how far into an orwellian society do you think we are?
2012-03-21 12:45:05 UTC
im in my 30s i live in england, on the whole....ive watched as years have passed by, i do listen to david icke a lot but i dont follow anyone blindly....i am also interested in brian gerrishs views on the state of britain and his fight with common purpose..

i do feel something in the air......something changing, an undercurrent of an malignant force /entity ?

i am religious,i am a christian and a do think were entering a queer time in history, a time of ''signs'' and changes.....a time of ill omens.

i think a lot of things are going wrong in society here and the whole world.......but some would have you think everythings fine and people are no worser off than they have been..

the media certainly does its best to divert the attention of the public showing glamourous celebrity programs...glitsz glamour....wealth and happiness...but its an illusion.

they can make it seem sometimes that everythings fine and people are going along as normal in the world.

im not really an expert on the new world order or an orwellian society....but i do think we are living in strange times?

do you think were entering unusual times or things are going to change? a police state, orwellian society, end times etc?
Six answers:
Spiny Norman
2012-03-21 12:51:25 UTC
I think we have had the best of times and are entering into the worst of times. The worrying thing is that most of us are unaware of it.!
2012-03-21 12:52:17 UTC
There is no halting progress. Things evolve. You'd better get used to the states' ability to track your financial transactions, your movements, and your personal life, feelings, and opinions.

In the hands of a benign government, technology can improve public safety and services, but in the hands of a malicious one, you could easily be "disappeared" for "thought crimes" just as in some third world banana republic.

The only difference is that old banana republic dictators used to have to rely on a network of police informers, while modern technology lets them track and tap your cellphone and every piece of electronic communications you have ever made, at the touch of a button.
2012-03-21 13:24:06 UTC
we live in a big brother police state where uk cops just shoot who they want to in the street like mark duggen

there is more cctv cams in our cities and towns and villages than any other country our banks are bailed out by our working classes and middle classes yet they will not lend to small firms so they can hire new employees

we have the biggest unemployment rate this country has seen since the 30s over 2.5million

and we have wars that are killing hundreds of our country men yet we have no business there

we have a war on drugs that's not working because as history has shown Prohibition does not work

they keep making people unemployed by not investing in industry they take our kids as young as 3 in to nursery by law to erode family values so that kids look to the state as the master

the 13 families run the global markets oil gold banks and food stocks

killing us off with monsanto g.m. foods putting fluoride in our water treatment centres to make us infertile they control education they put stem cells in vaccines for children they are in charge of health care they own the pharmaceutical companies

bill gates founds massive vaccination programme in africa yet he wants to depopulate the world by using vaccines look up bill gates depopulation on google or yahoo or youtube

this is a multi billionaire then look up the zion olympics

as these illuminati use a lot of symbolism

and look up david cameron using the houses of Parliament for a freemason party after he was handed power by the bilderberg group look up george osbourne bilderberg

and do your own research its well stitched up and we don't elect them any more haven't in this country since tony blair he was put there too

all our powers are coming from the eu they get told by the un so one world government is already here just all under cover behind closed doors we have no power left

they dumb us down with tv and indoctrinated education and its not even subtle any more its in your face to deny there is a new world order is like saying the sun does not come up in the morning
2016-11-29 12:02:30 UTC
confident, issues are occurring which even Orwell in no way predicted. the sole element he have been given incorrect became into the date, in spite of the fact that we've been shifting in direction of an' elected' dictatorship considering that 1997, and now stay in an extensive to totalitarian state.
2012-03-21 12:46:39 UTC
I think we live in interesting times. Be an observer.
2012-03-21 12:48:59 UTC
I think that we are more globally connected than we ever were before and it seems like all people will one day be assimilated to one world-wide culture, thanks to smart phones and the growth of the internet.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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