My friend, it has been seen by those with a need to see it and it has been verified by those with a need to verify it.
1. The FBI, under section SF-86, is required to verify that all presidential and vice presidential nominees are qualified to hold office should they get elected. The FBI has verified Barack Obama's long form birth certificate as authentic. They has also verified as authentic the two birth announcements in the two local Hawaii newspapers, dated August 5, 1961.
2. The Kenyan grandmother is a crazy loon. Her claim has been discredited by her relatives and the people from her village.
3. No Supreme Court Judge, no Senator or Congressman, no Cabinet member, no Ambassador, will ever say that Obama isn't qualified to be President because they, too, have had to go through the same background check.
Because of this, every case will be thrown out of court as they already have been. They will be thrown out of court because our Supreme Court Judges already know Barack Obama has already been qualified. They, too, have to pass the same background check and recieve their security clearances.
4. As to releasing private and personal information to the general public, why should Obama do so? If we let nutcase attorneys start demanding and receiving in court our private information where will it stop? How would you feel if I personally sued you to see your medical records, your wife's pregnacy tests, your credit standing, your bank account, your daughter's IQ tests?
5. Barack Obama was NEVER a citizen of Indonesia. He was a minor at the time and his step-father did not have the right, under international law, to alter is citizenship status. Even when the step-father registered him as a citizen of indonesia he did so illegally. Because he did so illegally, Barack Obama was never anything but a US citizen.
The FBI knows this, the Supreme Court knows this, our government knows this. The only people not wanting to accept this are those who will never accept obama as our president.