...In a pyramid scheme there is no way for those on the lower tiers to gain any benefit without the constant addition of more lower tiers below them..In fact, a pyramid scheme is the exact opposite of Supply Side economics...
...The basic premise of "supply side" economics is that if you support "producers" then more "consumers" will benefit. Signs of this are apparent all around you as it is very likely that you had little to do with the development, production and distribution of many of the goods you take for granted today.
As an illustration, mobile phones, personal computers, big screen TVs, performance automobiles all existed when Reagan took office.....but they were reserved for the very wealthy. Thanks to the capitalization of companies like Intel, Apple, Microsoft etc. Those things and more are now considered middle-class "necessities..."
In other words, all tiers of the pyramid now have access to the same goods and benefits regardless of their ability to lower tiers are necessary.
The pyramid model has the opposite effect because it is all about supporting demand....Because the upper tiers no longer produce wealth (loss of manufacturing and production base), they can only obtain wealth by taking a cut of the lower tiers ... the lower tiers meanwhile can only feed their need to consume by the constant addition of lower tiers...
Think how this relates to the last 30 years and the shift from a production-based economy to a consumer-based one...The focus has shifted from "making pie" to fighting over who gets to cut it up...meanwhile, lax immigration and educational policies ensure the creation of a permanent lower-tier sub-culture