Americans believe every last individual has the right to advance as far as they want. Social classes would cease to exist. Society would reside in the hands of those who invest in their labor for production. There would be no structuralized government.
Countries of communism declare that many problems in society are due to the unequal distribution of wealth. So, their theory was to bring about happiness and prosperity for all, the distinctions between the rich and poor of society must be eliminated. And since the rich will never give up their goods or status voluntarily, a rebellion of the poor -- the working class -- is necessary.
Thus, Communism is a distinct socio-political philosophy that is willing to use violent means to attain its goal of a classless society. Communism embraces atheism and dismisses religion as “the opiate of the masses,” a system designed by the rich and powerful to keep the poor in their place.
But Communism’s quest for a classless society is bound to fail. “Communism doesn’t work for American's because people like to own stuff.” Furthermore, someone has to hold the money bag even in a communist-style society. And whoever holds the bag becomes not only a target for those looking on but for the subtle interior demons of pride, avarice, and self-preservation.
If there will always be the poor, then there will always be the rich. There will always be division, the haves and the have-nots, and any attempt to establish a classless society this side of heaven, particularly through the violent and godless ways of Communism, is destined to frustration and failure.