The economy miracle of the UK was fake , a mirage (1997-2007), it was based on natural ressources, real market a,d finance.
The UK killed its own industry under Tatcher, "let them die" was her motto.
The UK became more wealthy than France Italy and Germany because its economy was built on big bubble.
Do you know the amount for saving all the UK banks something like 1500 billion £ and the british are the most in debt europeans, they don' t save much, their healthcare primary education and transport are §%/+
I hope that this growth won' t benefit the UK, the brit have been bragging and lecturing about their "great economy" for years and years.
Moreover the UK is nothing but a trojan horse in the EU preventing it from becoming a world power and always favoring and following the US instead of Europe.
The UK is nothing but the US poodle , look how easily it was for you to be engaged in the Iraq war, and the only country for Turkey in the EU because your american master told you to do so.
Real Europe Germany France and Italy
@FOXY sorry if am not pleasant with you but you are an idiot, the UK has deputees in the european parlement , they can say whatever they want about the EU (economy , foreign policy) they vote with other europeans. Now tell me how important is the UK in the US institutions , how many representatives and deputees have you there ?
Also the day the EU will cut free trade off with the UK, I think the amount of money you said will be a drop in the ocean
@FOXY 2 Mea Culpa I should not have called you an idiot, but I guess it is not better than your racist slurs against french people.
Ok I recognize that the UK is nowadays the greatest country in Europe and on earth, everybody is jealous envious of your economy, your healthcare system, your banks, your primary education, your railway system, your cars and planes, your tasty food and culture, your quality of life , your human developement index.
In fact I was denied the pleasure to live in the UK, that is why I am so bitter.
In Germany and France we thank the brits everyday because without their money we could not live.
How lucky we are to live close to such a powerful country !
Hopefullly you will stay in the EU so we can live on welfare thanks to you !
Now leave me I have to pray in front of an Union Jack flag.