How can our governments work together to overcome the global recession?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How can our governments work together to overcome the global recession?
83 answers:
2009-04-01 05:26:16 UTC
There is not the slightest chance of a "World Committee" running the world's economies in a way that is fair to all.

The Olympics isn't run fairly even the Eurovision song contest is corrupt so how are they going to agree to play fair when money and power are involved?

The free market and fewer international collaborations like the EU and less global companies is the way back.

Basically the law of the jungle where only the fittest survive is our only hope.
2009-04-02 12:28:04 UTC
There needs to be more regulation. Capitalism isn't working. Countries like Norway and Canada who don't have too much Capitalism have the best economies in the world.
2009-04-01 05:16:36 UTC
To be honest I think the government needs to take things more into their hands. They put too much trust in the people. It sounds mean but I feel it is true. I know that America got a lot of it's economics from Austria and I can see why. I am an American who has lived there for 3 years. The government taxes more than in America but they put the money where it is needed. Ex: Everyone has medical, paid vacation, pension, and paid sick leave. Anyone can go to the University because it is virtually free. The government also controls things a lot more. In this way they are able to produce more jobs for the people. They are also always keeping an eye on sales etc. to determine what should be done to keep things going smoothly. I believe this is why Austria doesn't feel the effects of the recession.
2009-04-01 05:10:34 UTC
They can help by not intervening with the free market. But I guess that's an illegal statement considering the asker is Y! UK&I.......
2009-04-04 01:25:32 UTC
Brown has spent his way into this crisis-the answer is don't try and spend your way out of it-the history books suggest that those who print money get into even deeper problems in the shape of high inflation

recession affects some,inflation affects all-inflation is now certain to happen-they are simply substituting one crisis for another

Brown said that he had eliminated boom and bust-he has succeeded -we are on the point of going bust with his spendthrift policies

you cannot print a £ trillion worth of paper money and expect to get away with it-something has to give

the US and UK have the LARGEST BUDGET DEFICITS-the largest banking crises are in which two countries-surprise,surprise,the US and UK-what a coincidence

sound money is the only sure way of economic success!
2009-04-02 21:27:51 UTC
By having a sufficient supply of housing. Also, remember the basic needs - food, clothing, warmth, shelter, occupation. Get some of the old railway lines reopened.
2009-04-04 09:09:30 UTC
Stop spending 93 million pound a year on mps expenses( thats on top of there 60-70 grand a year wages) and use that 93 million to pay our debts off...and put it back into the economy...stop putting benefits up to those who cant be bothered to work and stop taking us who do work so much to do it!
2009-04-03 21:43:17 UTC
Well, economies that relied on finance sectors were hit hardest (UK, US for example) and those economies are the ones going bankrupt trying to prop up the failing finance system.

Unfortunately, for the last 30 years or so, the economies that have been built upon finance, moving away from industry, manufacturing, technology for example invested in something that didn't really exist.

You see, "toxic assets", "bad loans", and all other number of ugly phases given to the banks for what they now have, are just simply vapours of nothingness. There isn't anything solid there.

The banking system is an intristical system that owns everything and owns nothing.

Money, something that is every moving towards something you'll never see nor own in your back pocket, is becoming electronics. It goes in a bank, you pay for all your things off a bit of plastic. It's all superficial.

And superficial, artificial and made up systems are resting upon thin air. The biggest problem with the US economy is the federal reserve. It creates money out of nothing, increases inflation, and drives the true value of the dollar down.

Meaning every dollar to the ordinary american is made a little less, and their bills end up being higher, they end up working longer for less. Inflation is the hidden tax, according to Ron Paul, and rightly so. The politics wish to have inflation to drive their own debt down, but to the citizen, it's only hurting them.

The global slump is simply a stark reminder when people start living within their means. For me, let it come, let governments stop giving the elite handouts out of the taxpayers pocket, let the companies fall, let the good assets and all the good parts of the companies carry on after the bankruptcy court sorts it out, and just wash away the filth of greed and corruption in the system.

Let the free markets sort itself out.
2009-04-02 11:53:20 UTC
Denounce capitalism, liquidate themselves and the corrupt political system that gave rise to them and let the rest of us get on with creating a new kind of society.

A society that benefits everyone and allows us all to realise our full potential without being exploited for the benefit of the favoured few.

Capitalism isn't working. Put people first.
2009-04-02 07:08:08 UTC
Hard question but i certainly believe tht the government shouldnt be propping up the banks with tax money there should be an alternative to supporting the very people who are responsible for the recession
2009-04-12 10:56:45 UTC
Simply put: Combine the finest minds in the field of Economics, Banking and Finance from all over the world and get them to agree a way in which we can tackle the problem, without political bias.

A politically neutral discussion with these experts, over the course of however long it may require, may be a better way to come up with a solution - as opposed to gathering World leaders to discuss a solution in one day to an infinitely complex issue. Remember that Governments may choose to pursue their own political ambitions - as opposed to the most suitable economic strategy - when deciding on policies. This can, in itself, have a disastrous effect on the economy.

This is a problem that needs a very long term solution; in other words longer than a usual term for a President or Prime Minister. I dread to think of any proposed solutions made by a current leader (and agreed in G20) to be ignored by his/her successor simply because of a difference in his/her own political ideals.

We have numerous types of financial systems all over the world, each with different regulatory systems. I think maybe having cohesion and standard protocols in terms of finance and banking internationally may prevent such disaster in the future.

Look at the US for examples. There are 2 regulatory systems for banks; The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and The Fed (which has joint reponsibility with State Banking Authorities). These 2 parties have overlapping jurisdictions when it comes to banks in the US. Furthermore, you also have the Securities and Exchange Commission overlooking the securities market. Confused? I am too.

I am no expert, but I know that having such a complicated regulatory system in the US can give rise to several problems which can lead to a financial crisis.

Maybe if we can set international standards by which ALL financial intermediaries can adhere to, it would perhaps be slightly easier to monitor and regulate financial systems all over the world, and hence equipping governing bodies with better means to prevent financial crisis from occuring.

With better monitoring, we can tackle the following factors:

1) Increases in Interest rates

2) Increases in uncertainty

3) Asset Market effects on Balance sheets

4) Problems in the Banking Sector

5) Government Fiscal Imbalances

6) Asymmetric information (e.g. adverse selection & moral hazard)

all of which are contributory factors in a financial crisis.

IS 12/04/2009
2016-03-03 02:26:40 UTC
The Market has spoken, the market is not some magical Genie. It reflects what we've done. China has a big economy, and people make China seem so much more hefty then it really is. China has a lot of money all in Dollars, so if they stop trade with the US the value of the US Dollar will take a dive. So if China had 1 Million US dollars (I know its more but for simplicity's sake) it would become half a million Dollars. China is no key. I am Chinese and am saying this. The Global economy is very American-centralized. So we can fix the American economy by stopping "stimulus plans" The Market is no game, it weeds out competition, right now its telling US many companies are not fit. We let the recession take place, without increasing taxes on importations. Once the US begins to grow the world will follow, they will start to buy from China(as well as from Europe and India) again. Everyone will generally start to grow. It is not a Crisis the market is doing what it does best, this is Capitalism at its peak. You compete for the Market. Stop freaking out, some money may be needed as a stimulus but I don't see a reason to stop the global economy with tariffs. It shouldn't be ignored. Half the reason we're doing so bad is because the Media turns everything into a soap opera. JUST LEAVE IT BE, the market will correct itself. Maybe with a few companies gone, but the world is functionally capitalist. So stop panicking and brace yourself for a few rough years. Let the faulted companies go down.
2009-04-05 02:54:59 UTC
The problem is not really that which is presented. The problem is that for many years the world has enjoyed living the lie that says resources both natural and manufactured are limitless, therefore we can all share in the abundance if we only work hard enough. This has created huge wealth for the few and enormous poverty for the many but held out a hope that in some distant future we would all be part of the wealthy elite. What the current crisis has done is reveal the truth, or at least part of it. The whole system is a deck of cards and so based on corruption and lies that the main movers cannot even believe each other any more. What they should do is help all of us weather the storm, stay alive and healthy and at the end of it admit their shared guilt and start making the distribution of wealth fairer by law. There is no sense in a single person having and unearned income of several million a week whilst people in Africa or South America are dying of starvation or illness. There is no morality in that and that is the thing the whole world never mind governments needs to do now. We need to totally reject the Hayek/Thatcher/Regan philosophy that there is no such thing as society only grabbing, demanding, devil-take-the-hindmost, individuals and start to value the sense of community that despite the high value put on selfishness still comes out at times of real trouble. I do not mean Charity giving either, useful as that is and people are very generous when asked, I mean giving something of yourself. Holding out your hand to someone in need when you have little yourself is not kind or generous, it is heroic and the world needs heroes now, not in ten years time.
2009-04-05 02:38:53 UTC
Will I go too far if I say that there actually are other people that are the factual world leaders, and that is why the so called world leaders that are meeting now at the G20 conference could hardly manage to do anything regarding most of the important issues worldwide now, as they could not do anything in the past?

It's just somebody else who governs this whole world.

I know I go too far but this is the obvious cold hard truth.

Just think about that and why for decades already the situation of the world only worsens while all the world leaders continually meet?
2009-04-08 12:21:59 UTC
There is one very simple and massive step that can be taken that would help enormously, and that is:

Governments around the world should "limit" the media coverage and therefore cushion the negative picture being painted of the worlds economy. I say "limit" as a compromise before people cry it's our human rights to be informed about the recession.

Quite simply those of us who aren't even in financial difficulty are staying indoors and not spending money because of the fear being installed by the media coverage. No wonder business's are shutting down, there are no customers, we're too scared to spend!

I can only imagine if the media stopped reporting on all the negatives, on the hour, every hour, we would be more inclined to treat ourselves from time to time. Maybe the media should only report once or twice a week on the current situation. Wouldn't that suffice?

The other thing the governments could do is learn from mistakes. I hate the goverments usual answer of, well we never seen it coming (i did, that's why I sold my tiny flat before first time buyers couldn't afford it) and we have to look to the future.

That comes across like, "oh well, what is done is done". That's not good enough. Why should I be convinced by any plan that they might come up with, if they never even seen the recession coming in the first place?

So to summarise, consumer confidence is at an ultimate low and this is caused by the constant and depressing media coverage. To increase consumer confidence stop telling us how bad everything is every 5 minutes.

2009-04-04 05:12:52 UTC
Its a global mess, created by USA.

As all countries are so integrated with each other now because of globalisation. We need global action to stop this problem for expanding. As banks have buildings all over world now. and do deals in all continents. And transfer money in seconds, in less that a second. we need global authority to stop future problems (sub prime lending mess and excessive risk taking). Therefore we would be able to prevent this from happening again, as the banks will be regulated. the G20 has put the IMF under control to regulate the banking system. Along with FSA. Recessions are very natural, they cannot be over come by any government. One thing we can do is make it end sooner. As this is a global recession we need global help.

The G20 has put money into the IMF with will help developing nations and other countries who are in hardship.

Also if all countries get together they can make more of an outcome because all countries are in recession and need help. all the leaders have different ideas and experience and problems by working together it will help much more.

Its a global problem that needs global action.
2009-04-03 02:58:44 UTC
Watchmen suggests that alien attack would spur the worlds governments to cease hostilities, work together in the face of a global threat. Well we seem to have a few of those around just now. First we have global warming, which even the U.S is keen to avoid. Many goverments have agreed that working together to reduce pollution globally is the best way forward. Then we have the recent credit crunch. This has resulted in many governments pouring money into their own economies and others. The message is simple work together and these "catastrophic" developements can be redirected to become something more positive. So teamwork thats what the world governments can do, work as a team, and never forget the goal, so that nothing gets in the way of real progress. The example will shine through the ages for centuries empowering humanity in a unique way for the first time in millenia.
2009-04-04 21:44:33 UTC
We need to concentrate on finding solutions to the crisis rather than governments and media reminding us of the problems that have happened in the past. A new world order had already been discussed and planned years ago yet it wasn't common knowledge, this has caused some citizens to fear the worst and lose faith and trust in the government. If the whole system that we live in drills into us that we're powerless, that we're weak, that our society is evil, that it's fraudulent etc then it couldn't be further than the truth. In the future we should be fully informed as citizens and not feel like we're being manipulated and lied to. We should all feel fully empowered. One of the problems is clear from the question itself: How can our 'governments' work together to overcome the global recession? Consider replacing 'our governments' with 'we'.
2009-04-12 02:33:48 UTC
What can the governments do? Since the governments are mostly in favour for this 'New Worldly Order'! I mean how can some pesky little humans create a new world order for people to follow when God created an order to how humans live... with the freedom to do what they want... and because the governments are soon enough as I have heard emerging into one world government, governing the whole of the world just like 1 financial banking system ...
2009-04-11 16:27:44 UTC
They could repent and turn to God. He promises to open the windows of Heaven and pour out so many blessings.

No one has the answer. All the governments can do is talk round in circles, I doubt very much whether they will do any good in the long term with all their global awareness meetings and discussions.

The governments have Humanistic goals which only serve to relieve some situations in the short term, and only then by turning a blind eye to so many other issues.

It is disgraceful how our government is feeding itself from the pantries of the poorest in the nation. They give themselves pay rises bigger than some of the lower paid's annual household income. I know people who are now cutting down on food to make ends meet.

I could feel so despondent about the current global situation and if Gordon thinks he can get us out of this, then he is deceived. We used to be a Godly nation - with Christian values. Good values that other nations admired us for. When I lived abroad until about ten years ago, I often heard about the Commonwealth from the local people and how Britain had been powerful in their nation, then sometimes, they would shake their head and shrug their shoulders, as if to say, but look at them now. What would they say today? I'm glad I don't know.

Humanism, secularism, atheism, globalism are all titles we hear often, as if it is some new religion going to save us, but things have never been so bad and for those with eyes to see, and ears to hear, they are getting worse.

Please, governments of the world, why not call a national day of prayer? Return to God and seek Him whilst He yet may be found.
2009-04-07 09:20:57 UTC
The starting point, using whatever system, is Integrity. Where's it all gone?

It seems to me that unless you can show your betters that you are on the make, you are considered a loser and given the boot. They sack the honest and conscientious and give bonuses to bank robbers. I know - I am one of the forcibly retired, yet still have to pay royally for the executive who bullied me out of my job in the public sector.

All people ask when they are doing a job is "what can I get out of it?" or "how can I work the system in my favour?". Directors and executives do not manage - their interest in the organisation they work for extends as far as going to meetings to vote themselves perks and bonuses and leaving with the loot, and no more. It's a wonder anything gets done.

And it is no good either saying - we're British and can rise above such corruption (Ha! Ha!) - only little tinpot banana republics are corrupt and their peoples deserve all the poverty that's coming to them. What hope have they got when the civilised nations cannot even set them an example? The promise on a British banknote becomes a meaningless joke.

Once we sack or even jail the crooks and train up the honest to take their places, then we stand a chance of sorting out this recession.
2009-04-05 15:56:47 UTC
Clever question.

I suggest a special meeting of all the finance ministers, chancellors, and financial leaders such as the banker from the TV ad, and decided not to spend too much... and then commit loads of resources at the NATO trip and security bills. Obviously promises to turn over a new financial leaf, will be followed up by personal phone-calls and 3-way conferences between the competing economies of EU, UK and US. Why not give poor countries a special contract on blackberry so they can send us emails alerting the effects on their housing markets.

Just because I could, being not at work, I met, and drank, and played with some nice people in London's built-up East London contrary to protest reports the Police didn't pull any April 1st pranks. One answer I didn't want to hear is we who care should go into finance as a profession!


John+Clease on youtube is the mascot for a Polish bank. Good ad but not as good as the skipping Hallifax character.
2009-04-14 05:19:18 UTC
They could try putting their hands in their own pockets and donating back to the people that put them in their high ranking positions. It has never been more true that the poor get poorer and the rich get richer. They need to actually get out onto the streets and open their eyes and look at what is actually going on in the world. They could start by cutting the high taxes, relinquishing their luxury yachts,helicopters,private jets. It doesn't matter what we the people suggest because they will never look into their hearts and do the right thing because it's all about individual greed..
2014-11-06 14:23:36 UTC
This is a problem that needs a very long term solution; in other words longer than a usual term for a President or Prime Minister. I dread to think of any proposed solutions made by a current leader (and agreed in G20) to be ignored by his/her successor simply because of a difference in his/her own political ideals.

We have numerous types of financial systems all over the world, each with different regulatory systems. I think maybe having cohesion and standard protocols in terms of finance and banking internationally may prevent such disaster in the future.
Jackie M
2009-04-10 08:21:40 UTC
Charity begins at home? Our government doesn't need to work together with other governments, The first thing is to stop immigration and giving them unemployment benefit, housing and NHS, it should only be for british people, we are the ones that paid taxes and NI into it. Our government should take the same stance as the german government - don't allow asian or african etc immigrants into the country. Asylum seekers get asylum as their own country is unsafe for them - why do they come all the way to the UK? is it not suppose to be the first safe country they arrive in? No, because France etc wont give them the benefits that our government gives them - but it doesn't matter what we say our opinion doesn't count. Stop the benefits and they wont come to our country?
**! Crazy-Dennis!**
2009-04-08 03:27:17 UTC
This is a simple answer to your question,

The government CANNOT work together to overcome the global recession, when money, power and all the other factors are involved greed is introduced. This is when Leaders DON'T play fair, Its HUMAN NATURE of course they will not settle down they always want the best for them.

Obviously i will get thumbs down for this but its the TRUTH.
2014-11-03 05:08:24 UTC
the finest minds in the field of Economics, Banking and Finance from all over the world and get them to agree a way in which we can tackle the problem, without political bias.

A politically neutral discussion with these experts, over the course of however long it may require, may be a better way to come up with a solution - as opposed to gathering World leaders to discuss a solution in one day to an infinitely complex issue. Remember that Governments may choose to pursue their own political ambitions - as opposed to the most suitable economic strategy - when deciding on policies. This can, in itself, have a disastrous effect on the economy.
2009-04-11 07:18:41 UTC
It is a difficult question to answer, as each Country's governing bodies are seeking (in my opinion) to minimise their loss of revenue, and at the end of the day it is down to the big businesses to cut the profit margin and stop being greedy, also unions have a lot to do to sort the wage negotiation and also stop being greedy.

The more people earn the more they want and the more you earn the more tax you pay, and stop allowing wage rises within government as no one is worth what they demand in salaries it seems to me a pension for life being in government,so let them earn the wages they receive if not sack the lot. No Government will solve the global recession, it is up to each individual Country to budget their own finances. like each household they have to get their own house in order.
Poppy R
2009-04-08 17:02:50 UTC
reduce the amount of immigrants coming into our country, they say it is good for our economy, well look where it has got us, the government should concentrate on looking after they're own citizens, instead of trying to minimise poverty and unemployment in other country's.

If they had done this in he first place, we would have more jobs to go around, and there wouldn't be so much debt in the first place!

They could also do with, reducing the amount of money they put into banks going bust, like Northern rock, the money always has to come from somewhere, and as a tax payer i feel my money is being thrown down the drain ad there is nothing i can do about it.

You may feel this has no relevance to the above question, but this is my view on the united kingdoms current situation!
Future OFCOM Equity
2009-04-09 10:39:16 UTC
There are a few issues we'd like to highlight:

1) During a downturn in any sector (apart from banking) analysts used to call for mergers and efficiency savings, Mrs Thatcher stated, 'you can't buck the market'.

2) When Tony Blair agreed to go to war against the multicultural tourist town that is the UK it was envisaged tax revenue would decline.

3) People are not businesses, to pretend we are is to spend too much money on prisons.


Search for the blog dated 29th September 2008.
2009-04-15 21:02:10 UTC
The biggest things they can do:

1. Stop the loan sharking by private businesses who exploit underdeveloped nations and prevent their economic growth: by creating a roster of lenders who are in compliance with the UN and their resolutions such as the Paris treaty and the Millenium Development Goals, underdeveloped nations can not only seek good lenders, but ones who are backed by the United Nations.

2. Place a stronger enforcement on the Millenium Development Goals and allow the Implementation Panels do their work. By assessing the situaton in underveloped nations and suggesting their needed funding for renewable/natural resource development, (debt sustainability framework/matrix) these nations can meet their goals by creating a stable market based upon their provided resources.

3. Investigate the major debts among larger nations, determine their value based upon exsisting exchange rates, inflation, and the nation's economic stregnth and their debt sustainability. By reducing debts accrued by nations while in corrupt or violent militant conrtrol, as well as properly assessing them, nations may sooner be able to pay off these debts and contribute more to other underdeveloped nations.

4. Ease some of the WTO's international trade tarriffs in struggling nations to encourage and expedite their economic growth.
2009-04-06 06:57:59 UTC
The G20 conference is just a show. They will not actually do anything that will be benefit us - the people. The government never has and never will do anything to help us as the people and that is our fault. The sooner we all realize this and stop voting for these so called 'leaders' the sooner we can change this. The government are there for their own benefit - not ours and only we as the people can change it...we have been far to lazy to anything about it and now look at what has happened...

They are laughing at us and to be quite honest if I was them I would be laughing to. I don't feel sorry for us because its our fault that we are here.

After WWII was when this country went downhill, we lost everything and we didn't do anything to stop it so stop crying about your home being repossessed or loosing your job because at the end of the is your own fault for doing f**k all.
2009-04-15 11:48:30 UTC
if you own a farm you are a farmer, if you run a bank you should be a banker ? if a banker tried to run a farm the cows would be in trouble, and vis versa the farmer would not have a clue about high finance .

the point is people without a financial brain are running our banks, and people without a clue about politics run our country, until we get the right person in the right job we are in the **** right up to our ears and will never sort anything out all we can do is wipe the slate clean and start again
2016-02-11 12:39:35 UTC
governments work overcome global recession
2009-04-08 21:05:14 UTC
All governments should take all the money from the rich and spread it out amongst the poor and we start again spending and making money - easy - re-distribution of wealth is the only way to go. The poor want to spend and the rich are just like fat pigs sitting on all that Gold well just take all the Gold from the fat cats and fat pigs and spread it amongst the poor cats and starving pigs -yep then we would have a new World order - The Queen and people like her should spread the wealth they are mobsters of the highest order keeping us all in the gutter - a revolution is required to re-distribute wealth.
2009-04-12 14:25:12 UTC
It was the incompetence of these governments that allowed us into this global recession in the first place. They need to stop letting bankers act so recklessly. And get make them start lending again to those who are likely to pay them back
2009-04-05 02:02:14 UTC
As they stand out as totally culpable in the mess we presently find ourselves,the best thing they can do is sod off to some far flung outpost that caters for over egotistical parasites and let the world settle down and rebuild at it's own pace.We know that is not going to happen so the question is not only rhetorical but somewhat ironic.
Young Man
2009-04-15 05:16:18 UTC
They should stop taking from productive people and business (in the form of taxes) and giving to people who don't do anything, or businesses that don't make any profits.

Then those that work hard will be a lot better off!
Andrew W
2009-04-03 06:00:01 UTC
By nationalising industries under democratic workers' control, with no compensation for shareholders, unless there is a proven need.

However, it was the policies of the leaders of the G20 that got us where we are, so why should we trust them to solve the situation?

US billionaire speculator George Soros commented last weekend that the world capitalist economy is facing "make or break" as far as a new economic depression is concerned. As such, the Socialist Party argue that industrial action, including the question of generalised strike movements to defend people's livelihoods and developing a broad socialist movement against capitalism, is the order of the day.
2009-04-05 05:23:00 UTC
Stop trying to get banks to lend again, not to prop up banks, we are in this mess because of excessive lending and consumerism, the throw away society, the World leaders should be encouraging self sufficiency at all levels and discourage greed, but most of all put aside their ideals,in as much political and religious differences, it is a world recession and as such we should now all work together at those levels!
♥Hot Guy®™©
2009-04-02 11:37:30 UTC
Governments need to motivate the public(each and every individual) so that everyone feels that he/she has to do something(even a little bit) for the recession. Saving even a penny in such great recessions have a cumulative effect(considering the huge population of the world). One shouldn't consider that one person's effort is meaningless. No one person can do anything. We need everyone to stand up and fight recession. Saving is the main point, but not at the cost of firing employees. The overall expenditure has to be cut, so the exorbitantly payed CEOs and other high officials of companies should drastically cut down their salaries. The salaries of other general employees can be also cut down reasonably, but firing is not the solution. It's every man's fight against a common enemy: global recession..... and people have to stand up to it themselves.... and governments of every country should colloborate and fight it as one unit rather than only for their country.
liam m
2009-04-11 09:25:52 UTC
Gordon Brown is to economics what Bin Laden is to Diplomacy.

This is the man who insisted on light touch regulation of the banking system for ten years, and insisted that the French and Germans follow his example and open up their banking system to competition, They refused point blank to do so, so their greedy banks opened up in London under Gordon's Light Touch regulation, and the rest is history.

Between two Jags Prescott and Light Touch Gordon there is only one honourable thing to do.
2009-04-13 15:52:24 UTC
The little people see bullshit. They smell bullshit, and are sick and tired of being fed bullshit. Perhaps they deserve a pension worth 13,000,000 for being low life scum. Then they might buy a second home and rent it out to goverment arseholes for stupid money, and claim the real ira done it. Its all state sponcered crap, dressed up a lolly. Sparkly and shiney. Mabey they are gay but dont realise it. Perhaps its just another day in paradise. God might be on holiday in The Maldives. Who know, who cares. They don't. Monopoly and cludo make mousetrap.
2009-04-04 07:29:44 UTC
They were the ones who kick-started the reccesion by hiking up oil and energy prices (by invading Iraq) thus resulting in higher food bills, travel costs etc..

People talk of a Banking Crisis but this too started as a direct result of people defaulting on mortages/credit repayments and ceasing to save due to the increased costs of living.

Even Bin Laden himself couldn't have imagined that 9/11 wud have had such an impact on the world.. I blame Bush
2009-04-12 19:06:22 UTC
Don't be fooled. Governments will never work together. Why do you think we have unrest, wars and of course the recession?
2009-04-03 15:28:21 UTC
At the end of the day it is the politicians fault for letting all of this mess happen.

So they are all meeting up to discuss about who is going to get richer and who will become poorer.

So long as the World leaders are all looked after they don't really care about us common people.
2009-04-02 17:47:38 UTC
Listening to the President of Brasil would be a good start - he understands the economy far better than most of the rest of them. What we are getting now is Mugabonomics. We may as well make Gideon Gono head of the IMF.
2014-09-27 01:58:54 UTC
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2009-04-05 03:05:16 UTC
Hey Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers team!

The monetary system, created thousands of years ago is obsolete and must be outgrown. It's function in the past was a means to manage the relationship between the acquisition of resources, materials, manufacturing, distribution, goods, services, labor and consumption, among other things.

While that holds true on a basic level today, now the monetary system serves the purpose of consolidating power in the hands of the few, while maintaining a stranglehold over the world's population and resources, which are exploited at every turn. The upper echelon of banking, corporate, finance and governments around the world exist to maximize profit regardless of human or environmental concerns.

There is only one solution and that is to move from a monetary based society into a resource based society. This direction will elevate the quality of living for everyone on the planet while eliminating waste, pollution, and constant competition against each other.

Technologically, we are at a point where 90% of world labor can be achieved with machine automation and over the past 50 years this reality has driven 70% of agriculture and industrial jobs to the service sector. Now the service sector is being overrun with atm's, automated kiosks, and soon to be automated restaurants. 'Technological Unemployment' is the term used to describe this reality and it is on a collision course to halt the free-market system as we know it.

I am a part of a grass roots movement with over 250,000 members, active in 63 countries. We are taking a leadership role by empowering the individual to take action and we represent the activist arm of

Together we can create a world that is ethically, environmentally, socially and technologically advanced, creating true freedom and abundance for all peoples of the world without want. In fact, the quality of life will soar so high, future generations will gawk at how primitive, corrupt and imature our current world is.

We have tons of information available and research is suggested. You can start with the Zeitgeist Online Orientation Presentation which gets into the meat of the issues quickly:

Here is a link to the award winning documentary film 'Zeitgeist Addendum':

Here is a list of FAQ answered by The Venus Project over the past 25 years:

Also, here is a link to a review of our 2009 activist day, covered by the New York Times:

Check us out and if you identify with our direction, get involved. That's all I can ask. Change starts from within. Don't wait for your leaders to change your life for you.

Nothing quite like the current economic crisis has happened before, with financial systems the world over all failing in tandem. But it is worth noting that the boom that preceded the present downturn was not an overnight occurrence; it gathered pace over a decade of negative saving and underinvestment--particularly in the U.S.--along with certain corrupt practices that were readily tolerated in the midst of the "boom" period.

It was a sustained "boom" during which the rest of the world financed the large deficits of the U.S. and accumulated huge amounts of dollar reserves, leading to the fall in the value of the dollar. Along with the weakening of the dollar, many of the world's currencies linked with the dollar also weakened. Consequently, wholesale and retail price levels increased in dollar terms.

Article Controls

During this period, the regulatory bodies, auditors and rating companies--in fact, the whole system--failed. Chairmen and members of the board of directors failed too; so have the management and compliance officers. Add to that the failure of many "rank and file" employees.

As a consequence, the existing gap between rich and poor has grown even wider. The poor, who constitute a majority of the world's population, have suffered, and global conflicts have increased. Yet many among the rich have become richer, and the middle class has also benefited considerably from the boom.

Now the dollar is appreciating, the pound is depreciating and there is excess supply in commodities and products. However, human nature, which reacted to the gap and the imbalance in the system, is now taking corrective action to bring about some balance, as it always does when events go to extremes.

The U.S. and the developed world have taken action to bail out the financial sector and some industrial companies. This is to ensure that bankruptcies are avoided and people do not lose their jobs--or the deposits they have with the financial institutions.

However, bailing them out by pouring billions of taxpayers' money into the system is not the answer for an immediate revival of the global economy.

We could be friends?

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2009-04-01 13:27:39 UTC
One of the first challenges is to eliminate global conflict or sectarian conflicts. These tend to be long-term and energy-sapping of the countries involved. In other words, if you're putting resources into fighting wars, you're not putting resources into people or infrastructure or higher standard of living for your citizens. An example is Iraq

with outdated electrical systems- they too busy fighting each other. Additionally, the price of oil and gas tends to increase with conflict. Second, the leaders, whether congressional, presidential or dictatorial need to be less GREEDY and represent those who elected them. In Iraq for example, there were 17 presidential palaces. When making budgets, more common sense and more GREEN thinking (recyclable)

would help. Of course, living within ones means is logical. I believe there are seventeen bankrupt countries, perhaps more. In the U.S. the banking and mortgage systems have landed the US in trouble with automobiles not as reliable as foreign models. GM and other companies have been warned as far back as 1970 to change or lose

markets. They were told then to produce cars with higher gas mileage and they stated they couldn't. Meanwhile, Japan proved it was very possible with the Datsun getting 50 miles per gallon in 1976. Finally, There are carburetors that get from 200-300 miles per gallon but oil companies buy up the patents. These are systems and problems that need immediate addressing.
2009-04-07 05:03:03 UTC
How many jobs could have been created with those billions invested on the banks (=thrown in the bin)

If people have permanent jobs banks will just lend eventually but easier than if everyone lives in fear of redundancy
mark s
2009-04-13 15:27:16 UTC
Anybody who knows economics on a basic level at the very least, knows that it all goes around in a cycle eventually, therefore they should just sit tight and make the best financial decisions they can.
2009-04-13 20:44:51 UTC
they simply stop doing the bidding of the real super rich banking community. this recession was a well orchestrated ploy to put all of us back in our boxes
2009-04-01 05:16:58 UTC
If they did the right things then they could help more out of the recession.

I don't think they know what to do, I would set up keeping people employed grants which would make people feel safe in their current job. Personally I think they will just throw money all over the place and non of it will be used correctly
Eddy T
2009-04-02 07:52:31 UTC
This global recession is all about the US sub prime mortgage crisis. All governments must support and help the US both financially and find ways for America to overcome its mortgage and financial crisis. Otherwise governments will not be able to overcome the global recession.

The G20 conferences in London must discuss this US sub prime mortgage crisis and the toxic assets that are affecting its financial institutions. How to overcome them so that America can bring the world can overcome their recession.

Banks are not entirely to be blame to the current global recession.
2009-04-09 07:36:34 UTC
well for starters they could bloody well stop all this flipping claiming for 2nd homes ,expenses for dinners ,expenses for furniture etc if we were to get our hands on their expenditure they could probably keep a few hospitals open ,upgrade schools ,generally they should all tighten their belts a bit closer to home, get rid of their ludicrous expense accounts and see how long they would all stay in politics., and no i will not apologise for this rant, i wish i could get my DVDS free at the weekend,and i would nt even want porno ,just something a nice hard working family could watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-04-02 08:51:17 UTC
I believe that with that many great minds coming together, we can get through it.

In the words of Winston Churchill, 'United we stand, divided we fall.' -as relevant now as it was all those years ago.

The world would do well to remember that during these difficult economic times.
2009-04-15 16:38:22 UTC
i think the main problem is they all have their own agenda, so what do they have to do, they have to look at what the world wants, its not going to happen, the only concerns they have, is how much money they are making, world news a new puppy, come on, people are dying, our world is dying,
2009-04-07 22:54:41 UTC
i don't think they will it is not the government's that run this world its the men in grey suits who hold the money and the power that goes with it
Kovid G
2009-04-08 13:16:22 UTC
UK can stop pretending like they're the best and actually ask other countries with respect to trade with their foreign materials with your finished good since all UK is, is machines.
2009-04-09 12:53:29 UTC
Resign en-masse and let us get on with our own lives.

Our lying, thieving, politicians could not even run a chip shop, except at a loss.
2009-04-06 11:07:36 UTC
The only way to stop this, Is by doing the Islamic way which is no interest
2009-04-06 08:12:54 UTC
make a fake trillion dollar bill :D

aslan .. so a fireman/doctor/sas soldier should get paid the same as a road sweeper/shelf stacker ???
2009-04-03 11:41:43 UTC
Not many answers here.....I say leave it to the price mechanism... the private sector got us into this mess and they are the only ones to get us out... Government bailout schemes have not improved consumer confidence and at the end of the day, thats the only thing that is needed to stimulate growth effectively and get us out of this recession
2009-04-06 07:00:01 UTC
Lets have a minimum wage for all,as it was Greed that got us in this mess,not the Government!
2009-04-14 14:41:48 UTC
give the people back their freedom and quit public life the next day.
Peace, please? :)
2009-04-15 05:04:08 UTC
First we need to find Saddam Hussain, then we can save America.
2009-04-03 05:40:02 UTC
in the end, the meeting has no real resolution for all, mankind; its just for the G20 only, specified just for the God dame politicians!!!!!!!!!

hell with "the others", they said!!!!!!!!!!

"imagine there's no country" (Lennon)
The Patriot
2009-04-01 05:36:51 UTC
As unpopular as it seems to be, a stimulus package. One to get banks to continue to lend (buy buying parts of the banks out so that tax payers can get the money back) and also considering the same for industry in the country.

Yes it would mean part nationalisation, but if jobs are safeguarded across the globe, with rules on how quickly such industries shoudl be sold off again, then we can come out of the recession quicker with fewer job losses.
2009-04-05 10:16:52 UTC
Dont stop doing it. to work to gether call all the group.
2009-04-04 14:54:44 UTC
maybe they could try to stop wasting millions of pounds of our money on big fat banquets,wine,cars,second homes,cigars,suits and anything else they can get their greedy little paws on, all paid for by us. power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, they are nothing but a bunch of wasters. it makes me sick.
My Grain
2009-04-04 05:23:11 UTC
Recession?This was engineered by this lot in the first place so we accept New World Order coming in to play!
bruce m
2009-04-05 13:09:45 UTC
they can't even work together to stop global warming, the drug trade, sex trade ect ect ect. so not much chance of them doing this one i think.
2009-04-07 15:13:10 UTC
One word answer - Resign!
Wayne S
2009-04-08 12:22:24 UTC
they can't its all talk, they just want to try to make us believe they know what they are doing there all useless
2009-04-09 15:03:37 UTC
If they can merge. Merge into a single country.
2009-04-05 15:14:04 UTC
The world leaders are meeting with an agenda mostly concerning major investors and major investments as a key or a solution to the crises, as major or big organisations are normally equipped with Professional management frame works who give the impression of knowing and controlling the worlds markets ... which is a Big Mistake from my humble point of view. because thy are the very same kind of people who brought this crises to the world first place ...along with many other troubles which i am afraid now or here is neither the wright place nor time to speak of ....

how ever i believe un traditional problems needs un traditional solutions

that should in first place regard the needs of simple people with out selfishness


A) be used as a tool for building enlightened minds capable of managing the crises with real solutions and even stand-by plans other than dismissing employers ( thank you yahoo team for being pioneers in this field )

B) direct small investors to new creative activities that could get them through the present hard times and even if god forbids there are harder times yet to come

C) there should be reasonable limits or space of feed-back from the people to the government concerning governments over-spending with a tolerant way rather than an aggressive way to guarantee follow up and direct response from the governments side on bases of one small step at the time philosophy rather than making a sciene for someone in charge (so we get to have more audiance philosophy).

D)incorage the youth to work... and even teach them craftsmanships through the the variouse media chanels

E) give a space for young people with creative ideas that could creat jobs and increase the national production rates and export of products

rather than give that space to talk shows with some old guys screaming at the spectators OH MY GOD its getting worst just to fill in a space in the channels broadcasting time !



A-sponser the media in that direction and react to the peoples feedbacks on basses of absolute tolerance following up people reporting faults ,cuting down overspending and increasing profits with regard to common simple people ergent needs whom are the majority of any population rather than concentrating on big investors incomes and neglecting the source of these incomes ( consumers)

B-a stable climate of investment should be established by resolving wars through political chanels which happens to cut down the major costs of the war , in addition to active commertial and production agreements and facilities mostly concerning ( taxations,easier services procedures specialy port facilities and customs,infra-structures for production (technical education) ,safe energy,and planting the awarness of time management through leaders and managers nationaly and internationaly)

C-re arrange taxations systems and cutting it down to the (most possible limit) to ease the lives of simple people and creat a space for new jobs and new activities which in turn on the long run well increase the sum of taxation payed by people and creat an internationaly active investment climate and atract investments from all over the world .

D- use the minds of its managements frame work to creat creative profitable national projects (other than war)

E-extra care should be given to people with special needs like old ,retired, and homeless people ,also education,health care,... etc is an essential insurance of stability during the crises ...

i believe in devine justice on my speritual believes space


i believe the crisses is a reaction to governments faulty actions miss-led by major investors spreading war and destruction because of personal benefits or ideoloGies ever there is always a chance for correction


i believe its time for those investors to step aside from polotics now that its clear to everyone where the war ideology is taking the worlds economy and may god forgive theM for what thy have done and change there ways of life,that brought major losses to them and to others.

and finally

i believe its time to start mesuring the greatness of nations on basses of how much thy can build ,educate,and produce creative enviromental friendly technologies rather than how much thy can kill and destroy.
2009-04-03 11:35:52 UTC
They'll probably start World War lll, that's the usual way of it
2009-04-04 07:52:34 UTC
They can't.

And im not being funny.
2009-04-05 04:57:21 UTC
stop lending so much money to other countries.
2009-04-02 11:51:25 UTC
Beats me.
susan t
2009-04-02 23:08:07 UTC
2009-04-01 05:10:20 UTC
Keep Obama out of it. He knows nothing about economics and the world knows it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.