2013-06-19 10:20:37 UTC
She trying to get all the ISP'S in the uk to block porn be default
this is taken from the article
Perry told a forum last week that: “[In the UK] we will have filters where if you do nothing, the parental filters will come pre-ticked,” hinting pretty strongly that some sort of ISP-led blockade on porn is imminent. She also added: “We will have automatic put on, so if you turn the filter off at 9pm, it turns on again at 7am,” plus there will be a system of email alerts put in place so mum knows when dad (or the kids) have deactivated the filters.
her "plan" is even if u turn the filters off because we're all adults right they will be back on by the morning so you have to get them turned off again..which is ridiculous.
And this bit disturbs me
plus there will be a system of email alerts put in place so mum knows when dad (or the kids) have deactivated the filters.
So dad and the kids apparently can't be trusted.
The thing blocking porn won't solve anything.
Look at the pirate bay for example the same stupid paper ran a campaign to get the pirate bay blocked. They gave it a hell of a lot of media attention and its popularity in the uk went up by 70%.
Now hundreds of teenagers around the country know how to unblock the pirate bay via proxy's.
Now if they know how to unblock the pirate bay they can sure as hell unblock porn the same way.
The main problem is that blocking porn won't just block porn. It will block everything. Twitter is full of porn as is tumblr so they'll be gone. Amazon sells sex toys and dildo's. Pretty sure amazon goes as well.
It's up to the parents to decided what their kids do not the goverment. Sky, virgin ect already have filters in you just have to ring up to get put on. The goverment controlling the internet is just an excuse for parents to be lazy.
above is an interview with clair perry
this is from the link
* Perry caused a storm earlier this week when she suggested in an interview with the Daily Mail that parents should be able to monitor their children’s text messages.
*I’ve had this conversation with my children, my 16-year-old said you must think you’re mad if you think I’m going to let you read my texts. And I said, well, there might be some conditions under which I’d quite like to see some of your emails.
She also belives theres nothing wrong with reading her 16 year old daughters text and emails. I'm sorry but this women is crackers.
When I was a 16 year in school I used to text girls all the time, its called being a normal teenager . I don't have kids but if I did I would let them do what kids are supposed to do and let them grow up normally.
She's just trying to force her views on everyone else. The funny thing is when you read all these articles all the comments are negative and everyone's against it.
I just wondered what peoples opinion on it was?