Why does the Government insist on letting us down?
2008-10-20 05:57:45 UTC
I heard on the news this morning that the Government are looking into the possibility of buying houses off developers that are unable to sell newly built houses, and then rent them onto people on council waiting lists.
On the surface this seems like a good idea, people will be homed, builders and developers will remain in work and money will be flowing through the damaged housing market again. However, I am really really annoyed about these proposals and here is why;
Most big developments are in highly sought after locations. The people who have paid alot of money to live in such areas are not going to be happy that the value of their houses will decrease due to the proximity of a load of council houses. Also, most of the time after a few years of paying rent most tenants are able to buy their council property at a massively reduced price. So assuming that the houses in these areas stay well sought after, these council tenants will be able to buy a nearly new house in a great location for a tiny price.
I am one of these people who have paid a fair amount of money to live in a nice area, we had to buy a house that needed totally renovating to be able to afford the house in this location, and we have slowly been doing up our home. We both work and pay taxes and it really leaves a bitter taste in my mouth that we have worked so hard to get our house, when what we should have done, is not bothered working and asked for a council house, with the possibilty that it would be in the same location we are in now anyway.
I know there is a shortage of council property, and the reason for this, in my opinion, is that immigrants seem to have first dibs on council homes while people who have lived here all of their lives are forced into bedsits and the like.
Am I the only one who finds this unacceptable?
Thirteen answers:
Confused Hal
2008-10-20 07:10:49 UTC
I agree with you completely as I am in a similar position - I brought a house of a well established national builder two years ago for the asking price as it was the area I wanted to live in. I understood at the time that there would be a maximum of 9 affordable housing out of the 100 on the estate - 4 would be part rent part buy the other 5 would be for social housing. 4 weeks ago I found that the builders have sold another 11 houses to the housing association for social housing and will not be offering the original 4 for part rent part buy (a total of 20). Additionally they will not be building as many homes and will stick at 72. That means that the ratio in social housing is instead of being 1 in 20 homes it is now 1 in 3.5.

I havent worked out the effect on my house price yet but I anticipate that by the action of the builders it is somewhere between £30 and £40 thousand - great.

I dont have an issue with social housing this is pure economics I cannot afford to lose that much money. I went to my labour MP and explained the situation to him - he called it "interesting" but "an unforeseen circumstance" - He voted for the idea was that by releasing 3 years of funds early the housing associations could work with the builders to create new house thus supporting the economy and creating jobs - what has actually happened is that redundant housing stock is being brought up at knock down prices to prop up failing business who have failed to budget properly to the detrimant to the individual who has. No jobs are being created and the economy is not benefiting.

Great - thanks Gordon (this and only this is the reason that I will vote consertive at the next election) I beleive in socialism, I believe that Gordon's bailout is the right way, I believe that the Tory party is evil and messed up last time, but even in the hight of Maggie and Major and the f*ck ups they made they didnt cost me as much as this lot!!
2008-10-20 06:03:08 UTC
Yet again working hard gets you nowhere.........thats the story these days. You can work till you drop and when you turn around at the end of the day these leeches are still getting more than you lol.

The irony.
2008-10-20 06:10:55 UTC
I find the whole government unacceptable at this point in time, I'm only 17 but I still have strong beliefs this country is going down, and I've noticed ever since Gordan Brown Has come into power, prices have highered on things like alcohol and ciggerettes, ages risen on products such as tobacco, taxes have shot through the roof, housing is allot harder to get because of the price. you name it he's done it, His first slip up made me realise what an Idiot he actually is, with loosing all of the accounts for that certain bank, Which some fatty couldn't be bothered to get up and go give it to them personally. Or atleast get an armoured gaurd to take it.

Crimes will rise allot more due to the prices, they "say" crime is lowered, but in reality, I can't go out at night due to violent intoxicated vagabonds walking the streets looking for a fight, it's ridiculous.

I am actually sick of it, this country is falling apart and will only we get back on top again, when someone more reliable is in power.
Rob Roy
2008-10-20 07:39:55 UTC
Now you are getting the picture (at last) of what New Labours version of Socialism amounts to.
2008-10-20 07:37:05 UTC
What you have to realise is that the government does NOT want to help people. They view you as cattle fodder and people had better wake up before its too late.

Different subject but here is the truth about aids and the governments attitude towards the masses.

HIV is a virus and can work its way out of the body naturally especially if your immune system is good. HIV does NOT lead to aids, its the medication that you tale that leads to aids.

More people live who do not take the HIV medicine than those who do!

Don’t take the medicine!!!

Go to you tube and watch Dr Gallo, he was financed by the US government in the sixties to come up with a deadly virus to reduce the black population in Africa. They named it Aids! And now they are trying to vaccinate the whole black population of Africa and the vaccinations include the aids virus!!! Mass genocide, but hey you wont find a word of this in the mainstream media because it is controlled by the powerful elites.

Back in 1976, the following ad began appearing in New York newspapers:

Last Chance for gay men to join the Hepatitis B* Vaccine Program!

*A sexually transmitted disease. Enrollment closes in June, after which the vaccine may not be available for several years. Take the FREE blood test to determine your HEPATITIS B status and eligibility for the program.

Over 1000 gay men took the free vaccination at a time when there was no such disease as AIDS. Then, by 1978 the infection began popping up all over the gay community. Strangely enough, it was predominate among the volunteers who had taken the free Hepatitis B vaccine. Within 5 years, 60 % of these men were infected with HIV.

[Ed. It goes without saying that you should avoid ANY government sponsored vaccine program, no matter how noble the cause may seem].

The program had been repeated the next year in San Francisco and Los Angeles, and as in New York, shortly after the vaccination for Hepatitis B, the west coast volunteers also began presenting with symptoms of AIDS.

In Africa, in 1977, a free vaccination against Smallpox was offered to the Black citizens of the countries with "population problems". The cost was borne by the United States Health Agencies as a "humanitarian gesture". Again, within 5 years, over 60 % of the recipients presented with the HIV virus, and, today well over 20 million face death from AIDS.

Do your own research the media is bought and controlled.

How the economy works -

When asking Western school children about the significance of Waterloo, the answer will be something along the lines of ‘the decisive battle between Napoleon and an English lead European coalition’. In fact, the future of the European continent was perceived to depend upon the battle of Waterloo. If Napoleon won, France would have been confirmed as the undisputed master of Europe. If Napoleon was beaten, England would have become the leading power in Europe and greatly expand its sphere of influence.

What Western school children are not taught - for obvious reasons - is the much bigger story behind the official narrative, the story of one of the biggest frauds in human history. Nathan Rothschild, the head of the English branch of the Rothschild crime family, took advantage of his advance knowledge of the outcome of the battle by tricking the London Stock Exchange into believing that Napoleon had won. The resulting crash of the Exchange enabled Nathan Rothschild’s agents to buy the entire London stock market for a Penny in the Pound and seize control of the Bank of England.

This shameless fraud was ruthlessly repeated in 1929. The private owners of the U.S. Federal Reserve, Rothschild subsidiaries J.P. Morgan, City Bank and Chase Manhattan Bank were awash with money earned by financing World War I. Using their market power, Rothschild’s agents first engineered an artificial boom in the stock market, tricking smaller banks and private investors into putting huge amounts of money into the stock market and then deliberately crashed it, enabling the Rothschild agents to buy most of the U.S. stock market. The ripple effect of the New York crash also enabled Rothschild agents in other countries, such as Germany, to buy local corporations at a fraction of their actual value.

Eighty years later, it looks like our ruling psychopaths are at it again. They are systematically destroying trust in the U.S. dollar, causing holders of large amounts of green bags to sell them. At the same time, the Rothschild’s are preventing the European Central Bank from printing sufficient Euros for U.S. Dollar owners to exchange all of their holdings into Euros. That way Dollar owners are forced to buy gold instead, causing the gold price to explode.

Simultaneously, the Rothschild’s are using their influence on the media sector to spread rumours of an imminent crash of the U.S. Dollar and international stock markets. As per usual, in the day and age of infowar, those rumours first started in the alternative Internet based media, only to spread into the mainstream business media. Last week’s ‘global stock and credit market warning’ of the Rothschild owned Royal Bank of Scotland means that the next Waterloo must be imminent.

All it takes is a trigger such as a thwarted Israeli attack on Iran or the blocking of the Persian Gulf for oil transports, followed by a major stock sell-off by Rothschild agents. Once the world’s stock and credit markets have completely crashed, the price of an ounce of gold will be in the thousands, enabling the Rothschild’s and other owners of large gold holdings to buy the market for a fraction of their true value.
2008-10-20 07:02:49 UTC
Because the government don't operate in the interests of the people.

How can any one continue to deny the fact that the International bankers run the world.

They are looting our economy of taxpayers cash and using the funds to buy up the real economy on the plummeting stock market.

Meanwhile our, and the worlds populations are mindlessly succumbing to a fascism.

If you really want to understand the current economic situation watch this film, and then make everyone you know watch it too to wake them up!
2008-10-20 06:23:40 UTC
No you are certainly not the only person who lives their life hoping they can be away from the lesser people in society.People who are merely bin men who although emptying your bin in all weathers are only paid a pittance far below the income needed to purchase a property for themselves or the tesco van driver who deliver,s your internet shopping or the nursing assistant who looks after your mother ,shall i go on? Perhaps these people on such low incomes should educate themselves to a standard where they no longer need to do these poorly paid jobs and have to live in council accommodation.Then we can invite the immigrant's over in even greater numbers to do the jobs we no longer do .Oh but where are they going to live? Ah yes on your council/private estate.I live on a council estate and there is a car outside practically every house and come 8.30 am all the cars are gone work! There is very little crime and although not buzzing a sense of community.To achieve the lifestyle you appear to be seeking why not educate yourself a little more and eventually you can have a property with your own drive away from the rest of society will not be missed.
2008-10-20 06:12:30 UTC
Its not the government who lets people down, its the people who vote them in in the first place. How many people do you know actually sit down and go through the parties manifestos ? I know people who vote because thats how their family always voted, because they like the look of the candidate, or because someone else has told them how and why.

We are priveledged in this country to live in a democracy, yet every time the majority of voters think more about what they're having for tea than the choice they are making.

At the moment I intend to vote for the BNP at the next election as I agree with their policies set out in their manifesto. I know I will get thumbs down for saying this, but at least I've taken the time to find out.

Unfortunately most of those who give people a thumbs down on YA ! don't bother to read the questions or answers properly, and in my view fall into the same category of those who make choices without considering the consequences.
2008-10-20 12:12:07 UTC
Because it is the only thing they are good at!
2008-10-20 07:48:55 UTC
this government doesnt care about you, me or anyone else. they care about money and they care about quota's. if they can keep developers happy and get people off housing waiting lists it makes them look like they are doing some good. i live in a road which is part council housing and its very clear to see which houses have council tenants in them. the gardens are unkempt. there are cars rusting in the driveway . one man knocked his front wall down and left the the rubble where it dropped. and if martin h cares to call you stuck up he can say the same for me .

edit . i know that not all council tenants are bad. lots of them work hard and keep their houses nice.
2016-05-27 19:47:15 UTC
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society also known as the Jehovahs Witnesses has written in the past that Jehovah is not the true name of God. Number one the letters to the Tettragramatton are YHWH . The letter J at the time was neither in the Hebrew, Latin or Greek alphabet. It didn't come about till the 13th century I believe. To add vowels to the YHWH and make Jehova you would have to change it to JHVH which would be an abomination. Now Raymondis Martini a 13th century Catholic Monk came up with this translation but the Monsignor at the Church did not accept it. At the time most of Christendom was of course Catholic so the name spread. The Watchtower in a letter to the Church in the 1950's used this excuse for being called Jehovahs Witnesses . Even if the translation was incorrect the name was known so it made it easier. Unfortunately for them at the transfiguration Jesus said to his decipher "you will be Witnesses of me""". I would love to debate this with anyone.
2008-10-20 06:06:28 UTC
"when what we should have done, is not bothered working and asked for a council house" May I remind you that people who work also get council properties.

Just because you've worked, like most people in Britian, it doesn't make you special. People are free to live wherever they want.

"I am one of these people who have paid a fair amount of money to live in a nice area" Don't be so stuck up. Why do you assume that your new neighboughs would not be nice?

"I know there is a shortage of council property, and the reason for this, in my opinion, is that immigrants seem to have first dibs on council homes while people who have lived here all of their lives are forced into bedsits and the like"

Do you read the Sun or the Daily Mail for your views? Shouldn't working, tax paying (im)migrant works get houses OVER people who just want to sit around and claim benefits?

Learn to live in modern day Britain, where we tolerate others and don't discriminate on class/race/nationality or gender.

And remember, democracy can only work if we play our part in it - make sure you use your vote at the next election. If you don't vote, you can't have a say!
2008-10-20 15:32:30 UTC
short and sweet, I agree fully with what you say

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.