How bad was Margaret Thatcher?
2006-11-29 18:06:35 UTC
I was very young when she was in power. She seems to get a mixed reception. When I ask my boss he made her out to be the devil incarnate, but the way my Dad and father-in-law go on about her you would think she was the second coming.
34 answers:
2006-11-29 19:01:40 UTC
where to start? Margaret thatcher is a conservative. Conservatives are more often than not right wing which means they believe in authority. You may have noticed this in your upbringing, You have learned by your fathers mistakes. You have not been allowed to make your own mistakes and learn from them.Your father believes that healthcare should be paid for this means if you can't pay for it then you do not get any healthcare. Your father believes that the right to buy was a great idea and probably bought your house during thatchers' reign. Your father probably also believes that the less fortunate deserve no better than they get (nothing)Margaret Thatcher was a HellBitchWhoreSlut.She made hundreds of thousands of peoples lives HELL and thats only the people who she made umemployed, then you've got their families. The thousands who where evicted through the Right to Buy scheme-Encouraged to spend spend spend. Although unfortunatly all or a large portion on credit-eg a mortgage, with the interest going sky high leaving hundreds of thousands unable to afford the repayments. Thatcher LOVES privatisation. She sold everything, The gas and electric companies that used to be publicly owned. The train companies- ever complained about th state of them? Yup she sold that. And many other things to. She was a nightmare for freedom. Margaret Thatcher was a cockmunchingbagofshite.The Lady is a Tramp.

Also I meant to say that the only way she is the second coming is if she is the second comeing of the Anti-Christ.
♣ My Brainhurts ♣
2006-11-29 23:14:46 UTC
The woman was / is a disaster my main problem with her ideas was she ran a Country as if it were a small business and the great cons that she pulled. I don't know if you are aware of the term " Selling the family silver" well that is what she did, the Post Office (publicly owned) used to be the Phone and the Mail with the profitable phone side subsidising the mail delivery side. The Phone (Telecom) used to give free calls to every one at Christmas. Anyway she carved up the Post Office sold the Telecom division to the public (the people who all ready owned it) and used the money to give more tax breaks to her supporters. then she did the same trick with the Gas, Water, Electric, Railways. Each of these utility's are now less efficient and far more expensive than when they were publicly owned. the spate of Railway accidents with people dieing can be laid fairly and squally down to her insane idea of privatising British Rail. The cow did more damage to this country than the German Air force in WW II.
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2006-11-30 07:19:13 UTC
As a real person, Margaret Thatcher was a very sexy and foxy lady. She had impeccible manners and all the social graces usually associated with the upper middle classes.

As Prime minister, she was the strongest since Winston Churchill.

Most people did not like Margaret Thatcher one little bit.

There was something lost in translation when they called her the Iron Lady. What the Russians had actually said was that she was like an Iron Maiden - a machine used in torture chambers, full of sharp blades, in which the victim was left to slowly bleed to death.

It was Margaret Thatcher how finally admitted that UK is not a democracy but an elective dictatorship - true.

Did she do any good while PM? This largely depends upon your own political point of view. She curbed the unions, closed the coal mines and generally went about trying to shut down everything which she thought of as even remotely socialist. She forced the Building Societies to go public and become banks which led to the crash of the housing market, which led to hundreds of thousands of people facing negative equity (their house not worth what they were paying) and the forced resale of hundreds of thousands of houses owned by people who could no longer afford to pay their mortgages.

During her time in office, almost 20 years, she precided over three major crashes of the stock market.

Margaret Thatcher was entirely responsible for everything that is now wrong with out nation and people. She introduced a self and me, me, me, culture to Britain. A former PM the late Harold Macmillain, stood against her in the House of Lords, for what he called, "selling the family siliver." Oh boy, was he right. The major industries of UK, the mines, the riailways, the water, the gas and electricity, were all held and owned by the nation as nationalised industries. The profits from the railways alone paid for the National Health Service - all gone.

The result of all of this is that we now pay higher than ever prices for everything and higher taxes - no matter who is in power.
ian d
2006-11-30 00:19:13 UTC
Margaret Thatcher was a very strong character in a time when her colleagues were weak therefore she stood out as very special.

Her policies were bold and radical after years of boring politics.

The young were very exited by her pro-active attitudes to sweep away the old and bring in new thinking and have an individualist view in life. (I was one of them)

She created the YUPPIES, young upwardly mobile all with a BMW 3 series and mobile phone and intolerant to the old ideas.

In retrospect she actually was wrong and fatally damaged the British society and the culture, what we are seeing today in the country is the Thatcher legacy.

She sold the countries assets to her friends in the stock market for peanuts and gave all her colleagues a seat on the board of those privatised companies.

She connected her son with the Saudis and he became a major arms trader.

What she did to the miners and the coal industry was unforgivable and today we wish we had the coal industry as the price of oil has soared and running out.
2006-11-29 23:43:33 UTC
When she was Education Minister she became known as the Milk Snatcher because she stopped Schools giving out Milk to Children.

Then she became the first Woman PM and Privatised the Utilities,Gas , Electric, P O , BT , Water, Railways.

Then she Shut down all the Gas and Electricity Showrooms and I took Early Retirement and Voluntary Redundancy from British Gas at 55years in 1992............She had given the Right to Buy, I had already bought my Council House and still had a Mortgage.............who wanted anybody at the age of 55..........35 year old's were having enough trouble trying to get they didn't want a 55 year old...........I think she was a Terrible woman.

It is also my belief that the Current PM is her .........Love Child...he is nearly as bad as she was.
2006-11-30 01:21:14 UTC
Left wing socialists like to reduce this question to a matter between the rich and poor. It is more complex than that.

To review Mrs Thatcher's performance it is instructive to look at the state of Britain before she was elected.

Britain was commonly referred to as 'The sick man of europe'

Unions were totally out of control and we were heading towards a state of communism - mob rule. Unemployment was at an all time high. This was the result of many awful years of labour mis-management.

Something had to be done and it just came down to a matter of administering some painful and unpleasant medicine. Mrs Thatcher had the vision, courage and personality to make it happen.

She smashed the unions and lifted the economy. That is probably her greatest contribution. She stood strong against Europe, insisting that Britain maintain her sovereignity. (Tony Blair subsequently capitulated)

Whilst it is true that the mines have closed (but the coal is still there) we are no longer in thrall to the likes of Arthur Scargil who wanted to hold the entire country to ransom.

Whilst it may not be strategically important she took back the Falklands after Argentine invaded. A labour government would probably be still negotiating. This action earned us some self respect and some international respect too.

The pound grew strong again and in short Britain went back to work.

Make no mistake. The present government is just riding the wave or prosperity that her policies began - but they are spending the money with ever increasing numbers of non productive civil servants and government quangos.

Mrs Thatcher, like Ronald Reagan believed that government should be small. The current mob like to increase it to intrude in to every aspect of our lives.

I believe the cycle will be repeated.
2006-11-29 19:01:56 UTC
If you were rich, Thatcher was indeed the second coming. She reduced income tax for the rich while raising it for the poor. By way of poll tax. Whereby someone like Prince Charles with all his Palaces pays exactly the same as his poorly paid butler.

A great injustice which we are still paying for, where the gap between the rich and poor gets wider everyday. And New Labour has added to the problem rather than redressing it.
nicky dakiamadnat600bugmunchsqig
2006-12-03 14:29:22 UTC
A lot of people disliked her,because she was tough and she didn't take any messing about.

If she was in power now,we certainly wouldn't be the nanny state we are now.

There would've been a cull on immigrants entering our country.

There certainly wouldn't be any of the political correctness crap that there is now.

Our hospitals wouldn't be under threat like they are now,and we never had so many stealth taxes,whilst she was in power.

We need another leader like Margaret Thatcher,to bring our once wonderful country back to the top,where it should be.
2006-11-29 22:55:30 UTC
She destroyed manufacturing industry, destroyed 'society' and created the selfish 'all for one' attitude prevalent today. But perhaps worst of all she instituted the privatisation of all public utilities. We, as citizens and tax payers, are now paying a high price for her folly. The only people to gain from this action have been wealthy shareholders and financial institutions.
2016-10-08 03:47:58 UTC
like each and every leaders she executed some sturdy yet on an primary foundation she promoted a grasping society and Blair persevered which include her beliefs at the same time as he change into in fee. just about all PM's have intense peaks and troughs of their premiership yet really Mrs T change right into a puzzling previous poultry who disillusioned a lot of her colleagues and paid the fee in the top.
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2006-11-29 18:25:36 UTC
no british prime minister has ever divided the nation. poll tax riots, miners strike etc I remember when she came to power and, if you had lots you did well if you had little you got screwed and incidentally, the reason gas prices have gone through the roof is because she sold off our gas reserves in the eighties along with shares in nationialized industries to the wealthy that everyone contributed to through their hard earned taxes.
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2006-11-30 04:43:02 UTC
She wasn't bad at all, she won a war, created a market driven economy providing choice, and implemented an equal tax system (the fact the poor are whining tossers was her downfall). One day there will be a prime minister worthy of calling them self her predecessor, but it hasn't happened yet.
2006-11-29 22:01:58 UTC
Listen to Elvis Costello's Tramp the Dirt Down. Should give you a clue.
2006-11-29 18:44:02 UTC
While some of her policies were very questionable, she did do a lot of good for the country. The reforms were painful at the time, but at least now we are in a far better condition than back in the 70s.
2006-11-29 18:09:56 UTC
Pure evil, caused nothing but hardship and misery. The Thatcher years were a very black time in British history. Will we learn from her, we'll just launch straight back into the same pit of dom with the next tory government.
2006-12-03 05:15:48 UTC
I was a child too when she was in power but I know that I despise her even to this day.

We are still paying for all the very bad she did to this country.
2006-12-02 05:04:27 UTC
She was and is a vicious bastard, who killed of the mines and trampled all over the rights of people, taking us closer to a police state as we ever have been, with the police in the direct employment of the owners who wanted to crush the miners.

We shall never forget, and I can't wait to dance on and piss all over her grave.
2006-11-29 18:16:25 UTC
Oooh, very bad indeed.

My husband and I have organised a Thatcher's Dead party, to be held on the Saturday following her demise. We've made a CD with all our favourite anti-Thatcher tracks. We have 40+ people signed up to come along.

"And when they finally lay you in the ground

I'll stand there laughing and tramp the dirt down."

(Elvis Costello's words, not mine. Though I wish I'd thought of them first.)
2006-12-01 04:30:09 UTC
Maggie's catchphrase was " the lady is not for turning" silly woman, if she had looked behind her she would have seen the knife they used to stab her in the back
2006-11-30 22:18:11 UTC
think back to what she did - the poll tax and the child support agency. Wow way to go Maggie.
2006-11-29 19:30:23 UTC
In my community is is the most hated political figure ever and the reason for this is she riped the guts out of our communities.

In her first months in office, she was responsible for the abolition of universal free milk for school-children aged seven to eleven. she became known has Thatcher the milk snacther.

In 1981, a number of Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) and Irish National Liberation Army prisoners in Northern Ireland's Maze prison (known in Ireland as 'Long Kesh', its previous name) went on hunger strike to regain the status of political prisoners, which had been revoked five years earlier under the preceding Labour government. Bobby Sands, the first of the strikers, was elected as a Member of Parliament (MP) for the constituency of Fermanagh and South Tyrone a few weeks before he died.

Thatcher refused at first to countenance a return to political status for republican prisoners, famously declaring "Crime is crime is crime; it is not political." However, after nine more men had starved themselves to death and the strike had ended, and in the face of growing anger on both sides of the border and widespread civil unrest, some rights relating to political status were restored to paramilitary prisoners.

As a monetarist, Thatcher started out in her economic policy by increasing interest rates to slow the growth of the money supply and thus lower inflation. She had a preference for indirect taxation over taxes on income, and value added tax (VAT) was raised sharply to 15%, with a resultant actual short-term rise in inflation. These moves hit businesses -- especially the manufacturing sector -- and unemployment quickly passed two million, doubling the one million unemployed under the previous Labour government.

By 1983, manufacturing output had dropped 30% from 1978.

The strikes carried out in 1984-85 by the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) in opposition to proposals to close a large number of mines, proved decisive. Thatcher had made preparations to counter a strike by the NUM long in advance by building up coal stocks, ensuring that cuts in the electricity supply, like those experienced during the industrial disputes of 1972, would not be required to protect the supply. Police tactics during the strikes greatly concerned civil libertarians, . Mounting desperation and poverty of the striking families - who went without any income at all whilst committed to the strike - led to divisions being formed between the miners. A group of workers, resigned to the impending failure of the actions and worn down by months of protests, began to defy the Union's rulings, starting splinter groups and advising workers that return to work was the only option remaining: the battle had already been lost.

She was know has Ragans "*****" and that is how she has been thought of in these parts for any years.

The battle of the Bean field and many other civil liberties was her legacy. if it had been up to her we would no longer have Glastonbury.... she was an arche controler who made peoples life a living hell. A lot of people died in those years because of her and I think it is now forgotten just what she did to the working classes and how much poverty was about because she coined the turm "Im all right Jack" And made a very few people very rich and a hugh amount very poor.

Not just in monery terms but emotional and spiritually, I was a youth worker then and there were thriving youth clubs when she came into power, where in those days 30p per head was spent on activities for young people, when she left there was less than 6p per head being spend and half of the clubs wer closed down.

Herion and Iraq was another legacy given by her and she became rich on the profits from cigerettes please dont get me going on this one I could go on all night. In my eyes she wasnt a ***** but the blackest Witch this country has ever known.
Atheist 4 Jesus
2006-11-29 18:13:56 UTC
She was the anti-christ.

She made evil people feel good about themselves and good people suffer.

And now her wicked ideas are spread around the globe, we're all doomed... the end really is nigh!
2006-11-30 04:56:43 UTC
she was not bad but she was not perfect some liked her and some didn't but how can you say one way or the other they are there in the top position to feather their own nest not yours so how do you say thank you
mug p
2006-11-29 18:20:18 UTC
Bella Look here! Your are very famous!!
2006-11-29 18:08:43 UTC
I'm an American, and I think she was the worst Prime Miister you ever had.
2006-11-29 18:30:38 UTC
No worse that the rest
2006-11-29 18:21:32 UTC
i am an American and from our perspective back then we loved i remember it she was respected as much as President Reagan.
2006-12-01 04:33:52 UTC
McFifi - your an @rse.
2006-11-29 18:27:06 UTC
I liked her!
a m
2006-11-29 18:08:15 UTC
she was ok but very bad at oral
2006-11-29 18:16:08 UTC
liked her

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