There will be less work in the federal government, which means less money for support for private and federal companies. These companies will have less work production, hire less people, have worse working standards, worse working conditions, and worse wages.
As companies fail, they will have to increase the price of their merchandise. People will afford less along with higher taxes AND higher interest rates for banks, loans, and bonds privately, with the state, and with the federal government.
Poverty will increase, and people will be less careless in order, with less abilities to maintain order with less workers. Hatred will increase as minority cultures clash with majorities to get jobs, and so will violence.
Terrorist threats will be more occurring, since many people will not be trained as volunteers to truly protect our country. Likewise, there will be more errs in health care and even meterology like in the National Weather Service with less federal money to fund the businesses.
So how will this affect me? Businesses will have less money, so I will have a harder time finding a job. I will have less money as an annual income and for the increased of inflation for how much things cost. Along with higher taxes, I will have more debts with what I can't pay.
Did I also mention that health insurances agencies will affect me and other people? The federal government has less money, but they have a treasury. But that treasury cannot be supported without bonds and interests from governmental, state, and local organizations.
With higher taxes, assisting governental organizations and reducing inflation by helping businesses will be an impossibility. We will be at war in Syria, Libya, and Yemen, and not successfully. With less bonds from state and local governments, less will be paid to the federal government along with federal organizations.
Funding will decrease for the Environmental Protection Agency and the Military. Did I forgot to mention how many less people will be even working, even with volunteer workers? It is true that volunteers do not only technically have to work, but they do a worse job than if their salary and benefits are in stability. These benefits, such as covered health insurance, will be worse for everyone in America.