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The monetary system, created thousands of years ago is obsolete and must be outgrown. It's function in the past was a means to manage the relationship between the acquisition of resources, materials, manufacturing, distribution, goods, services, labor and consumption, among other things.
While that holds true on a basic level today, now the monetary system serves the purpose of consolidating power in the hands of the few, while maintaining a stranglehold over the world's population and resources, which are exploited at every turn. The upper echelon of banking, corporate, finance and governments around the world exist to maximize profit regardless of human or environmental concerns.
There is only one solution and that is to move from a monetary based society into a resource based society. This direction will elevate the quality of living for everyone on the planet while eliminating waste, pollution, and constant competition against each other.
Technologically, we are at a point where 90% of world labor can be achieved with machine automation and over the past 50 years this reality has driven 70% of agriculture and industrial jobs to the service sector. Now the service sector is being overrun with atm's, automated kiosks, and soon to be automated restaurants. 'Technological Unemployment' is the term used to describe this reality and it is on a collision course to halt the free-market system as we know it.
I am a part of TheZeitgeistMovement.com a grass roots movement with over 250,000 members, active in 63 countries. We are taking a leadership role by empowering the individual to take action and we represent the activist arm of TheVenusProject.com
Together we can create a world that is ethically, environmentally, socially and technologically advanced, creating true freedom and abundance for all peoples of the world without want. In fact, the quality of life will soar so high, future generations will gawk at how primitive, corrupt and imature our current world is.
We have tons of information available and research is suggested. You can start with the Zeitgeist Online Orientation Presentation which gets into the meat of the issues quickly: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=...
Here is a link to the award winning documentary film 'Zeitgeist Addendum': http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=...
Here is a list of FAQ answered by The Venus Project over the past 25 years: http://thevenusproject.com/introFaq.php
Also, here is a link to a review of our 2009 activist day, covered by the New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/17/nyregi...
Check us out and if you identify with our direction, get involved. That's all I can ask. Change starts from within. Don't wait for your leaders to change your life for you.
Nothing quite like the current economic crisis has happened before, with financial systems the world over all failing in tandem. But it is worth noting that the boom that preceded the present downturn was not an overnight occurrence; it gathered pace over a decade of negative saving and underinvestment--particularly in the U.S.--along with certain corrupt practices that were readily tolerated in the midst of the "boom" period.
It was a sustained "boom" during which the rest of the world financed the large deficits of the U.S. and accumulated huge amounts of dollar reserves, leading to the fall in the value of the dollar. Along with the weakening of the dollar, many of the world's currencies linked with the dollar also weakened. Consequently, wholesale and retail price levels increased in dollar terms.
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During this period, the regulatory bodies, auditors and rating companies--in fact, the whole system--failed. Chairmen and members of the board of directors failed too; so have the management and compliance officers. Add to that the failure of many "rank and file" employees.
As a consequence, the existing gap between rich and poor has grown even wider. The poor, who constitute a majority of the world's population, have suffered, and global conflicts have increased. Yet many among the rich have become richer, and the middle class has also benefited considerably from the boom.
Now the dollar is appreciating, the pound is depreciating and there is excess supply in commodities and products. However, human nature, which reacted to the gap and the imbalance in the system, is now taking corrective action to bring about some balance, as it always does when events go to extremes.
The U.S. and the developed world have taken action to bail out the financial sector and some industrial companies. This is to ensure that bankruptcies are avoided and people do not lose their jobs--or the deposits they have with the financial institutions.
However, bailing them out by pouring billions of taxpayers' money into the system is not the answer for an immediate revival of the global economy.
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