whose tired of george bush screwing this country up more and more every day?
2007-04-07 12:21:18 UTC
he has put our country in very big danger with the war in iraq... which has caused us to have high gas prices and we also are now losing money to pay for katrina stuff!
77 answers:
2007-04-07 12:30:29 UTC
2007-04-07 21:15:37 UTC
okay, First if the PEOPLE of the United States did not want Bush in power Kerry would be president. Second half of the Bush bashers don't know a thing about politics or what is really going on in the world, they are just a bunch of bandwagon riders who say and think Bush and the republicans are bad just because Bill O'Riley said so. If people actually looked at the war and statistics not the media generated stuff that gets spewed through cable news shows. I can guess that 50% of Bush haters get all of their news from the Colbert Report and Daily Show, given those are fine shows , very entertaining. It is just sad when people get their news from that. Freeing a country from a dictator is not what I would consider a waste of the US resources. Did people really expect to set up a democracy in 5 years. Must I remind you all that the US had a civil war over power in 1860. That is just what Iraq is now, we are not fighting Iraqis anymore. we are policing a civil war, its the sunis against the shieits. We have a gov't in place but it takes time to have everything work out. Now the US is caught up in all these partisan politics, something that George Washington warned us about, it has gotten so bad that people vote based on party not candidate. That is what happened in Michigan where I live. Jennifer Granholm was elected again because she is not a republican, despite the fact that the michigan economy is taking the biggest plunge since the 70's. We need to vote for people because we like their ideas not because they are not someone else. and it is people like the one who wrote this question that perpetuates this. So what I'm trying to say is get the facts straight before you voice your opinion to thousands on yahoo.
2007-04-08 12:56:14 UTC
Some of you seem to have a handle on what is happening in the world to-day even though I might not agree with all of you but from some of the answers that I read most of you don't have a clue, Our major problem is that we have professional politicians running our country and they are going to look out for NO.1 first and that means getting reelected is the most important thing they have to do. Both parties have tried to use the war to their advantage at the expense of our military, if they had worked to-gather the war would have been over by now. I don't agree with everything Bush has done but the Democrats have had a hand in getting us where we are right now. .
2007-04-07 19:22:13 UTC
George isn't responsible for every damn thing, but keep blaming him if it makes you sheeple!

WE have a myriad of things going on that are effecting this country. Don't put so much blame on us, we are paying gas prices that are sky high because the middle east has the ability to screw us. Kinda makes domestic oil drilling look better and better all the time.

But, the tree huggers want us all so live like socialist drones; they will prevent us from caring for our own people, while China and many of the third world countries will pass us up. Will you look lovingly down at your grand kids one day, living in our no electric, no running water once nice house and say "Once upon a time, when America was great...."
2007-04-09 17:33:47 UTC
OMG I am SOOOO tired of him! I agree with you 100% We arent even in this war for a reasonable reason. Firth those weapons of mass destruction that they never found, then the oil Middle East Bush is never gonna get, Now the War on Terrorism.... I mean come on, Hussein is dead. Even though we should have killed Bin Laden WAY before Hussein but too late now. There is no reason to be in Iraq! he costing america trillions of dollars for a stupid reason and i think he should fall off a cliff and crack his skull.
2007-04-08 09:42:04 UTC
ACTUALLY, the question should read---


C'mon people, he HAS screwed up some things -- (what President hasn't)-, but having the leader of the Senate kissing up to Syria??? They won't even acknowledge that we are at war.

-- and we gotta win this one.

Y'know, it's interesting -- the loudest lib voices (Hillary, Pelosi, and that pig Rosie) ... would be the first ones beheaded if they (libs) got their way.

All you people with the " support the troops" should stop and think about what you and the press are doing.

It rings hollow!
2007-04-07 21:50:44 UTC
Bush is not loyal to the Constitution, a liar, a hypocrite, not loyal to the Christianity he professes, not democratic, and a disaster for the American economy.

He is not loyal to the Constitution which opens with the statement that “every man has a right to life, liberty and happiness.”

I don’t think the founding fathers thought that “every man” applied to USA citizens only. When he was asked about the 2000th soldier who had died in Iraq Bush’ cynical answer was that 40.000 Iraqi’s had died. A right to life?

People have been held prisoner without public trial at Guantanamo Bay for more than 5 years.

He is a liar because in his 2003 State of the Union he claimed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, whereas the CIA had already opposed that claim when – in October 2002 – he was to make a speech at a military academy.

He is a hypocrite because he claims that the possession of weapons of mass destruction justifies a preventive war. The US has a hoard of weapons of mass destruction but he would not justify a preventive war against the US.

Whenever he wants to attract Christian voters he claims to be a Christian. Christ had something about turning your other cheek when someone hits you. St. Paul wrote that you must fight evil by being good. St. Augustin said that if you claim that the forces of evil are the source of bad things, you try to mask your own failings. When Bush seemed to be going to war in Iraq, leaders of Christian churches wanted to talk to him about it, but he would not receive them.

When the Senate opposed his candidate for the ambassadorship in Belgium, he withdrew his candidacy. But as soon as the Senate was on recess he appointed the man to the ambassadorship. Not very democratic is it?

And he is a disaster for the American economy. He spends billions and billions on wars in Aghanistan and Iraq instead of spending them on his own people. In the meantime the rich get richer (e.g by ripping off the taxpayers in the so called reconstruction of those countries.) and the poor get poorer. They can’t pay their mortgages any more and banks go broke.
go go gadget
2007-04-07 19:27:42 UTC
ok im sorry but do u know remember wat happened on 9/11?

obviously u dont

terrorist attacks would have begun 2 become regular everyday things if we didnt make a statement saying that we the United States of America do NOT tolerate acts of terrorism!

anyways when has did it become a presidents duty 2 be in charge of all the 50 states because i didnt get that memo i was under the illusion that that was the governors job

gas prices went up because oil is running out dumbas$!

did u think that there was a never-ending supply of oil?

obviously U missed that memo that gas is a fossil resource and that it takes millions of years to make and we went through that in centuries

i feel bad 4 the people that have 2 put up with ur stupidity on a regular basis
2007-04-08 17:06:52 UTC
me! We didn't vote for him twice. The Supreme Court put him in power the first time, and the second time I believe the vote was stolen. The terrorists who attacked us came from Saudi Arabia, NOT Irac. He has lied to the American people time and time again. He is only interested in making money for his friends like Halliburton. He is succeeding in making only two classes of people- the very rich and the very poor. He probably wants to go out with a bang, like starting world war III.
2007-04-08 16:05:55 UTC
Aye! Mission Accomplished!
2007-04-08 14:30:34 UTC
Arm chair quarterbacks never win a game,Its the guys out there on the line fighting who know the actual score and what it will take to prevail, second guessing the coach don't make for good teamwork, so i guess what i'm trying to say is...
2007-04-07 20:48:56 UTC
No, I'm tired of all the idiots who believe we'll be better off surrendering to our enemies.

Thank GOD for president George Bush and his beliefs in protecting our country.
2007-04-07 20:10:48 UTC
That would be me! I like this quote from him, personally- "Well, I think if you say you're going to do something and don't do it, that's trustworthiness."

-CNN chat online, August 30, 2000

He didn't have anything to do with Katrina, though. Natural disasters happen with or without terrible presidents.

At least he can't be elected again. I can't believe he was elected in the first place, and how this country could be so stupid AGAIN is beyond me...
emilie hope
2007-04-07 18:57:19 UTC
I've always hated Bush. Just about everyone does (except this one kid in my school, but he's crazy). I'm Democratic and I despise war. Don't worry, with the soaring popularity of Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama, we will most definitely have a Democratic president!
2007-04-08 07:53:55 UTC
Bush is going though tough times. How would you like to be president during a war? I think he will be alright in the end!
2007-04-07 23:27:23 UTC
ok,give some real proof,other than anger and dislike,especially since the new bill for the troops was slammed with the biggest pork barrel spending and the highest tax raise in all of history attached to it,I want a real answer,so go ahead and vote my answer down,but you cant deny this is true
2007-04-07 19:22:07 UTC
I believe most people are tired of his sh**. His approach in my opinion wasnt for the welfare of his people, he is and was more interested in the issues he personally had with the world. Its unfortunate the people (or shall I say the results of the polling) that got him elected twice. Finally it will end in 2008. I hope there will be someone a little more like Bill Clinton, despite what happened with him.
2007-04-07 12:35:18 UTC
But wait, I thought we went into Iraq to get all of their oil? It would be a shame if the U.S. were allowed by its own citizenry to drill for oil in its own territories, but I guess the spotted owls and over-populated moose in Alaska have very effective representation in Washington.

And, last I heard, there were billions of dollars of Katrina relief lying unclaimed in Washington. If the states don't want or need it, shouldn't it go somewhere useful? I can think of several GIs and Marines who might need some new body armor and more bullets to keep this country free.
Country Pride
2007-04-07 16:58:15 UTC
Not me. Do you know how much of this mess he inherited from our former President ,that inherited from our President befote him?And as far as Iraq (my son served over there),what about all the mass murder on 911.I'd bet that your one of the bleeding hearts that don't believe in capital punishment.

If you want to lay the blame for most if the **** in this country, start with , open our doors ,don't ask don't tell,support the low lifers, send our jobs over seas and don't stop at just screwing the working people. Cigar anyone? The thought of Hellary running this country ,again, is what scares hell out of me !!!!
2007-04-07 17:50:47 UTC
Clinton set the precedent for that. He took things to a new low so to speak. Now anyone who doesn't like the current president lacks respect for the office due to its having been denigrated by him. Disagree with policy if you will, but when are we going to get back to giving respect to the president based on the office he holds? How will we ever gain respect from those of foreign lands when we continually belittle our own leader? It truly is a shame how far things have come. People didn't like Carter or Nixon before him depending on their perspective. But never did you see the trash talk that you have now being put upon our president.
2007-04-07 17:14:53 UTC
You are right about Iraq. He has destroyed our reputation abroad by starting an unjust war and holding people without legal representation or timely trials.

I have no problem helping to restore the gulf. I have problems with the late response and with the corruption that has thwarted the recovery.
Mad Roy
2007-04-07 18:20:27 UTC
I am not too wild about the dikhedz in al-congress trying to pull down the country to hurt Bush either.
2007-04-07 14:19:15 UTC
So you think oil prices would stay low if it weren't for the war! Based on what?

The government gave Louisiana many grants for fixing the levees years before Katrina ever happened and what did they do, use the money on everything but fixing the levees. Now they want us to bail them out. The leadership there is totally irresponsible and the people deserve them, since they voted them back into office!
2007-04-09 07:10:28 UTC
I feel very strongly that he has his head buried in the sand. Prices are soaring and seniors are being hurt by his new drug plans. He in my opinion is not doing us any favors. Our boys should be home not fighting overseas.
2007-04-08 04:26:11 UTC
I hate everyone one of you. Everone here who had an opinion is a wotless piece of nothing. Move to australia if you hate him that much. ANd if you love him Quit arguing with people who dont.
2007-04-07 17:37:51 UTC
A better question is, Who isn't?

They guy is a moronic idiot who has made choices for our country that set of a chain of events that make no sense. Thank God this is his last term because he has no idea how to run a country.
2007-04-08 03:28:25 UTC
Yes,but I never liked George Bush, never voted for him either. He reminds me alot of Hitler. He's crazy. We will be paying for his mistakes for a long time to come.
2007-04-07 19:10:28 UTC
he's one of those evil guys who just doesn't think they're doing evil. I do think tht his policies of going to war because we THINK that SOME country (not an enemy) has nuclear weapons! Can this man destroy the lives of all the teens? all the ones tht don't go into hiding
2007-04-07 13:45:40 UTC
LOL at the Bush lemmings who thinks he's actually doing a good job. Face it, Bush is a failure and he ****** this country up more than any other President in history. It's pretty obvious he's manipulating gas and oil prices, considering the prices went down right in time for the elections in November, and then went back up once the votes were in. Oh yeah, and the prices didn't rocket up until halfway in to his first term, so if you don't realize he has at least some control, you're so damn stupid that you should just shoot yourself before you lower the world's median IQ anymore.

5 Bush lemmings (and counting) disagree with this answer
2007-04-08 09:47:33 UTC
if it were up to me,this lying sack of S-H-I-T wouldve been impeached once it was discovered there were no weapons of mass destructionin Iraq,also,he should be put up on 1st degree murder charges for every US soldier who dies in Iraq,which would make him one of the greatest mass-murderers in history,since this war is based on a lie.
2007-04-07 13:44:14 UTC
the fact we havent been attacked again has NOTHING to do with the war in Iraq, because the men that attacked us had nothing to do with Iraq, they were Saudi Arabian, and led by Osama. bush said we'd get him "DEAD OR ALIVE", then a few months later we were at war in Iraq and he said on live television that osama wasnt "a priority right now". for that alone, he should be out of office, he's letting the guy who attacked us get away.

and he didnt cause katrina, but he did nothing to help prevent the chaos. theres a video of him the day before it happened saying he'd do everything he could to help, then he didnt show up for 4 days and nobody got the help they needed.

he talks about not putting timetables on the war, but he's openly said it'd be the next president that decides when we come home, which means he doesnt plan on coming home for at least 2 more years. so, when they tell us that things are going well and we're getting closer, thats bull.

the guy sucks, and his whole cabinet suck. i hate them.
2007-04-07 23:09:00 UTC
I'm tried of liberals who do nothing but biitch like you, come on here and yap nonsense-get a clue.
2007-04-07 18:40:42 UTC
Hey don't worry, the way things are going, he's going to blow up the world anyway so sit back and enjoy the time you got left!!!
2007-04-07 18:10:33 UTC
Impeach this mega-criminal now along with all his lackeys... oops, scratch that - there'd be no one left to run the country lol
2007-04-07 22:52:28 UTC
2009 Princess
2007-04-07 19:22:43 UTC
Man I Am pissed by george bush. Im really startin to think he hates black people
2007-04-08 09:59:41 UTC
95 percent of the worlds populations or more.
2007-04-07 16:37:23 UTC
2007-04-08 01:34:28 UTC
Me.Just tell everyone not to vote for him on the next election.
Greg I
2007-04-08 00:48:40 UTC
Freedom isn't free? That's the best many here can do? Neither is oil! Neither is anything purchased by credit cards from large corporations that Bush insisted on protecting from those bad people declaring bankruptcy! Neither is homeowning, especially after a republican controlled congress began allowing the predatory lending practices now being investigated.

WHAT THE HELL DOES FREEDOM BEING FREE HAVE TO DO WITH IRAQ? Afganistan was needed, zero tolerance must be allowed when a guy is setting next to the leader of a nation and thumbing his nose at the USA while smirking about his deeds of 9/11. Seems reasonable to me, if you protect him, well, protect yourself also cause the sh!ts gonna hit the fan. If needed turn the whole area into one large glass skating rink for the use of those of the future when the radiation fades enough, but Iraq? Iran has done more, should we put them in the on-deck circle? Syria, Lebanon..... where does it end?

Then lets turn our sights on Africa, human rights have been trampled there for centuries also. Has God died and we've determined that WE are in charge of morality through out the world?

It's not just the boxes that our kids come home in. How about the VA being allowed to deteriorate to this extent? How about the fact that Hepatitis C kills three people every hour of every day in the USA, and it averages out that nearly two of them are vets? Yet it is still not accepted as combat induced, doesn't get a vet disability, and in fact is severely undertreated by the VA. This is according to their own most recent release regarding the status of HCV in veterans.

Read it! Pull your head out of the ground (or where ever else you are keeping it) and take a look at the welfare of those around you. Unless you are in the upper 7% in income there is absolutely no way you can say that you are better off now than you were with the Democrats. Clinton was at least taking it one at a time. A simple glance in the mirror at the middle aged balding guy there convinced me that I was safe, he'd never get all the way to me, and that was after seeing Monica! Bush likes the cluster F*** method. If you can't afford the big umbrella, you just gotta put up with his sh!t storm. Thousands or millions at a time, only the rich are safe.

The USA has the worst health care of all industrialized nations, costs more of the GNP than in any other industrialized nation, yet Bush sees no reason to work towards any nationwide reform. (Discover pp 68 - 69) His greed is contagious, as is his ego, with the mini Mussilini crowd who call themselves Doctors. Want to see a p!$$ed off Dr.? Just dare deliver your child, get some form of trauma injury, or have any other serious malady during the time period a Dr. is on call, but not in attendance. It's like they expect you to be decent enough to preplan your illness. Not true? Then why is it that Johns Hopkins University found that the odds of someone surviving a first heart attack decrease greatly on the weekend and rise once Dr.'s are back at work during the week? Granted, that in those areas where residents are in attendance at the hospitals the survival odds were fairly steady, how many of us are planning a vacation near a large hospital? For that matter, does anyone plan heart attacks? Then you get to learn about their lawyers if you dare say anything. I'm really unsure if they have so many lawyers to protect themselves from suits, or to initiate them to intimidate those who recieve sub standard care. There are still good Dr's out there, but you have to search for them, and they are getting rarer.

Liberals are tearing down all that Bush has built, or are simply whiners? Read Vietnam Magazine's Letter from Vietnam Magazine in the June 2007 issue. Gary Trudeau, author of Doonesbury, is a liberal that most conservatives are aware of, and have villified for years. He's been the bane of conservative politicians for years. Former POW and current Senator John McCain once said of him "Suffice to say that I hold him in utter contempt."

Guess who agreed to write the forward to Trudeau's book "The War Within" in 2006? None other than Senator John McCain. It seems that ALL proceeds from this book, as well as the first book in this series "The Long Road Home" go to the Fisher Home which helps families stay near their wounded vet during the long periods of treatment often required, at no / little cost. What have you done with your little yellow ribbon and bumper sticker?

A liberal may know that you are full of sh!t, but he'll protect your right to spray it out on the lawn. A conservative will accept whatever he's fed with the tagline of patriotism, and greedily seek ways to steal your lawn, and have you arrested for spewing on other's lawns.

Probably worst of all, for you, is that so many liberals, gays, etc. are not the whining crybabys you seem to want to paint us as. Be careful out there, you loonie right wing neo-nazi's don't have the only nutcases (though I must admit you have many), insanity and the feelings of utter powerlessness are in many communities and they do beget violence, especially since our "growing" economy hinges on the ability of so many ofl those who lost good paying jobs learning to say "Do you want fries with that?." Such an incredibly ego restorative question to find oneself asking of a fourth generation in bred cousin of the local coal plant strip mining operation owner, when he stops by complaining of how hard it is with all the restraints, and Oh, by the way, sorry about your kids' both gettin' Black Lung, but I don't think it's from all that dust we stirred up. We'd have gladly paid two cents on the dollar for every dollar we'd have got for the coal under your old property, too bad you were so stubborn. We got it for a song at auction awhile back, ya shoulda took the money.

Mental health is another area Bush overlooks (constituents?) but that's another story.
2007-04-07 17:45:46 UTC
booga bush has screwed up the nation every since he stoled office. I cant stand him he makes my stomach ache. He doesn't care about jack but his own kind ...UPPER CLASS citizens.
2007-04-07 18:23:58 UTC
The man is an idiot. I completely agree with you. And not to mention the debt, lost lives, and reputation we now have to deal with.
Calvin T
2007-04-07 13:00:58 UTC
What?! More Danger... we havent been attacked since 9-11, he has no control over gas prices that is supply and demand, and what can he help that a giant hurricane hit a coastal city?
donovan t
2007-04-08 16:24:49 UTC
me!! i didn't vote for him or his dad for that matter. they are making us a laughing stock of the worldand i can't wait for 08. go clinton!!!
2007-04-07 21:12:01 UTC
uh definatly me

the whole country is kinda getting annoyed
2007-04-07 17:40:47 UTC
Yeah he's a pain in the *** but then again, most voted for him a second time
2007-04-07 12:32:14 UTC
The war on terror is a big load of crap to keep the american people in line using FEAR.....

You have your two types of people: The ones that think for them self and think outside of the box..(yes, it's called intellect) and then there are the others that believe everything they are force fed on the news and in the papers....

Unfortunately, most of the latter are redneck, neo-con, bush supporters because they can't believe that our government would ever hide anything from us or use these tactics on the american public.. Get a clue people!!! This country is going down the
Orlinda K
2007-04-07 20:43:25 UTC
me but don't worry 08 is around the corner
2007-04-07 17:40:56 UTC
I know I know nobody likes him who cares im sick of it kepp it to yourself
Dustin W
2007-04-07 17:05:48 UTC
I am sick of the **** he is pulling. I voted against him twice. All the lies he has made. At least with Clinton lied nobody died. Get rid of him
John G
2007-04-07 17:57:50 UTC
I guess you think bush shot MLK too.
Anon omus
2007-04-07 16:37:02 UTC
lets start a riot and run bush from the country!!! he has no right to be in charge! get him OUT NOW!!!
2007-04-08 12:04:50 UTC
i'm definitely tired of all this crap he's trying to pull!
2007-04-07 12:41:05 UTC
Finding people who are sick of Bush is the easy part, the hard part is getting everyone together to stop him.
~*! miss "lost in love"
2007-04-07 21:18:41 UTC
the question should be who isnt tired of him? lol i sure am tired of him
2007-04-07 12:33:17 UTC
Hi, I'm a dual Citizen ( American/African) and grew up in america, if you guys are so tired of him, why'd you vote for him twice?
2007-04-07 12:30:44 UTC
he's just one man to take the blame. There are many "puppet masters" pulling those strings. someones always gonna be pissed no matter whose in power.
2007-04-08 12:29:39 UTC
2007-04-07 18:35:07 UTC
I am.

Thank you for speaking up, I would never have.
2007-04-08 08:38:55 UTC
i am full of this nonsence to!!!screw bush
2007-04-07 12:26:31 UTC
According to the most recent polls of honest citizens, the WHOLE COUNTRY is getting sick and tired of Bush's Charlie Brown act.

This guy is the biggest loser of all times. His last years in office are go to be no picnic, as Congress and the PEOPLE take away his power to ruin America.

God bless our brave troops! You deserve better than this idiot and his draft-dodger buddy, Cheney.
2007-04-07 17:17:05 UTC
Your poor parents.They will be stuck supporting you forever.
2007-04-07 17:39:32 UTC
Not me. I can't have enough of Dubya.
Dmitriy S
2007-04-07 17:08:00 UTC
you know what i think? i think george bush is a ******* pussy ******* idiot with a funny acsent.
2007-04-07 16:36:58 UTC
Get your head out of the sand. I'm sure history will speak highly of him.
2007-04-07 12:27:47 UTC
me, If someone could just shave his head, to see if the 666 symbol is there. Bet it is.
2007-04-08 15:25:40 UTC
i am
2007-04-07 18:06:58 UTC
I'am get him out of office NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-04-07 12:27:18 UTC
Who is tired of hearing liberals whine about how we shouldn't be in involved in the middle east fighting the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11?

Freedom isn't free.
2007-04-07 18:58:40 UTC
"Who isnt?" is the real question...
2007-04-08 00:38:54 UTC
Not me! I want MORE DEATH!
2007-04-07 20:00:38 UTC
I"M EXTREMELY TIRED OF HIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-04-07 19:14:24 UTC
2007-04-07 12:35:44 UTC
Quit whinning about everything. Freedom IS NOT FREE!! Why is it so hard for you Liberal Democrats to understand that?
2007-04-07 12:24:07 UTC
Whiners 'n cryers like yersef, Binky!
2007-04-07 18:47:14 UTC
he's not.
2007-04-07 17:06:37 UTC
i am, i am.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.