It's clear that he will try to implement somethings that look like he's doing something positive to compensate for his inability to meet all his promises to end the war and unite the people or even to provide jobs (not the job of the government) while improving the economy (stopping fraud and creating incentive for business, like lower taxes are good things that he won't pay attention to). So here is a thought that perhaps Dem's and Rep's (that act more like Dem's) a like can agree upon. "Improved mass transportation!" There is a trend toward saving gas and the world (very large marketing and political ploy) So let's play along and make things really good for everyone involved. Wouldn't you be more apt to ride the rails if they were consistent, clean, convenient, quick, on time and more frequent? I know if I were driving into large metropolitan area's I'd want to be able to spend less time in traffic and you know we've been told we need reduce carbon emissions (propaganda). I would also like that my kids could get here from their by some means less expensive then the amount they have to pay for dependable vehicles and the insurance for said vehicles. So lets all get in favor of a new administrations attempt at helping the economy as well as helping the environment (Which BTW cleans it self constantly with out us, with less cars on the road, we might have manufacture bankruptcies but we will breath easier and sleep without a guilty conscious which is really all we have because modern industrial nations clean the environment more then 3rd world countries some claim we are polluting). I can imagine lots of mono rail systems moving at high speeds down the median strips of highways throughout or great country, very much like the Eisenhower administration envisioned those highways themselves.