Who owns the Arctic?
Y! Canada News Editors
2007-08-09 11:50:45 UTC
The race for the North is heating up with Russia's recent claim to the area and now Canadian PM Stephen Harper's push for Arctic sovereignty.

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double z
2007-08-09 12:15:32 UTC
Who owns the Arctic? All the countries which own land within the Arctic Circle. Countries are allowed to claim 200 mi (320km) of ocean, projected out from their coastline. Therefore, Russia, Canada, Norway, Greenland (Denmark), the U.S, and Iceland all own parts of the ocean which is within the Arctic Circle.

So Russia plants a flag on the bottom of the ocean? Who cares? They don't own the North Pole any more than the United States owns the Moon. They are saying that some kind of undersea ridge counts as Russian national territory. Sorry, if you can't live on it, it's not land.

Are we going to start dividing up the land which is so far underwater that light can't even reach it? Water so deep that you would be crushed by the pressure if you tried to swim there?

On the map, in regards to the North Pole, Canada has the closest actual settlement where people live. Still, not even Canada can legitimately claim the Pole. It is too far away for that. I'm Canadian, and even I can admit that. Russia is even further away. Sorry, Russia.
2007-08-09 14:02:40 UTC
Firstly, in response to those who have said that the United States cannot claim the Moon just because they put a flag there. I have evidence supporting this argument and I direct anyone that disagrees with that to read Article Two of the Outer Space Treaty (can be found in the sources section), which states that no nation can claim any part of space (the treaty specifically mentions the Moon, among other things).

Secondly, I'm getting rather sick and tired of other nations attempting to claim the Arctic region as their own. It is in international waters, but I feel I should point out that we are closer to it than anyone else, any good look at a map of the region will tell you that.

This is the third time a nation has attempted to infringe on Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic. The other two attempts being: the incident with Denmark on an island between Ellesmere Island and Greenland, and the United States claiming that the Northwest Passage is an international waterway. Canada seems to be becoming a target because of our natural resources.

I hope this can be settled peacefully through international talks and the United Nations, but I fear that may depend on the results of the upcoming elections in the United States. Just in case those options fail, I think the expansion of the armed forces (specifically the navy) should be more of a priority. I'm NOT saying we should go to war, I'm saying we should be prepared in case someone else does.

PS: I'm sure Russia, Norway and Denmark would be in favour of a hockey tournament to settle the claim. I'm not too sure about the United States though, how many times have we beat them in hockey? And in both genders no less.

PPS: I'm in favour (if someone HAS to have it) of either Canada or Norway having it.

PPPS: Sorry for the long post. :(
2016-10-19 07:33:29 UTC
Who Owns The Arctic Circle
2016-04-11 09:09:40 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

All of the countries you named own territory within the arctic circle. Those claims are not disputed. What is disputed is the arctic ocean, or more specifically the land under the arctic ocean. There is probably a great deal of oil. Therefore there are questions of international law dealing with what constitutes a continent, and who owns what part of the continental shelf. There are a lot of treaties that have to be interpreted. Or gotten around. Russia recently made a political statement by planting a flag underwater. Realistically the area is too dangerous to plant oil platforms. The cost of extraction and shipment would probably be greater than what you could earn.
2007-08-09 14:55:09 UTC
The Arctic is a rather broad area. Do we classify the Arctic as anything above the Arctic Circle? If so, then many countries may dispute the claim of any one nation owning it.

As a Canadian, I feel that Canada does have claim over the arctic territory in its northern territoritorial region. On kost modern maps and charts, Canada's northern lands are shown as spanning from the Baffin Sea to the Beaufort Sea, and to the northern tip of Ellesmere Island.

Equally, I agree that Greenland, USA, Russia, Norway, and Finland all have territory that borders the Arctic Ocean and should have the right to defend their territorial waters, and harvest any food or minerals from their lands.

Ideally, any arctic land that is beyond a country's territorial waters should be treated as International territory. I would like to see it treated in the same way as the Antarctic, in that a treaty is in place that countries agree to use the space for peaceful purposes and only for scientific research.

So the question is not "Who owns the Arctic?" but rather "Where does each Arctic country's territorial waters end and international waters begin?".
2007-08-09 14:08:40 UTC
Canada physically... or noone scientificly

Let me start at the beginning

Ok, I've seen alot of people say that everyone owns the arctic. If this is true then Mexico owns part, Brazil owns part, Iraq owns part, China Owns part etc. even though they are nowhere near the landmass in question.

Therefore everyone within the Arctic circle would own it

look above ^ so you get down do Russia and Canada

Canada is closer, but Russia has a land bridge, but the people of Canada have travelled to the Arctic for 1000s of years, well this is also true for Florida, but u don't c other Canadians making claims for florida, but then again Russia shouldnt own it either just because of a so-called landbridge, then every country would be an island.

still IMO Canada is more responcible and does have a better claim look above ^


However, since there is no actual land to be claimed and it is all ice, and ice is just the solid form of water, and it is in international waters, therefore no one owns it, and no one can own it because it is just water/ice.

** to be edited later
2007-08-09 20:59:04 UTC
I think that Canada has definite sovereignty over the Arctic. It is a part of Canada and is acknowledged all over the world and on maps. However, this could change if Russia wanted to claim it and started war. They have much better boats to navigate the Arctic and Canada would probably lose if Russia did use force to acquire the Arctic. Prime minister Stephen Harper should have spent more money on the icebreakers to navigate the Arctic instead of the more moderate boats. This way, Canada would have a better claim over the Arctic.
2007-08-09 14:51:06 UTC
Canada owns a large percentage of the Arctic. The United States owns some because of Alaska, as well as Greenland and Norway and Britain. Canada's claim is the strongest. Russia wants oil people. The International community should stand up and say no to the Russians. The Russians also want the Middle East. The Russians do not want peace. Mark my words their will be war if the Russians keep this up.
Robert B
2007-08-09 17:54:12 UTC
The Arctic is defined as the land and waters extending from 70 degrees lattitude north to the north pole. While this includes the Canadian archipelago of Arctic islands and the surrounding sea, it also includes areas of the Arctic sea of which Greenland (Denmark), Russia, the US, and Finland all have legal 200 mile extensions from their coastline. There are two problems which arise in territorial claims for the arctic. One is right of passage in the seas through the Canadian archipelago of islands which the US claims is international waters, and the other is when the 200 mile extensions overlap due to the irregular coastlines of the Arctic nations. There is no question that Canada lays claim to the Arctic archipelago of islands and their surrounding waters extending 200 miles. This includes all the straits and passages that the US is trying to pretend is international waters. It would be hard to argue in an international court against Canada's historical claim and its uninterrrupted and continued presence there). As for the north pole, no country can lay claim because no country has territory close enough to it to extend their 200 mile sea claim. (Just for the record, Greenland is closer to the North Pole than Canada's Ellesmere Island). But like Canada's border with Maine and Alaska, we can get screwed by an international court if we don't assert our sovereignty. I didn't vote Conservative but I like Harper's Arctic policy.
2007-08-09 23:04:10 UTC
Who ever permanently lives there owns the Arctic...this means the Innu and the Eskimo and historically that gives the biggest edge to Canada and also to the USA because of Alaska. Denmark has a historical right to a share because of Greenland, however Russia, Norway and Iceland are also is entitled to a portion due to territorial proximity. Unfortunately it is doubtful any resources in the Arctic Ocean basin will be extracted fairly -- essentially the first to find it gets it. Canada will likely be the one who will have to try to clean up the mess afterwards.
2007-08-09 19:42:03 UTC
Simply put no one owns the Arctic. It has long been recognised in internatinal law that countries may exercise authority in ocean areas, such as Canada's 200 mile off shore limit, but that isn't the same as ownership. As the arctic is essentially ocean, no one owns it, but Canada has long exercised authority in this area with little to no competition for the ocean. Now that global warmng is making the area more accessable, suddenly everyone wants a piece. I will point out though, that some years ago Canada threatened to sink U.S. submarines that were passing under the ice cap, and the U.S. backed down. The U.N. also gave a nod to Canadian authority in the arctic at that time.
The Mike H
2007-08-09 23:55:12 UTC
Clearly, land that borders within a particular country's boundary belongs to that country. Waters within a certain distance from that land belong to that country also. So what's up with these recent claims to Arctic areas? - Global warming is predicted to allow Big Oil corps to access oil reserves which presently lay beneath dense Arctic ice. Considering the potential profits to be made by newly accessible reserves, Russia, U.S.A, etc., are making their claims on prime Arctic areas. The continental location of the U.S. makes their claims tough to appreciate. Note also that the U.S. had suggested claim of particular areas North of Manitoba, presumably because thawing ice would open up a new shipping lane from which Arctic shipping traffic bound for the south/southwest could forgo the Panama canal route. Manitoba could become a wealthy port province in the future. So in reality, this Arctic sovereignty question is about Canada's right to keep what is hers from (greedy) U.S. and/or Russian corporations.
2007-08-09 21:42:01 UTC
For years and years the world has known that Canada has made a claim for the arctic. Our problem is the government has sat on it's laurels and has not enforced what is "ours". Now, everyone is making a claim for it. The reason for it is the potential for an extra shipping lane as the earth warms and opens up the north. Not only that, but, the potential for oil and diamonds and other resources that may be up there. We have to end this by making it crystal clear by showing a military presence up there but also letting the world know that we will prosecute any infringements on our territory. For once, a P.M. is making the right decision.
Jana G
2007-08-09 16:08:13 UTC
What is all this talk of "owning"? No one owns land. No Government, no Corporation, no single man I believe can truly own land. Some may make a claim and defend it. They may use the space and resources available from such land, but they do not own it; it belongs to every living creature.

However, that being said, I believe that Canada holds the strongest claim to the Arctic and should therefore defend it. I do believe that Canada would be the best keepers of the Arctic. The least likely to corrupt it.
2007-08-09 15:56:46 UTC
the only people who have any true and legitimate claim to the Arctic regions in the world are those indigenous to the areas! I don't see too many of anyone running up there to eat seal and live a traditional lifestyle of the Arctic people. This whole thing is ridiculous, it was never a question before, so lets all just go to war, drop bombs on each other and solve the problem with a good old fashioned invasion!!!!!!!!
2007-08-09 14:55:28 UTC
Canada's military has been occupying and defending the far north since long before anyone else was interested in arctic sovreignty. More importantly, the only aboriginal peoples with claim to heritage in the far north are Inuit, who together with Native and Metis, comprise Canada's First Nations. If anyone has a claim to "ownership" of the far north regions, it is Canada, or more specifically, Canada's Inuit People. Other nations can't just stake a claim on our land any more than individuals can take over portions of their neighbor's land just because they wake up and suddenly think it's a good idea one morning.
Adam K
2007-08-09 19:56:16 UTC
I believe that the United Nations should be asked to accept proposals for tapping the natural resources of the arctic and should accept proposals that incorporate "no trace" extracting - meaning that once these oil companies and others are finished extracting their resources it needs to be left the way they found it - as if they had never been there - or face tens of billions of dollars in fines. The United Nations would be required to accept a proposal that incorporated multiple nations and would be required to set up a structure that allows for accountability by some of these multinationals.

Countries should have the right to use the resources within their borders, but here the borders have not been drawn and so the United Nations should boldly offer its guidance as a multi-national body representing people from across the world - including the nations that have claims to the Arctic.
2007-08-09 14:16:03 UTC
Clearly the Arctic should belong to those who inhabit the area and have done so for thousands of years. The Inuit have not surrendered the land, hence it shouldn't be the 'Canadian' government or the "Russian" government's place to claim land that is not theirs!!!!!! Isn't it about time that we stop hallucinating that the Arctic belongs to these artificially constructed countries? With our countries today being so 'keen' on human rights, how is it that these countries can publicly dispossess people of their lands and get away with it? What about the rights of the Inuit? With globalization and its devastating impacts on the Arctic, which the Inuit experience first-hand through increasingly dangerous and unpredictable changes in their environment, what do you think will happen? These 'countries' coming in and staking claim to their territory will open it up to commercialization, which will further the devastation of these lands and the people who live there!!!!
2007-08-09 13:17:20 UTC
Technically no one should but any water that is within 320 km of the coastline belongs to that country, they have the right to claim the water within that radius. The artcic should be just an international area, and the resources there should be shared equally. It should be like antarctica, where that area is not a formal country but the majority of it is international land that is available to anyone (but they can't claim it as there own), thus any dispute would not be an issue since its international/global land. And a country can't claim land by planting a flag anymore, those days are long gone, this is the 21st century where if someone crosses th line one bit the whole country you trespassed in crashes into you (mostly the immigration board). So planting a flag means nothing execpt an accomplishment, like the Untied states does not OWN the moon, they just left a historical mark stating an accomplishment, the exact samething goes to Russia they can't "claim" the area they planted the flag in (unless its in their 320 km, im not sure if it is).
2007-08-09 13:03:53 UTC
The arctic should be a Preservation / Wildlife Sanctuary for all animals and wildlife that use the area for it's habitat , and should not be owned by any one specific country. Each country should have conservation efforts for the arctic to maintain the ecosystems.

Under international law, no country currently owns the North Pole or the region of the Arctic Ocean surrounding it. The five surrounding Arctic states, Russia, the United States, Canada, Norway and Denmark (via Greenland), are limited to a 370km (200 nm) economic zone around their coasts.
2007-08-13 10:09:15 UTC
No one "owns" the Arctic, but it's good that PM Steven Harper is building a Canadian presence there. As the Arctic becomes more accessible, we need the ability to protect our sovereignty, monitor the environmental impact of increased shipping and access new resources.

The new resources could very well make the Canadian Arctic "Alberta North" (in terms of wealth).
2007-08-09 20:03:05 UTC
Canada clearly owns the Arctic. It has been occupied by the Inuit who have lived in the Arctic for thousands of years. Canada has an agreement with the Arctic Inuit called Nunavut on land claims and self-government as a part of the confederation.

Under UN resolutions, land claimed occupied and used by an indigenous peoples constitutes sovereignty. The Inuit and Canada have abolute sovereignty under international convention and law.

Russia and all other trespassers are clearly challenging our sovereignty... unfortunately, we have NO way of defending or protecting our rights except through the international court.
Debra H
2007-08-09 18:09:09 UTC
How ridiculous! Canada owns the Ar tic.. or should. No one has ever wanted it or could even be bothered with it until suddenly someone says there may be oil.

I certainly hope in this one instance the Canadian P>O> hold his ground.. alt ho' I doubt it. If Bush suddenly says it is his, Harper will hand it over like a gift.

My Canadian friends are quite put out about this... I wonder how Russia would feel if Canada suddenly decided that some part of their coastline was open to anyone... Come on, people , don't be ridiculous.
2016-03-13 02:31:19 UTC
The whole of the arctic or just the NW passage? Canada, USa, Russia, Sweden and Norway all have land bordering the arctic sea. The NW passage is just between US and Canada
A Nut Nut
2007-08-09 14:23:25 UTC
The ones who own the arctic is the natives they have never given up ownership of any kind to any government of any kind.That is who owns this area. Show every body any thing relating to any treaty of any kind then you will find out who owns this area. Governmets who state they own the area are at fault, the natives have already lost too much land to the government. The natives have been on this planet longer than any other nation or group have, so the natives who live there are the rightful owners.
2007-08-09 13:17:14 UTC
I believe Canada owns the North Pole because the people from the High Arctic in Nunavut had travelled to North Pole so many times, and I believe Inuits from Canada where there first. Yeah there have been explorers that went to the Nort Pole from different countries from 1800-1900, but yet the Inuit was still there. But why is contries fighting over North Pole, there's no land, plus Nunavut the newest Territory in Canada owns the North Pole.
Hydro Calcites
2007-08-09 16:10:36 UTC
As always there is probably more to this story. Why would they be interested in this part of the world? I met a geologist that was telling me about a new form of clean energy called if I recall correctly "Hydro Cal-cites". Apparently the Chinese are drilling right now in their sea bed against protests, as we don't know enough about the potential ramifications of drilling for this new energy source. The balance of power will shift if there is something down there worth drilling for. especially if it's a clean source of power. It won't be long before someone is drilling down there. As for who owns it? I feel like I'm living on a planet run by people with the maturity of a 5 year old. In fact 5 year olds demonstrate often more compassion for the person next to them. Nobody owns it, but we are ALL responsible for it. When I was kid, sticking your finger in a piece of pie to lay claim to it would have likely earned you a thick ear for behaving so selfishly, and we're not talking about pie here. This should be treated like outer space, a place for exploration, learning, and good reason to work together. We laugh but Gene Roddenberry knew what he was talking about. So what is the deal, is like the old days when you stick a stake in the ground to lay claim to an acre of land? or do they get the lot? can we send a sub down there and plant a flag within a certain distance of theirs and say "this bits ours!". Can someone with a Phd and decent people skills step up to the plate and bring some order to this madness? Proffessor Stephen Hawking went to great lengths to spell it out to us "The survival of the human race is at risk as long as it is confined to a single planet," We are going the wrong way it seems!
Louise Michel
2007-08-09 14:36:54 UTC
The answer is nobody. This bickering for the arctic is pathetic. These goverments, especially the conservatives, don't give a damn about global warning, after denying it and sabotaging environmental accords, and are at the service of the oil industry. Now that global warming is destroying the arctic, their after oil ressources over there... Sending the army, spending more for "defense", building ports... for the OIL industry and with public money. The artic is to the indegenous people living there... And im sure that they don't want militarisation and oil stations on their territory... But who gives a damn about them and what THEY think... The colonization continues...
2007-08-09 14:26:38 UTC
We own the Arctic! Toughen up Canada!! Don't let those Stroganoff eating and Smirnoff drinking bullies take what belongs to us! We need to start flexing more muscle within the international community. The rest of the World looks at us like we're a bunch of wimps. When in fact individually we're smarter and stronger than most of them. We need to unit and stand proud and fearless. Plus the US would much rather deal with Canada than the Russians when it comes to the natural resources up there. They'll support us and we'll support them where Alaska's concerned. Tell those Russians to put their flag on their own nuclear contaminated waste land and back the #^% up off of ours…
Bea S
2007-08-09 12:51:09 UTC
The answer is known to every child who has ever written Santa Claus.

His address is:




Thus, the North Pole must be in Canada, which mean the Arctic belongs to Canada.

Seriously, of the nations which claim to own the arctic, the Canadian claim in the strongest. Canada has had the longest presence in the region (the indigenous peoples) and has claimed it for at least 100 years, while other nations just show up, drop a flag, claim the land and leave.
chelvadurai s
2007-08-09 13:59:59 UTC

I believe that the general rule of 200 miles from the coastline of each country has the claim towards the Arctic. Anything beyond that belongs to International community and does not belong to any individual country. Any exploration for scientific purposes can be allowed but any action to attain financial gains by removing oil, gas, mineral should be banned. If allowed it should be enjoyed by the whole world.


Adam R
2007-08-09 13:58:42 UTC
What claim do the Russians have? Or the Danes? Canada's territory extends farther north than any other country in the world.

That said, flag-dropping be damned. The only thing that gives sovereignty over anything is the ability to keep and control what you claim to be your own. If the Danes claim it, let them stop us from going. Same to the Russians.
2016-03-15 10:41:27 UTC
Ok, I've seen alot of people say that everyone owns the arctic. If this is true then Mexico owns part, Brazil owns part, Iraq owns part, China Owns part etc. even though they are nowhere near the landmass in question.
Prophet of Deed
2007-08-09 22:30:25 UTC
As a representative of the gods, I lay claim to the arctic in their names.

So there, I own it!

In all seriousness though, no-one really owns land for it is not ours to own in the first place. People just think they own it which is quite laughable really, but what can one say for those who live life through petty material values?

Time humans woke up from the deluded belief that this world is theirs to do with as they wish.


adam h
2007-08-09 20:56:34 UTC
You are all overally patriotic. As a Canadian who lived in Asia for 5 years and has been back for about year, I realized how defensive Canadians are. I also noticed how anti-American most Canadians are. America has our back. What would be without them? Over 90% of our foreign trade is with the U.S. Without the U.S., Canada would be nothing. I hate Canadians with inferiority complexes. I am by no means pro-American or pro-anything for that matter.

The Arctic belongs to the countries that are in it which includes both Russia and Canada.
2007-08-09 18:26:43 UTC
The Arctic is part of Canada. Always has been always will be. Everybody in the world knows that the North Pole is Canadian, PERIOD! That being said I feel the best thing to do would be to make it a wildlife preserve, and ban any exploitation that would be detrimental to the region.
2007-08-09 17:27:21 UTC
I'd agree that nobody truly owns the Arctic, and it would be nice to see some unity and collaboration among the world's governments regarding the issue. It's sad to think that our world order is in such a state that we cannot share.

Anyhow, I don't think this topic should be very high on our world's priority list right now. If we don't start adressing the issue of global warming and its side effects, the Arctic probably won't be there for much longer.
Darkest R
2007-08-09 13:47:16 UTC
As far as I’m concerned nobody should “own” the Artic Region, but if someone must, then it should go to Canada. Not only is the Canadian claim strongest, but Canada is a much more responsible nation when it comes to diplomacy and the environment. Canadians do not test detonate nuclear warheads inside their own country, for example (…or anywhere else for that matter. Russia is not exactly what I would refer to as stable. They can barely manage their own country as it is. The US is too volatile, and Denmark already uses the Grand Banks as an environmental dumping ground. Norway is trustworthy but too small, and no Norwegians live in the Artic. No one should own it but if someone MUST, I really hope it’s Canada.
2007-08-09 13:26:59 UTC
Canada owns the Artic .

Canada and Stephen Harper had better get their act together and keep our claim on the Arctic as Canadian as it truly is. One can only hope that we will not stand meekly by and let the Russian's or anyone else walk all over us and what is ours. We all need to stand up for Canada
2007-08-11 12:38:13 UTC
Vee is me
2007-08-09 20:23:36 UTC
Till just recently Canada seemed to be the undisputed owner of the Arctic, in the quest for oil suddenly everyone want to claim it.. To be fair since this is where the world gets its fresh water from NO one should be allowed to drill there period.. leave it as it is.
2007-08-09 15:17:40 UTC
2007-08-09 14:12:21 UTC
Tres Piernas Hombre
2007-08-09 14:08:07 UTC
The arctic is no different than Canada, U.S. Mexico and South America. All these areas were inhabited by indigenous people long before any European contact. This question cannot be answered by any invading country, but it could be answered with truth by the indigenous people of the land.
Harold D
2007-08-09 13:51:32 UTC
Canada should have complete and irevocable sovereignty of all the arctic lands, also beyond 75 degrees to the extreme north
Chris S
2007-08-09 13:42:38 UTC
2007-08-09 16:35:27 UTC
This is just an opinion, but seeing as it's in question, I think that the arctic should be owned by all three countries... each getting a part of the ice cap that corresponds with the size of the country that borders it.
jonatan M
2007-08-09 13:42:08 UTC
All of you are missisng the target. Here is a little blow in your national pride. Whatever you or other countries think doesn't matter that much to the real owner. He's way above some underwater flags or pieces of paper. The only rightful owner of the Arctic is obviously the one who made it and put it there in place. I would like to see Canada's or Russia' face when he asks back for it. Do you think that some flags will concern him. The whole thing with the arctic is like tenants fighting for whoever owns more of the appartment building. If they ruin it like every single country ruins the habitat and wild life, including those fighting for the arctic, the owner eventually comes back, kicks them out, gives the place to new tenants.
2007-08-09 18:16:59 UTC
Ask rather, who was there first? youll discover that neither Russia or Canada were there. I believe it belongs to those who have been there all along and NOBODY has the right to take whats not theirs. Arctic belongs to the great Mother Earth and is suffering because of human greed and selfishness. Where does it end? Legally, it should be cared for by the country who has the best environmental ideas for its welfare. I believe there might be many countries there sharing the common goal of research. Who gave them permission? Hmmmmmmm, I thought so!
2007-08-09 16:40:39 UTC
No owns the Arctic, it's international. what i think is that instead of worrying so much on the natural resources, they should start acting against global warming, because since the arctic melts they suddenly started this race for who owns the arctic.
keith M
2007-08-09 14:51:45 UTC
The question is one of concern as Canada has made little or no effort to enable itself to exert any control over the area. Although we have a presence at Alert we have no real other presence in the north especially since the closing of the base at Inuvik.

A new substantial presence at places such as Nanisivik and/or Tuktoyakyuk would give us something to say and a way to enforce it.
2007-08-09 17:31:55 UTC
No one owns the Arctic. No one owns Mother Earth. That's the problem, here we are, a very connected species on the Earth, can live without it at all, yet we think we, as humans, have full reign over her. Using all her resources, not caring about how we pollute. No wonder she's sick. We must learn to work together as a species and learn to work together and respect everything else (yes, even the trees) on this precious rock, otherwise, as it has been predicated many times, we will destroy ourselves and every living thing on this wonderful rock of life. Let's get rid of this "mine" mentality, before it's too late...
2007-08-09 14:44:59 UTC
This is honestly the biggest joke I've heard. Russia planted a flag. So what?? I once planted a tree in an empty field, so does that mean the field is mine?? And if planting a flag is the case, then I'm just going to take a trip to Russia, and start planting flags in random places (such as bussinesses and houses, and the Parliment buiding) and tell everyone to leave, because I planted a flag, so therefore it is mine.
Peter P
2007-08-09 13:37:54 UTC
I believe that Canada owns the Arctic Islands in the north to the West of Greenland and to the East of Alaska.
2007-08-09 18:25:53 UTC
I think they have a somewhat legitimate claim, however, I feel that it should be based on actual arctic territory. Since they have the most, they would have a greater share of the arctic pie. I don't think it should be based on land ridges and things like that. Just base it on the northern point of a globe and section it off like the peel of an orange based on land area. I don't think many people can argue with that.
Antoine D
2007-08-09 14:00:06 UTC
The arctic belongs to the world.

Ideally no land should be owned by anyone.

But to solve these issues, The arctic should belong to the United Nations and an international environmental committee should be appointed to manage it and make sure that no one abuses it.
2007-08-09 13:07:03 UTC
No one really gave a darn about the arctic when it was just ice, Inuit, and polar bears besides Canada. Now because we are destroying the planet with global warming and it is accessible by water, everybody wants a piece..What a joke!! It's all about exploitable resources. The US and Russia would rape the arctic and leave eco-devastation.
2007-08-09 20:22:24 UTC
Do the ORIGINAL inhabitants even have a claim? The ones who were pushed off the lands they took care of for centuries, the ones who saw their way of life taken away and all but destroyed? The ones who had to watch the Sacred Earth Mother being raped for all her resources with no regard to putting anything back or being accountable for restoring the balace? The ones who still today watch silly people try to lay claim to something that was and is intended for all.
Kristina D
2007-08-09 19:58:39 UTC
2007-08-13 08:53:33 UTC
The Arctic is international territory. What Russia did, and now Canada, is illegal.
linda r
2007-08-09 14:28:17 UTC
Canada of course, we have always had soverignty over the arctic. Even the peoples of the frozen tundras consider themselves Canadian. The Russians can take their flag and go home.
arthur o
2007-08-09 13:17:06 UTC
Canada owns the Artic.This was established in the 15th., century,the Russians are a bit late.During the last 15 years we have unfortunately had liberal leaders in this country,that were more interested in their own financial gain,than the country .Since we now have a true leader in Stephan Harper, he has the responsibility of rebuilding our armed forces to once again show presence in that area.As for the Russian and their little show.They should instead clean up the pollution they are causing with all their roting nuclear ships in Murmansk.p/s while you are at it maybe real free elections in Russia would be a new noval idea,
Doug C
2007-08-09 18:56:11 UTC
The Arctic should belong to the world similarly to the Antarctic. The natural resources should remain where they are. That way preventing future spills and other environmental hazards beforehand. The north and south poles represent the earth's magnetic core or heart if you will. We should try an learn to respect the planet if we wish our world to remain a place to raise future generations.
2007-08-09 15:26:40 UTC
God owns the Arctic. We should be good stewards. The Inuit people seem to be doing a fine job so we should leave things alone. History shows that countries have come to much grief trying to "own" God's land.
2007-08-09 14:13:22 UTC
I think Canada owns the Arctic and everyone else should back off
2007-08-09 13:43:11 UTC
Canada owns the arctic...whoever says the United states are stupid because they are no where close except for Alaska and then again Alaska should be Canada's as well.

The only reason America got Alaska was because of the

Brits...damn voting on who should get it and Brits betrayed Canada.

Canada should own the Arctic and Alaska...Alaska is not even connected to ******* the rest of America and it is connected to Canada. All America wanted Alaska for was for the oil....
Alicia C
2007-08-09 13:24:56 UTC
Fatima R
2007-08-09 13:04:13 UTC
2007-08-09 19:20:56 UTC
Well, as far as I'm concerned Canada laid claim to most of it. So it's only fair that it should be ours. I do however think that most of the Great White North should rightly belong to the indigenous tribes. Surely nobody would contest their claims, since they are the only ones with enough guts to survive in one of the most hostile environment on the planet, except perhaps the greedy nations $$$$$. The wealth of untapped natural resources would take care of many poor people's needs. And by needs of many I don't mean the needs of the already rich that prey on the naivety of defenceless people.
Jamie P.
2007-08-09 18:09:57 UTC
The Arctic is Canadian and I am glad to see we finally have a real Prime Minister who is prepared to assert our sovereignty. I am so proud to be a Canadian again now that we have a Leader we can look up to and respect.
2007-08-09 17:06:48 UTC
Who owns the Arctic? How about no one.?. Why must human kind be so absolute in possession? Why can't we just leave things as they are in the Arctic?

It doesn't matter who owns it. We all know what's going to happen....drilling for our earths natural resources. Does no one care anymore about the consequences of our own actions? This is not merely a subject of possession. This is much larger than that. Look at our earth and what we are doing to it with overpopulation, depletion of natural resources, and waste management (or lack of) just to name a few...... This arguement about title to the Arctic is simply the tip of the iceberg. (no pun intended) It scares me, the direction mankind is taking in their interest in the earth. Or...once more...lack there of.
2007-08-09 14:10:29 UTC
This is territory that is not "owned" by any one individual nation- it should be protected land - possibly the UN could find a resolution and protect this area from nations abusing and exploiting our arctic.
Selene Des
2007-08-09 13:49:55 UTC
The territory that Russia - along with a few other opportunistic countries - wants to claim belongs to Canada. I cannot believe the gall some people have. Before the effects of "global warming", e.g. snow and ice melting in the area, nobody tried to steal Canadian territory because they thought of it as useless ice. Now, people are trying their best with false claims because they want to cash in with something that doesn't belong to them. I think it's time for the Canadian government to stand up and be more aggressive towards trespassers who want to steal their territory.
2007-08-09 13:38:48 UTC
Canada is a great country but lacks military and air force power to stop countries like Russia and USA to stake thier claims on our Arctic waters. We need to upgrade our forces and have continued presence in remote areas like Arctic to protect our land.
2007-08-09 19:03:01 UTC
theeskimos live there near the Arctic therefore it should belong to nvuant terrority so still remain in canada I must tell canadaians that Canada must be a sovernity nation for good for canadians period! i must tell you WTO, G8, NAFTA, Globalization all ********! CANADA THE SOVERNITY NATION! nobody take that identity away no one ! So the world should see Canada remain the peacekeeping nation that our former PM Lester Pearson declared our country as it is should be as now !
2007-08-09 17:15:33 UTC
I think that Arctic belongs to no one and it is quite foolish on the part of all countries to announce that " the area" is their property. Arctic is for everybody like Pacific Ocean or North Pole and no political interests can domain there.
2007-08-09 14:07:17 UTC
Canada of course! Russia is only interested in the natural resources that may be present. They are definitely not interested in the land or the peoples who live there, unless of course they are looking for another place like Siberia to send dissidents to.
2007-08-09 13:21:53 UTC
2007-08-09 13:15:53 UTC
No one owns the Arctic yet, only certain countries that signed UN resolution about sea rights (200 mi off the shore line) have legitimate right to own PART of Arctic. US didn’t sign it and thus they have no legal right to claim anything in the Arctic.

Now Russia claims that land underwater is an extension of their own land, they went down there to prove it to UN and if they do prove it, then they will own about 50% of Arctic. ( BTW they actually have legit case). As far as the flag goes, why did US put their flag on the moon? Same reason Russians did it, because nobody ever went that deep, it happened for the first time in human history
Richard B
2007-08-09 14:57:07 UTC
Human beings do not rightfully own any land whatsoever. The very notion of land ownership is a demonic fiction, and it is among the greatest errors of that evil monstrosity which is human civilisation.

The wrongful propensity of civilised human beings to claim and to control everything on the Earth is about to be ended...
Humming Bird
2007-08-09 13:23:25 UTC
If it belongs to international treaty (waters) then in that case Arctic belongs to U.N. Otherwise there will be disputes and possible a war between nations over the arctic region.
George Y
2007-08-09 20:53:40 UTC
Well, if you look on maps from the last fifty years, made in all countries, Canada is shaded as the owner. Other countries have shown no interest until it became clear it was possibly a mineral goldmine.
2007-08-09 17:49:43 UTC
Mainly Russia and the USA and Norway and the others have weaker claims or no claims. If Russia has discovered land under the water this land now belongs to them - case closed.
Wayne T
2007-08-09 15:36:53 UTC
I believe Canada is a rich country and has more than enough.

We should allow Russia the opportunity to claim the Artic giving them the chance to grow also.
2007-08-09 14:12:28 UTC
2007-08-09 13:51:03 UTC
No one should "own" the arctic. They belong to the world and are not allowed to be claimed by countries.
2007-08-09 22:06:54 UTC
Ô Canada!
Mc Durst
2007-08-09 18:47:38 UTC
I'd say most of the Arctic belongs to Canada,a fraction goes to other countries,e.g.Denmark ,Russia and the US.
2007-08-09 16:00:25 UTC
Guatemala and Belize own the Arctic
2007-08-09 12:53:09 UTC
I think everyone is wrong in this matter, there is no one owner for the Artict, it is consider an international parts of the globe and it should be treated as a common zone, and no one should have the right to claim the sole owner of the arctict. What I will suggest in my humble openion that all perties get together and find a reasonable ways to work together to use the resorces in the most effective and most enviromental friendly ways in favours of all their nations.
2007-08-09 13:10:59 UTC
okay. i do agree with most of the people who have posted. i do belive that canada does own it. the people of iriqu are part of canada.

the russains may have placed a flag on the land but it is wthin the canadian border regardless of who countries waters are within the arctic.
2007-08-09 12:47:22 UTC
I think that the Artic should remain a part of Canada. I think out of all countries that are trying to tie the land into their own Canada is the best and most responsible for the job. I think with other countries owning it it would increase illegal fishing, or making it into legal fishing as well, who knows what others would try to dump or take away form the land. I think Canada has had enough land taken from her and its our turn to take what should have always been apart of our history.
2007-08-09 20:47:13 UTC
I believe Canada and Russia own the majority equally, and the US owns Alaska's share proportional to the area.
Ali G
2007-08-09 20:06:40 UTC
Just Google Map "H0H 0H0" postal code (which is Santa Claus's) and you will see that google map displays " Magnetic North Pole - Nunavut, Canada"! so Canada owns the arctic.
2007-08-09 16:10:07 UTC
i would say if they are giving all this land and money to the indians who would accualy be germans or americans if are ancestors as canadians did not fight for this country to save every bodys asses just like we help the russians also if nobody can remember all this then it throwes what are familys fought for strait out the window so instead of fighting and loosing more good honest canaidians we should just give it all away cause i know i am not fighting for the dumb *** goverment to just keep giving are land away it makes me sick
Jamie M
2007-08-09 15:14:26 UTC
As far as this question goes, the answer is simple. The one who owns the Arctic is the same one who owns all of creation, namely, God.
2007-08-09 12:52:26 UTC
Inuit of Nunavut owns the Arctic,we have lived in the arctic since the begining of time,who are they to question this,it is all about power,sorry people,but i speak for every canadian inuk on this serious situation.
2014-09-20 13:41:45 UTC
Anything beyond that belongs to International community and does not belong to any individual country. Any exploration for scientific purposes can be allowed but any action to attain financial gains by removing oil, gas, mineral should be banned.
David Ashley
2007-08-09 13:19:30 UTC
I believe no one has automatic rights to the Arctic. No one to truly claim it. So who should it go to?A great nation or a poor one? I say not one, rather it should belong to everyone. it could plain and simply be neutral and that's how it should be bottom line.
2007-08-09 17:10:55 UTC
Can't everyone work together and use the Arctic as the Antarctica is currently being used?
2007-08-09 13:16:50 UTC
Make it an international untouchable land so that countries start looking for and using alternative energy sources.

If not then if one country owns it you'd have to go with Canada.
2007-08-09 17:30:00 UTC
why should anyone lay claim to it? Does everything have to be claimed by someone? This is God's country and I firmly believe that no one should have claim to it. Let it alone, let the animals be, let nature have her way. No one should be laying claim to it. Ya, Ya I know they want to claim it because of the oil and mineral rights, but still; I believe that we all need to get along with one another and leave this area untouched.
Ron B
2007-08-09 12:56:23 UTC
Having read through all of the current answers, it seems to me that what is not taken into consideration here is the original peoples who settle on and around this area long before any of these so called stake holders arrived. I believe that it is the indigenous peoples who really own it and always have, the rest of us are squatters.
Laura H
2007-08-09 14:23:06 UTC
Canada! Obviously. Everyone thinks of us as the arctic, so we may as well have it.
2007-08-09 11:59:37 UTC
. There are eight countries who own land in the Arctic region; Canada, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Russia, and the United States.
2015-08-24 06:42:14 UTC
God owns the earth and everything in it and on it----the Bible even goes on about how we STEAL from God when we mine, cut-down, or hunt anything---but God is gracious & has given man dominion---and what do we do? We fight & complain over things constantly that don't belong to us...our health, our paychecks, our possessions, our professions, how we even communicate with God...all is controlled by our Maker, JESUS, and whoever wants to know once and for all what belongs to who---HE WILL SURELY ANSWER directly & swiftly...
2007-08-09 17:25:36 UTC
Only one country owns the arctic. CANADA. The rest of the world can fock off! Don't mess with us!
2007-08-11 09:53:32 UTC
If we don't we should imagine a new way to annoy both the Russians and George
Des B
2007-08-09 14:16:24 UTC
Canada owns the Artic. If you look at an atlas, Canada owns it
2007-08-09 12:50:12 UTC
No country owns the whole Arctic. Every country owns the part within its borders.
2007-08-09 13:18:50 UTC
When the resources there can be tapped, the ice will have melted. Which means we'll all be dead soon. So who cares? You won't be able to drive anything anywhere when you're dead!!!! Walk/Bike/Take public transit when you can. Help save the planet and stop being so selfish.
Jennessa C
2007-08-09 13:08:35 UTC
2007-08-09 14:05:36 UTC
Not a human being on earth can own any land not even any country. For the real owner is the true god above, he or she can crumble this earth if he or she sees thy children fighting over earthly land.
Janis E
2007-08-09 12:57:02 UTC
Canada owns the Arctic as it is attached to our land mass.
2007-08-09 15:51:35 UTC
Canada should own the Artic.
2007-08-09 13:20:38 UTC
it doesn't really matter who owns it...

who ever is ready to invest on that beautifull part of the world to make it a more magnificient place..and make it easy for people to access the place so people can share the beauty.

it is own by the people of this world so everybody can through some effort to make it a better place....
Mike B
2007-08-09 18:32:53 UTC
The Earth owns the Arctic.

REMEMBER we are all guests here.

However all things aside, laying claim to anything this day in age is ridiculous, as to who Politically owns it no-one its an ocean, no-one owns the pacific no-one owns the Atlantic so why all of a sudden are we allowed to claim seas. I want the pacific ITS MINE. dibs I called it

You know when Mother earth comes home she is going to be mad and we are all going to get a butt whooping.
2007-08-09 16:40:55 UTC
No one you greedy nationalists. The resources are nicely developed on their own. You mean who ever can exploited them to make people fatter, lazier and richer. Who cares.
2007-08-09 14:53:22 UTC
Canada of course!
2007-08-09 14:01:31 UTC
The Artic is Canadian..... hence the expression... the Canadian Artic.
2007-08-09 13:55:43 UTC
canada does it's up there with canada the only thing we don't own is alaska & i think we should buy it back so we don't have these probs anymore about who owns what, the bottom line is that it's part of canada & that is that :).
2007-08-09 12:40:09 UTC
Canada does... Duh! We laid claim to it more than 100 years ago and no one has ever disputed it until now. What is Russia thinking? Hmmm... probably about the oil deposits that are there and their own need for some kind of face on the fueling front... Tough luck Reds... it belongs to the good old Red and Whites!
Jason S
2007-08-09 15:58:41 UTC
Canada owns it. Nobody wanted responsibilty of it until now.
2007-08-09 14:05:27 UTC
Canada does!
2007-08-09 13:47:22 UTC
I think we should just have a nuclear war over it, as the crowning achievement of human stupidity.
2007-08-09 13:27:53 UTC
Canada. Hockey is our sport. It is played on Ice. The artic is covered in ice. Therefore is is Canada's playground (Ice rink)
2007-08-09 12:39:56 UTC
We (Canada) own the arctic, the Russians are just being stupid. It's good that Harper is going to let them know it's ours.
John D
2007-08-09 11:57:55 UTC
No one "owns" the Arctic. General international treaties limit territorial waters and the days of colonizing by planting a flag are long gone.

Maybe the international community should develop the resources together rather than fighting over them.
2007-08-09 19:00:13 UTC
Canada...just look's OURS.

Darn it all, you can't leave anything unattended for a moment...those vultures just sweep right down on you...greedy buggers weren't interested until now...what does that tell you??
2007-08-09 12:54:27 UTC
Canada, US, Norway, Russia,
2007-08-09 13:55:36 UTC
canada not other country we are the owner of the north lol
Brad C
2007-08-09 17:53:15 UTC
Nobody individually. Shared internationally.
2007-08-09 14:06:41 UTC
theres goin 2 b a world war for it.
why m
2007-08-09 13:24:15 UTC
Canada should be the one to claim this land! or water whatever
2007-08-09 12:05:21 UTC
It depends on how large a radius should be considered 'claimed' by an underwater flag poked in the ground.

Heck, if this works for Russia, I am going to hurry up and have some 'defiant_kulak' flags printed up ASAP.

Clunk. 'That's mine'

Clunk. 'That's mine too'

Clunk. 'You. Get out of here. It's mine now.'

Clunk. 'This question is mine. Keep away.'
2007-08-09 12:04:02 UTC
It sounds like whoever can stake their claim and successfully defend it.

I would like to see various national plans for claiming land in Antarctica. You know they have such plans filed away somewhere....
2007-08-09 14:17:36 UTC
ummm the Eskimo's who are the First Peoples of the land....
2007-08-09 14:08:00 UTC
It does not matter who owns the arctic as long as it is NOT US FASCISTS.
Just me...
2007-08-09 13:54:09 UTC
I believe it should be Canada
2007-08-09 12:47:47 UTC
Canada of course.
2007-08-10 10:49:04 UTC
omar h
2007-08-09 14:53:09 UTC
2007-08-09 13:18:09 UTC
The Artic is definetely ours and the Russians have no business there . They want our natural resources .
2007-08-09 14:16:58 UTC
Canada!!!! F off everyone else.
2007-08-09 13:02:06 UTC
Canada has owned the artic for the past 200 years, Bush the Hitler wannabe only want the artic because of the oil, the US will invade any country that has oil. George W Bush should be brought up on war crimes and hanged. the United States are no better then the Nazis
Stereotypical Canadian, Eh?
2007-08-09 15:32:17 UTC
Canada should get it.
2007-08-09 13:37:47 UTC
We own it its Canada's and Harper will let them no...
2007-08-09 20:32:35 UTC
The japanese. Don't they own everything ?
2007-08-09 14:06:23 UTC
Canada - no doubt
bruce S
2007-08-09 17:34:23 UTC
2007-08-09 15:19:53 UTC
Damn the greedy b*****d's, they lost half their land because Communism doesn't work. Stay the hell off our land...Oh Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Catherine E
2007-08-09 13:30:19 UTC
Canada does...duh
2007-08-09 12:58:13 UTC
Canada does ,
A Canadian
2007-08-09 20:54:25 UTC
It should be divided in half..or better yet, no one owns it.
2007-08-09 22:50:07 UTC
it's ours
2007-08-09 14:54:31 UTC
CANADA - Plain and simple.
2007-08-09 17:47:13 UTC
similar division as ant arctic.joint ownership
Greg W
2007-08-09 12:52:24 UTC
I think we should hold a Hockey tournament, winner takes all!!!
Barrie & Laura Y
2007-08-09 12:48:32 UTC
CANADA and the people
2007-08-09 12:52:34 UTC
its Canada..

if oil is taken it will just put more environmental problem that's all
Elisabeth V
2007-08-09 12:52:23 UTC
CANADA. End of story!
2007-08-09 17:56:37 UTC
i agree with "iknoalittle", the countries that own land in the Artic own the artic, BUT i also like wat one person said bout its internation waters so no one technically owns it
2007-08-09 13:38:24 UTC
Canada always has and always will!
2007-08-09 11:55:32 UTC
No one. It's international waters.

But the resources belong to whoever taps them first.
Melissa M
2007-08-09 16:33:49 UTC
2007-08-09 13:13:54 UTC
very easy ? CANADA does
2007-08-12 16:00:20 UTC
nobody owns it.
Svetlana K
2007-08-09 13:10:40 UTC
Robin M
2007-08-09 19:23:37 UTC
2007-08-09 12:43:52 UTC
I say, whoever gets there first, and puts a flag down and defends off others (very politically of course) gets it.

I guess i should get my piece of the action

*runs off with his freshly stitched flag*
Michael m
2007-08-09 13:06:44 UTC
NO BODY except GOD. Don't you think so???
2007-08-12 16:05:46 UTC
Me =]
Canadian EH!
2007-08-09 12:42:44 UTC
2007-08-09 13:24:21 UTC
2007-08-09 21:19:49 UTC
canada, PERIOD
2007-08-09 13:49:19 UTC
2007-08-09 13:02:45 UTC
2007-08-09 13:16:55 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.