How will the government shutdown affect you?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How will the government shutdown affect you?
120 answers:
2013-10-01 11:38:52 UTC
No effect at all, however reading all the garbage being posted here today is comicial
2013-10-01 11:42:59 UTC
Income will be affected through work.
2013-10-01 12:19:59 UTC
Intuition tells me it's more of fear-mongering ploy to keep people placid and unsure of their place in society. Perhaps this will be for the best. It may give Americans some insight into how effective their precious elected officials can be.
2013-10-01 11:44:43 UTC
Small business owner who's major income depends on money spent by federal workers.Yes,could go out of business that will put several employee's with families out of work.
2013-10-01 17:49:34 UTC
My mom isn't getting paid and we only have enough to get by this month.
Weasel McWeasel
2013-10-01 13:41:04 UTC
It doesn't effect me at all, since I live in Italy now, and have dual citizenship.

It's kinda SAD when American politics become an even BIGGER farce than Italian politics..........which can't GET any more buffoonish if they tried.

But Boehner is fast becoming the laughing stock that Berlusconi is.

Useless, incompetent.........fiddling, while Rome, (or Washington DC,) burns.

Personally, I think republicans will reap the whirlwind of what they have sown today, in the 2014 Mid-term elections.

They better hope UNEMPLOYMENT benefits are FUNDED at the time..........because I think alot of them will be UNEMPLOYED after the mid-term elections.....and screwing the American population like this.

It's all a big joke to them and their bloated salaries......but disabled vets and senior citizens, *NEED* their checks that they EARNED.

It's their job to FUND the programs THEY enacted.

If they can't DO their jobs properly........then they need to RESIGN, and let in people who CAN get the job done!

We elected them to RUN the Gov't........NOT shut it down in a fit of anger and bullheadedness.
2013-10-01 12:22:15 UTC
The only way it will affect me personally is if I don't get my Social Security check this month.

I know some teachers who work in D.C. ... accredited teachers won't work but assistant teachers will have to work without pay.
2013-10-02 08:35:54 UTC
About as much as it did last time - not at all.

Hopefully one day we can shut the government down completely and pry our country out of the hands of its corporate owners and the evil private banking cartels that enslave us. Hopefully we can force the CIA to atone for its sins against humanity and restore our relationships with the rest of the world. Hopefully some day in my lifetime, I will witness an America that truly holds humanity in higher regard than money, power, politics, religion and war.

But I'm a dreamer...
Check yer Oil
2013-10-01 11:44:44 UTC
I think it is sad the Republican Party has succumbed to the Tea Party standard! they said three years ago they would shut down the government. This is their feeling of success!

I know friends who work in government and it is bad news for them!
2013-10-01 17:10:51 UTC
What do you think about this? What I don't understand is the fact that the very same bunch that caused this mess to begin with is still getting paid. If the federal workers have to go without a paycheck, then the bunch that caused this mess should also go without a paycheck until they can come to agreement and quit acting like a pack of 7 year-olds that can't get their way.

How will it affect you? It won't affect me too much; however, there is no point for me to waste my time trying to find a better paying job until they can come to agreement because the Hampton Roads (VA) depend heavily on the federal government and without the funding, the economy here in the Hampton Roads is as good as dead.

Edit: The government shutdown just further proves that politicians, regardless of party, should be treated like a baby diaper in the sense that they both need to be changed often and usually for the same reason. Do I think politicians should continue to receive benefits/ paycheck after getting voted out of office or "retiring" after serving just one term? NO!!! Why should they?

A politician with little/ no experience serving office should receive starting pay of $8/hr and be placed on probation for 6 months; just like the everyday worker who puts in 40 hours a week. This way, they will know what it is like to having to actually work for a living versus just showing up.
2013-10-04 10:23:09 UTC
The same as the situation under the Clinton era shutdown.

It will affect how I vote and hopefully will oust incumbents from both parties responsible for this fiscal mayhem and, a president who only wants his own way all the time and hang the consequences for the rest of us.

Some Democrats, including the president have been wasting time insulting instead of cooperating and that Harry Reid simply refuses to act on anything offered by the House is a reminder that the Senate leader is responsible for the non movement of many previous bills from the House.

There are no winners in this situation but the American people are bearing the brunt of political intransigence. For myself I believe that Boehner was right to remind us that Obamacare is not equal treatment for all under this law and creates a class system.

The shutdown makes me sad and that the US is a global laughing stock, worse. Our president should set the example and lead, not demand and insult. I shall tighten my belt and do more with less. It will also show us that perhaps our government is out of control and needs to be reduced.
2013-10-02 21:03:20 UTC
I am not so afraid of the government shutting down as I am about the government opening up again.

I went to fill some prescriptions today and the cost was double what I normally pay. Obama care at it's finest.

This time in history is going to go down as one of the worst Presidents ever.

I am on Medicare. It isn't an entitlement program. I have that money taken out of my paycheck for 40 years now.

I don't think the shutdown will really affect me personally at least I hope it wont. Being on Medicare, I tried to find a good doctor. The four that I spoke with do not take medicare patients anymore. Who do you think will accept Obamacare?

This is a mess and it's scary. Makes me want to read Revelations again.

Obama can make time to negotiate with Syria and Iran but he can't negotiate with his own people?

I heard the WW2 monument has been closed along with other monuments. There are more guards keeping the monuments closed than there were there helping to save the 4 men killed in Benghazi.
2013-10-03 19:45:46 UTC
The Government Shutdown is and will affect everyone of us in the United States and all around the World whether you know it ot not. Think about it logically! We're all affected by the insane actions of the Congressionall members(supposed ADULTS). Whether it's your 401K, your son that is getting disability from the VA, your friend that has been furloughed from the Government, too numerous to mention. Time for the United States officials to think about what they are doing and who they are hurting. They get paid for keeping the Government Shutdown, WHY???????
2016-08-08 05:52:57 UTC
There may be an inter-connectedness that would domino impact many people including me. These in the hospital treatment field would believe the fiscal impact of Medicare defunding. And what about disabled veterans? I'm absolutely for reducing federal executive and giving the states the power and sovereignty as at the start supposed, but hi there, you asked. How long would the transition from fed to state take? Edit: and Menard makes a good factor!
2013-10-04 09:14:17 UTC
I live in the UK so any shutdown in the Ununited States of America has no affect at all.
2013-10-03 23:47:30 UTC
Couldn't fund the government? What about the 5 billion the pentagon spent on private contractors on the 20th of September? Seems like USA talking rubbish as usual. Most likely USA citizens will have more tax to pay at the end of this.
2013-10-02 12:43:39 UTC
Where I live, 18% of the population are not being paid now. My husband is in retail, and since we had fires here not long ago and then floods, people are buying less. With this on top of all of that, there's going to be far fewer people buying things. This means less of a bonus, less of a Christmas, and his work wanting less people working there. Even if it's fixed in a week, that week of spending actually will impact us, and removes people's willingness to spend rather than stay home and save because maybe the government will do this again next year and they'll be shaken by it. We'll be fine, of course. And I honestly hope the Democrats get their heads out of their rears and start trying to compromise (the Republicans sent back several compromises but the Democrats were not willing to send back another compromise or figure something out, so I DO blame the Democrats.) But to think it's not going to impact us is short-sighted.
2013-10-02 09:35:30 UTC
During this great recession, I have learned to survive with little resources. I've learned that people, and not money, can be the best resources in these times.

However, my mother is disabled and is dependent on government benefits to survive now. Let me say this! My mother was no slouch. Before her( 3) strokes and a heart attack, she worked as a school bus driver, a customer representative for the IRS, and has worked in social work. And now that the doctor has given her a hall pass from work she truly deserves to sit down. I sincerely hope that this does not affect her financially. We just got her blood pressure stabilized.

As far as I'm concerned I don't receive any government benefits except food stamps. And from what I understand, those benefits are scheduled to be cut by only $11 come this November. Which just means that I may have to cut out a pack of meat or so. Since I don't know what tomorrow brings I will not become too fearful. I've already lost everything material that I could lose within the past 10 years.

In my experience, friends and family should wait this thing out (together). By either moving in together, sharing meals and transportation, anything that can be done as a group together to meet survival goals. Soon we will evolve "green" depending on the most natural resources overlooked today-people.

The bible predicts that in the end their will be more on the ground than in the air. And it will do the leaders in the air on pedestals, know good to be there because they will eventually be alone and few. They wouldn't be able to call on the people because they have already turned on them to get up there on their pedestals. They can't count on God because they have forsaken his people and his laws to become successful. They will be trapped there with only their money count on. Soon after, they would be forced to do as the people say unless they can't come down to face them and they can't elevate without them either.
2013-10-03 19:40:02 UTC
No pay. Lost of Civil Service Retirement Pay and Va Disability Pay. But still get my Retired Army Pay and SSN so I can survive. Especially since I live in Thailand and require no services from the US Government. Thank you USA House and Senate for doing a great job to destroy our country.

This is NOT a paid political announcement.
2013-10-03 05:33:23 UTC
This won't significantly or directly affect me at all. I don't support democracy, and I live in Britain, so I like being able to make jokes about it.

I hope it lasts a while so I have lots of time to think of jokes. Also, that way it will expedite Europe's ascension up world society so that we'll be no.1.

Ted Cruz must be ecstatic.
2013-10-01 21:24:47 UTC
My husband has a Civil Service pension that won't come if the shutdown lasts a month. I have a brother that can't get affordable health insurance because he had heart valve replacement surgery and still owes $90,000 for the surgery. Many of my husbands friends have government jobs and are considered "nonessential personnel."

I am a retired teacher that worked in a poor suburb. Many of the families I worked with are not getting federal aid to feed their children.

I wish our lawmakers could have worked this out. The Republicans tried over 40 times to defund the bill and now they are holding us all for ransom.
2013-10-02 06:53:34 UTC
Our reliance on the Fed. Govt. is overwhelming. The shutdown will , if it lasts long enough, reveal how many govt. jobs are not needed and hopefully will make folks realize that they can do for themselves much more than they realize. Govt. doing less is a wonderful thing and I fail to understand why this will cost money. All nonessential workers not drawing a paycheck for doing nothing in the first place has got to save money. Govt. is needed to provide a military that is second to none and an electrical and road grid that provides the masses with the ability to thrive in business and innovation. Anything else is unnecessary and the voids will be filled with private organizations who can not only do it better but provide jobs and make a profit in the process. If this advise were taken the country would experience a growth that would be the envy of the world. Those who choose to continue to wait on the fed. to provide for them will be left to live in the environment they created for themselves.
The Man
2013-10-02 10:14:02 UTC
It is too late to short politically sensitive stocks but you might look into when the stock market will rebound once the Congress funds the government.

Now is the time to make money. If anyone thought that the Koch brothers who are large investors in the Tea Party were not interested in making money, well.

Money is to be made it is time to make some. Good luck all.
2013-10-02 10:10:33 UTC
Many people who have applied for SBA loans are greatly affected. Entrepreneurs and small business owners now have their Small Business Administration applications brought to a screeching halt.

According to Susanna Kim, Business Digital Reporter at World News article, "Due to the government shutdown, America's 28 million small businesses will be unable to access an average of $96 million in capital supported by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) per day, as well as an average of $1.9 billion in capital per month."

SBA Alternative Lender, Flexborrow, steps in to provide small businesses with capital during the government shutdown.

Flexborrow creates an immediate line of credit that requires no credit check, no income history, no bank. The small business loans are created using a business owner’s personal or business assets as collateral. This enables clients to bypass SBA regulations.

Flexborrow completes loans for any amount between $1,000 and $1,000,000, delivering money fast, usually on the same day clients accept the loan offer.

To contact a Flexborrow business account manager, visit

- See more at:
2013-10-01 17:33:03 UTC
The central ideal here is whether the government is on schedule.

The war declarations and membership in the world wide United Nations,

and existing obligations shows that the states are in review. The key points

are now in reasonable directives that are making U.S. process

in better perspectives of legalities followed. There is no more time

for congress to insult the senate with their bargaining thru rumor and threat

of taxation. There is no governing in power planner mode.

Lets get a look at the total failure of American production as a flaw.

If they make many more mistake media claims, they will pay the fines.

The other nations will not tolerate this media nonsense, who ever heard

of their accomplishments to show they are governing. New nation,

leaders will carry on without the tax collectors high as usual.
2013-10-03 07:24:13 UTC
I never thought I'd live to see the day when a group of Republicans were prepared to put their own narrow, selfish bigoted interests above the interests of the Country.

As a result workers in a wide range of services have been forced to stop work and loose wages until these people get their own way.

I wonder what John F Kennedy would have thought of their action?
2013-10-02 05:55:11 UTC
It will cause chao's among the poverty areas-here! Why not sit down and go through the people who draw SSI checks not SSecurity and re-evalulate who gets those checks-don't tell me that just that alone would give back MILLIONS IF NOT BILLIONS of dollars and CONGRESSMAN who have been abusing their funds being cut down and possibly repay on some behalves. If a simple country bumpkin like myself can see and figure out better solutions then why can't the suppose to be higher authorities figure this **** out! WE THE PEOPLE ARE NOT STUPID_WELL SOME(ONES WHO PUT U GUYS IN OFFICE!) LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE AND YOU R NNNOOOTTTTTT!!!!!!!!
2013-10-02 05:40:14 UTC
I don't know what a government shutdown is. Nor did I know that we were having one. Does this mean that congress is on strike or something? Or does that mean that we're discontinuing programs until the debt is paid off? I don't feel safe without the police..... What happens to education? DMV? National parks? Will people working for the government lose their jobs? Isn't that counterproductive? How long will this shutdown last?
2013-10-01 21:35:35 UTC
I think the government shutdown is just a hot mess and really stupid. The GOP of today are very childish and can never negotiate on anything anymore! They sat back & let Bush ruin the country for 8 years. & Americans didn't really hear anything about Bush's damaging until Obama hit office. I'm just really upset the GOP & Democrats couldn't come up with a plan to keep this country economically balanced. This economy hasn't been balanced since Pres.Clinton was in office; & this stupid government shutdown doesn't affect me at all. The Government never took care of me or the majority of the US citizens, the majority of us have to fin for ourselves. These politicians that we have of today are beyond selfish and heartless.
2013-10-02 13:31:02 UTC
The republicans need to be thrown out of goverment as they are the reason for anyone losing money. Poor people need health care, the rich can look after themselves, have a heart you awful republican tories and let obama care go through. I hope the citizens of America do something about the misery the repubs are causing.
2013-10-02 06:03:06 UTC

2013-10-02 08:05:23 UTC
So far the only effect is that I can't use the road going through the Rocky Mountain National Park and that I can't use the online archive site. Those are minor considering how this is effecting others. I wish Congress was furloughed too.
2013-10-01 22:04:28 UTC
It will affect me because I'm furloughed. The idiots who can't come to agreement about a budget, however, will continue to get their paychecks. We have been running the govt on Continuing Resolutions without a budget for 3 years. People need to dump all the Demos and all the Repubs and start over.
2013-10-02 09:13:28 UTC
Not at all AT THIS TIME; however, if it runs past the "debt limit" ceiling date, THEN it could, since I am disabled, retired, and depend on my SSI checks to live on, frugally, (less than $800 per month!)

One possible GOOD outcome is that the US government will find out just how many employees it can actually DO WITHOUT!
2013-10-03 04:39:21 UTC
My government isn't shutting down, nor is that of every other country on planet earth.

The world will keep on turning no matter how much American politicians behave like squabling children.
King Leo
2013-10-02 04:01:59 UTC
There's money for wars. What do we get out of it?

During wars life is lost. What's the American interest in this?

Obamacare will never amount to this spending. Why would be people so eager to spend their trillion dollars on wars than a few cents on health.

It's a cycle. Most of the money passes from one hand to another. If one group is affected , trigger is set off. This affects indirectly everyone
2013-10-03 22:05:30 UTC
Not much i been through much worse.

Most all adults have all gone through this before and had time to prepare.

As I did what's so what's all the hysteria about.
2013-10-03 08:47:07 UTC
It will not affect me at all. It will just prove me right about how the US government is completely incapable of leading a pantie raid, never mind the bloody united states!
2013-10-02 07:56:49 UTC
It will not affect my paycheck but it

affects me knowing that so many

others will be affected .

It bothers me to know that Obama ,

along with other Democrats can be

so arrogant and so uncaring .

fair is fair and ain't nothing fair when

it comes to Obamacare .

The Republicans are trying to come

to an agreement to make some

changes , in order to better the

American people and Obama

and the Democrats don't want

to be a part of it .

When Obama was campaigning

while running for Presidency ....

He did say *We need change*

I always felt that there was

something strange ab that

phrase It just didn't sit right

with me .

I seen everyone around me

falling in love with Obama ....

Blessings to everyone ...

peace and love (((Hugs)))
2013-10-01 23:12:08 UTC
Won't affect me at all; I gave up on the Government being of any use to me decades ago. All they have done this time around is prove once again that they don't give a frack about the people who pay their salaries by going on strike and withholding their very services that we pay good money for.

And for what, you may ask. Why, for more power, of course. And when this is all over and done with they will vote themselves a whopping pay raise for a job well done. And middle class America will pay for it as per usual practice.
2013-10-01 23:04:08 UTC
It don't affect me that much, as long as I get my SSI and Social Security, like a housewife can from her husband at 62. Since I got a little or however much Anxiety disorder, and from time to time have to see my Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Also hopefully more problems to medicare and medical.

I would think people with college level jobs working in the private sector, it don't affect them that much. They still got their job at like Google, Wells Fargo, Walt Disney Studios, New York Times, San Jose Mercury News, Los Angeles Times, Apple, All State, Geico, Agilent Technologies, Intel, Ericsson, Bank Of America, United Airline(the corporate side), Bombardier, Electronic Arts, TD Ameritrade, shopping mall(the corporate side), Facebook and so on.

IF the government shutdown last however long would it affect everyone's daily life(even people who do not have a government job at any level and are in the private sector), like going to do their shopping(grocery, new shoses, new pair of pants, more gardening soil, a book, pet food, one or two DVD/Blu-Ray, a box of motor oil), going to get gas, get a hair cut, fixing up something in their house, car oil change, going to the dry clean and so on.

Would it even affect Black Friday come next month and the holiday season for everyone living and working in America.
2013-10-02 08:27:43 UTC
provides a glimmer of hope that the felony abrogations of Article V of the US Constitution Amendments which is "Obamacare", encouraging medifrauds to take the life liberty and property of American citizens without the required due process of law specific to and in advance of doing harms to American citizens, might be terminated. Rightfully shares the pain that the years of criminal thefts of the rightful incomes of elderly interest income dependent retired for their criminal goofermintal purposes have inflicted on us with "some" of the empees of that Constitution abrogating criminal gang which runs Worsingdone District of Corruption. Doesn't yet address the illegal seizures of all stocks into the permanent adverse possession of criminal gangs in the fraud and theft industry under the euphemisms "Direct Registration" and the absurd to believe segregation of customer assets of their "Depositary Trust Company". Doesn't address the long standing felony abrogation of Article I US Const.Amends. by their Treasury Dept refusing to collect the taxes due from felony tax evading, slave mongering, hate mongering "religion" gangs. Nor does it address the recently created felony abrogations of Article IV illegally seizing all of the debt instruments it "sells" into their own, the debtor's, criminally slopperated "computer systems" under the euphemism "Treasury Direct". Nor does it address any of the felony abrogations of Article IV by the Transportation Sabotage Agency nor the Nutty Own All insecurity Agency. But it is at least a little something in the right direction.
2013-10-04 13:12:24 UTC
Is there a shutdown? I did not notice!
Let Me Think
2013-10-02 00:44:44 UTC
it wont

in 2010 protesting for the 19th year we the people shut down kashmir for 6 whole months.

No schools, no offices, no business ( only 3 days of work in 6 months )

however what affected us was the rest of the world acted like nothing happened. we cried for help- vacate the intruders in our land of 1.5 lac kashmiris - you people in return used yahoo answers

2013-10-04 02:15:02 UTC
Edward, I'm giving you a thumbs as I agree entirely.
2013-10-02 09:30:55 UTC
it seems unfair that REID wont give people a year delay on the health care law that was given to other people. he shuts down the government. I thought we were all equal, or it is who he decides he is the biggest con artist of them all when he tries to blame somebody else for what he did
2013-10-02 06:27:15 UTC
It will mean that the Democrats will take over the majority in the house and get a super-majority in the senate come the next election. Then, we will not have to deal with this crap again.
2013-10-02 14:44:03 UTC
I'll probably have to wait a while before I can shop online and receive packages because there is no postal service at work. Other than that, it's all I can think of.
2013-10-02 09:50:26 UTC
I think that governance for the benefit of the people is very low on the agenda of the congress.
2013-10-04 13:39:04 UTC
It wont. But I will say Why is the US the only Western Nation where this happens its not good for the People.
swell and well to the MAX
2013-10-02 15:33:58 UTC
There will be less work in the federal government, which means less money for support for private and federal companies. These companies will have less work production, hire less people, have worse working standards, worse working conditions, and worse wages.

As companies fail, they will have to increase the price of their merchandise. People will afford less along with higher taxes AND higher interest rates for banks, loans, and bonds privately, with the state, and with the federal government.

Poverty will increase, and people will be less careless in order, with less abilities to maintain order with less workers. Hatred will increase as minority cultures clash with majorities to get jobs, and so will violence.

Terrorist threats will be more occurring, since many people will not be trained as volunteers to truly protect our country. Likewise, there will be more errs in health care and even meterology like in the National Weather Service with less federal money to fund the businesses.

So how will this affect me? Businesses will have less money, so I will have a harder time finding a job. I will have less money as an annual income and for the increased of inflation for how much things cost. Along with higher taxes, I will have more debts with what I can't pay.

Did I also mention that health insurances agencies will affect me and other people? The federal government has less money, but they have a treasury. But that treasury cannot be supported without bonds and interests from governmental, state, and local organizations.

With higher taxes, assisting governental organizations and reducing inflation by helping businesses will be an impossibility. We will be at war in Syria, Libya, and Yemen, and not successfully. With less bonds from state and local governments, less will be paid to the federal government along with federal organizations.

Funding will decrease for the Environmental Protection Agency and the Military. Did I forgot to mention how many less people will be even working, even with volunteer workers? It is true that volunteers do not only technically have to work, but they do a worse job than if their salary and benefits are in stability. These benefits, such as covered health insurance, will be worse for everyone in America.
2013-10-02 03:57:55 UTC
Effect: Strengthens my desire to have those that caused the shutdown to go without pay until they can learn to play nicely with one another. Course sacking them all would be the best bet, although they would just be replaced by yet more greedy, selfish, corrupt, non-leadership types.
2013-10-02 00:56:58 UTC
The shut down doesn't affect me really.

America is a messed up country, you've probably heard about the CEO between Abercrombie & Fitch scandal, but I have to say it would be disappointing for the people who would be visiting the Statue of Liberty any day soon if they had it all planned out.
2013-10-02 17:10:06 UTC
It won't. Now why don't you do something productive like bringing back the old yahoo Answers format?

Everyone is a whiner in this but especially obama. Since he doesn't get what he wants he acts like a spoiled brat and blames everyone but himself.
2013-10-01 21:05:49 UTC
What astounds me are the number of people who don't see the truth in the matter. Obama care is NOT wanted by greedy insurance companies and people wealthy enough who feel it's not their obligation to help care for those less fortunate. EVERY child in this country DESERVES the same treatment, education, and nutrition other children get. People seem to hide behind the truth and moan because they have to help pay for it. The truth in the matter is helping those less fortunate WAS one of the things that this country was founded on. I say to those fortunate enough to help and don't want to, there are over 195 other countries you can move to. It's a sad country when only the wealthy can afford to keep their sick children alive.

Edit: There's a fine example of greed. Thumbs down. It takes healthy, educated children to keep this country on top in the future. If you can't agree with this, you're either very ignorant or very greedy. I am old now and it won't affect me. I'd be curious to know which of these afflictions those of you who thumb this down have. Is it greed, ignorance, or you simply don't care about the future of your young?

Even with my country's flaws, I can still say I wouldn't trade living here for any other country BUT it is TIME for CHANGE!.
2013-10-02 11:00:29 UTC
hmm the uk government are rubbish ,labor are rubbish the uk independent party are in bed with the conservatives .

the uks going down the pan

i realy couldnt give a monkeys about the usa
2013-10-02 00:55:29 UTC
Without the gov I don't have the money for school or a job to provide for my family if it wasn't for my husband and his job we would be in the deep end. Even tho we get beniffets we are still behind on what bills we have and struggle to keep food in the kitchen. I'm trying the best I can to give my children a better future and not to be living the way I was as a kid. What little we get from the gov helps. You ppl may look down on me for needing beniffets from the gov but I don't care, I do what I must to keep my family off the streets.
2013-10-01 18:49:07 UTC
Probably won't (unless it goes forever) But politically, I believe it will help the Democrats, since it is specifically Tea Party language that has been added that is causing the problem. Take that out, everyone votes, the government is open for business again. There is absolutely _NO_ reason for that language to be ADDED to the motion, save the fact that the Tea Party wants it there. They're trying to put it in, and are still losing, but apparently are still not willing to take the hint. I can't even blame the general GOP on this one, as even the former Presidential candidate, John McCain as said "This is not a way to govern. We are not going to repeal Obamacare this way."
2013-10-02 00:57:32 UTC
It will not affect me. What affects me is Obama and Reid trying to be dictators.

It bothers me that people will pay a deductible of $5000 or more and co-pays of 30% or more.

I know many people that cannot afford this. They have to get Obamacare because it is a tax. If they don't the IRS will go after them.

Under Obama the IRS has hired people just to go after people that don't pay the Obamacare tax.
2013-10-04 05:02:08 UTC
As I live in the UK It won't.
2013-10-03 02:20:55 UTC
It makes be truly thankful that I live in a true democracy, not the USA.

Bunch of plonkers!
2013-10-04 11:09:06 UTC
Will the lay off senators and congressmen get paid too.
2013-10-02 07:20:31 UTC
*Hits head against wall repeatedly*

Stupid government stupid government STUPID GOVERNMENT!

Seriously?!?! They are supposed to lead us and help the American people! NOT SHUT IT DOWN BECAUSE THEY CANT GET THEIR WAY!!

If they wont do their jobs, then in the next election vote for all of their opponents! MAYBE THEY WILL GET THE JOB DONE!

Now, my dad wont get his paycheck, and my mom will be living off of her tips that she earns, THANK YOU SO MUCH GORERNMENT!
2013-10-02 07:31:07 UTC
It won't, I don't have a government job and don't live in DC or know anyone who does so I guess i'm insulated.
2013-10-01 12:06:05 UTC
Not much, but the area of where to shutdown is around will because everyone might be a fight of people disagreeing on the bill to fund the government still, while others agree.
2013-10-04 03:51:51 UTC
what happens to the people of america how will they cope without government?
2013-10-02 05:08:02 UTC
If it lasts 2 weeks, I lose my VA pension, they say.

Already printing up a sign: "Will Beg for Food"
2013-10-01 22:15:33 UTC
I'm here in Philippines and I have seen more than enough ''hardships'' In life that people had/have suffered here and around the world.

To each his/her own survival.

No effect on me.

A good sleep, dreams and hope is what makes me alive.
2013-10-04 11:04:49 UTC
None at all I'm from the uk lol
2013-10-02 11:40:20 UTC
Not at all.

And for those who are concerned you will continue getting your social security checks on time.
2013-10-01 14:04:55 UTC
1) I familiarize myself with news more than once per day now

2) I came to believe that the U.S. must find a long-term solution to this issue

3) I hear jokes and chatter about government shutdown during meetings

I think that the congress members responsible for this do not realize they're playing with fire and putting the entire nation and world at risk.
2013-10-04 10:59:44 UTC
Not much as i live in england
2013-10-02 14:23:14 UTC
A lot of people who work won't get paid. SHAME! They trying to take us back to slavery days.
2013-10-02 13:36:30 UTC
It won't affect me or my family at all but I am sorry for those who have been inconvenienced by this massive ridiculous stunt.
Ruben H D
2013-10-02 22:46:17 UTC
Don't care much about politics, but at least we don't pay taxes.
2013-10-02 23:34:45 UTC
it will mostly affect the finance: you have to expect some loss after the closure
2013-10-01 19:08:08 UTC
Probably won't affect me or my family. But, I do believe each and everyone of our elected officials that have fought to get to this point should be recalled for failure to perform their duties!
XT rider
2013-10-03 01:35:45 UTC
it will make China stronger, so the action of the Republicans is helping a communist dictatorship!
2013-10-02 01:51:34 UTC

Obama lied about Obamacare which he exempted him self from. Keep your doctor...lie. Save $2500$ it is a lie....

This Obamacare is a lie. It has cost people hours , jobs, health insurance and hurt our family.

On top of this both republicans and democrats exempt them selves.

They spend tax money to cover them selves and family while they steal from citizens.

I think both republicans and democrats should be thrown out. Both are corrupt an are fighting over who gets spend our hard earned tax money.

Shutting it down is good.
We left and returned!
2013-10-01 21:30:42 UTC
It might be temporary inconvenience as I try to discuss my awkward situation with a sensible person working at the IRS. We'll just have to wait and see........
Shahaf Yefet
2013-10-01 21:19:06 UTC
Someone beat you to it yahoo answers team, here's the same question from a YA user from two hours earlier than yours:
2013-10-01 16:38:19 UTC
well its sad how our gov works there hardest on every little problem around the world instead of our own problems here in the usa i mean like come on these people think its ok to just think about there money instead of the people its very disappointing. who knows maybe this predicts a big fall in the government or a new fresh start god i hope its a fresh start. otherwise it will become a huge problem for us the people. i wish we could do something about it before it gets worse than this but i may be wrong there can be a good side to this. oh well i just think they could do better than this
2013-10-02 17:26:52 UTC
So far it hasn't affected me, but only time will tell.
2013-10-02 09:41:43 UTC
Gladly it wont but lets hope they come to some sort of agreement fast.
2013-10-03 10:07:42 UTC
I bet those fat cats on wall street are living life.
2013-10-01 19:41:42 UTC
I think that they should just let Obamacare happen, especially if it's between that and a ton of jobless people.
2013-10-01 15:28:18 UTC
The United States is a two-party dictatorship.

Just like in a Communist dictatorship, from one day to another, several hundred thousand people can be put out of work....shocking.

People complain about universal health care and the debt ceiling, but nobody minds the several trillion dollars flowing into the overblown military industrial complex?

Yeah, let's all hate the little people hoping for an operation they cannot afford, rather than the criminals blowing 400 billion dollars on yet another military submarine to add to our already gigantic fleet...
2013-10-03 07:16:48 UTC
Not in any way. I'm in UK.
2013-10-02 11:01:43 UTC
I don't see much of the difference with it.
2013-10-04 01:17:55 UTC
who cares
2013-10-01 19:41:58 UTC
Oh no, government spending is decreasing. We're all gonna die!!

Sorry folks, we can't run an economy by creating government checks paid for by the taxpayer or by borrowing money!
2013-10-03 14:46:45 UTC
My toe will scream.

That scares me.
2013-10-01 18:50:22 UTC
Eventually defense contractors will have layoffs (more layoffs, that is) because the defense department will not be paying them.
Jin Hayashi
2013-10-01 21:56:50 UTC
I would expect lots of my tenants to be late
2013-10-02 07:19:24 UTC
Not one bit.
2013-10-01 16:44:35 UTC
Tons of people they are "laid" off of their government jobs. (Some)

-You can't get a passport.

-No loans you have to wait.

-You have to wait for a gun permit (I think)

-You have to wait several days or months even years well not really years though till they come back.

-Obama still get paid Lol.

-I would say it would affect everyone by 7.5/10
2013-10-01 20:02:39 UTC
As an anti government Republican, these news made my day, even though there might be bad consequences. As long as me and my gun are left alone.
2013-10-02 04:53:28 UTC
not much...but WHY is congress and Obama still getting paid ?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander !
2013-10-03 12:55:23 UTC
i couldn't give a shiny shite
2013-10-01 18:55:15 UTC
Honestly this is very sad on the U.S since we can't agree on our own budget. just drop Obamacare since it only gives out free med-a-care to those who didn't have/afford it. I am not a hardcore republican, but when it comes down to this, simply change the thoughts that we have had for the past 5-ish years, and get new ideas in and flowing
2013-10-03 08:26:08 UTC
i Live in the UK so it wont
2013-10-02 14:24:36 UTC
I think it is completely stupid
2013-10-01 17:40:22 UTC
who ever we have in Parliament none of them know how to run the countries properly any way because they all perfer to ruin the countries and talk out their arses
2013-10-01 14:03:09 UTC
It will affect every one of us no doubt about it. If they cared, they would do something to try to stop it! If you think they care about us... think again-- no they don't
Al Capone
2013-10-02 13:40:48 UTC
for me none
2013-10-01 16:59:03 UTC
It won't affect me much. The liberals are just using the government shutdown as a threat since they didn't get what they wanted (federal gun ban/obamacare/etc) even though their messiah Obama was in office. So the government shutting down is the tantrum that's resulting.

And you can see how they don't like free speech. That's why the yahoo answers team has thumbed down my answer, and any other answers so they can hide the ones they don't like.
2013-10-01 18:50:15 UTC
starbase canceled
2013-10-01 19:13:18 UTC
Won't effect me
2013-10-01 13:48:53 UTC
Public zoos will close, and animals will charge through the streets. :P
2013-10-01 13:05:29 UTC
America used to be the bankers of the world (maybe that should have been Spelt with a "W")

how the mighty have fallen

I bet obama can still find Billions for the next war though

I am from Great Britain and we don't really care about America's finances - we have enough trouble with our own
2013-10-01 13:30:09 UTC
Not at in the South of England, as Arthur above said: We have enough to worry about ourselves at the moment.
Don D
2013-10-02 14:49:42 UTC
2013-10-01 20:14:53 UTC
it wont
2013-10-01 19:44:10 UTC
I won't even notice. Keep it shutdown forever please. We would be better off.
Mad Dog
2013-10-01 14:21:43 UTC
It won't. Life has been as normal as it always been.
2013-10-01 14:06:46 UTC
doesn't affect me at all since i live in the uk
2013-10-01 19:40:50 UTC
not at all I hope.
2013-10-01 12:09:58 UTC
it will not affect me at all. My life has very little connection to government actions
2013-10-01 12:11:36 UTC
It won't affect me directly since I live in Bangladesh. However, the bad economy in the USA or any other bad news trickle down here. We are dependent on USA's well-being because the stronger economy they have makes our exports possible. We export raw-materials to China, who in turn exports to the USA and whole world. Therefore, any bad news from the USA makers us jittery.
2013-10-01 11:39:23 UTC
My sister is furloughed indefinitely. It also means that I'll have to hear Obama talking down to the Americans and belittling the elected officials with whom he disagrees a lot more.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.