The person that invented the Television screen that you are viewing this question on is Mormon (Philo Farnsworth) for Pete's sake.
The person that invented the modern word processor that you used to write your post, is a Mormon (Alan Ashton) for Pete's sake.
The person that invented the stereophonic sound system that you may be listening to while reading this answer is Mormon (Harvey Fletcher... he also invented electronic hearing aids)...
for Pete's sake.
You obviously don't know how the modern age of communications was built and who built it, and who invented it all in the first place.
Video games: Nolan Bushnell started Atari, the first Video Game company to speak of, he grew up as a Mormon,
for Pete's sake.
Ed Catmull, started Pixar and still runs all the Animation at that company, and he runs all animation at Walt Disney, he pioneered all computer graphics in the movies and on Television. Ed Catmull is a Mormon
for Pete's sake.
Who has the longest streak on Jeopardy??? Ken Jennings. A Mormon
for Pete's sake.
Who found Saddam Hussein hiding in a ditch in Iraq, and tracked him down like a blood hound??? Private Harold Angsrtom, common Army soldier, and...
a Mormon, for Pete's Sake.
Who invented all modern day firearms??? A person named Browning. His name is on some brands of guns, but most don't bear his name but he still invented them just the same. And...
he is a Mormon for Pete's sake.
I could go on. But why should I. Who can civilize primitive savages if they don't want to be civilized in the first place???
While you invite people to watch false deceptive Anti-Mormon Hate-Propaganda movies against Mormons, Mormons give more money to charity than any other group of people in the world, according to income tax returns.
Joseph Smith advocated that all Black people should be freed from the chains that Anti-Mormons and Non-Mormons held them down with and...
Joseph Smith advocated that all Black people should have the right to vote same as White people, and...
Joseph Smith advocated that all Black people should receive 160 acres of prime farm land.
Joseph Smith was murdered by a mob of Pro-Slavery Anti-Black Anti-Mormons after announcing this to the world.
Thou shalt not bear false witness. Shame on you for lying. God will have you on judgment day for doing that.
Mormons love Black people, always have and always will.
Bigotry is an ugly disease that no doctor can cure. But while the disease of deception and hate-propaganda rages throughout the world against Jesus Christ, and against members of Jesus Christ's true and holy Church,
THE Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter Day Saints...
Mormons celebrate life not the sins of the world, just like Jesus Christ said to do, just like Jesus Christ commands.
Try the truth, try intelligence, try the love of God...
it might work better for you. Just sayin'.
It works for Mormons, so you might try enlightenment rather than base gutter-sniping ignorance. Chat.
God bless