What can WE do to help this problem in the Government??
2008-05-20 18:46:10 UTC
Currently the federal government is more than SIX TRILLION dollars over budget. The fundamental reason for this is that we, the people, WANT a lot of government services but are unwilling to give the government the income (taxes) to pay for them. Current estimates predict that if the federal deficit is not paid off by the year 2010, the ENTIRE amount of money collected in taxes will be used to pay the interest on the debt ALONE!
Eleven answers:
TheOrange Evil
2008-05-20 18:52:43 UTC
The solution is to cut spending and waste.
2008-05-21 03:33:38 UTC
Well we could start by asking ourselves a question. What is the problem? Is the problem that we just aren't paying enough taxes? Or is the problem that the government is too big and spends too much money?

There are other questions to consider. Is the government the solution to all of our problems or is the government the problem?

Ending the wars overseas is not going to fund socialist security, medicare, prescription drug programs or ethanol production. Those are but a few of the out of control government programs that are draining the budget. During the 1960's about 60% of the federal budget was spent on defense projects. Now about 60% of the federal budget is spent on one handout program or another. Within a few years socialist programs funded by the government will account for 90% of the budget. Spending on socialist programs is growing at a rate faster than the GDP, at some point the cost of socialist programs will not only wipe out the federal budget but consume the entire GDP.
2008-05-22 13:28:22 UTC
Please read this, I know it's long... but you got me thinking here.

it's a valid question, and some of the answers in here really reflect how out of whack we are as a nation.. SGT V.. has definite psychological issues

"use the Neutron Bomb, Kill every Iraqi and leave the infrastructure and Oil production in place" ?????

, then of course there is the gal above me.."Vote Democrat if you want Bigger government" Guess she's satisfied watching fox and keeping her head in the sand... someone might remind her that the Current "Republican" administration with a Republican controlled congress and Judiciary spent more and grew the Federal government larger than any fact W has borrowed more money from foreign countries (mostly China and Saudi Arabia, a Communist Regime and a dictatorship, both leading the world with executions followed by than every president combined before him... but I don't want to bore anyone with details..

I think the knee jerk that the word Tax creates is understandable.. what is less understood is how the fear of "Tax's" and the IRS is used to create a false paradigm, that keeps the public in limbo.. do we need more tax's? Probably not is why

Waste.. and I mean throw it in the air, and light your pipe with a fresh 100.00 dollar bill waste.

in 2001, 9/10/2001 to be exact... Donald Rumsfeld admitted that the pentagon could not account for 2.3 trillion dollars, and also that the pentagon loses about 25% annually of what they are budgeted..

If you extrapolate from 2001 that amount of $$$$, we have a war machine that has lost nearly an equivalent amount to our total debt. not our annual debt of 450 Billion, but our total of over 9 Trillion.... at the same time we are battling a mystery insurgency that is able to keep up with us even though we spend 12-14 billion in Iraq monthly alone? Are we funding both sides of the Iraq and Afghan conflicts.. is this war for profit that evil that American tax payer money, is paying off the privately held Federal Debt while we borrow money to fund both sides of an Illegal war ?????

do you get where I am headed with this?...can I lay it out any more plainly ?????

the word Tax is yet another tool in the bad mens arsenal.. a weapon word, Like "Liberal" and "Terrorist" ... these words have no real meaning in th meat of discussion, not the way they are thrown around, but they are effective against uneducated and malnourished minds....

How many times have you seen in here someone say "American is the greatest, Love it or leave it"

Blind Nationalism, Xenophobia, anti social/human behaviors accepted as the norm. Always with a jealous God at their back waging war with them ?

"Militism" said it best.. "start looking at the results" we're getting our asses kicked on every index by the democratic socialist countries of western Europe.. it's not that hard to see.
2008-05-21 02:07:40 UTC
First we elect new leaders that are patriots, not politicians. Then we get rid of all the entitlements either coporate or individual. Then we cut the Federal and State bureaucracies a minimum of 25% just to start, with another cut of 25% in 3 years. We loose the lotto mentality in law suits. We cut the walls that seperate service providers (doctors and hospitals) from the consumers (patients). We establish a flat tax that does not increase revenues with the change. We chase domestic power supplies either oil, nuclear or clean coal. We cut out the policy of globilization and start worrying about localization. We expand the teachers school year to be 11 months and if they can't get it done then, expand the time daily spent in school until we are graduating the best students in the world.

Thats' just a start.
2008-05-22 18:29:25 UTC
Start by raising the tax on gasoline [cheap gas was never an American 'right']. Secondly, I just read that in recent years the tax benefits have actually worked on behalf of the top 1% of the country, NOT for middle America or lower income Americans--the tax system has to be evened out. Third, Americans have to give up on certain entitlements.

The Medicaid prescription plan Bush pushed through, even though his own party members advised against it, was a particular disaster--it's expected to add $trillions to our already-burdened debt in coming decades. Not only is it costly 'as is,' but it gave drug companies free reign to now do expensive research on new drugs for rare diseases and such--before not considered profitable--because they know the gov't (ie., taxpayers) will pick up the tab.

The war? Just helping the disabled vets, an expense ALSO not figured into the future budgets, is also expected to run into trillions. The longer we're at war, the more injured, the more debt (to say nothing of human anguish). But we have to think of the Iraqis we've harmed too--not fair to just bail out on them.

SO, easiest starting place? Raise taxes. Otherwise, it's just like your credit card debt--the longer you put off paying it, the more it costs you in the long run.
wayne i
2008-05-21 02:05:08 UTC
We could start by ending subsidizing. For example we give illegal immigrants subcities. We give them food stamps so they can just go out and get free food. Guess who pays for Then we could get rid of income Tax, less than half our revenues come from income tax, if we didnt have income tax we would still have enough revenues equivelent to about 8 years ago, so we wouldn't really be loosing any money. It wouldnt be enough money if we continue to spend the way we do. We know how we should spend our own money, but with income tax the government uses it for other things that dont really help us as citizens
2008-05-21 02:21:45 UTC
Simple. Stop sending billions of dollars each month to Iraq & Afghanistan. Stop handing out money, arms, planes and other munitions and technology to all the countries that are our friends only when it suits their purposes. The Saudis for example (one way friends) are financing terrorists on the one hand and refusing to pump more oil. They would not allow us to use the bases we built there when Saddam attacked Kuwait and they sere scared poopless. During the present Gulf War we had to utilize other air bases. B.S. Should have bombed the Saudis and took their oil. All the money the CIA spends on covert operations (they used to be in the military coup business) could stay here in the USA. Stop sending monies to Israel as we have been filling their pockets with gold from before they were a country. The government IS the problem. From Dubya and his "War of Multiple Deceptions" (WMD's) to financially benefit KBR which big surprise is a subsidiary company of Halliburton where V.P. Dick "please don't shoot me" Cheney was CEO. The 80 year old Congressman and Senators that build $500 million "bridges to nowhere" attached to bills that need to get passed to pay the troops. Just to show I am equal opportunity ... Senator Byrd, (D-W.VA) had a runway built in some rural (is there any other kind of spot in the state) area that is longer than the one at NY-Laguardia. Where do you think your tax rebate money came from? We borrowed from China! So stop spouting about people with their hands out when corporate america fritters and wastes more money in a day. Where else do you get $50 million "severance packages" for getting fired for doing a lousy job. Plus then the compassionate conservatives make sure the rich have plenty of tax breaks because it would not be fair for them to actually pay their fair share of taxes. Plus the municipal tax breaks given to corporate America to get them to locate here instead of there.

We used to have a near little weapon in our arsenal known as a "neutron bomb". That is what we should have taken care of Iraq with... neutron bomb... kill all the people and leave the oil refineries and infrastructure standing. Either that or "King George I" should have let Gen. Shwarzkopff finish Hussein during the first Gulf War and we would have not have had to go back there still WASTING patriotic, young, American lives. It was about oil in case you weren't aware. if we were worried about the biggest threat it was N. Korea not Iraq. Whenever we leave Iraq they will go right back to factional fighting as they have been fighting each other since Biblical times. Might as well leave Afghanistan too as once the politicians get tired of the terrorists and warlords attacking them they will turn on us and we will leave there just like the Soviet Union with our tail between our legs.
2008-05-21 02:25:55 UTC
If you want big government controling your life, you vote Demoncrats - smaller government, you vote Republican. Less hand outs? Republicans. Let's try taking away the ambulances that sit in front of Congress everyday they are in session. Each Congressman has one, as I understand it.

Let's try to find some Patriot, instead of just those to practice politics. Politic: Poly means many,. tic is a bug.
2008-05-21 02:17:18 UTC
We could maybe look at the fact that cutting taxes and increasing spending is a bad policy?

Europeans have low poverty, high standard of living, and universal healthcare... plus their business thrives (kicking our a$$--the USA)---could it be that their tax model works?

Quit thinking about ideology and start looking at results.
2008-05-21 01:49:26 UTC
We could start by closing our hands and quit asking for all of the government money for everything.
richard t
2008-05-21 01:53:17 UTC
how about ending a about a ''windfall profit tax on the oil co.another trillon.............

i could go on...............

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