not stop supporting self-entitled idiots?
Why not only give people a fair amount of disability benefits if they are incapable if work due to disability or age related illnesses?
We are no more special than other animals from other species, we should all work to survive while we can!
Why not limit the amount of time people in the UK can claim JSA for up to 6 months instead of only putting this limit on EU nationals?
Why not legalise suicide and only intervene if a child under 16 years of age attempt o do it?
Lets not get in the way of natural selection so much!
Also why not give a few thousands to every person who volunteers to get permanently sterilised?
This would have an impact on nature, don't you care about nature? You trully can't care about the bad impact human beings have on this planet if you're not willing to get rid if your lazy self-entitled ways!!
75 answers:
Lord Bacon
2017-05-03 10:33:33 UTC
You make a valid point that only a little over 50% of the population ever make a net contribution to the economy of the UK while the rest are net beneficiaries in terms of benefits, tax allowances, disability allowances, child-related allowances and pensions. That's OK if the economy can afford it and if the 50% are happy to keep funding the other 50%.

While it is true than many pensioners will receive more from the system than they paid in, no one has any measure of how much more. The chances are they all paid in something towards their pension (unless they had a lifetime of unemployment or disability).

As someone who has put far more into the system than I shall ever get out of it, I believe I am entitled to the state pension towards which I have contributed for 50 years.

I agree that the complexity of the benefits system makes it difficult to focus help where it is desperately needed while denying it to those who makes benefits dependency a lifestyle choice. I agree that benefits should be paid only to those who are doing everything they reasonably can to support themselves. I like the idea that job-seekers allowance should only be paid to those who work, say, 20 hours a week on community projects/litter picking/graffiti removal or similar.

The trouble is, we NEED some sort of safety net. Not only does it help to create a safe, sustainable society, we never know where the 50% of future net contributors will come from. In my case, my family was desperately poor and, while my dad always worked, we could not have managed without the Family Allowance or cheap council housing. It helped to support me so I could go on to pay in taxes more than many people earn.

We need to foster the conditions that favour net contributors. Maybe we should ensure NHS services are prioritised for net contributors so they can continue to support others. We certainly need to incentivise more people to be contributors to the economy and, if that means ensuring benefits dependency can never be a lifestyle choice, perhaps that is what we need to do.
ron h
2017-05-04 18:02:15 UTC
Instead of trying to take from other people, why don't you find a job with benefits?
2017-05-04 11:20:46 UTC
You question is one of the reasons, I am crazy.
Donnie Doom
2017-05-03 01:41:58 UTC

In that way, the weak (those who spend their money on weed/tobacco instead of saving for their future) are eradicated from the gene pool. And the strong (who save and invest) go into reproduce their genetics. This makes the human race stronger by destroying the weaklings among us.
2017-05-02 19:10:03 UTC
"we should all work while we can"

Do you know what slave labor is? Another one who drank the cool-aid. Our country is the most wealthy...I don't mind working and having fractions of my earnings to support the unfortunate. Now, even if the rednecks or the hoodrats do leech off us, better them than to buying missiles and weapons. We have money to go to war but we don't have money to give a homeless a home? Thats HILARIOUS!!! Stay stupid, your politicians love it.
Barbara Doll to you
2017-05-02 14:31:09 UTC
Government pensions are the safety net for when you get too old to work. I think it is a reasonable thing to offer.
2017-05-01 20:19:13 UTC
As you are only interested in answers that agree with you, thanks for the 2 points.
2017-05-01 19:48:15 UTC
People would protest too much about it, maybe the government should let people vote on it but I bet most people will vote to be able to retire at some point in life even if they are healthy and can work
2017-05-01 19:37:13 UTC
Because I don't think this argument has ever come up or maybe it has but not in this way, maybe there was an argument about it but was lost? I don't know why such argument would lose though
2017-05-01 18:11:10 UTC
That's the world cockservatives dream of. Making us your slaves, ending with the social security system. If anything we need more children, who will teachers teach to if there's no children? Jobs would be at stake!
2017-05-01 16:09:57 UTC
yes this is the Conservative manifesto if Therasa May wins a landslide and be afraid, be very afraid of the prospect of this.
2017-05-05 03:20:24 UTC
I think your confused between welfare and earned pensions by workers.
2017-05-03 21:39:13 UTC
Wait till you're 65.
answer boy
2017-05-03 18:08:45 UTC
Social Darwinism is an outmoded ethic, especially in a country with vast wealth shared unequally.
2017-05-03 00:47:30 UTC
You are a blithering idiot. The only people that need to be forcibly sterilized are you and your entire family. And the sterilization should be done with a rusty axe.
2017-05-02 14:34:29 UTC
state worker unions was signed off on by jfk in the 60s,lbjs great society programs began hiring expanding,epa started under nixon who created it

it is most difficult to can them, afscme represents most of them,obamas stimulus had zero to do with creating work for the poor,and most to to with shoring up state worker pensions,money to sundry crony supporters,money to finn auto workers to assemble fisker autos

money to help argentine gays

obama signed off on the most extensive money laundering operation in world history,payoffs to donors supporter groups,democrat friends.

state workers are going to get their piles reduced with jack hammer if necessary,they can either raise an army to send to washington, send their boys at antifa to harass state governors in their offices,or get jobs in non tax supported employment, tenure ,unions,money issues will be set by the state not judges,USDOL would assist in working conditions

tally state worker salaries & perqs against what private sector workers get,,count up curriculum and degrees that employers find useless,

the education system is a woodchipper for american traditions values and ethics,they are leftists holding taxpayers hostage so they can indoctrinate empty skulls. taxpayers national and local have been screwed by them for 45 years

hope n change democrats,,for real you will not like it but you will live with it
2017-05-02 14:30:17 UTC
Many people in the old days took state jobs that paid 20% less than private industry because of the guaranteed pensions and insurance, today it is the opposite most state jobs pay more than industry, but do not penalize those who made less.
2017-05-02 14:14:01 UTC
because most people will not plan ahead for their retirement
2017-05-02 11:46:45 UTC
Most people do not have any type of pension whether it be private or state. Your question is almost moot.
2017-05-02 10:57:48 UTC
And who will pay for pensions for "self-entitled" people with severe physical or mental incapacity ?

There is certainly a case for clear guidelines about who is/is not entitled to be supported by the state aka other people. Part of the problem is that rich people are protected by "self-entitled" tax laws which allow them to pay less tax than most workers, and to hide their income in tax havens abroad and offshore. If the government were to collect an equal proportion of tax from all earners, the extra tax could soon pay our national debt. The debt the Tories said was left to them by an incompetent Labour govt., but which, instead of reducing, in 7 years they have increased by over 500 Billion pounds.

So I say YES to sensible measures encouraging people to be responsible (and yes, I agree that the population should be reduced) but NO to government by a party whose only allegiance is to the rich, and who are happy to burden the country with an astronomical debt.
2017-05-02 09:59:40 UTC
you have so little knowledge .................State pensions are from working and contributing through all of life.
2017-05-02 07:13:51 UTC
You'll change your mind when you turn 65.
2017-05-01 22:19:53 UTC
ask someone who doesn't want a drink do you want a kronenbourg or a carling?
2017-05-01 21:13:52 UTC
Let me tell you something

1. The power that be is making those employees in the state retirement system pay out more now, per paycheck, and work longer to be eligible for their pension.About ten years ago the KY state Retirement System came up with a new formula for the retirement of non -sworn or non -hazardous duty employees.

2. It is the same type that Congress has and they are not going to legislate any changes as are not the state governor or legislate body, except make the employees shell out more and work longer if they re not in a hazardous duty category .

About two years ago, years after I left Metro,I pulled my state retirement fund money to roll it over into a private financial broker. This is the only way for an employee to withdraw their money out of the state fund. As it is in the by-laws.Just like you would any company IRA plan, once your leave the company. But, since I had a "fraction" amount, I had to pay both state and federal taxes on the amount. Even thought I forwarded the check onto the brokerage firm. That was not fair to me, but I did what I had to do.

Read Brave New World some time, user magpie.
2017-05-01 21:13:18 UTC
I expect that you are either a Politician or someone who has not reached retirement age.

I paid my own money into Private Pension Companies BUT have found to my horror that they don't pay out enough to cover your Direct Debit bills each month , You need State Pension to top up the Difference !
2017-05-01 19:57:43 UTC
If they were offering £20,000 for me to get permanently sterilised I would accept the offer! I need money badly right now!
2017-05-01 19:19:22 UTC
Because people still can't use their noggins to realise their selfish actions is the main reason man made global warming is happening. Most will even agree something should be done but they will not want to lift a finger to help solve the problem
2017-05-01 14:54:35 UTC
I worked very hard for my pension which takes into account my state pension. I was 40 years a teacher, ending up as a University Lecturer. If my state pension was taken away I would not be able to have the retirement I was banking on. You can't change the rules now.

It can be phased out over time but not all in one old are you? 12?

Time to grow up and use your brain.
2017-05-01 14:40:59 UTC
Many women Never work Full time so0 they would never have enough super

what we need is Compulsory Superannuation for all Fully employed people with tax concessions removing the Burden on the tax payer

me i had super and retired at 55 Paid off My Home a 3 bedder on 1/4 acre block in Australia and Now enjoy my 50,000 a year No Mortgage can walk to the shops Free Rego on one car and afree Licence and a seniors card for $ 2.50 a day travel all day with as many stops as i like

my pension is Indexed 2 times a year so as things go up so does My Pension Oh happy days
2017-05-01 13:04:54 UTC
We need to keep voting for Tory.
2017-05-01 12:56:29 UTC
Depends on who you calling idiots. The supreme court said that US states had to allow state municipal employees to unionize thereby creating pensions at tax payer expense for a privileged class of worker.

Today many states are in debt because of that decision.

Union employee as FOP police cannot be charged w/ murder even if guilt is apparent and only charged w/ a lesser crime of manslaughter by contract with municipalities causing millions in wrongful death suits to states and still the FOP employee keeps their pension at grade left of service.

Unions responsibility is causing companies to manufacture off shore because of union demands such as cost of living indexing and payment for training on the job...Pensions!
Philip L
2017-05-04 16:22:56 UTC
Most companies do not offer pension programs. They have been replaced by 401K and other investment programs. Pension programs are too cost prohibitive due to the fact people live longer and the rising costs of healthcare.
2017-05-03 00:04:46 UTC
2017-05-02 19:26:53 UTC
We need Social Security privatized also but the idiot democrats don't want you to have money
2017-05-02 16:47:38 UTC
Because humans are better than that . Even on pure economics it pays society to help those who need help.. We would still be in the jungle if everyone just looked after only themselves.
2017-05-02 16:34:00 UTC
I bet you belong to that generation of spiteful grumps who hate us pensioners because we served our country in the armed forces, took jobs with little reward and saved hard to buy a house, which you no doubt cannot afford. When I left school in 1957 at age 15.5 I joined the Army - my plan was to get a trade, which I did. I came out of the army in 1965 at age 24 came to London got a job and somewhere to live on day one. Kept out of the pubs and saved and saved and got my first house by year 1970.

I ve got a small company pension plus the State Pension which I paid into from 1957 age 15 to when I was age 60-65.

I get a free travel card here in London but that s a joke. I pay £200 per month council tax - so it s not exactly free. The only other thing I get is my bins are emptied about every three weeks, it takes me that long to fill them up.

I belong to the Air Raider Generation and until you ve been bombed out of house and home, don t come on here and slag us pensioners off - we ve worked bloody hard for the little we ve got.

Now go take a running jump of Beachy Head and do us all a big favour.

London UK
2017-05-02 15:11:08 UTC
You are probably the most self entitled around. In life it's always the ones moaning about entitlement that have the most of it.

I know a man who always put the West down for their entitlement. He lives in Costa Rica with a maid, a cook and many desperate 20 yr olds humping his ugly 63 year old self.

It won't work to pay for sterilizing people. The people who feel worthy of breeding would not find it fair that their lowers got money they didn't.
2017-05-02 14:12:27 UTC
2017-05-02 11:31:18 UTC
Cuz the government says
2017-05-02 11:25:23 UTC
What you are asking, or should I say oversimplifying, is the payment of individuals who are in a state where they cannot work.

If a person has a mental or physical condition that makes it difficult or impossible to work, they deserve at least some kind of compensation to live off of. It is rather inhumane to let people suffer openly or actually become impoverished (or die) because they cannot afford it.

Very few people, especially those who cannot afford their own private pensions can actually support themselves this way.
2017-05-02 11:18:02 UTC
You'll change your mind when you turn 65.
2017-05-02 04:52:16 UTC
Not sure what country you are in as you don't say. In Australia, for the term of your working life your employer pays an amount (about 9%) into a Superannuation fund so that when you retire this is the money you are expected to live on. There is a threshold of about $820,000 you are allowed to have in cash and assets excluding your family home. If you go over this threshold then you only get a partial pension. The assets include investment properties that you rent out, shares, superannuation, cars other than your primary car ( such as collectables), boats etc. I come in just over the threshold by about $2,000 so only get a tiny bit which seems fair.
You Know . . .
2017-05-02 01:31:07 UTC
The liberals in the US would have a fit, they depend of government assistance.
2017-05-01 20:13:38 UTC
first thing first, the amount of idiots on here talking is just giving me hardcore cancer pants. you need to use the inception method, if you can go deep enough into someones dreams you can make them have an idea that they think they had come up with. once this is done you're all good to go, Kevin.
2017-05-01 17:36:34 UTC
Oh look, a non hateful troll question on current events forum. Amazing. It might snow tomorrow! By the way I find your ideas a bit extreme, but I agree with the sterilisation one.
2017-05-01 16:27:42 UTC
No state pensions in my country
2017-05-01 16:27:21 UTC
Private pension annuities are bloody rubbish and are worth just 25%, of the amount they paid 15 years ago.

By the way we British are entitled because our collective ancestors defended this Island and won an Empire.

Your dehumanised society is just the law of the jungle.
David GH UK
2017-05-01 15:03:54 UTC
We have worked all our lives for our pension and I would rather trust the government--any government--than some private company.

Suicide is legal,and it only matters if one does not succeed. Years ago one could be charged with trying to kill oneself. I believe Roy Jenkins repealed it in the 60s. DGH
2017-05-01 13:47:38 UTC
Ok good point but people would go so crazy over this. But I guess that if you remind them about the long term impact this will have on other species and this planet in general people would be more embarrassed of protesting against it because they would be labled as uncaring and lazy. 👍
2017-05-01 13:34:28 UTC
Euthansia will be on the books sooner than you may like to think. Forget your PIN or go internet trolling and you'll be arrested and recycled in your hyper fascist new world.
2017-05-01 13:09:24 UTC
I presume you are young and working earning a good salary? I have worked since 1971 and always paid my tax etc, I was made redundant a few years ago and applied for over 9000 jobs in 11 months and I got 3 interviews and didn't get the jobs as I don't have a uni degree so I went from office manager to part time cleaner, I am divorced and 60 years old and I have diabetes and arthritis and would give anything to retire but I cant as I don't have works pension and don't qualify for disability benefits, so in 2022 when I retire how would I survive if they stopped the government pension? I also claimed JSA for 11 months and went on various training courses so I got what I was entitled to, as for getting sterilised I am too old and where I live in Scotland there is very few EU people claiming benefits as they are the ones that have the jobs so until you have lived through unemployment etc then keep your opinions to yourself. Sorry to be so blunt but it is a fact.
2017-05-04 22:35:14 UTC
2017-05-04 19:58:24 UTC
Good Idea!!!......
2017-05-04 10:57:59 UTC
Cause to many people are corrupted a holę that why!
2017-05-04 00:16:24 UTC
Do you have any idea how often private pensions go bankrupt. Often the government has to bail out them to private companies that do any better about managing pensions
2017-05-03 08:51:39 UTC
Ain't nobody round here care bout nature or your problems or the world's problems or anything for that matter. Got toxic waste to get rid of? Go dump it in the river!
Harley Lady
2017-05-02 13:22:48 UTC
I wish the US would make our elected officials have the same retirement and healthcare as the rest of us. Trump wants to "drain the swamp", so that would be a great place to start!!
2017-05-02 10:25:21 UTC
There speaks a 14 year old know it all.

Before the 20th century it pretty much was survival of the richest. There were no state pensions, no sickness benefits, no social security. People often died from TB and other infectious diseases, cancer or injury long before they got to the age of 60. It's a 20th century phenomenon - the state taking care of its people. And I for one prefer it that way. Particularly since I'm 58 and would very much like to get a pension when I'm 66.
2017-05-02 10:12:17 UTC
I would agree with the financial incentive for not having children. This could be validated a number of ways.

You wouldn't be needing the education service for them. You wouldn't be needing the medical services for them. You'd be on the road less by not having to keep ferrying them about, or having others do that for you, eg school busses.

Our present system is unfair because those with no children are paying for facilities & services they'll never need or use for those that do. So tax for single childless and partnered childless ought to be reduced.
2017-05-02 06:27:27 UTC
You sound like a Nazi
2017-05-02 02:45:07 UTC
why don't u ask trump about that, republicans love welfare
2017-05-02 02:03:42 UTC
Um, because we are a great, compassionate, civilized, humanitarian nation? (Though you wouldn t know it based on this past election....)
2017-05-02 00:25:26 UTC
Tell that to a cop who is out there risking his or her life. They work hard for what they get. unlike you.
2017-05-02 00:14:42 UTC
many state and city municipalites have done this or considering it.
2017-05-01 20:39:56 UTC
Your argument is logical, but human emotions stand in your way. People who don't have the advantage of a loving family relationship, often come up with theories that look good on paper but offend the heart of the nation.
2017-05-01 19:08:29 UTC
Your question will get lazy people angry.
2017-05-01 19:01:06 UTC
People in general are not advanced enough to think that way but I'm sure this will be a thing of the future. Tax payers money should only go to necessary causes and not to give others capable of working a life of leisure just because they are old.
2017-05-01 15:43:32 UTC
When I was a kid the only benefits available were the pension, sick pay, and unemployment benefit. No social security, no housing benefit, no tax fact nothing else. This was paid for thru NI contributions. So I tell you what. If you do not want to pay my pension give me back the portion of my NI contributions that wuold have gone toward it, plus interest, for the last 43 years, which is how long I contributed. Also pay back the portion of my income tax that was used to pay benefits to working age people for the last 43 years, plus interest. You do that and I will happily forgo my state pension, which I am due to start receiving in October.
2017-05-01 13:57:16 UTC
I guess because no one thought of it this way. Why can't people write to their MP with good ideas like this one? Why don't you write them a letter about this? I doubt they'd do anything about it though, it would be too much work. Can you imagine the protests and riots?
2017-05-01 13:37:38 UTC
When you have paid in for 40 years you kind of expect you will be getting a state pension. If you stop it, you will have a long transition period.

I agree people should be making their own provision. In fact it used to be an adage that the most expensive thing you buy is your pension, not your house. But so many people would end up in poverty as they are unable to save for one reason or another.
Gaia’s Garden
2017-05-02 13:49:09 UTC
Most state pensions go to DOT workers, janitors, secretaries and other support people. Why do you want to take away their retirement?
2017-05-02 01:10:31 UTC
Ummm....state pensions are only going to employees who worked for a state for a number of years. You are fairly clueless, and should be first on the sterilization line.
2017-05-01 20:01:51 UTC
I disagree.
2017-05-01 19:27:01 UTC
Good question. This benefits everybody, but not the people who grew up thinking there will be an age they will be paid to do nothing.
2017-05-01 14:04:20 UTC
Because decentralization will cause poverty, poverty will destroy the UK economy. Save the weak, prosper, penny-pinch, and you'll lose everything.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.