2011-08-01 14:59:13 UTC
-The Democrats support raising taxes on "the rich" and "greedy corporations", yet the rich are the ones that create our jobs! And raising taxes on business means less money can be used to create jobs. They also want to raise spending ad infinitum, which increases the national debt. This creates a huge cloud of uncertainty in the business community about if their taxes will go up. We already have the highest corporate tax rate in the world and businesses are in mass exodus to countries with fairer tax codes.
-The Democrats support more job-killing regulations of industries.. For example, if an onion farmer drops a few of his onions on the very same soil it's grown on, those onions can't be brought to market. This raises food prices, which in turn, means less economic growth.
-The Democrats support increasing the minimum wage. This sounds like good policy, but it means companies can hire less employees. It's unfair to poor people because it decreases the amount of unskilled labor a company can hire. Also, it drives up the cost of products, discouraging consumption, which is very bad for the economy.
-The Democrats refuse to allow drilling offshore and on the ground. They won't let us open nuclear power plants or mine for coal. All of this because of the population of some rare species of caribou or environmental extremist reasons like that. Come on! This makes us more dependent on oil from overseas, and it increases the cost of energy. This severely shrinks our economy and it creates pain for families. Gas is at $4/gallon, and Obama's solution is to tax the oil companies more! Outrageous! Real scientists, like the co-founder of the Weather Channel, know that global warming is a myth!
-The Democrats oppose the Connie Mac plan which cuts government spending 1 measly percent a year! They're so opposed to cutting any spending whatsoever and they were able to whine enough to get John Boehner to sign onto a deal that had lots of "future" spending cuts and a lot less in real cuts.
-The Democrats support "right-to-work" legislation forcing people to join a Union. This makes the US less business-friendly. And the Obama administration wouldn't let Boeing move its factory to South Carolina because South Carolina was a right-to-work state! Prohibiting a company from doing business and creating jobs when families are struggling? What kind of "change" is that?
-As I pointed out earlier, Democrats support increasing taxes which winds up decreasing government revenue. When you take a greater percentage out of the private economy, you have a smaller economy and less growth. This hurts the amount of revenue government takes in.
-Democrats have opposed every real plan to reduce the deficit, including the Connie Mac plan(mentioned earlier), Cut Cap and Balance, and the Republican Study Commission Plan. They are the party of no solutions, blank checks, and smoke-and-mirrors budgeting.
All in all, Democrats are a conglomerate of liberal activists, freak-environmentalists, atheist progressive vegans, union thugs, and socialists.
Please tell me Democrats, why do you oppose cutting government spending and promoting economic growth? Balanced budgets and lower taxes are basic principles that made this country strong. Socialism has always failed. Entrepreneurship is what will save us from the recession, not more government spending. You are jeopardizing my country's future by leaving us a mountain of debt(crisis started in 2006 when the Dems took over Congress) and a weak economy. Why?