Does anyone regret voting for bush, why or why not?
2005-12-12 11:24:10 UTC
Does anyone regret voting for bush, why or why not?
Five answers:
Cory L
2005-12-12 12:49:19 UTC
I'm not a fan of Mr. Bush but I wonder what Kerry would have done differently?
2005-12-12 19:27:23 UTC
No, I do not, because he is still a good leader. The only real problem i have with Bush is that he lets our Borders stay wide open, while terrorist could use this as a route to america, i feel that the mexicans pouring over are a bigger threat than any terrorist could ever hope to be
Cubitpipi a fan of Amazins
2005-12-12 19:29:13 UTC
Absolutely!!!! Pepople were flipping coins in the voting booths. Bush. Kerry. Unfortunately.....more of them turned out to be tails.
2005-12-12 21:00:24 UTC
Nope. People constantly complain that politicians play politics and don't really take a stand on anything. W takes a stand and sticks with it. He doesn't wet his finger and hold it up in the air to decide what he believes in.
2005-12-12 19:29:05 UTC
Yes I do even though I'm only 13. He He

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