Two major reasons, firslty they are in talks with the French facists Le Pen and the Austrian Freedom party,
They(UKIP) are also members of the European group in the Euro parlimanet called the European Alliance of Freedom, which has other members who are clearly facist.
When a member of this group from italy (Northern league) said about Anders Brievik !"
"Some of the ideas he expressed are good, barring the violence. Some of them are great," Mario Borghezio told Il Sole-24 Ore radio station.
He agreed with Mr Breivik's "opposition to Islam and his explicit accusation that Europe has surrendered before putting up a fight against its Islamicisation".
When members of UKIP LEAVE because of this group then perhaps there is some truth that UKIP has shifted to the right. (Sincliar)
UKIP has also supported the giving of EU money to far right organisaitons.
"The Alliance of European National Movements, a grouping of far-right MEPs, is looking to get £340,000 from the European commission, with a similar amount for a possible thinktank. The alliance includes Nick Griffin's British National party, Hungary's neo-fascist Jobbik party, Bulgaria's far-right National Democratic party and the Front National in France."
This might be why??
Adam, if you want to be taken seriously then please provide some evidence that the BBC " hates UKIP", if they do how comes Farage gets so much airtime when UKIP have 0 MPs??
"hatred that the BBC holds against Nigel farage. And if you don't believe me type in Nigel farage on BBC news or newsnight or sunday politics or question time and pick any one of those videos because there are many and you will see what I mean. "
Adam, no your spelling is miles better than mine.
Rotherham children - this is the behaviour of an overzealous council social worker, certainly without any cause or reason. I am appalled at this unwarrented action, and Foxy will confirm that was my reaction at the time.
" This tells us that for some reason social services has a grudge against UKIP."
this is a single case, IF every child that is fostered then you#'d have an argument, but I don't see it myself.
" David cameron call them: fruitcakes, closet rascists and loonies without any evidence to back his statement up. " - true, but still nothing to do with the BBC, he made these remarks on the Conservative /UKIP supporting station LBC (London broadcasting Company).
"fact obviously the British media obviously agrees with him. "
not a fact unless you prove it !?
Sorry, but you've provided absolutely NO EVIDENCE that the BBC hates UKIP, if anything they have given him more airtime than ITV, Sky and Channel 4.
Please let me off any terrible spelling mistakes, regards.
PS Am I roger the cabin boy is disguise?? scary.