In these discussions it is very important to absolutely distinguish between forms of governments and forms of economies.
Governments are either democratic, republican, autocratic,monoarchies, totalitarian, oligarchical, kingdoms etc, these are different in how people get into office or power, and whether the masses have any say it in or not.
Economies are a whole different subject ranging from capitalisms, socialism, fascism, and communism. These have to do with who owns the means of production, takes the investment risk, and reaps the investment rewards to then invest again. The type of economy determines who makes the basic decisions of what to make, how much to charge for it, where to get the investment resources and who to sell it to, and who gets to own and control the profits of these investment cycles.
America is a complicated quilt work of capitalism, socialism, and communism, every nuclear family is a communism in fact. But it becomes capitalistic when local families compete with each other and with the rest of the world forming that web of small to huge businesses.
Communism depends upon a central planning committee to make all the decisions of consumption and production, while capitalism distributes the planning to each and every business owner.
communism says everyone is worth the same, regardless of what they produce or how good they are at it, or how scarce their talents. The brain surgeon is paid his 1800 calories a day just as the ditch digger.
Communism asks that people love their neighbor as themselves, as a mother might love its own child, and thus to share its profits amongst its neighbors as a father and mother share the profits of their work with their children. The problem with this is that mothers and fathers are selfless by nature when it comes to their own children but not when it comes to the children of others. The gene system is trying to propagate itself, not everyone else's maybe to its own detriment. So eventually the only way to make people love their neighbor is at the point of a gun, which is why communism is generally seen with totalitarian governments.
In a communism no one has to prove themselves worthy of survival or food, everyone has to take you in and feed you regardless of your capacities for production. In a capitalism everyone has to prove their worth of survival by actuallly producting more than they consume and having some left over to sow and read again.
Communism turns the whole place into a state mandated charity or welfare state, if you need it, you got it, but if you produce in excess of what you need it goes to everyone else too. That means you carry to weight of everyone else's solvenly existence on your back. Capitalism provides people often with tremendous gains and thus margin for survival and the ability to redistribute their wealth as they see fit. The downside is if you fail in your investments there is no social net to take care of you.
None of the above answers why commies and piggies hate each other, it could be because the commies are jealous of the piggies because the piggies do better for the affluent masses, but the commies don't have the horrendous dynamic range between abject poor and wealthy because everyone ends up middle poor but surviving.
The commies also depend on a few centrally planned bureaucrats to make the economic decisions, so all products are one and the same and all done poorly, because people are payed regardless of whether they excel in their work and producing a return on investment or not.
The piggies like to take their profits for themselves and reinvest them themselves and their OWN loved ones, meaning gentically close. So that might be the reason the piggies hate the commies.
If I do the work, the result is mine, not yours. But the piggies have to take responsibility when they fail. The commies can't fail, because they get paid regardless of the quality of their work, and their lives are not on the line if their centrally planned investments do not pan out, the central planner will be shot, not the worker. So there is a lot of physical security in knowing your survival is not up to you.
Since both sides seem think they should own the world, the piggies fear being raped of their justly won rewards to reinvest them again, and commies seems to fear having to actually produce something of daily worth otherwise be filtered out by darwinian selection. Communism is a kind of protection racket against being filtered out by darwininan selection as everyone is guaranteed a life regardless of their ability to produce. The capitalists seem to thrive on the threat to their lives that their survival incompetencies provide them, and since darwinian selection DOES filter out the capitalist losers unltimately, they die and starve to death, those capitalists that are left standing to breed have strong survival skills that are passed onto their children generation after generation.
So I would bet that communisms and capitalisms are both solutions to the final death of darwinian selection based on failure to produce more than you consume.
Thus there is an upside and a downside to both because both provide something and cost something.
For the commie, they are provided survival SECURITY no matter how inbred, incompetent, or stupid they are. And since there is no darwinian
selection chosing the able from the unable, they tend to get more unable over time, but they continue to survive off the insurance everyone else provides for them.
The piggies don't want mere survival at any cost, they want affluent survival which is can only be created through being responsible for your own sow and reap cycles and being allowed to keep the profits to reap and sow again. The down side is if the piggie fails, he gets dies from starvation, farms fail etc, and there is no welfare state to keep him going
inspite of his survival incompetencies.
Each side, the commies and the piggies eye the other's upside, security or affluence, and want it for themselves and are willing to take it by force, but neither side seems to realize they can't have both.
Mediocrity might be able to make you live forever, but affluence will make you WANT to live for a while :)