2009-04-20 21:34:18 UTC
On the same note, the state safeguards itself from any uprisings by stationing a standing army among the citizenry (national guard) and banning the ownership of the only weapons that would provide any significant threat to them. (artillery, automatic weapons, and if Obama has his way even semi-automatic and ergonomically correct weaponry will reside only in the state's hands)
The state controls absolutely everything; private property is a meaningless illusion. The state owns your land and home; you rent it from them (property tax) and if they want to put something else there they can render you homeless with the swish of a pen. You have no right to transport yourself; you must rent automobiles and the ability to drive them from the state (driving licensing, mandatory insurance, ability to tow your car)
No totalitarianism is complete without secret police, so the NSA (National Security Agency) can and does scan every email you send or receive, every search you make on Google or any similar site, your entire browsing history, and everything else you do on the internet. All ISPs must surrender this information to the gestap- err NSA. If anything "suspicious" comes up they can and will search anything you "own", your history at any agency that keeps records, and if they decide you're a threat they can detain you indefinitely without trial. All of this can be done without informing any outside agency, and private reporting of these incidents are prohibited as threats to national security.
The state even owns you personally. Your owners take a portion of everything you produce, under the guise that it's going to help someone somewhere. Your labor is not your own, it belongs to the state, and it is simply generous enough to allow you to keep something of what you make. Along the same lines of "the state knows better than you what is good for you", drugs are illegal. I'm not just talking about marijuana, which is proven to have little if any negative effects if used under the proper circumstances, but even dangerous drugs like cocaine, heroin, and LSD. If used in private areas by consenting adults drugs harm no one but the user; so laws against their use mean that the state knows what is best for you. After all, you are their property.
So please tell me, how are we not living in fascism?