No - but that won't stop the UK government of the day backing them too join just as they have 'backed every other despot 3rd world country' in the past.
The denouncers of people in the UK who are 'against the EU' sure will find out what a bad set up the EU really is if Turkey are allowed too join the gravey train - that will be the straw that breaks the camels back.
Them having nothing too offer the EU at all - they being in line for 'multi billion € payouts' as all the other countries have recived in the past - and a great day for Turkey if it happens and corruption on a massive scale just as all these other countries have been doing in the past. This EU is so out of control now with no 'protected boarders' at all now and all these masses of people allowed to wonder around anywhere they like - big mistake - if they get into the UK in large numbers as they surely will - the UK will be in more trouble than we are already in now.
As has already been said 80 million + and 90% of them will want too move out of the 'motherland' on 'the midnight express' and yes you've guessed it - heading straight to the UK too link up with all there cousins that are already here. Another group of people living with huge familes they cannot support 'but will be able too once in our benefit system' as those already here are doing .......all at the working UK taxpayers expense.!!
And there are UK people who keep saying 'multiculture' lifestyles is a good idea - well dream on friends - your in for a big shock - and the warning signs have been around for a long time now and still nobody takes any notice of them - another big mistake.!!!
What upsets me the most with this 'wretched EU' is that the UK seems too be the 'only country' that plays by and abides by these EU rules - all these other countries just do as they please with all these other countries taking 'advantage' of our stupid and silly policies.