Why does them media portray UKIP as a rascist party?
2013-03-16 03:58:50 UTC
Evidence will be needed if you want me to take you seriousely
Eleven answers:
2013-03-16 04:20:27 UTC
Well lets look at some evidence shall we?

Because they don't like the 'truth' that UKIP talk about and the straight and forth rite way that they tell it. They don't like the FACT that UKIPs popularity is incredibly rising as people are disillusioned by the useless other parties with sad tired old policies that are simply not working. They don't like the way that UKIP dwells on FACTS about immigration, FACTS about the unelected cronies in Brussells, FACTS about it costing us £53m every day, FACTS that 80% of all new laws are made in Brussels and then waived through by Westminster and then burdened on the rest of us, FACTS about the failing Euro and the failing countries where it is a FACT that the UK is still bailing them out even though we aren't in the failing Euro, and FACTS about our own youth unemployment running at a digusting 40% while they (LibLabCON) continue to let foriegners in that take their jobs.

That's all the evidence I need to vote for UKIP UKIP UKIP UKIP UKIP.....

1997 general election UKIP 109,000 voters.

2001 general election UKIP 390,000 voters.

2005 general election UKIP 605,000 voters.

2010 general election UKIP 919,000 voters.

2015 general election.... UKIP will go up up up!

@GB.... You seem to have a strange way of interpreting the word 'HATE' for word 'OPPOSE'. Just because we 'oppose' such things as gay marriage and immigration does NOT mean that we hate them. And we have active Muslim party members that even stood as candidates in elections, so I don't see that your FACTS hold much water. So, get your FACTS right fgs.

@Cabin Girl (AKA Mr septic)... I see you are back to 'wanting' to play your little games when you think it suits you. Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm through with playing with you. And LABOUR'S Eric Joyce (whether he's now an indie or not) just makes me PMSL. If that's the best mp you can vote in, and the ONE TRUE face of Liebour, then all is lost with your beloved Liebour. Eastleigh part two anyone?

@GB... I only block people that hate on others, stifle debate, call out like little girls with lies and insinuations, or troll other people's questions or answers whilst never posting their own questions. You fell into one or more of those categories, and I reserve the right to block who ever I don't like, it's a free country... or it was last time I looked! To take your points that you retorted, you seem to be trying to put words in my mouth. To OPPOSE something does not mean to HATE. Frankly, I find homosexuality unacceptable, although I 'tolerate' gay people and simply do not hate them as long as you don't try to make me accept it or force it upon me. If you don't like the idea of my church not wanting to marry you, then go and find another church that does marry gays or create your own gay one, instead of trying to destroy someone else's higher moral standards. On the importation of foriegn workers, I have no problems with, as long as my govt does something to sort out the disgusting 40% youth unemployment figures and GENERAL unemployment first. I fail to see how worrying about our own young and vulnerable unemployed people is bigoted by your definition.

Last reply at GB.

With respect, I never actually called you one. I 'assumed' that you sided with them, and so used it as an example to keep the text down so it's plain and simple.... But personally I now give two hoots if you are offended or not. It is YOU that hates to be told the truth or facts, and you counter it with lies and spin just like a good little leftie. This is why you are blocked by me and will remain so. Your aggressive argumentative tones, playing on words I never said, and nitpicking of points prevents further meaningful or useful debate for either of us. Let's move on fgs.
2013-03-18 03:57:38 UTC
FOXY has stated a point of view and as far as I can see has argued it very well. I dont vote - I can not see one single difference between Lib Dem - NEW Labour and the Torys. But i do like Farage and I do accept Foxys argument - point of view. You see, when you have the main party's all singing from the same hymn sheet you need and will get party's such as UKIP coming through.

I even think it is good when the BNP get a shout. The worse thing in any so called democracy is when the main partys control democracy, thus we ave no democracy.

Most people want to see the banksters get shafted - but they will not be shafted because the political elite are in with their brother banksters.
Jacks Ans
2013-03-16 05:39:20 UTC
Don't know if it does really, but if does then its also implying that people who vote UKIP are also racist, which is not a very good idea.

Oh and for the people who say that some or most UKIP members/voters are racist, well I know plenty Labour voters who are racist, and if they could trust or get the same from the BNP what they get from Labour minus the obvious of course they would vote for the BNP in a flash, be in no doubt about that.
2013-03-16 12:10:55 UTC
If i was a novice to politics the question and some of the answers would leave me completely flummoxed ,But my view of U K I P is they will need to work very hard to convince the voters of what else they stand for except ,get us out of EUROPE the many good objectives he fails to mention eg the working time directive protecting the rights of our workers and many more advantages the free trade Britain has with the E U and many of our exports rely on. As for Nigel Farage he has made a good living by going backwards and forwards claiming his meps salary and expenses as a one man band, It is also true he keeps company with the extreme right wing in Europe eg french nazi party .
2013-03-16 05:10:39 UTC
Two major reasons, firslty they are in talks with the French facists Le Pen and the Austrian Freedom party,

They(UKIP) are also members of the European group in the Euro parlimanet called the European Alliance of Freedom, which has other members who are clearly facist.

When a member of this group from italy (Northern league) said about Anders Brievik !"

"Some of the ideas he expressed are good, barring the violence. Some of them are great," Mario Borghezio told Il Sole-24 Ore radio station.

He agreed with Mr Breivik's "opposition to Islam and his explicit accusation that Europe has surrendered before putting up a fight against its Islamicisation".

When members of UKIP LEAVE because of this group then perhaps there is some truth that UKIP has shifted to the right. (Sincliar)

UKIP has also supported the giving of EU money to far right organisaitons.

"The Alliance of European National Movements, a grouping of far-right MEPs, is looking to get £340,000 from the European commission, with a similar amount for a possible thinktank. The alliance includes Nick Griffin's British National party, Hungary's neo-fascist Jobbik party, Bulgaria's far-right National Democratic party and the Front National in France."

This might be why??


Adam, if you want to be taken seriously then please provide some evidence that the BBC " hates UKIP", if they do how comes Farage gets so much airtime when UKIP have 0 MPs??

"hatred that the BBC holds against Nigel farage. And if you don't believe me type in Nigel farage on BBC news or newsnight or sunday politics or question time and pick any one of those videos because there are many and you will see what I mean. "


Adam, no your spelling is miles better than mine.

Rotherham children - this is the behaviour of an overzealous council social worker, certainly without any cause or reason. I am appalled at this unwarrented action, and Foxy will confirm that was my reaction at the time.

" This tells us that for some reason social services has a grudge against UKIP."

this is a single case, IF every child that is fostered then you#'d have an argument, but I don't see it myself.

" David cameron call them: fruitcakes, closet rascists and loonies without any evidence to back his statement up. " - true, but still nothing to do with the BBC, he made these remarks on the Conservative /UKIP supporting station LBC (London broadcasting Company).

"fact obviously the British media obviously agrees with him. "

not a fact unless you prove it !?

Sorry, but you've provided absolutely NO EVIDENCE that the BBC hates UKIP, if anything they have given him more airtime than ITV, Sky and Channel 4.

Please let me off any terrible spelling mistakes, regards.

PS Am I roger the cabin boy is disguise?? scary.
2013-03-16 04:27:29 UTC
Maybe not racist but some are bigoted, do you have any idea how many UKIP supporters on this site hate foreigners, muslims and homosexuals? Maybe you should consider that it's not just media bias

@Foxy when it comes to politics there isn't much difference if you oppose it you may as well hate it because you're taking the same action either way, and another thing "continue to let foreigners in that take their jobs" is frankly bigoted, the job goes to whoever is better suited, it's not their fault if some people who aren't born here choose to work harder.

PS: only cowards block

@Foxy so you try to discredit my point by saying how much you almost hate homosexuals and then you assume that I am one? And you wonder why I mistook you for a member of the BNP. And I want to see unemployment go down as well, the difference is that I don't separate the immigrants (the legal ones) from those who were born here, unemployment is unemployment and we need as many people as possible to get jobs regardless of where they were born.
2013-03-16 04:21:10 UTC
It suits their agenda, the media is owned by the financiers who benefit from the EU, the slave labour it entails and the wars that they start, its a trick they use to stifle debate, if you oppose mass immigration your a racist although if you look at the policies of UKIP and BNP for that matter they both oppose aggressive wars which have been predominantly waged on nations containing people who just happen to be of a different skin colour, so who is the real racist, its not racist to want to see your own government care about your own people first and foremost as mass immigration only suits the elite, these people know that the vast majority of the British public are easily scared away by the racist tag, sadly they are contributing to their own downfall.
scaroth last of the jagroth
2016-07-18 11:24:42 UTC
Because they are, they don't like foreigners, have propaganda similar to nazi propaganda. Their leader calls chinese people chinkys, and one of their candidates once said that he would kill his opponent, for being from sri lanka
2013-03-16 11:00:53 UTC
It is a deliberate smear tactic by the pro-EU Lib-Dems, Labour and Conservative parties. You are likely to see this more and more in the months and years ahead as UKIP have seen a massive boost in popularity.

Several years ago UKIP did have an issue with BNP members infiltrating the party. As soon as this was realised and they were identified they were kicked out.

We also recently had one UKIP member making some very unacceptable comments that were not in any way or shape party policy or anywhere near to what UKIP believe as a Libertarian Party. This member was also immediately kicked out.

Like any other party we sometime have problems like this but in comparison to other parties a much lower percentage and the UKIP don't find it acceptable or a reflection on them but an individual personal views or serious error and they deal with such rare incidents very swiftly.

It is perhaps true that 20 years ago we were seen as a more right wing party, to the right of the Tories, and many back then saw UKIP as a one issue party.

Today though the same can not be said as UKIP have positioned themselves in the mainstream centreground in line with the views of a large percentage of the British people, and as such are attracting voters from the Conservatives, Labour and even the Lib-Dems believe it or not.

As a result of this the other three parties are now in a state of panic and desperately trying to do something, anything to win back lost voters and they resort to smear campaigns and dirty politics as a result.

E.g. the Labour Party member Amy Rutland planted in the Question Time Audience last week to smear Diane James the UKIP politician who came second in the Eastleigh by-election by slandering her and UKIP and calling them disgusting amongst other things, and probably with the BBC's knowledge.

Truth is that the Conservatives, Labour, Lib-Dems and BNP are the real extreme parties in the UK. They do not believe in democracy, independence, freedom or the right of self-determination. LibLabCon are all one and the same. Just three different wings of a Pro-EU Social Democrat Party.

The Labour Party has more extreme elements in its ranks than any other party in the UK including the BNP. Labour has former full blown Communist Party members and members of Marxist International amongst their ranks, bitter racists, anti-semites, Islamo-facists, Leukophobics as well as Common Purpose pass-throughs and Masons. They are also incapable of sacking any of their extreme politicians and meaning it. They always re-hire them at a later point. The only exception I can think of to that rule is George Galloway. He is the one vile extremist who was just that one step too far even for the Labour Party.

The Liberal-Democrats are neither demoratic nor liberal and are led by a fascist.

Half the Consevative Party today is extreme right wing except for David Cameron who is on the extreme left and anything but Conservative. The other half of the Conservative Party today are not Conservative but Social Democrats. The Conservative Party are grouped with extreme far right parties in the European Parliament who are known racists and anti-semitics.

As for Extremism, it is highly hypocritical for Cameron to label UKIP as closet racists when their party gave us Britains first Nazi Prime Minister with Edward Heath.

Edward Heath worked undetected as a Nazi agent for Hitler, and later Nazi International for most of his life and pulled of the biggest and most successful penetration of our security in living history.

During World War II he sabotaged Allied plane development, and afterwards continued working against the UK through his Prime-ministerial reign, signing us up to the EU through the guise of the Common Market, something that has been proven disasterous for Britain and most of the continent, and has greatly held us back economically. Germany has almost succeeded in doing economically and politically what it failed to do in two world wars, and that is to control all of Europe and have its own expantionist empire through its proxy the EU.

Edit: GB - UKIP do not hate foreigners, homosexuals or muslims. In fact have people who were born in other countries amongst their members, have homosexual members and politicians and also have muslim members too. In actual fact the leader Nigel Farage has a German wife so I think that comment just makes you look stupid, ignorant and silly. Part of the status quo attempting to smear and make libelous comments against UKIP who are one of the few moderate, common sense parties left in the UK who believe in true democracy.
2013-03-16 07:30:33 UTC
Know your enemies and those who will sell you lies while theu run your government from Cameron, Miliband and Bercow all Jewish or of blood. All who fear we may one day take this country back and boot these criminals out for good. GOD WILLING....
2013-03-16 04:06:04 UTC
same reason they portray we are change as bad

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