conspiracy theroies?
2008-02-04 08:29:54 UTC
I have the utmost faith that our government does whathey believe to be the right thing most of the time.Sometimes they get it wrong but generally it was done in good faith.

I have just watched a 9/11 conspiracy programme and cant believe that the American goverment would blow up those towers with all the people in it just to have a war and get control of oil.

But it just doesnt seem possible that the building could have collapased they way they said. Also flight 77 disintegrated? Even the lockerbie plane didnt do that and they had a bomb on board! And why did building 7 fall? Nothing hit that. And no plane hit the pentagon, after seeing the footage thats just silly.

Why cant the government be held to account for all of the mistakes and inaccuracies that there were? Why is Osama Bin Laden not credited with the attacks on the FBI's most wanted list?

I dont normally believe these things but it seems after watching a couple of programmes there is something that does add up
Eighteen answers:
2008-02-04 08:42:21 UTC
The government did NOT blow up the twin towers. Their collapse was part of the dynamics of structural failure. I won't get into detail, but I fully understand the collapse and why it happened.

A plane DID hit the pentagon. But as for the reason for going to war with Iraq, that was done purely - as you say - to gain control of the oil. The WMD everyone was searching for were in reality, Words of Mass Deception.

Since Bin Laden is responsible for 9/11, why did we NOT capture him? I always say, when it comes to Bin Laden, Bush been Loafin.

My friend, there are many things the government does that is clearly not in the best interest of the mass population. Just look at Halliburton! Who owns it, who is the CEO, and you are looking directly at Bush / Cheney. OK, Bush doesn't own it, but he is strong bed-fellows with them.

Remember, 2 + 2 DOES = 4

2008-02-04 09:55:17 UTC
There are 2 over-arching theories of history:

1. The conspiracy theory

2. The c0ck-up theory

The first says these things all happen because of a giant conspiracy amongst government, it's agencies and often include Big business, The Church, Freemasons etc etc.

The second says that stuff happens because people, and (very especially) governments - make mistakes and generally "c0ck things up".

My view is that most governments could not organise "a piss up in a brewery" as we say in England. The chance of any government I know being able to organise an elaborate conspiracy is as near to zero as makes any difference.

Go with the "c0ck up" theory, every time.
2008-02-04 08:50:28 UTC
The Nazis had the utmost faith in their government too and look where it got them. Governments are not individuals doing one thing or another 'in good faith.' They are collectives of people whose real leadership can be obscure or carefully hidden and given 'persona' by a chosen individual. A lot of people 'advise' GWB, we have no way of knowing who advises his advisors what to advise and/or why w. any certainty.

Controlling the world's remaining oil is likely to be of key importance to retaining or losing world number 1 superpower status (Russia has most of the undiscovered reserves probably and China is the worlds new work horse) so arguments probably had to be made to justify virtually any action(s) to gain overwhelming popular support for occupying Iraq and controlling Middle East oil. The fact that so far the operation has failed rather spectacularly doesn't mitigate the guilt of the proponents.
insert_ nickname_ here!
2008-02-04 08:39:51 UTC
There are elements of truth to many of the conspiracy theories. The trouble is, people then go on too add their own conjecture and can end up sounding totally stupid. There is a healthy market for conspiracy theories as people tend to love them. Which means conspiracy theories are here to stay.

Why did the plane disintegrate?

Incinerating and exploding fuel was released on the impact, this could of quite easily (and did) disintegrate the plane. This is because (unlike Lockerbie) the fuel was released in a relatively very small and enclose area.
2008-02-04 08:35:24 UTC
My brother is a pilot for American Airlines. He lost a friend and flight crew in those crashes, along with the passengers. God Bless them all. Do not believe everything you read on the net. But, do keep that imagination going..........some things are true, some things are not. There must be facts to back up these theories, not just a "guess" or a "whim".
2008-02-04 11:20:50 UTC
First of all Zeitgeist and loose change are not credible sources. Secondly why don't you ask anyone of the hundreds of thousands of structural engineers and architects that have debunked the 9/11 myths. Yes a couple hundred are on the side of the twoofers, but their collegues have quickly debunked their claims.
2008-02-04 09:13:46 UTC
delve deeper all becomes clear when you actually step back and see the big picture , theres absolutley no doubt buildings 1 , 2 and 7 were controlled demolitions , government sponsored terrorism is nothing new .

Terrorstorm: a history of governmnet sponsored terrorism .

End Game : blueprint for global enslavement .
2008-02-04 09:22:52 UTC
the usa did not kill over 3000 people to make a point in its own homeland, john lennon was killed by some sad loser asking for his autograph. pope john paul ii was shot by some nutjob as for regan the fella that shot him just missed a good spot. what your saying is the same as somebody in ireland saying the dublin and monaghan bombings were done by irish citizens and the dublin government had prior knowledege. irish citizens the UDA take pride for being the ones suppossed to have done it, but anybody with half a brain knows they couldnt detonante a firecracker without help from the brits. conspiracy theorists shold know one doesnt piss on ones own doorstep
2008-02-04 08:51:10 UTC
The Americans are just pure invasion monkeys who'll do anything to achieve global domination and, by the looks of it, will do it. Once Prince Charles was persuaded, Prince Phillip arranged for Princess Diana's "accident" so that the future monarchy didn't have coloured half-siblings.
2008-02-04 08:38:29 UTC
I know what you mean. It seems ludicrous that such a conspiracy could happen...or that those terrible events were known about but no one stopped it!

Until you look at the evidence that is!...They are controlled demolitions that brought the towers down...nothing else would make them fall that fast and that perfectly within their own 'footprints'.

The BBC reported the collapse of WTC 7 20 minutes before it happened and an on site reporter is describing it when you can see the building still standing in the distance behind her!

This war against terror has made billions of dollars for some people...It's time they were looked at!
Bob b
2008-02-04 10:21:06 UTC
Always ying and yang Some with inquisitive minds and others who believe what they are told!

Thinking out of the box can be dangerous.
budda m
2008-02-04 08:45:28 UTC
What happened has been explained quite convincingly by civil engineers and everything that happened was possible just to the crashes.

WHAT IS INTERESTNG is the Isrealis who were cheering when it went down.
2008-02-04 08:35:33 UTC
Yes, they could have collapsed that way and yes they did - this has been established by many independent engineers.

People seem to need to believe there was more to it that there was. Maybe somehow believing it was an 'inside' job is less of a dent to the collective American ego that accepting that they were caught with their pants down?
2008-02-04 08:35:21 UTC
Until something is proved one way or the other it is just that, a THEORY!

Apparently Queenie tried to kill Diana, or so the conspiracists say.

When something happens unexpected people sometime place blame in the strangest places.
2008-02-04 08:35:09 UTC
"I have the utmost faith that our government does whathey believe to be the right thing most of the time.Sometimes they get it wrong but generally it was done in good faith"

I spat my coffee all over my desk when I read that, I couldn't read on. lol
2008-02-04 09:00:25 UTC

not one company has come forward to say that the building could not have collapsed like that.. Only one loony person.

check this link...
2008-02-04 08:35:42 UTC
its all rubbish, you can make a conspiracy theory out of allmost anything, watch the film of the same name ;-)
2008-02-04 08:39:25 UTC
you should really get facts before you ask stupid qustions.

ok, jsut google terrorstorm and watch it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.