Firstly, in response to those who have said that the United States cannot claim the Moon just because they put a flag there. I have evidence supporting this argument and I direct anyone that disagrees with that to read Article Two of the Outer Space Treaty (can be found in the sources section), which states that no nation can claim any part of space (the treaty specifically mentions the Moon, among other things).
Secondly, I'm getting rather sick and tired of other nations attempting to claim the Arctic region as their own. It is in international waters, but I feel I should point out that we are closer to it than anyone else, any good look at a map of the region will tell you that.
This is the third time a nation has attempted to infringe on Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic. The other two attempts being: the incident with Denmark on an island between Ellesmere Island and Greenland, and the United States claiming that the Northwest Passage is an international waterway. Canada seems to be becoming a target because of our natural resources.
I hope this can be settled peacefully through international talks and the United Nations, but I fear that may depend on the results of the upcoming elections in the United States. Just in case those options fail, I think the expansion of the armed forces (specifically the navy) should be more of a priority. I'm NOT saying we should go to war, I'm saying we should be prepared in case someone else does.
PS: I'm sure Russia, Norway and Denmark would be in favour of a hockey tournament to settle the claim. I'm not too sure about the United States though, how many times have we beat them in hockey? And in both genders no less.
PPS: I'm in favour (if someone HAS to have it) of either Canada or Norway having it.
PPPS: Sorry for the long post. :(