Problem's with Obama's "everyone gets health coverage" plan....?
2009-05-14 12:49:07 UTC
Ok, I understand that healthcare is very important & there are alot of people without it. I also believe there are lot of people that abuse the system (i.e. illegal immigrants that go to the doctor/e.r. at our expense). I'm just not sure why it's my responsiblity to pay for the un-insured to go to the doctor. and why do these people get free coverage while I'm paying over $500/month for my family?? How's is that fair??
23 answers:
2009-05-14 13:04:05 UTC
Sounds a lot like plans to help people that aren't paying their mortgages but doing anything for those that are barely scrapping by on extra jobs and cutting out other expenses.

It's the Democrats way. Take from those that work hard and care to give to those that don't.
2009-05-14 19:55:07 UTC
The rationale is that people who can't afford regular medical care put it off until it's an emergency. So instead of a GP prescribing medication for blood pressure, you get someone at the emergency room with a heart attack. The taxpayers still pick up the tab, but it's far more expensive. You also have to factor in the lost productivity at work, the assistance to the family now that Dad can't work, and the lost productivity when his kids drop out of school to help support the family. Multiply this times 40 million Americans and it ends up costing us far more NOT to provide health care, which is why every other modern nation did this long ago.
Nightmare of our forefathers
2009-05-14 20:00:38 UTC
Socialized medicine: when everyone has healthcare but nobody gets it. (Ronald Reagan).

Our system today is already outrageously abused by crack and meth addicts, street bums, illegal aliens, and other human garbage that frequent our ER's on a nightly basis, getting multimillion dollar workups (because ER docs fear litigation), and the taxpayers and insured working americans foot the bill.

Many ER's in Southern Cal have closed because of this. And now Obama want's to worsen the abuses of our health care system with promises of healthcare for everyone. What a joke. Does anyone seriously think that is a good idea, seeing how lousy it works elsewhere in the world?

Libs like to put forth flowery "feel good" arguments for it, such as: "if only everyone had access to preventive medical care, they won't abuse the ER's." What a lie and a joke. The gravy train has no limits once everyone develops an entitlement mentality. The only permutation of "preventive" anyone will see with socialized medicine is that the government is going to prevent you from having free choice and prevent you from health care treatments the government decides is too expensive or you are too old to get.

And as far as "quality" healthcare is concerned, you can kiss that goodbye in America. We physicians aren't going to train for all these years just to be a low paying civil servant working for a government beauracracy. Expect substandard physicians in the future....idiots pushed thru med school to meet the increasing needs (affirmative action galore...wink wink nudge nudge, let any warm body into med school) and foreign trained physicians who barely speak English. The good docs will go offshore, and those who can afford it can find us there. I suspect mostly rich politicians, since everyone else will be taxed to death and will have no money.
2009-05-14 20:02:27 UTC
I don't have health care can't afford it. But I don't blame anyone but myself. Many people think the gov. owes them I live in a some what free country it should be my choice if I want health care or not but if some thing happens to I don't expect anyone to pay but me! Most people are abusing the system. The gov lets people that shouldn't get any thing get everything They didn't work for it they shouldn't get it. I know many people that didn't finish high school that have good paying jobs. The jobs are out there the problem is most people don't want to work or don't want that kind of work. A paycheck is a paycheck. But there are many people taking money away from the hard working people and that is not right. We should help those who can't help themselves and the one who worked hard to make this a great country. And everyone needs to get off their lazy butts and pitch in instead of sitting there complaining.
2009-05-14 20:02:34 UTC
The first problem is it will cover at least 10 million illegal immigrants.

So that takes the uninsured number down to about 35 million Americans.

8.5 million of them make over $50k yet choose not to pay for any health insurance Another 9 million people make over $75k and choose not to for health insurance. That is roughly 17.5 million people, or half the uninsured, that make more than the median income of $46,236 that are choosing not to pay for health insurance. But they have ipods and cell phones and big screen TV's.

So now we are down to around 18 million unisured. The Census Bureau also estimated that 45% of the uninsured will have insurance within 4 months as they begin new jobs.

And I won't mention how inefficient the government is or the wonderful job they already do running medicare and medicaid. Both on the verg of bankruptcy.

Then there is this:

Interesting facts about the Canadian Health Care System from the Fraser Institute:

With a total of 14.9 weeks, patients in Ontario benefited from the shortest total average wait time (the wait between visiting a general practitioner and receiving treatment). Alberta was second at 16.3 weeks followed by Manitoba at 18 weeks. Patients in New Brunswick experienced the longest wait times (31.9 weeks) followed by Saskatchewan (28.5 weeks) and Prince Edward Island (25.8 weeks).

Among the various specialties, the shortest total waits (between referral by a general practitioner and treatment) occurred in medical oncology (4.9 weeks), radiation oncology (5.0 weeks), and elective cardiovascular surgery (8.0 weeks). Patients waited longest between a GP referral and orthopaedic surgery (40.3 weeks), plastic surgery (35.4 weeks), and neurosurgery (31.7 weeks).

WE all no how much Americans love to wait. Go the the post office and people are screaming when they have to wait 15 minutes. I am sure we will be thrilled when we have to wait 8 weeks for required heart surgery.
2009-05-14 20:12:30 UTC
oops ...yes I'm Canadian...and no our health care is not entirely free

however... I'm not going to be turned away or be forced into bankruptcy

because of medical bills. The only flaw in the system I see is the possibility for over billing or billing for services I did not receive or being sent for testing services that may not be wholly needed. Anyway, a guesstimate of my out-of-pocket costs runs about $1000 a year and I am a diabetic...this is a far cry from your $500/month...with your 300million people your country should be able to manage a public health care system without blinking.
American Splendor
2009-05-14 20:09:17 UTC
I hear what you're saying. But for too long now the argument you make has been used as people keep dying left and right because the health care system in this country is owned by the insurance monopolies. Functionaries at desks in corporate headquarters are playing God. They are literally deciding who gets treatment and who doesn't, whose policy to honor, and whom to cut loose because it would be too much of a loss for the insurance investors. People in offices are awarded bonuses when they save their employers, the insurance companies, money on a claim.

Somebody has to draw the line and say, with official might, "ENOUGH"... maybe Barack Obama is that man, right here and right now. We can only pray.
2009-05-14 19:55:36 UTC
Well...for one thing, the health coverage for Detroit auto workers adds over $1,100 to the cost of each car manufactured in the US but because Canada and Japan both have national health care that cost is only about $100 to cars made there, meaning the health care system here is making American products less and less competitive in the world market. About 40 % of our health expenses go for paper shuffling--bureaucratic overhead, not nurses, doctors, medicine, hospital stays--just paper shuffling. Here are the mechanics: your doctor presents his bill to the insurance company, the insurance company rejects it, the doctor appeals, it can even go to court, its absurd, just pay the $^#@ bill like they do in Canada!
Gorkbark Porkduke Gefunken Fubar
2009-05-14 19:54:54 UTC
There is no such thing as "free" health care. Someone has to pay for it, and it is the taxpayers. "Free" health care will have to be very tightly rationed, so if the government does not think you deserve treatment you will not get it. So what this means is that taxpayers will pay higher taxes and very few will get any benefit from it at all (except of course the illegals, who will milk the system dry).

If you want health coverage that will actually pay you when you need it, then you have to buy it on your own. The "free" health care will give you nothing.
2009-05-14 19:56:37 UTC
Because we're all human, and it is fundamentally wrong to let someone die because they don't have money. Many illegal immigrants have come to this country with nothing but the clothes on their backs to escape persecution or to seek the opportunities that many Americans take for granted - if they become sick or injured while on that leap of faith they should not be left to suffer and die.

Sure, you could argue that it shouldn't be a legal obligation to help others... but at the end of the day you would have to live with yourself for refusing to help someone in need of medical attention.
2009-05-14 19:52:54 UTC
Obama isn't asking you to pay for everybody's health care. He's proposing a fee based system that will carry lower premiums. BTW, you already pay for the uninsured who use the medical system.
2009-05-14 19:53:10 UTC
I agree with you. If medical becomes socialized, the quality of health care will be greatly reduced. Hypochondriacs would likely take advantage of it and hard-working taxpayers, who already have health insurance, would have to pay for the 40% of Americans who pay no income taxes.
2009-05-14 19:56:08 UTC
This is basic government, 101.

You are incapable or unwilling to take care of yourself, the government will take care of you.

Now, for basic government, 102.

Of you ARE able and willing to take care of yourself, bend over.

Now for basic government, 103.

If those who are unwilling and unable to take care of themselves, the government would have to invent them in order to justify their liberal-vote for me, agenda
2009-05-14 19:53:44 UTC
It's not fair, but that's what the idiots elected, and this is what we're stuck with until enough of us decide to stand up for ourselves.
2009-05-14 19:52:34 UTC
Look at in terms of access to health care being available the same was as access to public education is.
2009-05-14 19:54:51 UTC
You already do, with WIC, Medicaid and Medicare.
2009-05-14 19:52:29 UTC
because as an american you should feel sorry for poor people and those who refuse to get an education, attend school to learn basic math and english skills, use and sell drugs, and all around drain on our society. have some compassion.
2009-05-14 20:18:28 UTC
i am afraid you are going to realize obamba is for obamba and very few others
Buddy R
2009-05-14 19:52:40 UTC
It is called socialism.

Libs believe they have the right to steal money from you to give to the people who vote for them.
2009-05-14 19:54:30 UTC
yes he has point
2009-05-14 19:52:07 UTC
It's from Obama of course.

We have an idiot leading our nation!
2009-05-14 19:51:36 UTC
It's not, but they don't give a damn about you.
2009-05-14 19:51:57 UTC
its called human decency. get some.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.