freedom ain't always free
2011-05-08 12:17:43 UTC
Ackerman, Peter and Jack Duvall A Force More Powerful: A Century of Nonviolent Conflict
Alderman, Ellen and Caroline Kennedy In Our Defense: The Bill of Rights in Action
The Right to Privacy
Alterman, Eric What Liberal Media? The Truth about Bias in the News
*Amar, Akhil Reed and Alan Hirsch For the People: What the Constitution Really Says About Your Rights
Baker, Leonard Back to Back: The Duel Between FDR and the Supreme Court
Beatty, Jack, ed. Colossus: How the Corporation Changed America
*Berkin, Carol A Brilliant Solution: Inventing the American Constitution
Beschloss, Michael, ed. Taking Charge: The Johnson White House Tapes, 1963-1964
Reaching for Glory: Lyndon Johnson’s Secret White House Tapes, 1964-1965
The Presidents: From Washington to Bush: Every President In Depth
Mayday: Eisenhower, Khrushchev, and the U-2 Affair
Birnbaum, Jeffrey H. and Alan S Murray Showdown in Gucci Gulch: Lawmakers, Lobbyists and the Unlikely Triumph of Tax Reform
Bork, Robert H. Slouching Toward Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline
Brands, H. W. TR: The Last Romantic
Branch, Taylor Parting the Waters: America in the King Years 1954-1963
Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years 1963-1965
*Breyer, Stephen Active Liberty: Interpreting Our Democratic Constitution
Canon, David T. The Enduring Debate: Classic and Contemporary Readings in American Politics
Caro, Robert Master of the Senate
Chernow, Ron Alexander Hamilton
*Church, Forrest The American Creed: a Biography of the Declaration of Independence
Cohen, Adam and Elizabeth Taylor American Pharaoh: Mayor Richard J. Daley: His Battle for Chicago and the Nation
Dallek, Robert An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy,
*de Tocqueville, Alexis Democracy in America
Dean, John Blind Ambition: The White House Years
Deconde, Alexander Presidential Machismo
Doyle, William An American Insurrection: The Battle of Oxford, Mississippi, 1962
*Ehrenreich, Barbara Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America
Ellis, Joseph American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson
Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation
Ellsberg, Daniel Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the
Pentagon Papers
Fairclough, Adam Better Day Coming
Feldman, Noah Divided by God: America’s Church-State Problem and What We Should Do About It
Finan, Christopher Alfred E. Smith: The Happy Warrior
*Foner, Eric The Story of American Freedom
Glazer, Nathan We Are All Multiculturists Now
Goodwin, Doris Kearns No Ordinary Time: Franklin & Eleanor
Roosevelt: The Home Front in World War II
Hacker, Andrew Two Nations: Black and White, Separate, Hostile, Unequal
Harr, Jonathan A Civil Action
Herman, Arthur Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America’s Most Hated Senator
Irons, Peter Jim Crow’s Children: The Broken Promise of the Brown Decision
Johnson, Paul George Washington: the Founding Father
Jones, Charles O. and MacLaury, Bruce K. The Presidency in a Separated System
*Kesler, Charles, ed. The Federalist Papers
*Ketcham, Ralph The Anti-Federalist Papers and the Constitutional Convention Debates
Kotlowitz, Alex The Other Side of the River: A Story of Two Towns, a Death, and America’s Dilemma
There Are No Children Here
Kozol, Jonathan Amazing Grace: The Lives of Children and the Conscience of a Nation
Savage Inequalities: Children in America’s Schools
Larson, Edward Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trail and America’s Continuing Debate over Science and Religion
Lazarus, Edward Closed Chambers: The Justices, Clerks and Political Agendas that Control the Supreme Court
*Levin, Mark Men in Black
*Levy, Leonard Origins of the Bill of Rights
Lewis, Anthony and the New York Times Portrait of a Decade: The Second American Revolution
*Locke, John Second Treatise on Government
*Maier, Pauline American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence
Malcomson, Scott L. One Drop of Blood: The American Misadventure of Race
Manchester, William American Caesar: Douglas MacArthur 1880-1964
McCullough, David John Adams
McWhorter, Diane Carry Me Home: Birmingham, Alabama; The Climactic Battle of the Civil Rights Revolution
Menaud, Louis The Metaphysical Club
Miller, William Lee Arguing About Slavery: The Great Battle in the United States Congress
Morgan, Iwan W. Deficit Government: Taxing and Spending in Modern America
O’Connor, Sandra Day The Majesty of the Law
Obama, Barack The Audacity of H