2010-03-18 13:58:36 UTC
Be honest. I am a liberal/democrat & I believe when I talk about republicans I don't mean my rep. friends. I mean the people at the top of the party. My friends are generous, good people. Yet, I will say reps. are greedy. They only go along with something if it has killing or disabling people involved but never do they want help people live better & be more able.
I believer reps. act like they don't do the same things that dems do. They act like they are more disciplined & moral but they just hide more. They care more about apperences that what is inside. The can't even feel what is inside & dont' trust feelings while dems might see feelings as their inner guidance system. OK, I could say so much but I see reps. thinking dems want sociolism when we want there to be gov. ins. available & let the others compete & let the gov. agency support itself once it gets going. I don't want the books stores to close but I still like the idea of libraries. So I want it all gov. & free market...so why do reps. lie about that...OK, please tell me why reps. say libs don't work. I have my own business & so do many of my lib. friends. Isn't it insane to say libs don't work?
Please don't comment on this if you do not have open mail cause if you say something ridiculous I want to ask your to clarify it & so there is no point if you are not open to that. This site is filled with comments with no explanations. I want real answers this time.