So I read an article today about three teens who were arrested before boarding a flight. They apparently were flying to Syria to join the Islamic state. Government has been monitoring one of their Facebook pages, but refused to comment further. So here is my issue: 3 kids who have done nothing illegal yet are arrested and detained. They never mentioned doing anything illegal, just leaving. How the puck does the government find people like this. They did not belong to a profiled category because they were Indian, they were children, as well as born raised Americans. Only answer is that the government is monitoring every single one of us and everything we do. We are being arrested on suspicion before even committing any crimes and are no longer free to live as we wish. This is no longer a free country, we are loosing our liberties every day and slowly becoming a communist dictatorship. The governments trick is to implement the change so slowly that no one notices until its too late. If you don't believe this is happening, then you are brainwashed and need to wake up. Welcome to the end of America and our great constitution. You are no longer free men and women. You are a slave to the 1%.