You blame all of this on one President. Back in the 60's the USA should have developed an alternate fuel and greed kept stopping it.
GM and Ford have tough competition with Toyota and Honda.
In the last 10 yrs the subprime loan industry has emerged as a major & controversial player inthe housing market. Under a subprime loan, customers with low credit ratings are offered mortgages in return for high interest rates. DO YOU HEAR GREED? Between 1998 and 2006, 1.4 million first time home buyers bought their home using subprime loans. Shoddy underwriting has taken place in the subprime market. Interest rate can go from 8% to 12% just 2 yrs into the mortgage. This will increase the payment 30% to 40%. And remember they've put 20% down.
George Bush assumed the office as President of the USA in January 2001.
My dear democratic friend, who was President in 1998? The answer is - Bill Clinton
I am one that knows Bush and his gang had nothing to do with your accusations.
I was lined up at the gas station in 1979 during the 1973 Oil Crisis with Jimmy Carter as President. The '73 Oil Crisis began on October 17, 1973, when the member of Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC, consisting of the Arab Members of OPEC plus Egypt and Syria) announced, as a result of the ongoing Yom Kippur War, that they would no longer ship oil to nations that had supported Israel in its conflict with Syria and Egypt (Nixon gave Goldie Meir of Israel whatever she needed to fight this war. To me this made Nixon a great President.)
About the same time, OPEC members agreed to use their leverage over the world price-setting mechanism for oil in order to raise world oil prices, after the failure of negotiations with the "Seven Sisters" earlier in the month. Because of the dependence of the industrialized world on crude oil and the predominant role of OPEC as a global supplier, these price increases were dramatically inflationary to the economies of the targeted countries, while at the same time suppressive of economic activity. The targeted countries responded with a wide variety of new, and mostly permanent, initiatives to contain their further dependency.
But Washington always forgets whether it be Democrat (your guy) or Republican (George Bush and his gang).
And lets all have a good laugh, the young Senator from the most corrupt state in America, whose best friends are Louis Farrakhan the Nation of Islam leader and the Reverend Wright who seems to just about hate this nation and the other friend who thinks bombing American buildings are the right thing to do is going to change the USA and bring us all together. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if OPEC didn't own Barak Hussein Obama.
If you are a friend to Israel and if the USA stands with Israel then the Islamic countries can throw this nation into a recession trying to get us to abandon Israel. But the truth is - these Islamic nations do not like America any better than Israel. And they've just about taken over Britain.
This is your BAD LUCK. This is your ENEMY. You, my friend, are what they call the INFIDEL because you will not convert to Islam. You will not submit to their dictators and their 5th Century traditions.
Pelosi and Obama say they can negotiate with Syria and Iran. Pelosi talked to Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon has just about destroyed Lebanon with Syria's help. They laughed Pelosi all the way back to America and are still laughing at her. Ahmadinejad has one goal and one goal only and that is to annihilate Israel and then the USA. What does Obama think he can say to change the President of Iran's mind? Obama sounds like Chamberlain in WWII.
Winston Churchill knew that you can't appease a snake, but Chamberlain tried.Hitler laughed Chamberlain all the way home.
The USA must immediately get an alternative fuel. These Arab nations are trying to control our country or buy our country or destroy our country, but friends they are not. Israel is a friend.