2008-02-04 08:29:54 UTC
I have just watched a 9/11 conspiracy programme and cant believe that the American goverment would blow up those towers with all the people in it just to have a war and get control of oil.
But it just doesnt seem possible that the building could have collapased they way they said. Also flight 77 disintegrated? Even the lockerbie plane didnt do that and they had a bomb on board! And why did building 7 fall? Nothing hit that. And no plane hit the pentagon, after seeing the footage thats just silly.
Why cant the government be held to account for all of the mistakes and inaccuracies that there were? Why is Osama Bin Laden not credited with the attacks on the FBI's most wanted list?
I dont normally believe these things but it seems after watching a couple of programmes there is something that does add up